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Apparently the quarrel over the Mayor ship in Seylac is still not finished elections were held in Seylac councilors were voted for. Fair and square to make a long story short. Kulmiye won the ruling party won all districts in awdal including Seylac, but as soon as the people the councilors wanted to vote for a mayor and deputy mayor. One community in Seylac felt cheated and accused the vice president of carrying ballot boxes in the city no evidence of that though. Than the goverment send a delegation to Borama riots occurred because the people assumed the goverment was appeasing the other community. All in All the goverment than said let the councilors vote again and they voted for the exact same candidates to become the mayor and deputy mayor. The government than said oke fair enough we accept the new mayor and deputy mayor and they were inaugurated in seylac. Next day riots broke out the other community kept on protesting shots were fired one person got killed. And now the interior minister defense minister information minister the kulmiye chairman are all in Seylac and are trying to solve this matter.
Dr Gaboose Iyo Ururkiisii Umadda Oo Barri Ku Biiraya Xisbiga WADDANI Hargeysa (Ramaas) Jan 21,2013 - Munaasibad ay ku bahoobayaan ama lagu midayno Xisbiga WADDANI iyo Ururkii Doorashada Golayaasha deegaanka ku hadhay ee UMADDA ayaa maalinta barri ah ka dhacaysa Magaalada Hargeysa, taasoo lagu qabanayo Huteelka Ambasador. Sidaasi waxa Xaqiijiyey Sarkaal ka tirsan Xisbiga WADANI oo sheegay in la soo gaadhsiiyay Kaadhka Casuumada Xafladaasi, kaasoo intaasi ku daray in sida uu warka ku hayo Madaxdii Ururka UMADDA iyo qayb ka mid ah Taageerayaashoodii xafladaasi lagu soo dhaweyn doono. Warku wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa inay Xafladaasi ka wada qayb-gelayaan Hogaamiyayaasha labada dhinac ee Xisbiga WADDANI iyo Guddoomiyihii Ururka UMADDA Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose, kuwaasoo maalmahanba la hadal-hayay inay isku biirayaan, laakiinse aanay dad badani aaminsanayn arintaasi. Hadal-haynta isku biirista Ururka UMADDA iyo Xisbiga WADANI ayaa dadka qaarkii lama filaan ku noqotay markii ay soo baxday, maadaama fikradaha labadan siyaasi laga aaminsanaa wakhtigii Ururnimada ay aad u kala fogaayeen, iyadoo talaabada ay hada qaadeen meesha ka saari doontaa su’aashii la iska waydiinayay halka Siyaasiga Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose mar kale kaga soo biiri doono Saaxadda siyaasadeed. Ururka UMADDA ayaa ka mid ahaa Ururadii ay Xukuumaddu aadka uga baqaysay inay u soo baxaan Kaalinta Xisbnimo, waxaanu ahaa ururka kaliya ee mucaarid toosa xukuumadda kala hor-yimi isagoon ka gudbin Biriijkii adkaa ee Doorashada Deegaanada iyo Asxaabta Qaranka. Dhanka kale, Xisbiga WADDANI ayaa tan iyo markii la aasaasay lagu Xaman jiray inuu Xukuumadda Xidhiidh siyaasadeed oo dhaw la leeyahay, taasoo dadka arimaha siyaasada ku foogan qaarkood kaga dacaayadeeyaan Fagaarayaasha. Sidaasoo ay arimuhu yihiin, haddana Xaflada barri dhacaysaa oo loo wada dheg-taagayo weedhaha ay ka jeedin doonaan labada hogaamiye ee afkaartoodu aadka u kala fogtahy, waxay dhinaca kale Kaaf iyo kala dheeri ku noqonaysaa aragtiyihii laga aaminsanaa Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdi-laahi (Cirro) iyo Xisbigiisa WADDANI iyo Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose iyo Ururkiisii UMADDA. Waxa dad badani isweydiinayaan ma Gaboose iyo Saaxiibadiisii Mucaaridka fog ahaabaa Tanaasulay iyo Mise Cabdiraxmaan Cirro iyo Xisbiga WADDANI ayaan sidii la moodayay ahayn