Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ No one is arming any one where do you get that news from
  2. Mintid Farayar;911035 wrote: If you read carefully above, you'll find the jist of the secret agreement just mid-wived by the international community between Ras Kamboni and Mogadishu. Ahmed Madobe will be allowed to administer Kismayo for some months(the current agreement predicts 6 months) after which local elections will take place (administered by Hassan Sheikh's gov't). How smoothly this process occurs is anyone's guess, given the turbulent/contentious history of the region. P.S. The larger event delaying immediate resolution for all involved (including the international community) is the far more significant results of the Kenyan elections... I think thats close to the truth Axmed was about to visit Mogadisho i think though something changed and the admin in Mogadishu wanted to change the initial plan. like when he finished his term six months the interior ministery will establish a state in kismayo.
  3. Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo laba-wejiilanimo lagu eedeeyay (Dhegayso) on January 22, 2013 Maalintii shalay shir ay isugu yimaadeen golaha wasiirada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa lagu sheegay in wasaaradda arrimaha guduhu u samayneyso maamulo gobolada laga saarey al-Shabab, qorshahaas oo loo xil saaey Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha. Haddaba waxaa maanta shir-saxaafadeed ku qabtey magaalada Kismaayo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga kumeelgarka ah ee maamulka Jubbooyinka Shiikh Axmed Madoobe. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Kumeelgaarka ah ayaa ugu horreyn shirkii saxaafadeed uga hadley xaaladda amni ee jubbooyinku halka ay marayso. Axmed Madoobe oo ka hadlaya hadalka dhawaan ka soo yeeray dowladda ee ah in ay maamulo kumeelgaar ah u samaynayaan Gobolada ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in aan dib loogu laaban 21 sano ee hore wixii lagu soo baaba’ay, waxaa la doonayaa wax ka beddalan wixii hore, yaan dadka dib loogu celin taariikhdii xumeyd, dadka rabitaankooda in la ixtiraamo weeyaan, waxaana dowladda ka codsanaynaa in ay shirka hoggaamkiyaan isla markaana dadka rabitaakoodu meel maro, “Qabanqaabadii maamul loogu samayn lahaa Jubbooyinku waa soo dhamaatey, dowladdana waxaa la gudboon in ay shirguddoomiso oo dadku qofkey rabaan ay doortaan” ayuu yiri Madoobe Dhegayso waraysi Axmed Madoobe siiyey BBC
  4. oba hiloowlow;911003 wrote: bal waayahay aynu aragno ii jiid aan ku jiide waa gacmo daalis saasa laga raba
  5. Thats nonsense you should never base you're opinion on sheekoooyinka Suuqa. in 1993 a group jesus rebels tried to occupy seylac with the help of Djibouti cigaal send special forces to the region that included many of the Awdalite people. And they cleaned the Djibouti proxies out of the region. Reer Borama are the modern founding fathers of the republic of Somaliland and ofcourse the jesus clan in Somaliland have rights but we will never accept injustice not from a neighboring country.
  6. ^ Haatuf wuxooda wa sheekooyinka suuqa never believe everything you read
  7. oba hiloowlow;910995 wrote: saxiib what im saying is shacabka maybe is daacad for the SL cause but its the ledears who are decievers ninyaho sheekada fahan. Deceivers SL politicians always follow their people 1960 inageeyaa xamar the leaders did , and 1991 inaga gooyaa xamar and they did the politicians have no problem my friend i trust them more than anything. They might made mistakes to secure SL recognition but in reality they are more trustworthy than anything. Oba you should not compare SL leaders to Somalia leaders , Somalia leaders betray their population we remember Sharif ahmed first ICU allah ak bar. Than later joined the same guys he fought. Or Cabdilahi Yusuf or Cali Mahdi . You cannot compare the SL leaders to Somalia leaders. Silanyo lost the elections to rayaale 80 votes do you think a Politician from Somalia would accept such a defeat lol. No my friend never compare the incomparable.
  8. Waddani Oo Munaasibad Soo Dhawayn Ah U Qabtay Dr Gaboose iyo Ururkiisii UMADDA Oo La Midoobay Hargeysa (Ramaas) Jan 22,2013 – Xisbiga Waddani ayaa maanta Munaasibad soo dhawayn ah u qabtay Dr Gaboose iyo ururkiisii UMADDA oo la midoobay. Munaasibada oo ahayd mid ilyartu isqabatay ayaa waxa ka qayb-galay Masuuliyiinta sarsare ee Waddani iyo UMADDA, Taageerayaasha labada dhinac iyo waliba dad kale oo aad u tiro badnaa. Waxa khudbado ka jeediyay siyaasiyiin badan oo uu ka mid yahay Guddomiyaha ururkii RAYS ee doorashada ku hadhay Xasan Gaafaadhi iyo masuuliyiin kale, kuwaasi oo bogaadiyey cudada Waddani iyo Umaddu isku geeyeen. Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in markii ururkoodii hadhay ay go’aansadeen inay la midoobaan Waddani si aanay dhibaatadii jirtay mid kale ugu sii darin. Dr Gaboose, waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay Kaalinta Mucaaradnimo ee Waddani, Musharaxnimada Guddoomiye Cirro iyo arimo kale oo badan. Gabogabadii ayaa Guddoomiye Cirro iyo Dr Gaboose waxay kala saxeexdeen heshiis dhigaya sida wax loo wada leeyahay. La soco warkan oo dhan.
