Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. And why would he , Erdogan has the flu, Erdogan of Turkey and Somaliland are good friends we wish him a speedy recovery, his ancestors were the allies of our ancestors. So the meeting will happen inshallah but so far so good.
  2. Wasiirkka arimaha dibada turkiga ma waxa la yidha axmed **** gulu ?
  3. Hargeysa is unite it has one mayor one governor one deputy mayor ofcourse there are problems in every city and riots but Hargeysa is not divided by a green line like Galkacyo. Land grabbing by the ruling class what are you on about this is not Somalia. Galkacyo is a divided city when it comes to administration when it comes to clan deal with.
  4. And he continues with predicting i think you should just give up the Somaliland politicians are honest they work for the Somaliland people on all fronts. The Koonfurians are still guarded by half of Africa there is no counter weight at all. You are entirely dependent on African union troops i think there is more chance of Somalia coming to an end than Somaliland if your african Friends leave you,, you are entirely abandoned. Somaliland politicians do not lie to their people nor do they bring Foreign foreign mercenaries into their country nor are they one time islamist the next time highly secular just because the state department promises them Something. The Somaliland Leaders are consistent, efficient and honest to their people and last but not least god fearing people.
  5. Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Somaliland Oo Maanta Ka Qayb galay Munaasabad Balaadhan Oo Tababar Loogu Soo Xidhayey Ciidamada RRU da +Sawirro Added by webmaster on March 13, 2013. Hergeisa (Lughaya.com) Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland Md.Cabdiraxman Cabdilaahi Ismaciil Saylici ayaa Tababar u soo xidhay Dufcadii 2aad ee Ciidamada Sidda Gaarka ah u Tababaran ee loo yaqaano RRU, kuwaasi oo dhameystay tababar muddo dheer qatay, Munaasibada Tababarkan loogu soo xidhayey Ciidanka Booliska ee loo yaqano RRU ayaa wax ka soo qaybgalay Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka ahana Ku-simaha Madaxweynaha Cabdiraxman Saylici,Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Dr.Maxamed Nuur Caraale (Duur), Wasiiru dawlaha Maaliyada Mr.Cadaani, Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland General. Cabdilaahi Fadal Iimaan, Badhasaabka Gobolka Saaxil, iyo Saraakiisha kala duwan ee ciidanka Booliska Somaliland. Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland ayaa Wax uu salan Sharaf ka qaatay Ciidanka Tababarka loo soo xidhayey, waxayna halkaasi ku soo bandhigeen Aqoontii ay barteen,Ugu Horeyn wax halkaasi ka hadlay Hogaanada Ciidanka Booliska ee Somaliland Waxayna Sheegen in Ciidankani yahay mid karti u leh in qarankooda iyo Dadkooda ay ka difaacan Cid kasta oo Cadaw u ah. Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland General. Cabdilaahi Fadal Iimaan, oo isaguna munaasibadaasi ka hadlay ayaa ku dheeraday heerarkii kala duwan ee ay soo mareen Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland, wax kale uu uu hoosta ka xariiqay in Dufacadani tahay Dufcadii labaad ee Ciidanka RRU, balse ay jireen Dufcado kale oo Ciidanka Booliska oo Dugsigan Mandheera ka soo baxay. Taliyaha oo Si gaar ah uga hadlay Ciidanka RRU iyo Qiimaha Qaranka Somaliland ku joogan wax uu yidhi“Ciidankani wax uu yahay kuwa loogu tallo galay xaladaha Degdeg ah, in ay ka hortagaan haddii ay argagixiso tahay iyo haddii ay dhibaatooyin kaleba ay tahay, Bulshada reer Somaliland Waxan u sheegaynaa in ciidankani ay yihiin badbaadiyaasha Dalka iyo Bulshada Somaliland, waxanuna leenahay bulshada reer Somaliland Ciidankan u arka in ay yihiin kuwii naftiina iyo qarankooda difaacayey, ee haw arkina in ay yihiin ciidan dhibto loo Abuuray, ciidankani waa ciiddanka difaaca qaranka lafdhabarka u aha hadii ay yihiin ciidanka booliska Somaliland ka tirsan sidda kuwa Birmadka ee RRU, Goobtan aynu joogno ee Mandheera Wax ka qalinjabiyey dhawr dufcadood oo kala duwan ay ka mid yihiin Ciidanka SPU iyo Kuwo kale..”Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland. Isaga oo hadalka Sii Watana Wax uu yidhi “Ciidankan RRU wax loogu tallo galay hawlaglada culus, Waxana la galiyey tacab farro badan, Runtii Marka ay Ciidankani ay galan hawlgalka waan ku farxaa sidda Quruxda badan ee ay u nidaamsan yihiin, Marka Tobanka Nin ee Ciidanka RRU waxay u dhigmayaan 100Askari oo booliska kale ah, fanna ma ah oo kuwa kale in ay ka hooseyan ma ah , lakiin Tacab badna ayaa kuwan la galiyey.”Ayuu yidhi. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Dr.Maxamed Nuur Caraale (Duur), oo isaguna halkaasi hadal dardaran ah u jeediyey Ciidanka Tababarka loo soo Xidhayey ayaa Wax uu ku dardaray in ay iska jiran Balwada oo uu sheegay in ay Nafayso Qofka Garadkiisa iyo Awoodiisaba. Wax kale oo uu Jawaab kulul ka bixiyey Dadka Wax ka sheega Hawlgalada Ciidanka RRU waxanu yidhi “Ciidanka RRU Dalka wuu ku cusub yahay, lakiin Qof kasta oo reer Somalilander ahi dhagihiisu way maqleen, marka ninba turjumaad ayuu saartay, dadka qaarba faafiya in ay cadaw yihiin, waxanu halkan ku cadeynaynaa in anay cadaw ahayn,basle ay yihiin ilaaliyaha Amniga shacabka iyo dalka iyo dadkaba, waxay Ciidanka RRU Cadaw ku yihiin cidii cadaw ku ah nabada mushtamaca Somaliland, basle Ciidanka RRU Bulshadooda Somaliland waa saaxiib la nool oo dadkooda Ilaashada, ee ma ah dad meel kale ka yimid, ee waa dad bulshada reer Somaliland ka yimid oo dadku dadkii yihiin, marka runtii waxaynu meesha ka saareyna dadka Makarafoonada qaata ee Sidda khaldan u tilmaama ciidankaasi.”Ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Arrimaha Guduhu. Wasiiru Dawlaha maaliyada Cismaan C/laahi Saxardiid (Cadaani) ayaa isaguna wax uu ku dheeraday Qiimaha ay leeyihiin tababarad la siiyo ciidanka, waxanu sheegay in tan iyo markii la qarxiyey Darihii Matanaha ahaa ee Maraykanka la sameyey Ciidamo la dagaalama Argagixisada siddasi daradeedan Ciidankani yahay mid la jaanqadaya Ciidamada Caalamka. Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland Md.Cabdiraxman Cabdilaahi Ismaciil Saylici oo Gabogabadii halkasi ka hadlay ayaa wax uu Ciidamada RRU-da ku booriyey in ay Marka hawlgalka ay waddan Dadka si fiican ula dhaqman. Waxanu yidhi “Marka Aad Badhitan ama Dareen uu Yimado ama War lahelo Cidii shacabka ee Habeenkasi la Dulmaraa haw aragto in la badbaadinayo yaanay u arkin Ciidan Dhibaato u geysanaya iyaga, Wax loo bahan yahay in aad Bulshada Dhawrtan inta aad dhawri kartaan, Dadyoogu waxay ku Cawdaan wax ka mid ah qaarba odhanaya marka aqalkii loo dhaco ee Dabadedan, wax laga baadhayo dadkeenu wuu iska dhib badan yahay si uu ceeb ku marmariyo wax uu odhanayaa waa laybaadhay oo hanti ayaa layga qaato waxba la samey, marka waxan idin leeyahay marka ad meesha gashan ee aad dadka badhiysan, Qaar kaxaysta oo hadlin la socdaan si anay idin odhan waxbay naga xadeen..”Ayuu yidhi.
  6. Somali mahmaayo on geel and the nomadic life Geel baan qaadi Geenyaan gadan geel jire geela waa wada jiraa waana kala jiraa Geel labajir soo wadamar Nin lamaan ayaa geel dhacsada Geelo, geela fulay ha ka taba fulo Geel waa is geedo baraa awr awr wada iyo nin naag wado midna kaama leexdaan. geel jiroow intaad deersa!neeysid reer guri waa kaa hoos Nimaan geel lahayn waa cirka u tuure. Markaan galow u yeedhyo maxaad geel u soo tu'tu'isaa Geelna waa gal gashaa Ragna ways geddiyaa Geel baan doonanayaa geeso dhiig leh bay dhashaa gacal kala maqnaan jiray iyo geelba waysu ololaa ratiga danbe ratigahore saan qaadkiisuu leeyahay Geela gal ee garoor ka keen Geel la aanti bal halkaydin geli oo eydin ku gabaad baran Akhiraba niman geel lahayn lama amaanayne And many more
  7. Oday anigu cidna ma fogeyo , waxan nimankan qoreen na anigu ma qorin ,markaa sharafteyda wax ha u dhimin , anigu dadkaas shuqul isku ma lihin eeh qabyaaladu dardartay. Oo xita jananadi eedeynaya iyago xita dalki loo dhibin so cajiib maha.
