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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Wasiir Ku xigeenka Macdanta Oo Fagaare kala hadlay Dadweynaha Laasqoray Laasqoray (Somaliland.Org)-Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Macdanta, Biyaha iyo Tamarta ee Somaliland Cabdisalaan Maxamed Xasan iyo wefti uu hogaaminayo oo socdaal ku marayay deegaano ka tirsan Gobollada Sanaag iyo Badhan ayaa meel fagaare ah kala hadlay dadweynaha Degmada Laasqoray. Wasiirka oo u waramayay wakaaladda wararka Somaliland ee Solna, isagoo ku sugan magaalada laasqoray waxa uu sheegay inuu shalay kormeer ku soo maray xarumaha maamulka ee degmadaas sida Xarunta dawlada hoose oo uu kulan kula yeeshay Maayarka magaaladaas Maxamed Ayaan Ibraahin , dugsiyada kala duwan ee magaalada iyo dhismaha wershadda kalluunka ee magaalada oo hadda aan shaqaynayn. Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Macdanta, Biyaha iyo Tamarta ee Somaliland oo fagaare kala hadlay dadweynaha Degmada Badhan ayaa la socodsiiyey dadweynaha deegaankaasi xaaladda dalku marayo xilligan iyo qorsheyaasha ay damacsan tahay xukuumaddu ee ku wajahan barnaamijyada horumarineed iyo kuwa waxqabad ee loogu tallo-galay Gobollada bari ee dalka. Cabdisalaan Maxamed Xasan waxa uu dadweynaha u sheegay ballanqaadyada Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu ku ballanqaaday in mashaariic horumarineed laga fuliyo Gobolada bariga Somaliland. Dhinaca kale Maayarka magaalada laasqoay Maxamed Ayaan Ibraahin oo isna la hadlay dadweynihii fagaaraha isugu soo baxay ayaa sheegay inay degmada Laasqoray diyaar u tahay ka qayb qaadashada hawlaha horumarineed ee dalka ka socda, isla markana ay cid kasta oo xukuumadda ka tirsani soo booqan karto. Sida la ogyahay Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Macdanta, Biyaha iyo Tamarta ee Somaliland Cabdisalaan waxa uu hore socdaal ugu soo maray deegaano ay ka mid yihiin magaalooyinka Badhan iyo Hadaaftimo iyo meelo kale oo ka tirsan gobolka Sanaag.
Khatumos process merging with Somaliland begins.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Shan Sarkaal oo ka tirsanaa Maleeshiyo Buuhoodle ah oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay Hargeysa March 2nd, 2013 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Shan sarkaal oo sar-sare oo ka tirsanaa maleeshiyadda fadhigeedu yahay magaaladda Buuhoodle, ayaa maanta si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay magaaladda Hargeysa. Waxa xubnahan tuuladda Haleeya ee duleedka bari ee Hargeysa ku soo dhaweeyay Wasiirrada Wasaaradaha Gaashaan-dhiga Md. Axmed Xaaji Cali Cadami, Wasiirka Dib u dejinta iyo dib u dhiska Somaliland Md. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed Xagla-toosiye iyo Wasiir Ku xigeenka Daakhiliga dhinaca Maamulka Mudane Cismaan Garaad Soofe. Xubnahan ayaa sheegay inay si rasmi ah ugu soo biireen Ciidammadda Qaranka Somaliland oo ay ka mid yihiin, waxaanay u mahad celiyeen xukuumadda Somaliland oo ay sheegeen inay si weyn u soo dhaweeyeen. Cirro Saleebaan Magan oo ku hadlayay magaca saraakiishan ayaa sheegay inay wakiil ka yihiin maleeshiyo ku sugan magaaladda Buuhoodle oo metasha shacbiga deegaankaasi. Magacyadda Shantan sarkaal waxay kala yihiin sidan:- 1- Xuseen Maxamuud Baydan. 2- Mahad Nuur Weerar 3- Cirro Saleebaan Magan 4- Dhag-jar Maxamuud Baydan 5- Cabdi Cadde. Dhinaca kale Wasiirka Gaashaan-dhiga Somaliland Md. Axmed Xaaji Cali Cadami ayaa u mahad celiyay sarkaakiishan nabadda qaatay ee ku soo biiray ciidammadda qaranka, waxaanu xusay inay si milgo leh u soo dhawaynayaan xukuumad ahaan. -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
^^ HAG lives the waterMaliyans to and other small Arab communities , but i dont see those people trying to make a mamuul so HAG will do it , since sheikh indho cade al markaawi ruled the place for years,. -
Execution by firing squad: Sheikh Axmed Xaaji's Killers Sentenced
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Somalia's topic in Politics
Loool@ Amiir Godane on the list -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Oba we all know the hags want more time so the more delay the better for them it gives them time to think of a new plan Its part of the politics -
Mogadishu Federal Government Rejects Current Kismayo Conference
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
The government in xamar was busy to stop this conference by any means necessary Let see if they can stop it or not. -
Garbahaaray conference ends with support for Jubbaland.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Gabbal's topic in Politics
Hag elites don't want the capital to be changed every one knows that -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Oba if you say there is a wider clan alliance using the irir card how come than u want to use poor saacid against his own people. Ileen saacid hada wanin machin hagi sarantahay eh. By the way since did dm join irir this is new for me War niyo sheekadi ba qabil baad u rogtay now how do you think other folks will trust you They will see hassan sheikh and his crew fighting for certain clan interests -
Garbahaaray conference ends with support for Jubbaland.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Gabbal's topic in Politics
