Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I agree with rahima but i add the trust died in 1961 norf point would have made sense in the early 90s Now the people of sl have seen it all i dont think nor the govt of sl can make such a turn point nor do they have the mandate. Somaliland was done wrong once which was making a union with somalia. Do it again the people of sl are screwed for life. Its not that there is an anit somalia sentiment but they just mean somethings are better to be forgotten. You will be dealing with a whole new generation who view somalia as a country that hindered somaliland right to exist. The old generation is different the new generation are the one that cant relate to somalia
  2. I never call people inadeer not even my dead first cousins Waxan la yaabay uun ninkan masaai sita eeh kulmiye ka sheekenyaa
  3. Wasiirkii Hore Ee Maaliyada Cawil Oo Ka Hadlay Saamaynta Somaliland Ee Aqoonsiga Maraykanka Ee Somaliya Jan 19, 2013 Hargeysa(Cadceed)-Wasiirkii maaliyada ee xukuumadii hore Ambassador Xuseen Cali Ducaale (Cawil), ayaa ka hadlay sida uu u arko aqoonsiga ay dawladda Maraykanku u fidisay dawladda Somaliya iyo weliba saamaynta ay ku yeelan karto Somaliland iyo qadiyadeeda. Dawladda Maraykanka ayaa khamiistii si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqday inay aqoonsatay dawladda Somaliya, ka dib 21 sannadood, waxaanay dad badan oo reer Somaliland ahi isweydiiyeen saamaynta uu aqoonsigaasi ku yeelan karo qaddiyadda madaxbanaanida Somaliland. Haddaba Md. Cawil, oo uu Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, shalay wax ka weydiiyay sida uu u arko aqoonsigaas iyo isbedelka uu ku keeni karo siyaasadii Maraykanka ee Somaliland, wuxuu sheegay inaanu aqoonsigaasi dhibaato ku keeni karin Somaliland, waxase uu ku taliyay in si mug leh loogu diyaar garoobo wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somaliya oo sannadkan galaya wejigii labaad. Ugu horayn Cawil, oo ka jawaabaya sida uu u arko aqoonsigaas Maraykanka ee Somaliya, wuxuu yidhi “Horta icriaafka Maraykan ee Somaliya wax cusub maaha. Markii Sheekh Shariif la doortay waa tii uu kula kulmay Nayrobi Ms. Hillary Clinton, taasiba ictiraaf ayay iska ahayd, markaas ku dhawaaqistani waa iska magac oo mar hore ayay ictiraafsanayaanee. “ Isagoo ka hadlaya dhawaaqa Maraykanku ku sheegay inuu meesha ka saari doono siyaasadii uu kula macaamili jiray Somaliland iyo Somaliya ee loo yaqaano Dual track policy, wuxuu Cawil yidhi “Tan dual track policy-gana waxaan anigu u qabay inay Koonfur ku salaysnayd oo ay u badnayd, waayo wasiirul maaliya ayaan ahaa oo wax Maraykan ina siin jiray ma jirin, sirdoonka Somaliland xidhiidh ayuu la lahaa, isna waxba kamuu helin jirin, markaas siyaasadaasi mid inaga ina soo gaadhayba may ahayn.” Mar la weydiyay saamaynta uu ictiraafkaas Maraykanka ee dawladda Somaliya ku yeelan karo Somaliland, wuxuu yidhi “Inaga qadiyadeenu mid qarsoon maaha, waa mid culus oo 20 sanno taagnayd, taariikhdeenana la ogyahay. Adduunku wuu aqbalay inaynu wada hadalno, markii Ereteriya iyo Itoobiya wada hadlayeen 1991-kii; Maraykanku markiiba wuu ictiraafsanaa Itoobiya, waxaana socday wada hadaladii Ereteriya ay la lahayd Itoobiya, markay is afgarteen awaxba kamuu bedelin ee wuu ku taageeray.” Cawil, wuxuu tallo ku soo jeediyay in si culus loogu diyaar garoobo wada hadalka la filayo inuu dib u furmo bisha May ee sannadkan, kaas oo dhex mari doona Somaliland iyo Somaliya, “Inaga waxa weeye wada hadalkaas aynu la galayno inaynu si mug leh oo miisaan leh u wada hadalno oo walaaladeen wax badan way ogyihiinee ku qancino inaanay jirin wax kaga lumaayaa laba dawladood, waa inaynu wada hadaladaas inagu u diyaar garowno adduun weynahana la socodsiino oo aynu ku casuuno dawladaha dhexda inoo ah, wax kale oo inoo yaalaa ma jirto, dawladaas Somaliya laga dhisay haddii Maraykan ictiraaf iyo haddii kaleba inooma taalo, waxa inoo taala qaddiyadeena inaynu ku qaicino walaaladeen. Ta inoo taalaa waa aynu u diyaar garowno wada hadaladaas.” Cawil, ugu dambayn wuxuu sheegay inuu Maraykanku mar walba diiradda ku hayay Somaliya oo uu u arkayay meel hoy u ah argagixisada, taas