  8. The way of life and culture of the Somali traditional Nomad The legendary Nomad Guleed Xaaji and poet
  9. Malistar Dawladnimo is good, but Kacaanimo was a very bad thing waligeeen yaan lo noqon dictatornimo laakin dawladnimadu wa wacantahay.
  10. Oday ma xaajigad eedeneysa naga daa dee, Xaajigu wa oday Somaliyeed eeh. Qabyaaladuna wa shay qudhun ah iska dayaa imisaan idin leeeyahay tageera madaxdina. Mise Qolyaha Horurfadhi baad la mid tahay oo aminsan inu taliyuhu taliyee beeleed yahay?
  11. Well galmudug cannot form a state with the Puntians, and certainly not with ximan iyo xeeb and now that ASWJ no longer exist it will be very hard.It seems that clan federalism will be very hard to implement we see it in the lower Jubba we see it in Galmudug.
  12. Qansax there is a Somali cultural bond, existed before everything , but there was never a Somali national bond reason why the state the Somali state is a very alien concept. Also the other problem was we tried to recreate a Somali state based on the ethnicity of the Somalis in the entire horn of Africa, this was also something that the colonialists haven't had a say in. But its something we came up with our own. If Somalia was strictly based for Somalia and they tried to find solution with in the context of their own history and own people instead of trying to bring in other Somalis from Somali galbeed Somaliland NFD. i think Somalia would have been a success, i believe there would have never been a civil war and never a state collapse. Imagine not having to fight the shifta wars the Somali galbeed wars 1964 1977. the SNM wars. All of that could have been avoided if it was strictly for Somalia just like all the other normal African nations. Who shared the same history and the same sort of nationalism. Somalia's form of Nationalism ruined Somalia. Because the Kenyans based their state on the 43 different tribes all colonized by the British, so the mechanism and statehood is based on those particular people and not other Africans whom they share ethnicity with. At the beginning we went a different direction , we tried to create something we never had something which never existed.
  13. Give Siilaanyo the post of Kulmiye,, Landslide it will be a victory for ucid The entire Borama 90% of the will vote for Ucid jamaal Hargeisa community maroodijeex salaxlay will 85% wil vote for Ucid and jamaal Gabiley and the surrounding villages will 90% vote for ucid and Jamaal Berbera and Saaxil will entirely vote for Jamaal and ucid Burco 30% will vote for ucid and jamaal And in Sanaag around 60% will vote for Jamaal to in Sool around 40% will vote for Jamaal
  14. Daqane;926590 wrote: Only farm produce I know of is in the supermarket, and agriculture is how great civilizations such as the habesha one you guys in hargeisa orgasm over came about, Rome, China e.t.c which one was solely dependent on rain fall?, nomadism is an inefficient way of life and as ridiculous as plains indians chasing down buffalos in this day and age, it is almost moronic to talk about what was an economic and lifestyle necessity as something spiritually grand were even in somali parlance reer-baadiyo denotes lack of manners and backwardness. But any way this will just degenerate into a pointless argument when we are meant to discuss things with the like of XX and his twin masters in sociology and Nomadism, the honorable Badal Kariye of SOL. As i said the fara dhoqayaals haven't contributed anything of importance to the Somali culture and traditions other than sitting besides the river with a drum and booty shaking dances. Thats about it when the Somali nomads were expanding the Somali territories , the faro dhoqayaals were just sitting on their but doing nothing. When the Somali nomads were enriching the Somali language where were they , no where to be seen, as for the habashes, i think the farodhoqayaals like them allot since you share the same culture and guess where those lovely habashis are at the moment in Somalia you're country how many of them 1000 or more. Nomadism is the way of the Somali even this site has adopted it the members of this site are called Nomads its the way our ancestors lived its the way still a significant portion of our people live its the way of life of the holy prophets all in all its an excellent way of living and we are proud of our nomadic heritage. The Somali culture is based on the nomadic way of life linguistically and traditionally.
  15. By the way samaale and bixi are equally liked i dont think samaale or bixi can defeat wadani. They are both from the past of somaliland. If Silanyo runs again i bet you jamaal wil be the next leader.
  16. Somaal silanyo is Old but still fit to run i think he wants to be like mugabe Trust me he will run again I know this for sure
  17. I know you are a farmer and have no cultural or historical attachment with nomadism, but keep in mind the Nomadic Somalis were the one who expanded the Somali territory as far as beyond the awash river as far as deep in the Afar land all the way down south to NFD. It was them who removed the gallas from Somali galbeed, Not some fara dhooqayaal oo faraha beer kula jira.
  18. Lol@ horufadhi.com these are sick people they will see everything through a qabil lense ,dawo ma leh dadkaasi.
  19. Daqane that looks very good lets hope he does a fantastic job