oo Mucaaridad qayaxan u badheedhaya sanadaha soo socda, wallow aan la dafiri Karin inay Xisbiga WADDANI isagoo urur ah ku biireen qaar ka mid ah Kaadiriintii Xisbiga UDUB oo halkii uu xisbiyada kaga jiray Xisbigani buuxiyay Isweydamaha noocan ah waxa ka sii culus oo iyana meesha ku jirta haddii aanay arintu isu-tanaasul ahayn oo labada dhinac mid waliba halkii lagu tirinayay ama fikradii laga aaminsanaa ku taagnaado, balse talaabadan hadda la qaaday ku koobantahay kala hororsi iyo gabbood raadis, sida ay ugu heshiin doonaan garoonka WADDANI. Si kastaba ha ahaatee wax kasta oo maanka lagu hayay iyo muuqaal kasta oo ay lahaayeen labada siyaasi ee isku Gobolka ka soo jeedaa, maanta ayay ku kala cadaan doonaan Munaasibada ay ku bahoobayaan, taasoo xataa laga dheehan doono Saami-qaybsiga Gaboose laga siiyo Xisbiga gudihiisa oo fursad weyn u ah isaga laftiisa, isla markaana qayb libaax u muuqan karta maadaama uu noqonayo Ururkii ugu horeeyay ee Xisbi ku biira afartii Urur ee hadhay. Waxaana xusid mudan oo aan marnaba meesha ka maqnayn in Boqolkiiba siddeetan Taageerayaashii Ururka UMADDA ee Gobolada bariga ay awalba khasab ku ahayd inay taageeraan Xisbiga WADDANI oo ahaa Ururka labaad ee ay ku xisaabtamayeen haddii UMADDU dhaco.
i am a Xaaji waligay been ma sheegin xita markan is dhiibayey magacayga saxdan isku dhiibay
^^ The exact same clan name as the main clan of Somaliland
Its his family thing the ONLF maybe he is related to the Admiral clan wise
Haatu dhibicdu maxay ahayd:D
Chewing is a big social problem to that needs to be dealt with Ban that drug.
If they stop marrying their first cousins mala dad caadi bay u eekaan lahayeen
Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha oo Awood Loo Siiyey Maamul u Sameynta Gobollada Iyo Degmooyinka Dalka (War-Saxaafadeed) Muqdisho (RBC) Kulankii golaha wasiirada xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya uuna gudoominayey raysul wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon “Saacid” ayaa maanta looga dooday qorshaha amaanka iyo maamul u sameynta gobollada iyo degmooyinka dalka. Ka dib kulanka ayaa war saxaafadeed ka soo baxay golaha wasiirada oo saxaafadda loo qeybiyey ayaa lagu cadeeyay in goluhu isku raaceen in wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha loo madax bannaaneeyo dhammaanba hawlaha maamul u sameynta gobollada dalka iyo degmooyinka. Sidoo kale waxaa wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha isla kulankii maanta loogu xilsaaray inay qaadato masuuliyada baaritaan lagu sameynayo dhammaan dhulkii iyo guryihii dawlada ee lakala kireystay, la bixiyey ama la iibsadey wixii ka dambeeyay 1990-kii taasoo goluhu ku tilmaameen inaanay aqoonsaneyn. WAR SAXAAFADEED Muqdisho, Isniin, 21, Jan, 2013….Golaha Wasiiradda Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta isugu yimid shirkoodii caadiga ahaa iyadoo uu shir-guddoominayay Ra’iisul Wasaare Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon “Saacid”, waxaana shirka looga hadlay qoddobo dhowr ah oo ay ugu horeysay qorshaha dib-u-xasilinta dalka, Dhismaha maamulada gobolada iyo dagmooyinka, dhulka iyo hantida Dowladda ee lahaysto. Wasiirka Garsoorka iyo Arrimaha Diinta Cabdulaahi Abyan Nuur oo saxaafada la hadlay markii uu soo idlaaday kulanka ayaa ka warbixiyey. Golaha ayaa ka dooday sidii loo dar-dar galin lahaa qorshaha nabad galyada iyo dib-u-xasilinta dalka, kaas oo soo bilowday xiligii lagu jiray KMG. Waxaana lagu wargaliyey Wasaarad kasta in ay soo magacowdo guddi u matala ka tala bixinta iyo dhamaystirka qorshaha ballaaran ee lagu xasilinayo dalka. Sidoo kale golaha ayaa isla soo qaaday