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President ismaciil Cumar geele of Djibouti wins the Jackpot
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
You did it again , your the man you made us proud -
President ismaciil Cumar geele of Djibouti wins the Jackpot
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
South Sudan to Truck Oil Through Ethiopia, Djibouti for Export By William Lloyd George - Mar 14, 2013 12:59 PM GMT+0100 South Sudan’s government said it signed an agreement with Ethiopia and Djibouti that may enable the East African nation to export oil by truck from July, while a study on a pipeline linking the three countries is completed. An accord signed on March 12 in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, envisages crude being exported via Djibouti’s Red Sea port of Douraleh, South Sudan Deputy Petroleum Minister Elizabeth James Bol said in an interview today. Douraleh is 1,469 kilometers (913 miles) northeast of Juba, the South Sudanese capital. “We need to wait for a technical assessment to be done first, but Ethiopia and Djibouti agreed for the oil to be exported by trucks through their countries,” Bol said. South Sudan is considering building two pipelines, one via Ethiopia and another across Kenya to the port of Lamu, as an alternative to the conduit that runs through neighboring Sudan. South Sudan halted oil production in January 2012 after accusing Sudan’s government of stealing $815 million worth of its crude, a charge the Khartoum administration denied. The two nations agreed on March 12 to resume production and exports. ILF Consulting Engineers of Germany has been asked by South Sudan, Djibouti and Ethiopia to carry out a feasibility study on the plan to export oil by truck, Bol said. The study will examine issues including the suitability of the countries’ roads and is expected to be completed in four months, she said. ILF’s main focus will be to assess the feasibility and engineering plan for the pipeline to Douraleh, Bol said. “The long-term goal is the pipeline,” she said. “Sending the oil by truck is only a short-term measure till the pipeline is finished.” South Sudan seceded from Sudan in July 2011, taking control of about three-quarters of the formerly united country’s output of 490,000 barrels of oil a day. Oil in South Sudan is pumped mainly by China National Petroleum Corp., Petroliam Nasional Bhd of Malaysia and India’s Oil & Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC) To contact the reporter on this story: Paul Richardson in Nairobi at -
South Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti Agree On Oil Route for Export 13 MARCH 2013 MORE ON THIS The Ngamia 1 oil rig in Turkana where Tullow Oil is prospecting for oil with initial signs of huge deposits. A tripartite agreement was reached late afternoon on Tuesday that will enable South Sudan to start exporting crude oil through ports in Djibouti, crossing inland Ethiopia, sources disclosed to Fortune. Representatives from the three countries have signed a memorandum of understanding at the Addis Abeba Hilton on March 12, 2013. Abrahame Tekeste (PhD), state minister for Finance & Economic Development; Elizabeth James Bol, deputy minister of Petroleum & Mining for South Sudan; and Aboubaker Omar Hadi, chairman of Ports & Free Zones Authority of Djibouti, have negotiated the deal that lets South Sudan export crude oil, transporting it with trucks all the way to the Red Sea Port of Douraleh. If carried out accordingly, South Sudan will start supplying crude oil to the world market beginning July 2013, sources familiar with the deal disclosed. South Sudan had stopped exporting oil for over a year after its fallout with North Sudan over disagreements on border issues and fees the North used to charge for letting the South use its oil pipelines and facilities. Although leaders of both countries signed an agreement in Addis Abeba late last year, experts foresaw the reopening of pipelines taking more time than originally anticipated. Exporting crude oil by trucks through Djibouti is designed as a temporary response until the pipelines are reopened for service, a senior official from South Sudan told Fortune.
The new Mayor will also be Unuka just from a different sub clan:D
Why do koonfurians have this idea that Somaliland leaders brainwash its citizens remember SNM was not calling for an independent Somaliland but because it was a homegrown Somaliland movement, funded by Somalilanders. they went along with the independence of Somaliland. Because the people of Somaliland were sick and tired of Koonfurians and do not wish to share a (state goverment) with them never again. These people really think Siilaanyo and his likes wanted an independent Somaliland in 1991. They wanted some sort of a union a shared union with USC. But the people said we must have our own country and they sang this song 1991 Somaliland. And nothing has changed so its not President siilaanyos fault for not wanting to be associated with you.
