Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Coming to America to a Divided Diaspora Community By Faisal A. Roble Jan 16, 2013 The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, who was elected in September, 2012 by a proxy vote, is visiting the US. Although the objectives for his visit are not clear, it is certain that he would come to a divided Somali Diaspora community. Despite that his country did not have a central government for the last 21 years, President Hassan’s government enjoys support from the international community and the United Nations as far as Somalia’s territorial integrity and membership of the United Nations is concerned. Both Somaliland and Puntland are still sitting on the sidelines, even though they are more stable than the seat of the President, Mogadishu. Outside a diminutive relationship, including permission for American Drones to go in and out of Somalia in their hunt for the Al-Qaed- affiliated Al-Shabab fighters and the presence of about three hundred CIA spies inside Mogadishu, there isn’t much noteworthy diplomatic relationship between the USA and this failed state. One key objective which the new president would like to sell and seek support for is the lifting of arms embargo so he can freely buy arms. The question is: arms for what and to fight whom? If his argument is that he wants to fight Al-shabab, well, the world, including the US government, is already helping out the AMISOM troops who are engaged in the war theater. US policy makers need not be trigger-happy and should not favor lifting of arms embargo without first seriously assessing if the current administration can be trusted and accordingly deserves to be armed. Many Somalis are not yet convinced that it is the right time now to pour in arms and weaponry into an unstable furnace, which is what Somalia is. Also, the degree of knowledge about who is who in the ruling clique of Damul Jadid sect is limited. America had erred in the past by arming the Mujaahiddin in Afghanistan, and it is paying a heavty price for that mistake; the same mistake should not be repeated in this African context. Somalia has not yet reconciled its warring sides. The pains of the civil war are still looming large; the looted properties in Mogadishu are not being returned to their legitimate owners, hence this is breading a heightened mistrust among different clans and regions of the country. A case in point is a recent gathering of the clan elders of Puntland, a powerful and stable region, where a petition calling for the unconditional return of real estate properties in Mogadishu to their legitimate owners is completely ignored by this President. Adding an insult to an injury is the President’s misplaced audacity to commandeer and sabotage the liberation of the Jubba regions by the allied forces of Ras Kamboni, his own government troops and Kenyans who are members of the AMISOM troops. Many are baffled at his abrasive pick and choose approach between AMISOM in Mogadishu and AMISOM in Kismayo. Unfortunately, Somalis have their own way of understanding this type of duplicity in politics as much as a black American is apt when s/he sees or feels racism. The picture painted about the President’s actions isn’t pretty. The combined effect of this, coupled with issues of control of local resources and his ambiguous stance on the federal structure are all challenges that seem to be taking big bites on his office’s legitimacy. It is unsettling when the very president of the country, Hassan Mohamed, disagrees with his own federal constitution to the chagrin of regions such as Puntland, which has enjoyed better governance since 1998. As a result, the tension between Mogadishu and other centers could not have been higher. Worse yet, the prospect for a renewed war over Kismayo and the Jubba region has lately been a source of serious concern in many circles. Before the President wraps