Caasimadi somalia reer ba yeeshay lool But let's be fair unuka suffered the most in the civil war iska dayaa ha iska dhuuuqaan for a while Wala iskaga daba iman doonaye eh lol -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Oba haday is dileeen every clan ba dhexdooda xukunka isku qabsaday Maanta wa kuwa wada fadhiya kismayo Unuka iyo habargangsar ba soo kuwi gawda iska saaray , waka maanta abwaan mushxaradayaa Its not a big Deal qabilkau wa is dila hadana wa heshiya , we have seen it in burco hadana wala heshiya There is nothing special about kismayo reer somali ba degen wa is dileen hadana mamuulkooday dhisanayaan -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
They need to first unite galguduud and than unite galguduud with hiiraan Its a big task for reer galguduud uniting for the good of the region Than u have two regions and go from there. Maybe not all districts but it will come -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Oba u have to start from some where both beledweyne dhuusamareeeb hobyo cadaado waxaaso dhan wa ku xor Do you think jubbaland is xoronly jubbada hoose even not entire jubada hoose not all gedo is xor but they started meel uun ba laga bilaaba bisinkana loo qabta quraankana shirka lugu fura waxba ka xumaan mayaan By the way jubada dhexe waxad ka dhigaysa new york oo 8 qawmiyadoood degen yihin war wa dhul yar oo somalieeed Dadka badankisa la eega iyo sida ay wax u kala wadan.dadkaas meesha jubada dhexe ku wada nool waxba isku diidi mayaaan waleh -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
That is very dumb of hag not making a state they need to unite the 3 habargangster subclans and form a state What I don't get is why hiiraan and galguduud don't form a state Abdiqasim subclan is toothless they lost their small colonies in lower shabelle they are no confined in guriceel Once on top of the food chain and look at them today. -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Waxala yidha grassroot step by step baad u dhisaysa hiiraan is liberated galguduud is free Shabeelade dhexe and banadir are free. War ku dhakhso jubada dhexe is not liberated either but kismayo dawlad goboleed ba lagaa dhisay it will fill the vacuum marka la xoreyo. Dawdlada federaalkaba soo lama so dhsin iyado dalka kala badh la haysto Well tana wa dawlad yar oo goboleed uun laakin isku si ba loo asaaso As for who is the majority garan mayno exactly laakin laba reer ba wa degan Laakin waxay ku xidhantahay cidi xoreysa imika axmed madoobeba xoreyey jubada hoose Ninki meesha leh uun baa xoreysta jubada dhexa sidasday noqon ciidamo isku dhaf ba geli But xita haday sii fiican wax u qeybsadan happy ku yihin -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Oba zacks people do live in the middle juba if i am correct reer garaad wiiwaal ba wax badan ka dega the other groups na way degan. Obviously way isu bahanyihin to form a state. I don't think that will be a major problem. Waryaaa oba nimanki sahal dawlado bay dhisteen hag maxay dawlaod gobaleedyo uga dhisan wayeen gobolada dhexe shabeelade hoose iyo dhexe iyo hiiraan. -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Zack if they decide to pull out will reer azania continue to Build a state with out them they still have two regions -
PM Saacid appeases his boss President Hassan Sh.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to The Zack's topic in Politics
Well this was expected saacid to be used by the hag elites to stop the kismayo conference I wonder though. If reer gedo supports this. -
Saacid is one of the last few neof@qashist alive all his former friends are long gone. After being an utter failure to his own people this is the best he does. By the way mr culusuw needs to fix this and tell his lap dog to behave or else hag its self will go under water and no general bahuku will safe it. But I see where oodweyne and mtid are coming from when ever koonfurians touch a sensitive subject as that general samatar and the former. Kacaan junta, the public of somaliland takes 5 step back. And its like the time is being set back to may 1988. Means no coexistance with the koonfurians can exist since saacid the water boy of culusow is trying protect criminals. People are talking about union and what not people in sl don't even want to restore relations as 2 states side by side with this government in somalia. Siilaanyo and co need to re think the whole talking to this hag stuff, well done just well done president silanyo has being building peoples diplomacy the pas 18 months hag water boy comes with this. The sl news papers willbe full of this the next few days.
Homunculus;916171 wrote: The difference: 1. Somalia and Somaliland are engaged in peace talks sponsored by the international community. 2. The current Somali government is not a transitional or a make-shift government, it's recognized as the rightful government of Somalia. They are engaged in talks to clarify their future relations but that doesn't mean mps from Somalia are allowed to freely roam in Somaliland they didn't agree on that. They are Somalia's goverment but they have no legitimacy in Somaliland.
Somaliland's Ambassador and spokesman to the World
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Dr bidaar on his best:D