sidii loogu samayn lahaa maamulo gobolada iyo dagmooyinka laga xoreeyey Alshabaab. Waxaana howshaas loo xilsaaray Wasaaradda Arrimha Gudaha inay maamul ku meel gaar ah u sameyso Gobolada iyo Dagmooyinkaas, wuxuuna goluhu dib u dhigay hindisa ay soo gudbisay Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha oo ka hadlaya qaabka ugu wanaagsan ee loo dhisi karo maamulada Gobolada iyo Dagmooyinka, iyadoo guluhu isku raacay in khamiista soo socota cod loo qaado sharcigaas. Ugu danbayntii golaha Wasiiradda ayaa isku raacay inaysan aqoonsanayn dhamaan dhulka dowladda ee la iibsaday, la bixiyey, lana kireeyey wixii ka danbeeyey 1990, waxaana xukuumaddu u xilsaartay guddi ku sameeya baaritaan dhulka iyo hantida dowladda, wuxuuna gudigaas ka kooban yahay shan wasaaradood oo kala ah, Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha, Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud, Wasaaradda Garsoorka, Wasaaradda Maaliyadda, iyo Wasaaradda Gaadiidka, waxaana hurmuud u noqonaya Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha.—-DHAMAAD—
Ma afka uun baad ka tageerta mala aniga ba ka xogaalsan
Apophis;910610 wrote: This is bad news for ONLF. Very bad news. Horta Eritrea is the only country that openly supports ONLF how are ONLF sudan relations.
Reports: Eritrea troops lay siege to ministry Dissident soldiers take over information ministry and force state media to call for the release of political prisoners. Last Modified: 21 Jan 2013 16:43 A group of dissident Eritrean soldiers have laid siege to the information ministry and forced the state media to announce a call for the release of political prisoners, according to a senior Eritrean intelligence official. The renegade soldiers forced the director of state television to make an announcement, the intelligence official said. "The soldiers have forced him to speak on state TV, to say the Eritrean government should release all political prisoners," the source said on condition of anonymity. Dozens of soldiers with two tanks surrounded the ministry building in Asmara, regional diplomatic sources said. They said state television and radio had gone off air. Ambassador Araya Desta, Eritrea's Permanent Representative to the UN said, "There is no problem. Everything is quiet. Everything is going to be solved. It is all fine." A statement from the US embassy in Asmara said the "US embassy Asmara is aware of press reports that tanks have reportedly surrounded some ministry buildings but cannot confirm all the reports. The situation remains fluid." There was no immediate indication it was an attempt to overthrow the government of Eritrea, which has been led by Isaias Afewerki, 66, for some two decades since it broke away from bigger neighbour Ethiopia. The UN last year estimated that 5-10,000 political prisoners were being held in the secretive Horn of Africa country, which is accused by human rights groups of carrying out torture and summary executions. The Red Sea state, which declared independence from Ethiopia after a long war, is one of the most opaque countries on the continent and it restricts access to foreign reporters. Eritrean opposition activists exiled in neighbouring Ethiopia said there was growing dissent within the Eritrean military, especially over economic hardships. "Economic issues have worsened and have worsened relations between the government and soldiers in the past few weeks and months," one activist said. The UN Security Council imposed an embargo on Eritrea in 2009 over concerns its government was funding and arming al-Shabaab rebels in neighbouring Somalia - charges Eritrea denied.
