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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Somaliland:Kulmiye party convention to be held on April 11 ,2013
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Give Siilaanyo the post of Kulmiye,, Landslide it will be a victory for ucid The entire Borama 90% of the will vote for Ucid jamaal Hargeisa community maroodijeex salaxlay will 85% wil vote for Ucid and jamaal Gabiley and the surrounding villages will 90% vote for ucid and Jamaal Berbera and Saaxil will entirely vote for Jamaal and ucid Burco 30% will vote for ucid and jamaal And in Sanaag around 60% will vote for Jamaal to in Sool around 40% will vote for Jamaal -
The reinstatement of the Nomadic culture
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
Daqane;926590 wrote: Only farm produce I know of is in the supermarket, and agriculture is how great civilizations such as the habesha one you guys in hargeisa orgasm over came about, Rome, China e.t.c which one was solely dependent on rain fall?, nomadism is an inefficient way of life and as ridiculous as plains indians chasing down buffalos in this day and age, it is almost moronic to talk about what was an economic and lifestyle necessity as something spiritually grand were even in somali parlance reer-baadiyo denotes lack of manners and backwardness. But any way this will just degenerate into a pointless argument when we are meant to discuss things with the like of XX and his twin masters in sociology and Nomadism, the honorable Badal Kariye of SOL. As i said the fara dhoqayaals haven't contributed anything of importance to the Somali culture and traditions other than sitting besides the river with a drum and booty shaking dances. Thats about it when the Somali nomads were expanding the Somali territories , the faro dhoqayaals were just sitting on their but doing nothing. When the Somali nomads were enriching the Somali language where were they , no where to be seen, as for the habashes, i think the farodhoqayaals like them allot since you share the same culture and guess where those lovely habashis are at the moment in Somalia you're country how many of them 1000 or more. Nomadism is the way of the Somali even this site has adopted it the members of this site are called Nomads its the way our ancestors lived its the way still a significant portion of our people live its the way of life of the holy prophets all in all its an excellent way of living and we are proud of our nomadic heritage. The Somali culture is based on the nomadic way of life linguistically and traditionally. -
Somaliland:Kulmiye party convention to be held on April 11 ,2013
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
By the way samaale and bixi are equally liked i dont think samaale or bixi can defeat wadani. They are both from the past of somaliland. If Silanyo runs again i bet you jamaal wil be the next leader. -
Somaliland:Kulmiye party convention to be held on April 11 ,2013
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Somaal silanyo is Old but still fit to run i think he wants to be like mugabe Trust me he will run again I know this for sure -
The reinstatement of the Nomadic culture
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
I know you are a farmer and have no cultural or historical attachment with nomadism, but keep in mind the Nomadic Somalis were the one who expanded the Somali territory as far as beyond the awash river as far as deep in the Afar land all the way down south to NFD. It was them who removed the gallas from Somali galbeed, Not some fara dhooqayaal oo faraha beer kula jira. -
New commander of the Armed forces of Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Yes you are correct -
New commander of the Armed forces of Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Lol@ horufadhi.com these are sick people they will see everything through a qabil lense ,dawo ma leh dadkaasi. -
New commander of the Armed forces of Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Daqane that looks very good lets hope he does a fantastic job -
The reinstatement of the Nomadic culture
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in General
^^ It maybe means nothing to you but its part of our history and heritage its what Somali is all about its the cultural and a way of life we cherish allot its how the prophets lived. By the way Nomads are real men know what life is all about and they are pious muslims. Do you know how many proverbs contains Camel geel in the Somali language we will uphold the nomadic way of life. -
New commander of the Armed forces of Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Can some one tell us whos general indho qarsho i heard he was a member of the SNA back in the days what is his background. -