up what is his first time to visit the Beltway, reports coming from his organizers confirm that he would pay a quick visit to Minneapolis-Saint Paul, where an estimated 60,000 Somalis live and work. Paying a visit to the Twin cities is both good and bad. It is good that he would see a concentration of Somali Diaspora community that has both negative and positive contribution to the society that hosted them since the yet-to-end civil of his country created millions of indigents across the globe. In his visit, he would intimate himself with stories about “Little Mogadishu” in the city; he may also pay a quick visit to one of the budding mosques where Somalis pray and teach Quran to their little ones. He would for sure hear stories of successful and prominent Somali Americans such as Dr. Mohamed Abdiraxman Hassan, a leading hematologist and liver transplant doctor at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Ahmed Samatar, Dean of Macalester College, Dr. Mohamud Dahir Afqarshi, a prominent Internist who runs a private clinic, and a host of prominent businessmen and women. But he would also learn the burgeoning one or more things about Somali under-class and the mushrooming unemployed youth who have recently been a fertile ground for Al-Shabab recruitment. A significant portion of the Somalis do not favor his policies and may not afford him warmth welcome to the state of ten thousand lakes. Worse off all, he would hear an earful of stories about an extremely divided Diaspora community. As a matter of fact, political observers attribute the recent sharpening of the community’s internal strife to his animus rhetoric on Kismayo and the Jubba regions. The President’s critics say that he smells, talks and walks like the divider we have not seen for some time know. Without a comprehensive reconciliation program at a national level, including a final resolution to the Somaliland secession case, a full autonomy given to the people of Jubba land to form their own local government and a clear political path for the question of Khatumo state, arming Hassan Sheikh or any other player in Somalia landscape is imprudent. Unfortunately, coming to America to a divided Diaspora community is not going to be that amusing at all for Hassan Sheikh Mohamed. He could not have come at a more inopportune time. Faisal A. Roble Email:faisalroble19@gmail.com
  2. Somalia;908918 wrote: aaaaaaaaaaa, this is my nigga right here. There will be a time Ictraaf jokes will not be funny any more in Koonfurian circles
  3. I think we should lease the berbera port to dubai port international, Somaliland government will never have the funding to enlarge the port.
  4. Mayaa ictraafka wax ka fiican bay so wadaan walalaheen carabta i always liked Family Sheikh Zayid wa Gob waleh
  5. Faroole wu daalay dee prime minister na beehisu wa wayeen isna wuxu ku mashquulsana si u kursigisa u haysan laha labada kale eh maxamuud bu ka ilaashanayey. Cabdi cawar na inu isha kale na ka cawaro wu ku guuleystey. Laakin Faroole marku yara nasto laga yaaba inay HAG isku dhacaan. Hada laakin faroole dadkisu yara seexinaya,mamuul u samaynta jubooyinku markay bilaabmato waad arki inu gacantisa farooleysan inu ku walaaqo. Yara suga imaamka wali wu weyseysanayaeh
  6. Clinton to Meet Somali President Thursday Bahrain News Agency Tuesday, January 15, 2013 Washington, Jan. 15 (BNA) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohammed on Thursday at the headquarters of the US State Department. This would be the first formal meeting between them since the President came to office, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said as quoted by Radio Sawa this morning, pointing out that the Secretary had met with him last fall during a visit to Africa. During his visit to the US which began yesterday and will last for several days, the Somali President will hold talks with senior US officials on a number of issues of common interest as well bilateral and regional topics including security and development.