A man who doesnt like opposition lol those soldiers will be executed fire squad. isayas will call them Ethiopian proxies lets see how this unfolds.
Some one or something is trying to remove Isayas afewerki from power i dont think some one can remove him from power he can only die in office like Meles zenawi.
Eritrea: 'Troops deployed' in Asmara Reports from Eritrea say a group of about 200 soldiers backed by tanks have surrounded the ministry of information in the capital, Asmara. State TV has also reportedly been taken off air in what some have described as a coup attempt. The city is said to be calm with no shots having been fired. Eritrea's government has been criticised by human rights activists as one of the world's most repressive and closed countries. The websites of key Eritrean state and ruling party media are currently operating erratically, with the site for the ruling People's Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) party inaccessible. A statement has reportedly been read out on state radio and television calling for the implementation of the country's 1997 constitution. The UK Foreign Office said that it had received reports of "unusual military movements in and around Asmara", and noted that local radio and TV appear to have been shut down. President Isaias Afewerki has ruled the country as a one-party state since independence from neighbouring Ethiopia in 1993.
i am looking for solutions haatu i dont really care much about uncles or what they get, I am looking for something that both Somalia and Somaliland can say hey this can work for both of us. Somalia and Somaliland situation can be solved real easy as i said the only thing stopping to solve the problem is Somalias emotional attachment to Somaliland.Its like when kids need to be walked in the dark by a parent Somaliland needs to hold Somalias hand while walking in the dark and the moment Somalia is ready to let go Somaliland will let go. Somalia needs caring and some sort of guidance from Somaliland.Somalia is a irresponsible kid and he likes to party and he invites his older not so good friends at his place Kenya Ethiopia uganda and they take advantage of his vulnerability and that needs to be helped. While his older brother Somaliland is busy moving out of town with his wife and kids. Little Somalia is left alone and needs shelter and the help he can use to overcome his problems.
Faysal Waraabe: Somalia government recognition grave threat
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
You are correct mintid but the thing we havent had any formal talks with an admin in Mogadisho in a long time. Abdilahi yusuf sharif we hardly dealt with them only sharifs last days in office. And only with cabdi qasbaye in the 1999 but the thing was there wasnt any framework to hold talks at that time. Now there is the situation might be a bit different as how it was back than, -
Well let the talking begin somalidu ha wada sheekeystan si hufan
NGONGE maybe Somalia should come under Somaliland for 10 years and after that when its people have the confidence to survive on their own we set them free just like a bird.
Somaliland: Pictures Of The Week, A reminder to Somalilanders
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
i could care less about Kulmiye baritoole baan bus hoostisa ku tuuraya kulmiye,, i dont care about SL internal politics it stinks habro kunte waweyn oo isku mashquulsan weye. Anigu waxanahay cadawahan kaga beegnahay curubta reer sheikh. Faraskaygi baan saranahay:D -
oba hiloowlow;910513 wrote: waar dadkaan maxaa lo baryayaa let them believe in their fairytale LaLa land Waxa lo daba socda adna waad ogtahay ana waan ogahay ilaah na wa ogyahay Somalia cant survive with out Somaliland politically socially economically , i believe the vast majority of the koonfurians have not the confidence to exist on their own they need Somaliland to continue as a state., Somalia can surive with out O'gaden region with out NFD with Out Djibouti. But it cant surive with out Somaliland, with out Somaliland , Somalia is nothing zero the past 21 years is you're proof.
Somaliland: Pictures Of The Week, A reminder to Somalilanders
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
Alpha as long as you have ur guns and freedom you're people have a future They can take our wealth Destroy our homes Kill our elders They can even take our ictraaf But they can never take our freedom
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