Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wonderful somaliland came along way and may allah continue to protect it Somalilanders have learned a lesson from the past 18 may is the real thing Dunidan inyar bala noolyahay inta la noolyahay waxa fiican in sharaf xoriyad iyo qiimo lugu noolaado oo aan nin na nin ku xadgudbin. Abayasheen ma garan oo xoriyadi sl la siiye 1960 godki ugu madooba bay ku rideen Jiilki danbe ba ka soo saaray oo dalki sidi u ahaan jiray ku so celiyey.
  2. Jacaylbaro;931083 wrote: Allah ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay And my trip has just been cancelled War ha isku tegin yaan lugu afduubin eh , hadhow bay odhan doonan nin reer Somaliland baanu qabsanay eeh lacag hala na siiyo, Xamar is better.
  3. Both ina salaad boy and Colonel cabdilahi Yusuf failed the only difference between the 2 is that one was called TNG and the other TFG. Cabdilahi Yusuf failed to deliver even on top of the tigrean tank he failed. The Tigrean mercenaries failed when Sh Dalxiis took over the entire country was in the hands of Alshabaab only 4 streets in Xamar were in the hands of Amisom. I give u one thing Cabdilahi Yusuf had some of the HAG warlords on his side where Cabdiqasim failed and could not bring some of the Mogadishu warlords on his side, except the JVA crew.
  4. You are miscalculating again the Gedo community a huge faction is on the side of the Prime Minister , there are some who are with ras kambooni but the most powerful stake holders are not on board. There will be a compromise also there is little the raskambooni can do on their own since the are just one section of the troops located in Kismayo the Kenyans are there the SNA is there. Dont forget the close relations between Mogadishu and Nairobi even the Kenyans cannot do anything with out the approval of the President and Prime Minister.
  5. Mintid Farayar;931130 wrote: Abdiqasim, but not Abdullahi Yusuf, huh? Waar nimanyahow, wax isula hadha. Soomaali oo dhan baa idiin jeeda ee cid walba hays ku dirina. Otherwise, Kenya will become a permanent 'second-class citizen' home Lool Cabdilahi Yusuf according to some Cabdilahi Yusufs admin was a success.
  6. Take in consideration that there is no other federal state in Somalia there is no federal state in the making not in the middle regions nor in south western regions nor in the south eastern regions of Somalia. The goverment has a constitution to follow yes but the legislators are in place to do work there, the constitutional primary intexture is in full force. Problem is the goverment in Mogadishu did not abolish federalism , but they wish to create a federal Somali republic following and using the legal chamber house. The goverment considers the stake holders unorganized unprepared and want to be in full control when allowing the people to establish their federal state under the supervision of the federal goverment. if you look at the rest of the country Hiiraan galguduud bay and bakool Mogadishu all have provincial administrations. The goverment wants to establish the regional states around the same time and wants to prepare all regions equally. Also it wants to measure the so called stake holders in the various regions and the people of those region in addition the regions also need to be fully liberation.
  7. Brother Gabbal are the gedo community fully backing the Prime Ministers initiative, also i heard something about the port authority coming under the prime ministers supervision is this also true.
  8. Oba Xiin thinks i am awliyo and my prayers are always accepted and he thinks my prayers are result of the bad luck of SAHAL the past few weeks.And the latest theft in the Garowe clan enclave ofcourse. It is true i am a spiritual xaaji but kheyr baan uun ku duceeyaa laakin he doesn't trust me lol
  9. Wadani;931106 wrote: Actually they do in the hawd area of kilinka. Not when it comes to sub clan Xiin is from Eastern sanaag western bari and some are even from Jubbaland they switch clans though some times they turn into HAG. So Mintid has a point.
  10. Xiinfaniin political disagreement should never be translated as deep seated hatred the respected clan you hail from and i are related through blood and are my relatives. There is a xeer between our peoples as Mintid tried to explain , gobtu wa is gacal cunta wana is waran galisa wana is gaba gabeysa. Hadana gogol nabadeed wa ku gar naqsata.
  11. NGONGE;931091 wrote: ^^ Don't feel too special, saaxib. Xaaji X hates D Block, Oromos, some HAG, Kenyans, Arabs and one single sub-sub-sub clan from his own side. He loves Israel, some Xabashis, Omar geele and the Asmara dictator. Wariyaa i don't hate D Block wa dad wanaagsan i wish them kheyr. Xiin faniin uun ba u haysta in an kheyr la rabin garan wayeey halku ka keenay. Nor do i hate oromos i hate their expansion agenda, i don't hate Israel nor do i love Israel i see strategic partnership. if its beneficial for the people of Somaliland and the larger horn ofcourse. I view Washington and tel aviv the same away. Never liked Xabashis only the Muslim Xabashis are oke .President isaias afewerki is a genius a man against the world i love his self sufficiency economic program and how he governs Eritrea. The Arabs only the one who share a holy blood line with the Afro hashimate republic the rest i am very indifferent. HAGs are good people very innocent people i urge Somalilanders to work with the HAG people as they are Somalilands neighbors. The same way with our brother next door President ismael omar geele who did a great Job in Djibouti since he was ruling there he deserves our support. i call it the power of 3 in the Somali peninsula Djibouti Hargeisa Mogadishu. You forgot my support for the legendary robert mugabe may he long live.