  9. ^^ And what makes you say that reer borama are reer Somaliland we will not allow any one to hurt them and especially not crooks from Djibouti not going to happen.
  10. oba hiloowlow;910986 wrote: Im not against SL walahi iyo bilahi laakin i know for a fact somalia meel kala tagi meyso If you are not against it than support their wishes saying i am not against them and at the same time uttering the words of anti SL crew , you are not making sense. Somalia meel kala tegi mayso i do not even want that my friend. the Same way Somaliland na meel anay u kala tagayn.
  11. Carafaat oodweyne is just saying if the talks fail we will not know but if it does there should be a guarantee for a way out by the IC because they put these talks together in the first place. And the SL goverment is not clear about that just lets hope Dr Bidaar and Siilaanyo know what they are doing.
  12. sheeko carbeed adeer halka inu kala jooji qof baad wadankisa mashruuc ku shegeysa . i have been hearing that the past 22 years Somaliland wax ku kordha wax ka dhaca manan arkin. Adigay wax ku kordheen eeh SL waxba kama dhicin stop hating niyo
  13. Its just booto no one can fight another clan in Somaliland. This stuff Jesus clan wa qaran cidi qolo u haystana is just misplaced pride lool
  14. NGONGE;910957 wrote: ^^ Almost all Muslim countries except Saudi Arabia have a public holiday on that day (so young Oba may not be alone there). Isn't that some sort of celebration? In saudi arabia its also celebrated but unofficial
  15. Maxa mashruuc ah ma wada hadalka. beesha calaamkaynu ta weydin.
  16. They are trying to find a solution because now the jesus clan is crying saying they were cheated and before it was the other clan to be honest the SL government cannot please both clans maybe the jesus clan should just accept their defeat and move on.
  17. oba hiloowlow;910966 wrote: the leaders are deceiving you people honestly Somaliland leaders are instructed by their people not the other way around
  18. Carafaat;910965 wrote: Oodweyneh, its a done deal. Just accept it. These so called talks are just theatre to entertain folks as your self. As if Somalis need foreigners to facilitate them. Knowing Somalis and if they want something done, will reach a deal in nightly chewing sessions way before sunrise and start of whatever meeting. ofcourse they need mediation there should be European team to mediate or else it will be useless and talks will fail, because you think SL will agree with Somalias demands and Somalia will agree with SL demands dont think so. Somalida waxad u haysata dad sahlan niyo. This conflict is not easy.
  19. Spokesmen me never:D But leave mr Xoog alone he has done nothing wong he would never be a traitor he is one of the oldest SL mps
  20. Carafaat what kind of deal are u on about. You and ur conspiracy theories u read to much into haatuf and qarannews these guys are bored. Because xirsi made sure they have no ears in madaxtooyada
  21. Mr xoog denied it all he said its all a lie i will post the vide later
  22. oba hiloowlow;910891 wrote: which surah is that? Surah tauba it doesn't begin with bismilahi raxmani raxim
  23. Mawlidka nabiga a bit of controversy something the Ullema disagree on now we Muslims are taught to follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad csw He is our best example how we should live as humans. Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him. Never celebrated his own birth day i have looked every where not just hadiths but i have looked in Sirata nabaawi of Ibn ishaak and the work of abdullah ibn cabaas and even the work of Muhammad tabari the most important historical text we have is that the Prophet didn't celebrate his birth day. Nor did khaliful rashidins celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Now i am not saying the Birth of our prophet isn't significant its one of the most significant historical event ever occurred on this planet. But the thing we should ask our selves should we celebrate prophet Muhammad birth day. Well according to our teachings no he didn't celebrate it. But should we love the prophet yes is he in our hearts every day yes when we pray when we hear his name we say the salawaat. Are you allowed to praise the prophet when ever you like yes. This is my opinion i dont think you will go to hell if you celebrate the prophets Birth day you're thinking you are doing some thing good. But in reality you're adding something to the religion which is not a good thing to do. Islam teaches us not celebrate it just keep the prophet in you're heart and mind every day and don't pick specific day to remember him but allah knows best allahu yaclam.