Actually President siilaanyo and his trip to turkey was a success when it comes to development including the oil company and the turkish airlins to Somaliland. Siilaanyo and Erdogen were scheduled to meet if you can read Turkish it was all in the plan but he was ill unfortunately BAŞBAKAN ERDOĞAN'IN PROGRAMI -Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı'nda "2012-2013 Avrupa ve Dünya Şampiyonları Ödül Töreni"ne katılıyor. -Erdoğan,Resmi Konut'ta da Sudan Meclis Başkanı Ahmed İbrahim el Tahir ve Somaliland Cumhurbaşkanı Ahmed Muhamed Silanyo ile ***ı ***ı görüşüyor. (Saat: 14.00/16.00/17.00) http://www.haberx.com/sali_gundemi(17,n,11251535,486).aspx Also the news paper at one time they quote the Somali diplomat in turkey. those were not turkish diplomats this is what the turks said Within Somalia there are several regions, including Somaliland, that have their own administrative structure and a president. It is claimed that Somaliland is as separatist region; however, it would be wrong to qualify it as such,” said the diplomat The Turkish diplomat clearly states that Somaliland should not be categorized as a separatist region. Because the Turks know the exact history of Somaliland and how it came to existence. As for the London conference we applaud the Somaliland goverment not attending the conference the President didn't say he was going to attend the conference before. He said he first wants to read the program of the conference he never said he was going to attend. Now that we agree the trip was a success on all fronts. can you elaborate why the Kismayo admin is back to Kismayo with no results and how come they didn't hold a press conference yet . But we shall keep this thread a live for the next coming days and weeks and see how the Jubbaland project develops.
Odey;927106 wrote: Ok, this is getting quite tiresome, but alas I am stuck with you!. Are you sure you are Somali BTW?, Let me re-phrase that again . Somaliland does not and cannot reach any bilateral agreements period !.when it comes to the funds being released by certain Europeans and countries along with the US, this only happens after they sign with the Federal Government. Like it or not, when it comes to foreign agreements, The Federal Government of Somalia will reach such agreement on yours and all other Somali's behalf. This will happen in the London conference and every other place that issues relating to the Territory that is Somalia is discussed, (From raas caser to raas kambooni and all that lies in between is concerned)whether they are financial, military, treaties etc. I hope that clears things. Beyond that, If you still maintain some small scale investment from a few unscrupulous investors equates Sovereignty, then you are in a worse shape than I previously thought brother. Well it sure gets aid its minimum but its gets aid and no federal goverment signs it for them , Somaliland and Somalia agreed in their previous deal to share the aid thats what it said.Now is aid important no for the people of Somaliland not really as i told you i am not excited at all. The so called federal goverment is guarded by Amisom troops it cannot make its own security choices as for Militarization and that I believe arms are sold on the international market as long as you show the $. Another point is the Koonfurians have a hard time understanding their own geographical map as they claim Somalia and Somaliland are one country in their minds that's not he case. Raaskaambooni to raas caseer, but do you know where raas caseer is located its located on the most northern port of the bari region and raskmaambooni is near the Kenyan border. I always find it funny when koonfurians utter Somalia is from raskambooni to raas caseer they automatically unintentionally exclude Somaliland which is a good thing though. By the way we are not stuck together you just haven't moved on thats all wala kala danayste adeer beri hore dad uun ba wali cidla jafaya.
I have been hearing conspiracy theories but Siilaanyo is a man who is consistent and is a man of principles fighting against afweyne for a long period of time. Somaliland Kulmiye leader Somaliland President , and that Somaliland shall remain independent for ever. These were his words i trust President siilaanyo completely. The question is do you trust your president Mr Culusow ?
Bad news from turkey and London. no such thing as that it all went well the Turks will assist Somaliland on many fields and we welcome that. But its seems Xiin faniin is not certain what is going on , what happened to the Kismayo conference is the Million dollar question.
Somalia still doesn't get the bilateral aid to the level it wanted its still mostly NGO but its getting there with international loans. But i am not very excited when it comes to aid although Somaliland and Somalia agreed to share the aid, in the previous agreement Somaliland and Somalia agreed on that and president hassan said he honors those agreements signed by his predecessor. Still i am not excited when it comes to aid oday maybe you are. The bigger objective is much and much more important than aid and some fundings. Actually Somaliland has found away to sign deals with Foreign countries regarding investment The Somaliland Development Corporation (SDC) has been set up to facilitate international investment in Somaliland for the benefit of the Somaliland people.The SDC circumvents the problem of non-recognition by providing a transparent, accountable and enforceable means by which investors can participate in Somaliland ventures. So the Somalilanders found a way how to deal with this and it seems to be working for now. And when it comes to aid the Brits and the danish give Somaliland some sort of bilateral aid, its not much to be excited about, but its working. So as i said it is not important Oday the end goal is much and much more important, than sadaqo gaalo bixnayso ileen sadaqo gaal bixinayo in la isugu faano ilamaha aniga adeer.
