Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somaliland: Oil Exploration in Odweine User Rating: / 0 PoorBest Friday, 29 March 2013 17:46 Odweine blocks where oil is confirmedSomalilandsun- In August 2012, Genel was awarded an exploration licence for onshore blocks SL-10-B and SL-13 in Somaliland, with a 75% working interest in both. Genel extended its presence in November 2012 with the acquisition of 50% participating interest in the Odewayne Production Sharing Agreement which covers blocks SL-6, SL-7, SL-10A. Onshore Somaliland is a relatively unexplored region, with few exploration wells drilled. The total size of the blocks is approximately equivalent to the entire Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Genel took the opportunity because of encouraging indications including onshore oil seeps and existing geological data showing favorable conditions for hydrocarbons to have accumulated in numerous large tilted fault blocks and sub-basins. In addition, the basins of Somaliland were contiguous to Yemen prior to the opening of the Gulf of Aden in the Oligocene-Miocene - similar sedimentary sequences and structural styles are expected in Somaliland. We are targeting resources of over 1,000 mmbbls in blocks SL-10B and SL-13. The Odewayne block has a similar resource potential to this, targeting in order of 1,000 mmbbls. A substantial 2D seismic campaign is to commence for all the blocks in the second quarter of 2013, with the first exploration well targeted for the second half of 2014. Genel operations in Somaliland Two PSAs covering five blocks: SL-6, SL-7, SL-10A, SL-10B, SL-13 Genel 75% interest and operator in blocks SL-10B, SL-13 (East Africa Resource Group 25%) Genel 50% interest and operator in blocks SL-6, SL-7 and SL-10A (Jacka Resources 30%, Petrosoma 20%) Total gross acreage 40,300 square km Genel Energy
  2. Lower shabelle is a very complex region with many inhabitants u have the watermalians the unuka community sections of the Habr gangster community bravanese people. When the region was ruled by Alshabaab the were hardly problems ofcourse there are now problems, Its one of concern and the government needs to solve it
  3. Swear in Uhuru, Kenya’s highest court rules By JUDIE KABERIA | March 30, 2013 Uhuru to be sworn in as Kenya’s fourth president on April 9 after the Supreme Court struck out Raila’s petition challenging his election/file NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 30 – Uhuru Kenyatta will now be sworn in as Kenya’s fourth president on April 9, after the Supreme Court on Saturday evening struck out Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s petition challenging his election. In the landmark decision, the judges agreed that the announcement by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) declaring Kenyatta as president will stand. The six-judge bench arrived at the verdict after analysing arguments brought forth by lawyers for the IEBC, Kenyatta, deputy President-elect William Ruto and three voters who wanted a determination on the validity of rejected ballots in the finally tally. IEBC defended itself saying it conducted a free and fair election and did not programme systems to fail so that it could favour any side of the political divide. More to follow…
  4. There is no turning back Uhuro will be sworn in u will see
  5. Che Guevara they were former aswj militia from gedo and other gedo Militia but they were integrated into the Somali defense forces, as you know ASWJ no longer exists, and some troops were separate militias trained by Ethiopia. All are now under the central command of Hassan sheikh maxamuuds office. As you see the Somali government is busy reinstating the Somali defense forces,they already signed a deal with Puntland and Galmudug on this to share one central command under the federal government. The only 2 factions left in Somalia are Alshabaab and raskambooni.
  6. ^^ Well if there really was a story about Somaliland it would be interesting but there is little:D la sug dhowr bilood ka bacdi.
  7. How did we go from Somaliland cabinet to Somalilands doomsday i like how people are overattentive when there is nothing really in SL right now all is going pretty well and smoothly. Ofcourse there are problems but there is little to discuss about SL at the moment, but in a few months there will be when the SL Somalia talks restart. When the SL parliamentary elections begin end this year, maybe the Kulmiye party elections will be interesting in a few days. As for the clashes in the southern Buhoodle district this is no longer the case its pretty peaceful now after xaglatoosiye made peace with the SL government,if there were clashes people would have talked about it and Liibaan would post from allssc. But Somaliland is very peaceful at the moment and Somalilanders love the peace in their country. But Kismayo is hot news with the goverment of Somalia talking to a faction and all ending in failure what is next and thats whats been discussed now.