darteedna uu wakhtigana doonayo inuu aqoonsigaas ku dhiirigeliyo dawladda Somaliya ee wakhtigan. “Anigu waxaan qabaa mar walba mawqifkii ay Somaliland ka qabeen way ogaayeen nabadda iyo dawladnimada iyo doorashooyinkeena, mar walba iyagu Somaliyadaas ay ka baqayaan in argagixisadu ay saldhig ka dhigato oo mar walba waxay qabeen in Somaliland aanay khatarni kaga iman karin, laakiin koonfur ayay ka baqayeen, dawladaha adduunkuna meelaha ay ka baqayaan ayay inta badan culayska saaraan, markaas waa taas tay mar walba u danaynayeen Somaliya, qodobka uu aqoonsiga ugu dhawaaqayna waxa weeye dhiirigelin, waa wax gaar ah oo la xidhiidha xaasaasiyada uu ka qabo argagixisadaas.”
  4. Hmm interesting he said something completly different than Dr Bidaar SL foreign minister
  5. Doctor but still Somalia will basically survive and wont lose a big territory its not desperate in need of Somaliland in order to continue as a strong state. I also do not agree with you're assessment that Puntland has secessionist tendencies they never did they are more concerned about their federalism and to gain seats in the govt in Mogadishu. Doctor Puntlanders are very ambitious by nature and want always to be the leaders, so PL secession is meaningless. What about the gains though Somalia will have less people to share resources with it will have less dissatisfied citizens because unity with Somalia is like a prison for Somalilanders. I think the vast majority of Somalia's resources are in the south basically Somalia will not lose oil fields and fertile land like Sudan did. I have always said the Somaliand and Somalia case is the easiest to solve in Africa if we ignore the emotions on both sides. Its been 22 years now its either come to a solution or well the statusquo we are independent and we will not rest till we have a homeland for our people. And Mogadishu will say no you cannot leave and you will have action reaction. And before you know it the people in both SL and Somalia will be exhausted and have ill feeling towards each other why go that route. No one has a real solution i suggest to dissolve the union officially and set up an agreement economic integration movement of people and in the year 2113 re negotiate a confederacy system i think that can bring a solution to both Somaliland and Somalia.
  6. I never disliked Somalia and Somalis you do know Somalis dont live only in Xamar i am even planning to visit there soon inshallah. When are u visiting hargeysa Aaliyah:D Aaliyah why did you ignore all the other points i raised.
  7. Next president of Somaliland lol He is a bit over exaggerating but its for sure triumph for Mogadishu I don't think there is less communication with other countries though there are even doors opening in the UAE and others. But ofcourse the effect the governmental recognition Somalia got will have will have effect. When dealing with Washington. We all know Washingtons stance on Somaliland do it through the African union. And the dual track was introduced in 2011 and i dont think SL gained allot with the dual track. Because it wasn't leading towards recognition but more about development and aid.
  8. Many countries made unions all over the world that doesn't mean they are attached for ever legally Somaliland has the best case in Africa politically we yet have to see. Somaliland is not a secessionist case. If the tables were turned and it was Somalia that refused the union and Somaliland was the one calling for union. Somalia would not be a secessionist entity because the two united equally voluntarily. By the way we cant say it became a little inconvenient its not the right term to use its a bit more difficult than that. Do you know there was a bloody war do you know there was a Coup d'état 1961 in Somaliland. The difference between texas and Somaliland is that Somaliland and Somalia united equally it didn't join Somalia it united on equal terms and signed an act of union.The name we agreed on was the Somali republic not Somalia in Afsomali Jamhuuriyada Somalida. My question to you is what will Somalia lose if Somaliland is recognized politically economically socially?