  7. Madaxweynaha Somaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud Oo U Magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Baanka Dhexe Ee Somaliya Aqoonyahan Reer Somaliland Ah Jan 15, 2013 Muqdisho(Cadceed) – Madaxweynaha Dawlada Federalka Somaliya xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maalintii axadii ee bishu ahayd 13/01/2013 oo safar ugu baxayay dalka maraykanka u magacaabay Prof: Cabdisalan Cumar Xaaji Hadliye Gudoomiyaha Baanka Dhexe ee Federalka Somaliya. Prof: Cabdisalan Xaaji Hadliye ayaa waxa uu yahay aqoon yahan ka soo jeeda Somaliland Gaar ahaan Gobolka awdal, cabdisalan waxa uu wax ku bartay dalka Maraykanka kana qaatay Shahaadada PHD-da oo uu ku diyaariyay Dhaqaalaha, Maamulka & Maaraynta Dhaqaalaha Dawladdaha, Profesor cabdisalaan ayaa waxa u shaqooyin badan ka soo qabtay Dalka Marayka Gudihiisa isaga oo 1999 Mayor ku xigeen ka noqday Deputy Mayor Wanshington una qaabilsanaaa dawladda hoose ee washington arimaha horumarinta & dhaqaalaha , 2001 waxa uu noqday la taliyaha arimaha maamulka maaliyada ee World Banka arimaha Aasiya, sanadkii 2002 waxa uu noqday madaxa UNDP-da Somaliya u qaabilsan Maamulka Maaliyada Dawladda Somalia. Mudadii uu UNDP-da Somaliya Madaxda ka ahaa waxa uu Prof: Cabisalaan UN-ta u diyaariyay daraasad aad u qaaliya oo uu ku helay sumcad & magac taasi oo wax tartay dhamaan dadka somalida oo dhan isaga oo wax ka qoray kana hadlay xawaaladaha Somalida & sida ay u shaqeeyan UN-tana u sheegay in gacan siiyo loona fudaydiyo adeega bulshada somalida ay u hayaan Xawaaladuhu sanad walbana ay somaliya u diraan lacag gaadhaysa 800 Million oo dollar ilaa inta u dhaxaysa 1 Billion, taasi oo UN-tu ay markii danbe sharci ka soo saartay in wadan walba oo aduunyada ahi uu si sharci u hubiyo lacagaha somaliya u socda una ogolaado in loo diri karo lacagtas somaliya. Hada proffer ku waxa uu sarkaal sare ka ahaa Wold Bank isaga oo xaruntiisuna ahayd Dalka Kenya. Prof: Cabdisalaan ayaa arinta magacaabistii dad badan oo aqoon yahana oo kale duwan oo Somali ah ay aragtiyo kala duwan ka bixiyeen, proffesorka ayaa lagu tiriyaa aqoon yahay aad ugu dhaw dalka maraykanka oo dhalasho ka hayso, isaga oo hadana madaxweyne xasan sheekh maxamuud uu u kaxaystay safarkii maraykanka danaynaya in uu proffesor ku uu wax wayn ka taro xidhiidhka maraykan & Somaliya gaar ahaan xaga mucaawinooyinka & horumarka Somaliya , iyada oo dhinaca Somaliland aan wax war ahi ka soo bixin . Tan & intii dawlada cusub ee somaliaya la soo dhisay waxa ay xooga saartay sidii dad magac & aqoon leh oo reer somaliland ah ugu dhiibi lahaayeen mansabyo siyaasadeed, taasi oo ay uga dan leeyihiin in ay ku wiiqaan aqoonsiga & gooni isku taagii somaliland ay ku dhawaaqday 1991.
  8. Xamar waxa kharibay dadka Oba hiloowlo oo kale if they just stayed in Jawhar and the outskirts of the city we wouldn't have these problems. Xamar how it was back in the days the jewel of the Somali people, how can a clan even try to claim the capital city of a country dadkani maskax yara. The old Xamar was the most diverse city. Its not as diverse as it was but its still multi clan with still large segments of gedo and bay bakool and Banadiri and all groups of HAG people present and other Somalis ofcourse those we hardly mention and call the .5 folks. Hargeysa is a different story it got developed just after the war and all Somaliland clans can be found there and some Koonfurians and reer Azania. Hargeysa is diverse because we are not used to new comers at all, we think its diverse but it cant be compared to Xamar. Djibouti Hargeysa Jigjiga are not diverse cities when compared to Xamar. Hargeysa is diverse for the Somaliland people but not for the Koonfurians. Because in Hargeysa there are only Somalilanders and some HAG elites there are no other Somalis except for the Azanians.