Mintid Farayar;927075 wrote: Xaaji let them vent. It's a painful time for many! The Azania/Jubba project is dead in the water after Hassan Sheikh played a clever game with the support of key international backers. We tried to warn those vested in the project about the forces arrayed against the plan but they wouldn't listen. Like the old saying, 'Wanka Wayn Ishiisu Cirka Ma’aragto Ilaa la Gawraco!' . We just have to make sure Somaliland doesn't fall for the same techniques/tricks when it comes to dealing with Hassan Sheikh and co. Indeed culusow played it very smart with the international community regarding the Kismayo Jubbaland issue including the relations with the Key IGAD countries, and his second achievement was signing a working agreement with the Garowe clan enclave sending the PM there Pirates now are singing a different tune.This would mean he would not get any opposition from that corner. You are correct we must be vigilant when dealing with Mr Culusow but Somaliland Politicians can see through him with the latest not attending the London conference.
Xiinfaniin told us there would be a major triumph in the make up of jubbaland after the Kenya conference nothing at all look at this. Again Xiins predictions made no sense at all Masuuliyiinta maamulka oo dib Kismaayo ugu soo laabtay Qeeybo ka mid ah masuuliyiinta maamulka Kismaayo oo Nairobi maalmo ka hor gaaray ayaa maanta dib ugu soo laabtay Kismaayo. Nairobi ayaa waxaa ka dhacay shir ay isugu yimaadeen maamulka Kismaayo, masuuliyiin horey ugu sugnaa Nairobi, Igad iyo heeyado caalami ah oo Soomaaliya daneeya. Masuuliyiinta maanta magaalada ku soo laabatay ayaa la filayaa in ay warbaahinta la hadlaan si ay uga war bixiyaan wixii u soo qabsoomay. Warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in shirkaa lagu qaadaa dhigay qorshooyin ay ka mid yihiin qorshooyin ciidan oo mar dhaw la filayo in la dardar galiyo.
^^ What are you talking about , the Kooonfurians can have it all as long as long as SL is Separate, the people of Somaliland are happy and so are its leaders with this fantastic decision. You can take all the aid you guys are addicted on. But Somaliland will not be attending the conference. As for Puntland and the rest for Somalia thats Something the Koonfurians have to solve them selves. The conference its self is just about Somalia probably about Somalia's improvements piracy shabab security and what not, it doesn't concern Somaliland. The only hot topic that concerns Somaliland is the Somalia and Somaliland talks and Somaliland will attend that and will also try to organize a conference in a foreign country along with Somalia, to talk to Somalia.
Not true that conference was organized by the British goverment and they chaired it remember how the Somalia media went crazy they thought Somalia would be put under a UN trustee ship. The previous conference and the upcoming conference there was a huge difference remember how David had a nice breakfast with all the Somali faction leaders except the Somaliland President and government. The upcoming conference will be organized by Somalia and the united kingdom and they will jointly chair it.Somaliland is right not to attend the conference we applaud the Somaliland goverment for doing that.
Man what are you talking about the war between the Somalilanders and General siad bare loyalists ended long time ago no need to bring that up we were just talking about the numbers of raskambooni in Kismayo thats all no need to bring up past conflicts.
Apophis;927048 wrote: Xaajio, I don't know why Kamboni's strength shocks you. Do you fear they'll soon be seeking revenge for the massacre you undertook in the late 80s against them? It's Godfather part 2, all debts are to be paid it doesn't shock me but they are not 3000 or more its not a correct number. Those who were the former allies of general Siad bare were defeated, do not act like you came to Somaliland with toy guns.
Xiinfaniin na wuxu isku haysta ninka ugu xogogaalsan:D bal weynu eegi waxa shirka Kenya ka so baxa,, anigu waan ku sheegey shirkaas wax micne samayneyse kama so baxayaan.