Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wadani;907336 wrote: ^ Ma kaa dhab baa? You do know somalia is a foreign name too right? He thinks Koonfurians invented Somalia lol
  2. Abdiraxmaan tuur had the most challenging task a head of him a country ruined by war a country with out institutions and ofcourse the SNM he had to Manage and their different divisions since they were the force of the country. This president didn't get the credit he deserved as SL first President may allah bless ur soul Somaliland most strategist leader Abdiraxmaan tuur the man who said we need to bring the war to Mogadishu and the south only then we can defeat general siyaad bare and his regime and he did.
  3. These songs are my top favorite when it comes to Somaliland wadani songs.
  4. Waliba reer Somaliland have the best beat makers just listen to this song dedicated to the Somaliland woman. VIDEO][/VIDEO]
  5. Carafaat Somalilanders are the best song writers and poets so there are so many songs i like So Many Nationalistic songs
  6. ilahay ha u naxaristu jamac Maxamuud xayd ilahay samir iyo imaan haka siiyo shacabka Djibouti.
  7. Alpha Blondy;907288 wrote: i also heard Farhia was a tent-wearing niqaab before becoming a somali singer sensation. This is true before she turned wild still much love since she sings for Somaliland
  8. oba hiloowlow;907287 wrote: is caydarus slander? i thought the man was big foot I think he is from gaashaamo still kilinka shanaad
  9. Sounds good Carafaat i heard farxiya fiiska is married to a Somalilander from denmark
  10. Somalia you are correct Faroole is hard on HAG he is the only guy who can challenge HAG and their politics , hadhow bu odhan sidisi u yeedha aljazeera bbc world reuters bloomberg shir jaraaiid baan qabanaya halakan waxan fariin uga diirayah beesha calaamka in ay HAG dastuurki jabiisay wax lo duul qaadan kara ma ahe anagu talaabo adag banu ka qaadayna. Budhlayn u xayiraan mayso dad an rabin dowladnimo oo dastuurki ku tumanayaa. Budhlayn digniin bay u diiraysa Dowlad ku sheega villa Somalia isku urursaday .Budhlayn amaanka iyo xasiloonida geeska afrika bay ka shaqeyneysa. waxa halakan idinka la hadlayey madaxweynaha faroole eeh dawlada Budhlayn fi amani lah. Wa ino iyo jawaabta anu ka helno kooxaha dam jadiid iyo kuwa hag isku sheega.
  11. Alpha Blondy;907275 wrote: absoultely. i couldnt agree more XX. Konfurians must change their approaches and the way they raise their kids. it's rather silly to tell your kid he can claim Somaliland when Xamari is burning. some of the kids i knew in the UK used the labels ''Lander'' and ''Mali'' to designate where appropriate, when talking of Somaliland and Somalia. Mentality will not change any time soon its planted in their minds its programmed and i don't mind either these battles will not be fought be me i did my job let the children work our their problems.
  12. Faroole is good for Somalia with out Faroole Somalia politics is boring i am happy faroole stayed only carafaat is obsessed with the removal of faroole he wanted that failure of a guy called cabdi cawar as president of PL
  13. Kids imitate what they see that's the message children of Somaliland and Somalia are the future of these countries, our grandfathers told us something some of their wise words. But our grandfathers were living under colonial Britain and Colonial Italy and they lived in a different time a different perspecitve the parents of these children some how shape their ethics their morals what their fundamental beliefs are. And to a certain level their identity also the environment they live in plays a significant role. For example Somaliland parents tell their children this land the republic of Somaliland was liberated with the sweat and blood of our people. With out its sovereignty you have no identity no homeland you can call home. Somaliland was declared as an independent state to give you a fine future cherish it like its you're own child .So that you and you're children and their children will never be ruled in their homeland never again.The parents of Somalia tell their children Somalia is the nation we inherited from our grandfathers who fought for its independence against colonial Italy SYL protect it with all you're might from all external enemies and internal enemies. By hook or by crook the northern separatists have no right to exist as an independent state and must be brought back. The land they call Somaliland is as much you'res as any other person from Somalia if you give it up you have shamed you're grandfathers and what they stood for. Now imagine when those kids grow up do you think they would sing kumbaya and hold hands:D
  14. Waxaasi wa sheeko baralay wa halki cali khalif galaydh xaglo wa wasiir qaran dalkisa iyo dadkisa u shaqeya.
  15. Mooge sidu hore ma demographics Og badan ba u degan Magaalada jigjiga as far from qabridhahare qalaafe fiiq mostly are from dhagaxbuur but its true the region was historically a place belonged the clan of Wiilwaal.
  16. Gameku isma badalin ciyaartooyga uun ba is badala shalay captainku daahir rayaale bu aha ki ka horeye cigaal bu aha , xuduudu sideedaas bay ku xidhantahay Muhimadu waxa weye inay Somaliland ka taliso magaalooyinka waweyn eeh dalka iyo tuulooyinka ku xeeran taasna wa dhacday. Cidna lama laluushayo iyaga iska imanayaa oo sijaayada dhankaas iyo hargeysa dhiganayaa. Somaliland tafadal bay leedahay thats all. Oday Siilaanyo siyaasada meel fiican bu ka haya la ima diidin. Soo duceee tani wa mid duceysan eeh
  17. They are on the run but far from defeated. The day Alshabaab is defeated is the day Somalia doesnt need Amisom burundi uganda Ethiopian Kenyan Djiboutian ground forces. Similar to taliban and Taliban is facing the entire Nato, Alshabaab is lucky they are facing couple of habashis and Bantus and a few french water boys from djibouti.
  18. I think u need those troops in baydbabo Mogadisho beledweyne remember shabaab are still there they just wear normal clothing. Let Faroole and ina garaase worry about Puntland they have the number of the TPLF in addis
  19. oba hiloowlow;907237 wrote: If puntland need assistance we will send some man power anagu walaalahen dhibatu kuma fiirsano Who you gonna send general bahukus boys
  20. Farhareri;907235 wrote: Awalba waxaad ugu durbaan tumayseen sow ma aha inuu buhoodle ka soo jeedo? Dee hada kolayba buhoodle idinma sido oo reer buhoodle way khaatumaysan yihin, ku daba faylami mayaan xataa hadii uu president noqdo. Basically SL waxaad ka dhigteen hoyga khaatumo rejects such as keyse cabdi yusuf and this guy. Xaglatoosiye go aan geesinimo bu qaatay sharad ma dhigana sanadkan intanu dhaman khatumo oo dhan hargeysa bay joogaan i promise you that.. Meesha wa lo kala horeyaa uun. Muhimadu maha Buhoodle muhimadu waxa weye in la helo dadki Somaliland marki hore ka so horjeeday eeh siyassinta ka so jeeda laascaanood iyo buhoodle taasna wala heley . Khatumo waxay fadhida Taleex waxana hogaamiyaa cali khalif iyo cali ciise cabdi iyagana wada hadal ba u socda xukuumada somaliland. plan b ba lugu jira adeer la soco gameka.
  21. Lets just test the strength of Puntland , Godane is a very ambitious man
  22. I agree with Apophis this is just another way to attack the Noble reer somali galbeed.