  9. itoobiya 14 Janaayo, 2013, 19:15 GMT 22:15 SGA Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ee Itoobiya Tedros Adhanom oo u warramaya weriyaha BBC Ruth Nesoba Dalka Itoobiya, waxaa laga joogaa hadda dhawr bilood markii uu xafiiska la wareegay Raiisul Wasaaraha cusub Hailemariam, kaddib geeridii Raiisul Wasaarihii hore ee Itoobiya Meles Zenawi bishii August 2012. Wasiirkii hore ee caafimaadka, Dr Tedros Adhanom ayaa isna bishii November waxa uu qaatay jagadiisa cusub ee wasiirka arrimaha dibedda. Isaga oo booqanaya dalkan Britain ayaa waxa uu u warramay BBC. Waxa uu ka hadlay xaaladda nabadgelyada Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya, waxa uu yiri "Itoobiya nabad ayay u baahan tahay. Nabad Soomaaliya ka dhacdana, Nabad ayay u tahay Itoobiya. Dhibaatada gobolka Soomaalida ee dalka Itoobiya waxaan u heysanaa inay tahay mid gudaha Itoobiya ah iyo mid dibedda ah labadaba, waxaan isku dayaynaa inaan wax ka qabann. Horeyba waxaan heshiis ula gaarnay jabhadda ugu weyn ururka ONLF in aan wada hadalno si dhibaatada xal nabadgelyo loogu dhameeyo." Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ee Itoobiya waxa uu sheegay in nabadda Soomaaliya waxa ay ka qabaneyso dhibaatada gudaha Itoobiya ay tahay wax yar, Laakiin arrinta muhiimadda koowaad leh waa siyaasadda gudaha oo ay tahay in arrintan lagu xaliyo. Mar wax laga weydiiyay muslimiinta Itoobiya, waxa uu sheegay in aanu fileyn in la ilaaway, "dowladdeena iyo dastuurkeena diin kuma dhisna" ayuu yiri. Waxa uu sheegay inay qaddariyaan kala duwanaanshaha dadka iyo diimaha.
  10. OdaySomali;896913 wrote: ^^ That is one bizarre looking building, it almost looks like some medieval castle. lol It also seems every window is a size different of the other. :confused: Is the above building some kind of hotel? its going to be a restaurant a proper restaurant owned by a French guy its located near bada cas.
  11. Somalia;908391 wrote: How is this wrong Tarzan said i saw naked booty's
  12. Some black sisters for Malika United states Eritrean Angola Indian female fighter pilots
  13. Somalia;908326 wrote: I think what they are saying is that French did not ask the government for invasion and the hostage was the French James Bond, so it is fair game. :D:D
  14. Abwaan;908080 wrote: Adigu Shabab weligaaba waad ahayd as long as ay Koofurta qas iyo rabsho ka wadaan ee hanna maran. Anigu sidaan u fahmey waxaa dadka badankiis concerned ka yihiin labo khalad oo ay Faransiisku sameeyey xagga arrimaga Soomaaliya, waa mide iyagoon sida dowladdu sheegtay soo wargelin iyo iyagoo dad shacab ah ku laayey meel aan xitaa ahayn meesha ay weerarka ku ahaayeen. Ma waxaad leedahay yaan laga hadlin the suffering of Somalis? Do you really believe that the government wasn't informed about it lol they are just trying to safe face Allow ha cadaabin nin waxba ha ogayn. Ama shabaab cirka iyo dhulka halaga duqeyo oo abu fransiis hala tageero ama dee naga dayaa sheekooyinkan
  15. NGONGE;908356 wrote: Knowing you, you probably think the 0.5 should be in the paraolympics. Its that or HAG takes everything you choose:D
  16. NGONGE;908343 wrote: ^^^ Most Xamaris in the UAE arrived AFTER 91, saaxib. What about somali galbeed didn't they travel to Arabia in the 50s
  17. True they got carried away but they do have a point how can one clan take the entire Olympic committee are HAG super athletes or something. Not a single other Somali is represented in the committee war waxan inaga baandheya.
  18. http://www.shacabkamedia.com/warka/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=842:daawoceeb-muqdisho-ka-dhacday-iyo-******-oo-xitaa-ka-xishoon-waayay-inay-cayaaraha-bililiqeystaan-akhriso-magacyada-ragga-dhacay-magacii-cayaaraha&catid=1:warka-gudaha&Itemid=3
  19. This comes to my mind now when i think of Liido allow no denbi dhaaf
  20. Is he a Somalilander or a koonfurian i think he is a Koonfurian since the report mentions Mogadishu
  21. I cant think of Che being a Puntian it just doesn't fit my mind he has not the characteristics of a Puntian i initially thought he was Carabta Salax the dhibic shan, but related to the larger tribe Laakin wa ciyaala xamaro. But the guy is also not a fan of Arab sheikhs flying on carpets so that leaves the smaller clans in Puntland. But he is no original Puntian or those Wardheer Puntians.