  12. Bismilahi raxmani raxim i wish no one harm Xiinfaniinow what makes you think that i wish some one harm nabad iyo caano badan baan cid walba u rajeynaya.
  13. The Puntlanders are irrelevant in the Jubbaland affairs gone are the days of moorgen. its a race between 2 factions the Azanians raskambooni col cabaas from gedo as one group. Versus the other faction of gedo led by the Prime Minister and the gedo governor Mr Kaliil and the other former aswj faction mostly gedo troops.The Puntlanders are no where in this process, the may may group inhabit parts of the middle jubba so they are stake holders. Even Faroole is quiet i predict this will be a win for the government.
  14. Mintid Farayar;931029 wrote: Xaaji, It seems Xiin agrees with you in the normality of this situation in an earlier comment. It's actually quite elementary: If you don't pay the salaries of the security militias, there's no security. Very simple equation..... Sensei, AUN for the dead victims... Indeed Mintid , Brother Xiin knows this is a normal way of living and it should not shock people for as this is just part of the daily thuggery behavior of the garowe clan enclave. Thats why i believe there will not be even an investigation.
  15. ABU DHABI // Senior government figures from Somaliland have held three days of talks in the UAE on investments, aid and security. Related ■ Somaliland: exploration in 'Africa's 55th state' ■ Off to Somaliland, the safer version of Somalia ■ With UN help, Somaliland opens prison especially for pirates "We have met the leadership of the country and responsible leaders, and had fruitful discussions," said Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo, president of the self-declared autonomous north-western region of Somalia. Somaliland declared independence in 1991, but has struggled for recognition from the international community, despite having a democratically elected government. But its foreign minister, Dr Mohammed Abdullah Omar, said Somaliland was being engaged by countries and international organisations. Mr Silanyo said he proposed UAE involvement in establishing two hospitals in the towns of Berbera and Burauo. "We have made a request also for improvements to be made on the Burauo-Hargeisa road, which is known as Sheikh Zayed Road because the late president built it," he said. The Somaliland government has requested road-building equipment and the tools to dig water wells. "There is no particular financial estimate for all these projects," Mr Silanyo said. Dr Omar said investment opportunities in the oil, gas and fisheries industries had been presented. "We intend to invite a number of UAE business groups to visit and invest in Somaliland in oil and gas-exploration opportunities, and our fisheries industry," he said. Hussein Abdi Dualeh, Somaliland's minister for mining, energy and water resources, said the autonomous region hoped to be drilling for oil by next year. On security matters, Mr Silanyo said a joint security delegation was being set up between Somaliland and the UAE. "We have an understanding to work together," he said. "We are also fighting piracy quite well and a large number of the pirates are in jail." Security cooperation is on two fronts - antipiracy and counter-terrorism, according to Dr Omar. "We are the safest part within the region but we are still surrounded by an area filled with extremists, terrorists, criminals and pirates," he said. "We look to share intelligence, information and notes on the subjects." The foreign minister added that, although the rate of pirate attacks has dropped drastically, complacency is not an option. "This massive international presence [in the Gulf of Aden] cannot be sustained, therefore developing security across our own waters is what matters for the future," he said, adding that the UAE's efforts over the last two years had paid off. The UAE has been aiding the development of Somaliland and Somalia, as well as helping the countries in the region to battle piracy. "They have presented a framework for action and a platform to launch it through the events and meetings organised last year and the year before," Dr Omar said. Somalia has functioned without a strong central administration since the ousting of dictator Siad Barre in 1991. The collapse of his dictatorship led to civil war and clan conflict, which split the country into the regions of Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland and Galmudug. Last year, the UAE orchestrated and hosted a historic meeting between the presidents of Somalia and Somaliland in Dubai - the first in 21 years. The then president of Somalia's transitional federal government, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, and Mr Silanyo signed a declaration that paved the way for future talks and cooperation between the nations. Mr Silanyo said he hoped the Dubai meeting would be the first step towards such recognition. But he said yesterday his country was still finding Somalia an obstacle. "Somalia and Somaliland were part of a federation, and some people still find it hard to accept that this federation does not exist any more," he said. "We are looking for international recognition from Somalia, who are our brothers and neighbours but they still do not agree." http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/politics/president-of-somaliland-seeks-closer-ties-with-uae
  16. Mintid Farayar;931043 wrote: Oodweyne's predictive analysis at work again. Oodweyne was indeed correct, but some naive people hoped that saacid would bless the conference but it didn't happen a transitional admin will be set up according to the goverment. Also the port authority will come directly under the supervision of the prime minister.