  8. I think the Somalilanders online have just been talking about what the rest is talking about from a indifferent point of view. But they see how things are going and what directions things are heading. And if that is said or speculated it does not mean they took sides.They have no stake in it whether culusow wins or the other faction wins. Its something far away but because people are worked up because of the latest development people from certain corners of Somalia tend to think there is some sort of conspiracy.But i think people should talk about the real issues on the table and less about the people. And only than we can really formulate who is doing what and for whom.
  9. Apophis;931865 wrote: Been badna. Xishow sxb. Have u ever heard Somaliland politicians even mentioning the Jubba conflict i dont think so i haven't. There are sure no Somalilanders from that region marka nin weyn been baad sheegeysa lugu ma yidha eh waxa la yidha kugu ma raacsani
  10. oba hiloowlow;931862 wrote: xaaji their defense mechanism is, screaming ''secessionist'' sheekada bey ka leexinayaan Oba you could be right addressing the issue was always a difficult thing for them but some see hassan sheikh Somali plans for the country as unprepossessing, because its not in line with their Clanish aspirations.
  11. Why do people talk about secessionists and what not, the topic is about Xassan sheikh and his plans for Somalia i think thats much more important , the secessionists have no role in this and no motives but they view things from a healthy perspective.
  12. Sheikh dalxiis was to soft , it seems that Hassan culusow knows what he is doing he has a plan on how to reach his objectives No more bickering between The president and Prime minister No more bickering between The President and the speaker of parliament Liberated many parts of south central Somalia Arms embargo partly lifted Governmental recognition achieved In the process of re establishing the Somali defense forces. Visited almost every region of Somalia from Puntland to Kismayo
  13. Waranle_Warrior;931830 wrote: ^I know that's a good move but I think Ahmed Blacky should send at least two Battalions to Merca to tell HAG militia: Niggerz stop abusing your fellow Somalis. Not join or support any group but at least mediate them. Waa inuu dhahaa Ciidan kala dhaxgala oo dhaxdhaxaadiya ayaan Marka udiraynaa. But its not a joke the conflict in Merca has been going on for a while and its bad, an embarrassment for this SFG. Raskambooni hada ma amisom baaad ka dhigtay:D
  14. Mooge;931822 wrote: ninyoow, shaqo weyn ba tala nairobi. hada ogan lahayd howshan hayno, haka so tegin nairobi bad oranlahayd. lol. Jubbaland ma maqaxiyada nairobi ba laga haga, waxay kooxda Abwaan iyo Culusow ku doodayan marka waxba ka jira eh:D
  15. Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda oo mudooyinkii u danbeeyay ku sugnaa Duleedka Kismaayo oo maanta magaalada soo gaaray Jimco, 29 Maarso, 2013(HOL) :- Ciidamo aad u tiro badan oo katirsan dowladda Soomaaliya islamarkaasina mudooyinkii u danbeeyay ku sugnaa duleedka magaalada ayaa maanta gudaha usoo galay magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoona ciidamadani la dajiyay saldhigyo ku yaal gudaha magaalada. Ciidamadan oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasay ilaa 500 oo askari ayaa mudooyinkii u danbeeyay ku sugnaa duleedka magaalada Kismaayo, gaar ahaan nawaaxiga garoonka caalamiga ah ee Kismaayo, waxaana ciidamadani ay maanta gudaha usoo galeen magaalada. Mid kamid ah saraakiisha hogaamineysa ciidamada oo HOL ugu waramay qadka teleefonka ayaa sheegay in ciidamadani ay tiradooda gaareeyso ilaa 500 oo askari oo katirsan ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna xusay in saraakiisha guutada labaad ee ciidamada xoogga dalka ay usoo badaleen in ay ka howlgalaan gobolka J/hoose. Masuulkani ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamadani aysan ahayn ciidamo qabiil balse ay ka koobanyihiin qabaa’illo kala duwan, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in