Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Malika;907528 wrote: Hmmm Xaji X, so uniform rocks your boat huh? Lets just say i respect their strength its not an easy task to join the Army
  2. QansaxMeygaag;907520 wrote: Your core identity is that which you can't change (Somali I'd say, try going to a river and washing it out...); you can change religion and with modern technology even sex. Identity is very complex and difficult to reduce it to an either/or argument... Don't be so sure about clan identity; it can be changed. There are many sub-clans who have moved from their ancestral lands and moved into other areas and adopted other clans as their new identity. in my own clan, there are some sections known to have undergone such a transformation (both in-migrants and out-migrants). They are accepted and no one holds that against them... Are you referring to the Ethnic Somali identity or the National Somali identity.
  3. Western Sahara Norwegian Bangladesh Afghan Ethiopian Indian Irish
  4. Arab israeli the first Arab girl to serve in the Israeli army Dutch Gabonese English italian Cuban Libyan Algerian Estonian
  5. New zealand Belurussian Palestinian French Tanzania North korea
  6. Apophis;907501 wrote: How do you win (guul) an exam?? Najaxay sounds Arabic and not Somali. I think the correct expression is imtixanki wan marey (I passed the exam)....I think Guusha u dont have to take literary Afsomaliga is different than English language so when u translate stuff it means something different hadaad tidhahdid imtaxaanka waan hormaray. People will look weird ma imtaxaanku dhaafay lol
  7. Haatu;907493 wrote: Gartey waad mahadsantihiin. Aaliyah su'aashaas waan kula qabaa. Ma jiraa erey Af Soomaali ah oo u dhigmada ereyga 'Imtixaan'? Oba, sidee bey kaa noqotey sxb? Baasay ku lahaa Afsomaliga wax walba kalmad looma hayo marka imtixaanka u daa
  8. Chilean Swedish Ukrainian Vietnamese Romanian Eritrean Mujahida Eritrean Lithuanian Australian
  9. Ghanian Afghan Kenyan Pakistani Greece Japanese iranians Belgium Bahrain
  10. Russian Kazackstan Austria Chinese police Colombian air force Turkish Girl she is not messing around polish Kosovo Mexico Habesha israeli girls
  11. Croatia Venezuela Argentina Colombian Turkish Lebanese Colombian South african
  12. Wadani;907445 wrote: Hadii aanad aaminsanayn in beeshani ay goostaan dhulka ay ka daganyihiin somaliland, sidee baad Ali Khaliif Galaydh u taageeri kartaa? odayga waan taageersanahay qadiyaddisana waan ka soo hor jeedaa wax soconaya maaha ee dhinac uun ku adkayso. Siyaasadu sida maha wadani orodo cali khalif hadalkisa sii fiican u dhegeyso wuxu ku leeyahay Somaliland waxba kama qabo laakin lanama qasbi karo wanan ogalahay wada hadal inan la galo Somaliland bu yidhi bal adigu wax isku gee gee. Meesha isu dhinac ba lo socoda wadooyin kala gedisan uun ba la soo marayaa.
  13. Canadian Switzerland Spanish American Indian Chinese Czeck republic Iraqi Bosnian Serbian
  14. I have always admired the strength of woman who want to serve their country its shows how determined they are to show they have the same strength as men to protect their nation. German Russian Israeli Lebanese French Islamic republic of iran Portuguese Korea Swedish
  15. Malika;907402 wrote: And NO WORD from the so called Somali government? Dowlada ma ta la ilaaliyo
  16. Wadani;907439 wrote: Xaaji, siyaasaddaadu waa mid khariban oo aan is qabanayn sideedaba. Maxaad ka wada Wadani
  17. He is not rude he just spoke his opinion it comes over as rude to you but the professor was very polite if you ask me
  18. Haatu;907344 wrote: ^According to your logic Somalis want to join with the Muslim Oromos as well? Why not even though joining with oromos isn't productive i say Join with Yemen Language and Religion were the main factors that drove the union in the 70s the oromos were called Somali aboows. They wanted the Somali republic to free them from Mengistu eventhough these were mainly the Arsi oromo who were muslim. The tulamo oromo are Christians and have lots of admixture with Amhaaras they were mengistus closest followers. Ethiopia oo dhan dad aynu isla jaan qaadi karno mahe inaga fogeyaa duulkaas wa duul nijaseed.
  19. wa magacyada lala bixi karo so maad sensitive ku noqon magaca laandka lol
  20. جمهورية أرض الصومال اَلهَاشِمِيَّة الأفريقي Al jamhuuriyutal Ardu Al Somaal wal ifriqil Hashimiya. The afro Hashimite republic
  21. ^^ If Somaliland name is changed then they will still be unhappy because than they will say u have adopted a whole new name and are ashamed to be a Somali lol. Like Djibouti
  22. So if tribe comes before religion than the fundamental union Somaliland had with Somalia is irrelevant in modern time. Since the most significant argument people had was that we are the same religion. But if tribe comes before religion than there is a big gap between the 2 countries.