Taliyihii hore ee Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya oo xilkii wareejiyey | on March 13, 2013 Taliyaha cusub Gen. Daahir Indho-qarsho Xaflad si wanaagsan loo soo agasimey ayaa maanta waxaa xilkii kula wareegey taliyaha cusub ee l0o magacaabey Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya iyo weliba Abaanduulaha cusub ee Ciidanka Soomaaliya. Taliyiha xilka wareejinaya Gen.Cabdulqaadir Shiikh Cali Diini ayaa khudbad kooban oo ka jeediyey madashii xil- wareejinta waxaana uu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay in manta uu xilka wareejiyo isaga oo soo qabtey hawlo muhim ah una soo shaqeeyey Qaranka. Diini ayaa ka sheekeey markii uu xilka la wareegayey sida xaal ahaa iyo dagaaladii ay la galeen al-Shabaab. Taliyaha xilka wareejiyey Gen.Diini Waxaa isaguna goobta ka hadley taliyaha cusub ee Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyaddu u magacaabey xilka Gen.Daahir Aadam Cilmi oo horey uga tirsanaan jirey ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliya muddooyinkii danbena la shaqeynaayey Ciidanka. Gen.Daahir ayaa u mahad celiyey Taliyihii hore ee Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya waxaana uu ballan qaadey in uu halkii uu geeyey ka sii wadi doono. Dhanka kale waxaa isaguna maanta xilkii wareejiyey Abaanduulihii hore ee Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya Gen.Cabdikariim Yusuf Dhegabadan, waxaana uu xilka ku wareejiyey Abaanduulaha cusub oo la yiraahdo Gen.Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Cilmi. Taliyihii hore ee xoogga dalka Soomaaliya Gen.Diini ayaa kadib burburkii dowladdii Soomaaliya 1991 waxa uu muddo ku noolaa dalka Maraykanka gaar ahaan gobolka Ohio, waxa uu Muqdisho u tegay in uu u tartamo xilka raysalwasaaraha sanadkii 2010, laakiin markii uu xilkaas waayey, waxa uu noqdey la taliyaha Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif ee arrimaha Mileteriga iyada oo Bishii Maarso 2011 loo magacaabey Taliyaha Ciidanka Soomaaliya. Gen.Diini ayaa horey uga tirsanaan jirey ciidankii Kumaandooska Soomaaliya, waxaana uu mar danbe Madax u noqdey ciidankii Booliska/ Millateriga ah (Police force) dadkuna u yaqaaneen Koofiyad Cas. Dhanka kale waxaa socda is bedel lagu samaynaayo ciidanka Booliska iyo kan Asluubta oo la filaayo in maalmaha soo socda la shaacin doono
Actually one would say that same religion and same languge and ethnic back ground would make sure Unity could have been maintaned at all cost but this is not the case when it comes to Somalis. Animosity comes because of distrust it comes because we dont like the state being used by others to opress others. Also Somalis do not know each other they way they thought they knew each other. Different ethnicities can share a country look at Ethiopia kenya Nigeria Congo,you just have to have some good agreements.
Yemenis punished for fishing illegally in Republic of Somaliland waters
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
Let them clean the berbera port and help carry stones when building new buildings in Somaliland. -
Yes that makes sense to but the state its self is a very alien concept among Somalis, its something we hardly understand and stands in our way,well some times one tribe uses it against the others. But the notion that the state protects the people , is something we are unfamiliar with. its good that the Somalis In kenya can now have their own form of federalism in Kenya we should welcome that
Every one knows it is not proof, you have to proof it with hard facts ?
Somali Dastuur: PM does not have to be Muslim
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to SomaliPhilosopher's topic in Politics
Somali gaals are less than 1% So does it really matter? -
Lol@ Haatu i think i am telling the truth regarding how Somali unity was tried to be recreated in modern society there are also a few factors that played a role particularly neighboring countries. But the Somalis in Djibouti and Somaliland and Somalia also played a major role of how the the unity failed. But Somali Kenyans have no clue about that
Ofcourse you can always support Somaliweyn in you're heart but i dont think it will ever materialize
22 years and counting and every year they tell us its coming to an end:D
Somaliland:Kulmiye party convention to be held on April 11 ,2013
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Galbeedi trust me Siilaanyo is going to run for a second term, samaale nor bixi will get the presidential candidate. -
SomaliPhilosopher;926450 wrote: Lets make this clear before we deviate from the topic, The somali government is the Somalia that falls on the map, Somaliland falls under that as in the current government is the face of Somalia and Somaliland on the international spectrum. Nevertheless, you are indeed right in pointing out this micro Somali entities. Though, this is a distorted perception. The current Somali government encompasses hundreds of tribes and is not microscopic at all in fact it is in attempts at seeking union with the north. Similar, somaliland is an absorption of various micro peoples such as various the Khatumo people. . Yeah internationally that might be true but even with out international support there wouldnt even be a Somali goverment at all, so this was their creation funded with their money. But practically socially and nationally the 2 people went their different paths long time ago, the Somaliland youth born in the late 80s, have never ever heard or seen a Somalia goverment. Well they know there is something that resembles a goverment in Mogadishu which claims Somaliland. But in reality this claim is just a claim. The clan identity plays a vital role in Somalia, with lesser extend in Somaliland so these problems will exist for as long as we exist.