Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. There is never deep love for anything its all about interests wax Yahuud iyo maraykan iyo danish iyo ruush lugu kala jeclaado ma jiraan eeh wa dano ay dalalku ay leeyihin oo ay raban inay dantooda ku fushaadaan markasay xidhiidh la yeeshan. Yahuudu Somalida , maxay u dhintay horta aynu nacna be ah , nafar Somali ah horta ma dileen. Yahuudu wabay caawiyeen Somalia, iyagu gacan siinyaa taliyaasha iyo ciidamada kenya oo ay aad u tababareen siday u jabin lahayeen shabaab. Waliga cidna lama naco cidna lama jeclaado dantada uun ba la eegta.
  2. When it comes to forming federal states its better to divided galguduud into two regions than they will fulfill the criteria of forming a federal state the same with hiiraan , hiiraan needs to be divided to into 2 regions if that happened than reer hiiraan can have their federal state to. The Parliament just needs to approve more regions only for those 2 regions. Since the rest of the country is pretty much fine with its regions.
  3. Its still not enough galguduud and half of Mudug cant still not be a federal state, hiiraan doesn't want anything to do with Galguduud. They want to divide hiiraan into 2. By the way ASWJ joined the goverment officially ximan iyo xeeb to they are officially part of the culusow foundation
  4. The galmudug clan cannot unite with the Puntlanders since there is bad blood between those 2 , they cannot unite with their kin in galguduud because they had many clan clashes the past 22 years. Its going to be very difficult unless mudug people have a proper reconciliation conference in galkacyo and unite under one admin. And maybe than galguduud can join to than they have 2 regions.
  5. Well Somaliland will do everything to secure their national interests in the region and beyond the region, i think we should not let emotions interrupt the policies of Somaliland. If Somaliland can have dialogue after 21 years with the rivals next door, than i am sure they can have have talks with any one including the Jewish state.
  6. Well said Africaown, eventhough wadani has lots of supporters in Somaliland.
  7. I am not anti semitic i have nothing against Israeli people or people of Jewish ancestry, but to point out the hypocrisy of Zionist is not a major sin you know as for the towelheads they are not all bad ofcourse some of their interest conflict with ours hence why we cannot be friends with them Egypt Saudi Arabia Libiya and all the others are useless arab states. So we could care less about them but the others we wish to have good relations with those nobles from Kuwait and UAE,We should not generalize them all thats all i am saying.
  8. Not all arabs dislike Somaliland just the Saudis and Egyptians, the Kuwaitis and UAE are very noble Arabs. The Egyptians and Saudis have deep seated hatred for Somaliland. As for the isrealis , as President Siilaanyo would say tallo qaran baanu ka yeeleynayna:D
  9. Showqi;926904 wrote: Xaaji, do you need konfurians help? :D
  10. The Somalis must promote their distinct authentic culture traditions and language in songs and folkore dances and poetry. Even if they have to send 500 teachers from Somaliland to go to the border regions where Somalis border oromos or Somali galbeed teachers from the interior of the Somali galbeed. The most effective way to deal with this problem is to divide the gallas is if we divide them into 3 sections of separate identities the borana who have lots of admixture with southern bantus in jimma. The eastern oromos arsi and eastern hararge as one group, and the barento oromos tulamo who are shewans admixtre with amharas tulamo northern shewa and bareento in western oromo who are heavily intermixed with Amharas you will categorize them under their amhara masters divided into 3. Thats the best way to stop their expansion because those in the north will expand north and will be with their amhara masters, and those in the south will assimilate in the omo ethnic groups and nilotics. We just have to deal with western hararge oromos the arsis. And they are not that much if we follow my plan the expansion can be stopped our ancestors kept them at bay i am sure we can do it to and today we are more advanced.
  11. Exactly as long as the gallas are pushed further south of diredawa into west Hararge i am happy Somalis from NFD can come or those from berbera or those from qalaafe and goday for all i care. As long as the gallas are pushed back. Balayada oromada breed like rabbits.
  12. Haatu;926884 wrote: I doubt that. I'm pretty sure as the country started to modernise the sultanate that had the most natural resources would've started to dominate. Whoever has the resources has the cash, and whoever has the cash has the power. I dont think so it would just like something what we have today, no clear winner. it was not possible for the maguartania sultans to take over the southern Somalis. Eventhough they tried to use Sicid barqash and rifles from oman. But still Sharmarke ali salih bashe allied to the turks of Somaliland was more successful he dominated the entire eastern awdal region some what 50 years before British came to our shores. But he could not dominate the jesus tribes down south nor the hararis who had their separate emir. Much of the Gulady sultanate was divided because of sub clanish politics with in the center eastern Somaliland. Garaad wiilwaal and his men were very comfortable in jigjiga and were only busy harassing the jaarso and smaller oromo clans. Actually dominating each other would have created more conflicts, thats why till the day of today we still have no clear winner of the civil war, and 4.5 is used as a compromise.
  13. Not true no sultanate was above the other or could defeat the other, just as today no one still won the civil war we had no mechanism or political culture based on equal Somali nationhood. We started promoting Pan Somalism in 1930s thats yesterday. Never before that there was never one Somali tribe who were the aristocrats of the Somali people. The state it self is an alien concept according to Somalis we rather have not a goverment specially the Koonfurians. We view the state as something stands in our way but sometimes we use it to dominate other tribes and when the tables are turned we move further apart.