  17. Last week Foreign minister of Egypt visited Somalia Muhamad kamel Egypt said in November last year that it will assist Somali military forces Egypt said that it will re open its embassy And now the President of Egypt Muhammad morsi will visit Somalia for the first time. The Ethiopians are already threatening to withdraw their troops from Somalia
  18. Madaxwaynaha Masar Oo Booqosho Ku Tagaya Muqdisho Horaanta Bisha April Iyo Shixnad Hub Ah Oo Dalkiisu Ugu Deeqay Somalia Oo Ka Sii Horayn Doonta Qaahira, March 27, 2013 (Haatuf) - Wararka laga helayo Magaalada Qaahira ee dalka Masar ayaa sheegaya in dhawaan uu soo gaadhi doono Magaalada Muqdisho ee dalka Somalia Madaxwaynaha Masar Maxamed Mursi. Booqashadan ayaa waxa ay ka danbaysay dhawaan markii uu Muqdisho soo gaadhay Wasiirka Arrimaha Debada ee Masar oo dhawaan la kulmay madaxda dawlada fadaraalka ee Somalia, isla markaana heshiis Milatari iyo mid tacliinta ahba la saxeexday dawlada Somalia. Socdaalkan uu Madaxweynaha dalka Masaru u ku tagi doono Somalia ayaa noqonaysa tii ugu cuslayd ee Madaxwayne caalamka ka socdaa uu soo gaadho Muqdisho intii ka dambaysay tan iyo burburkii dawladii dhexe ee Maxamed Siyaad Barre. Madaxweynaha Masaarida Maxamed Mursi ayaa aad u soo dhaweeyey kulankii ugu horeeyey ee ay ku kulmeen Madaxweynaha Somalia markii ay labadoodu ka qaybgaleen caleemo-saarkii Madaxwaynaha Yugandha markii dib loo doortay waxaana la xaqiijiyey inuu u balan qaaday inuu dawlada Somalia u dhiso ciidan, isla markaana siiyo Hub iyo farsamo yaqaano khubaro Milatari oo dhawaan soo gaadhi doona magaalada Muqdisho. Hubkaas oo noocyo kala duwan leh ayaa la sheegay in dhawaan loo soo rari doono isaga oo lacag la’aan ah Muqdisho, waxaana la qaadi doonaa kooxdii ugu horaysay ee loo soo tababari doono Somalia oo galayn doono dalka Masar. Heshiiskan dhexmaray dawlada Masar iyo Somalia ayaa waxa uu ka cadhaysiiyey dawlada Ethiopia oo haatan iyadu ciidamadeeda kala baxaysa Somalia.
  19. Xaalada Kismaayo oo cirka iskushareertey iyo wafdigii RW oo ciidan dalbaday(xog rasmi ah) (Allssc) Xaalada magaalada Kismaayo ayaa xiligan cakiran kadib markii lagu kala kacay kulumadii socday.Wafdigii RW Saacid ayaa codsaday inay la kulmaan odayaashah Beel kamida Beelaha wax ka daga Jubooyinka waxaana arintaas gaashaanka u daruuray maamulka magaalada Kismaayo oo ku wargeliyay hadii ay doonayaan in odayaal la kulmaan inay la kulmaan kuwa ku xaraysan Jaamacada Kismaayo oo Beelaha dhan ka kooban. Qorshaha Saacid uu la yimid Kismaayo ee laga diiday waxaa kamida in Dekadda, Garoonka Diyaaradaha, ciidamada iyo maamulkaba Dowlada lagu soo wareejiyo, Dowladuna ay dhisto maamul ku meelgaar ah oo mudo 6 bilood ah ka arimiya gobolka Jubada Hoose ee magaala madaxiisu tahay Kismaayo. Wafdigii RW Saacid ayaa sidoo kale saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM u sheegay in Kismaayo ay keenayaan ciidan dhan 100 askari ayna magaalada u dhisayaan maamul ka kooban 35 xubnood.Wafdigu Dowladu waxay kaloo sheegeen inaysan Kismaayo ka baxaynin ilaa iyo inta ay ka dhisayaan maamulka. Arintan ayaa dhalisay xiisad sababtay in maamulka magaalada Kismaayo ciidamo badan wadooyinka ku daadiyaan kuwaas oo lagu amaray in amniga magaalada ay adkeeyaan. Buuqa iyo kala kaca deg daga ah ayaa yimid kadib markii wafdigii Dowladu ay xalay dalbadeen in shirka laga saaro Prof.Gaandi dhinaca kale ay diideen iyagoo ku dooday in Prof.Gaandi uu yahay xildhibaan deegaankan laga doortay sidaa darteedna aysan jirin sabab shirka looga saaro. Isku soo duuboo Jawigu ma qurux badna,xaalada magaaladuna waa falaadhii cirka loo diray nin waloow filo! Hadaba ha ka fogaanin shabakada wararka allssc wixii wararka ku saabsan xaalad cakiran ee kismaayo .