  9. Aaliyaah is not thinking rationally what has Buhoodle and laascaanod gained with the 30 year Union with Somalia did the goverment of adan cade and cabdirashid and General siyad bare develop the regions of sool and Buhoodle?. This blind loyalty to Somalia will not bring solutions to the people of laascaanood and Buhoodle. Aaliyaah if the koonfurians respected the people of Khatumo they would gave them a voice in their government. But instead they rewarded a former secessionist lady and ignored the Khatumo elders and politicians sitting in Xamar for more than 7 months. As for you're last point when the Khatumites stop with their phrases they are the bridge between SL and Somalia. How can you expect from Hargeysa to blindly ignore while you are saying you want to bring Hargeysa under Mogadishu. For a girl born in hargeysa you really dislike hargeysa where did we go wrong.
  10. But what is the territorial integrity of Somalia raskambooni to raas caseer as many of the Koonfurians proudly say when they describe their Somalia geographically.The people of Somaliland and Somalia created a union about 52 years ago both of these countries could have gone their separate ways. But they didn't, Nugaal is not the same as Somaliland. Somaliland made a union with Somalia an act of union was signed some say it was never ratified but lets not go into that there was a union and that union failed because one side said they are no longer part of the union now there were many factors that played a role why the union failed i dont wanna go into that. But the moment you acknowledge that Somaliland was not an entity of Somalia is the day we could come to a solution. Somaliland and Somalia united on first of July 1960 as equals not one dominating the other. And when both Somaliland and Somalia talk about their past and how it went wrong only than a tangible solution can be reached.
  11. Arab is a lose identity with the Muslim conquest in the 7th many many non Arabs were Arabised from Syria to Egypt to Morocco all the way to Sudan and Lebanon.Also many Jewish tribes the Banu Nadir tribes of yatrib and tons of others in Yemen like the Banu Qudas. were Arabised and not to forget the Muwalads in Sudan and Egypt. I don't think the Somali identity can be really compared to the Arab identity. It has a cultural and traditional commotion because what is the Somali cultural really?
  12. Well we can give an opinion on that if the people of gedo and Nugaal are calling for secession so far we haven't seen any. In Kenya the Mombasa case want secession we can than discuss if its legitimate or not. By the way i believe in the unity of the United states of America, ,Americas diversity is where its strength lies every one adds a cultural aspect to the American society which makes it beautiful. Unity justice and equality for all.
  13. Who is Siilaanyos family? i am not sure Siilaanyos family come on SOL
  14. War mooge it was not a huge turn out most people were inside:D
  15. Haatu;910010 wrote: What was that maahmaah that I used on the other thread that angered them so much? Nin... Haatu reeer NFD need to be very neutral when it comes to Somaliland and Somalia, mise way ku kala xigaan tallow:D
  16. ^^ According to Puntlanders they are expressing their views and the right to protests how is that bad news.
  17. Wadani;910045 wrote: ^ Nonsense. What about djibouti who didnt join Somalia after their independence in 77, and the people of NFD and Kilinka shanaad who openly proclaim they wouldnt join Somalia even if they got their freedom. Dadkan reer Soomaaliland uun ba la tusay, cajabay cajiib. How does wanting your own country mean u hate other somalis, that makes no sense. According to some Somaliweyn is Somaliland and Somalia the rest can do what they want and they can be Somali and are proud Somalis. But Somalilanders are treacherous folks.
  18. Aaliyyah;910042 wrote: My point is when I read your posts it is quite blatant that you have an awful negativity for your Somali country men. Your deep rooted hatred for the Somali people is clouding your perception of them. Most Somalis (except for the one deviant group in which you are sadly a part of ) support and believe in unity and one Somalia. For your one-clan state to not join Somalia they would have to first separate. Your state is legally a part of Somalia. So buddy, face the facts on the ground and know that distancing yourself from "dadka Somaalida" when you yourself are Somali is a reflection of the problem in Somalia. What i always call for peace and stability in Somalia and prosperity even help them give them ideas i think i am the only one who openly talks about Somalia and how it should be run how can that be translated as hate. Thats beyond my comprehension but you didnt refute my claim that Somalis are not nationalist people in the heart you just looked at me. But i said it and you disagreed at the same time you agree and considers me not a wadani which one is it.
  19. He is an Azanian MP from NFD who supports Somalilands quest for statehood, securing NFD with out a bullet never gonna happen. No one ever got freedom with out fighting for it.
  20. Wabaan yaabay i don't think people care or want to know who is the biggest clan in Somaliland as long as they get their fair share of the resources and are fairly represented in the Government and other national institutions of SL.
  21. Only the Senate or upper Parliament it was established in 1996 and no one raised any concern Cigaal said speak now or forever hold your silence, and every one was happy how the MPs were distrusted. And ofcourse the house of representatives are voted on and it depends on how they are voted on fair and square one man one vote.