  14. The Germans had a structured goverment for centuries we didn't thus that made them a nation they had the whole mechanism of German nationalism the Somalis didn't Carolingian dynasty where Louis the German ruled in the 9th century even though there was no Germany , he was a german in that dynasty and controlled parts of what is today Germany and eastern France after the fall of the roman empire the German tribes were fighting for their own place and there were many royals who found themselves in different dynasties.And than we had conrad the 3rd who is a descendant of lous the german on his maternal side who united more german tribes under the Hohenstaufen kingdom actually from today's austria. But the germans their rivals the french were more organized than them and didn't allow them to have a kingdom of german inhabbitants. Something Somalis never had we didn't had a rival who stopped us from being a state before 1960 remove the 70 year Colonialism before that why didn't we had a structured state of governance why weren't we a nation. Every one was living in his own little turf and was a Somali on his own terms. We never felt that we were a nation or were one nation. That happened in the 1930s and 1940s, and Somali nationalism wasn't even based on one countries but 5 separate parts , the question i ask is why didn't we organize our selves as Somalis before 1884? The Germans did and they formed a state a well governed state in the late 17 century led by Germans and they governed Germans with German laws.
  15. I dont mind other Somalis in Diredawa i some how i think the Somaligalbeedians are very close to each other and share a common history some how. I am not worried about the Somalis, i am more worried about the gallas.
  16. Haatu i am more Somali than any of you i know the exact meaning of Somali and what it stands for many of the farodhoqayaals have no clue they just heard the word Somali. Ereyga Somali 123 tudhuc oo gabay baan ka tirin kara. ii sheeg ninka taa samayn kara. Now lets go back to Somalinimo we still have no clear definition what Somalinimo is we know Somali , but not Somalinimo , aniga awoowgay Suldaanka toga herer yaalay, he was not just a Somali , because he allowed his kingdom inu mid baydhabo joogo inu wax ku yeesho. Suldaankayagu ama awoowgay waligay ma arkin dadkaas meel ay joogaan iyo masajid ay ka eedamayaan xita. We were not a nation, were Somali tribes masses nomads and farodhoqayaals who spoke the Somali language but we didn't share a nation the first time we shared a nation was in 1960.
  17. Garaad wiilwaal the defeater of the galla peasants the land will be protected from the intruders , we will not allow oromos to freely roam in the Somali galbeed region. Somalis were the one who brought islam to the oromos they were fire worshipers before we Muslimized them. The land belongs to the Somalis. There is no such thing as original owners.Oromos own nothing
  18. Kuwaa dhag ha u dhagin, the gallas shall be defeated, these people dont know what they are talking about this threat is serious. Only people who have no clue what they are talking about will utter those words.
  19. Christians and Jews are both not Muslims but we sure have no problem with those who say god has a son. i dont think we should not discriminate against the jews its not a nice thing to do. Gaal wa gaal, gaalna gaal kale kama fadli badna.
  20. Galguduud and hiiraan and southern mudug can form a HAG clan state. But it seems they cant unite that is their biggest problem. The habr Gangster community is deeply divided. And the hiiraan clan doesn't want to share a state with the rest of the HAG but them selves and even the hiiraan community is divided and want to divide the hiiraan region into 2 .
  21. Sullayman the HAG has played it well they have the capital on lock militarily and economically they will be the power house. The civil war made them harder than anything this is not the 60s and 70s when the Puntlanders could just chip in the Mogadishu societies. Heck they even lost their PM position they had a former alliance but it was officially broken with the dam jadiid and hassan taking office. It will be very hard to lead Somalia for the Puntians, since the conflict officially ended between the unukians and the habr gangster community. I think the dam jadiid will reign over Somalia for a long period they have the Arab world backing them and even the west. And they are similar to the ruling elite of the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood.
  22. D.O.C;926818 wrote: You can take the car out of the city, but you can't take city out of the car. Israelites + Zionists = Jews Jew - Zionists = Israelites Jews - Israelites = Zionists The jews are manipulative human beings, they can even change from one form to another as they wish, it is where the greatest magicians of the world descended from. Their previous name was israelites, however they have been changing the names from thousands of years, and probably in few years time they will change to something else in another they will be called something else rather then jews. 4 thousand years ago, there was only one country that accepted israelites into their land, this country was ethiopia, up to now, they have great community in ethiopia but they never helped their lost cousins not even accepted when they were refugees. The Ethiopian community in israel has never been accepted by israel governement as one of their own people. i think you are confusing a few things they haven't changed their name the descendants of Juda are called Judean people or Yahuudi. The Israel nickname was the Nickname of Prophet Jacob ibn Prophet Ishaak ibn Prophet Ibrahim. So if you want to call upon all Hebrew speakers you say israeli. But if you want to refer to one specefic tribe with in the Israeli community you say Yahuudi the descendants of one particular son of Prophet Jacob. But to call people who speak the Hebrew language magicians and all bad things is not good they also have doctors scientists professors and so on. There is no community in the world who are entirely evil. It is true that the Israeli goverment do not really like immigrants not just Ethiopians but all non Jewish immigrants. They want to maintain the Jewish identity. But these are the works of the Zionist goverment. But to say that all jews who live outside isreal are bad is not correct. There are still about six and a half million Jewish Americans in the US and others across the world. Not every jew is a Zionist.
  23. Alpha hates African leaders he even hates the most independent thinking President of Africa President isaias afewerki of Eritrea. Paul Kagame of Rwanda is a reformer to a former rebel but he still drastically change Rwanda.