  20. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka Somalia oo ka codsaday ciidamada Itoobiya inaanay ka bixin Baay iyo Bakool. Kulamadan ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwo ay albaabadu u xidhan yihiin, iyadoo markii ay soo dhamaadeen Prof. Jawaari sheegay inuu .... Muqdisho (GNS)- Guddoomiyaha baarlamanka Somalia Maxamed Cismaan (Jawaari) ayaa shalay kula kulmay magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ka howlgala gobolada Bay iyo Bakool. Kulamadan ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwo ay albaabadu u xidhan yihiin, iyadoo markii ay soo dhamaadeen Prof. Jawaari sheegay inuu saraakiisha Itoobiya ka dalbaday inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii Al-shabaab looga saari lahaa degaanada ay kaga sugan tahay gobollada Bay iyo Bakool. Sidoo Kale Waxa uu sheegay inuu ku boorriyay inaysan ka bixin deegaannada ay ku sugan yihiin inta laga bedelayo, lana soo xoojinayo ciidamada AMISOM, hase ahaatee ma sheegin iney ka aqbaleen iyo in kale. Guddoomiye Jawaari ayaa dhinaca kale warbixino ka dhageystay xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka ee horey ugu sugnaa degmadaas, kuwaasoo u sheegay inay wax badan uga qabsoomeen howlihii ay halkaas u yimaadeen oo ay ka mid ahaayeen inay xal ka gaadhaan muranka dhinaca maamulka ah. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa isku diyaarinaya iney ka baxaan gudaha Somalia, maalmaha soo socda, iyagoo todobaadkii horena baneeyey magaalada Xudur oo ay dib ugu laabteen xoogaga Al-shabaab.
  21. Dont be surprised salax this is very normal in the garowe clan enclave this is part of the pirate culture in that region.
  22. Haatu;930895 wrote: Wey duushey sow ma aha Xaaji? Here you have Saalax, calling S/land "citizens" as you call them Khaatumo Seeg and the defeated lot . And you tell me it's not a clan project. One question on this, are the bones still buried in the beach? If that's so, then they should be taken to a proper burial site, wherever their relatives chose, not politicians. When did i call them khatumo seeg or defeated lot?
  23. War deg deg ah—Kulamadii Kismaayo oo maantana lagu kalakacay Kismaayo–27-03-2013– Kulankii maanta uga socdey Dowlada Federaalka iyo Maamulka KMG ee Kismaayo ayaa noqdey mid aan wax natiija ah ka soo bixin ka dib markii qolo walba ku adkeysteen in tooda la raaco., waxaana markale la balamay in la isu soo laabto berri subax, inkastoo uu jiro shaki ah inaanba la isusoo laabanayn oo saas lagu kala dhaqaajiyey. Dowladu waxay wali taagantahay inaysan aqoonsaneyn shirweynaha socda oo ay ku tilmaameen sharci daro halka Qolyaha kalena taagan yihiin In Dowladu sharci daro ku dhaqmeyso. Shirka maanta ayaa socdey qadar saacado ah waxaana qolo walba isku deydey iney qolada kale ka dhaadhiciyaan ajandahooda. Dowlda Federaalka waxaa lagu eedeynayaa iney qas ka dhex wadaan bulshada oo ay dastuurka jabiyeen. Dhinaca Kale Raysal wasaare Saacid oo Hotelkiisa jooga wuxuu wadaa dadaal uu ugu jiro inuu Masuuliyiinta ugu sareysa Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ee wada howsha Maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka iyo Gedo uu kala furfuro, taasina uma suuroobin. Inkastoo labadii guddi ee shirey ay balameen iney berri oo khamiisa ay mar kale is arkaan haddana waxaa loo badinayaa inuusan jiri doonin wax kulan ah berri halkaasna ay Raysal wasaraha iyo wafdigiisu berri u duuli doonaan Muqdisho iyagoon wax guula ka gaarin safarkooda Kismaayo. Faahfaahin buuxda dhowaan naga filo oo warkaan ku saabsan iyo falan qaynta Dublamasiyiinta Kismaayo jooga ee labada dhinac.