ujeedka loo soo badalay ay tahay in ay xoojiyaan ciidamada dowladda ee howlgallada ka wada gobollada Jubooyinka. Ciidamada ayaa imika saldhig ka sameystay warshaddii hore ee hilibka oo ka tirsan xaafadda shaqaalaha ee magaalada Kismaayo, waxaana ilaa imika jirin wax hadal ah oo ku aadan ciidamada soo gaaray magaalada oo kasoo baxay masuuliyiinta maamulka KMG ee Kismaayo. Ciidamadan ayaa mudooyinkii u danbeeyay waxa ay ku sugnaayeen duleedka magaalada Kismaay, waxaana soo badalaadooda ka dhashay khilaaf xooggan, iyadoona masuuliyiin katirsan maamulka Kismaayo ay kasoo horjeesteen in ciidamadani ay gudaha usoo galaan magaalada. Xaaladda magaalada ayaa imika dagan wallow ay jirto cabsi ay dadka shacabka ah ka muujinayaan ciidamada cusub ee maanta soo gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka J/hoose.
  16. Carafaat;931793 wrote: Baashi, The Federal Goverment has many diffrent options here. If I were to advise Hassan Sheick on his next move, then I would definetly suggest to divide and rule by appointing Provincial administrations for each Gobol (Bak, Bakool, Gedo, Middle Juba, Lower Jubba, Lower Shabbele, etc) loading them with cash and some military muscles. This way you can appoint many more 'locals' to diffrent positions and knowing how clannish our folks are, it will definetly work to create administration that are close to the people and have grassroot support. SPOT on carafaat thats the way forward i think hassan culusow sees that is about to do that.
  17. ^^ Carafaat dont worry this government will be a success Hassan culusow and co will find a way to solve this. They have what it takes the only problem is now the Jubbaland issue that needs to be solved. When that is done the goverment can fully govern the country.
  18. Naxar waranle is right the supreme judge is not what we think he, this is not the civilized world the United states and Europe.
  19. xiinfaniin;931763 wrote: This is what I think: The President initially (somehow) thought he could engineer South Central regions to his liking using his interior minister. I think with Kismayo being the way it is, he will have no choice but rethink his strategy toward federalism. He cannot single-handedly define what federalism means for Somalis. It is notable that he dislikes it but cannot say so for obvious reasons. He will be best advised to take following steps to defuse the situation: 1- Help the consultative process in Kismayo, not hinder it, but personally going there and giving speech about how bad the federalism is for Somalia but affirm his obligation to uphold the constitution which mandates federalism as the supreme political structure of the land. Endorse the gathering and pledge support and cooperation for the resultant administration 2- Help Bay and Bakool community to organize similar conference in Baydhabo to establish state of their own. Do the same (visit, pledge support etc) 3- Repeat 1 & 2 for the remainder of the South Central region in a effective and productive manner...facilitating and all. 4- Address the question of Mogadishu and put concrete policies in place to remake the image of the capital. Address the plight of IDPs, the properties (personally owned or public) 5- Engage with the parliametn to expedite fleshing out clauses relating revenue sharing , resource allocation, integration of national army and development money distribution 6- Once he gets all of this in place, talk to Somaliland (involving Khatumo & Puntland as stake holders in the outcome) as the leader of Somalia and hammer out a deal that does not damage Somalia's territorial integrity and does not cause political and security implosion to that stable region. This is free advise from SomaliaOnline to our beloved President Hassan Sheekh Thank god you are not President Hassans adviser He has better advisers http://www.allsanaag.com/index.php/43-war-soomaali-ah/2015-war-murtiyeedka-ururka-irir-samaale
  20. Although the professor has a point when he talked about the duopoly about Somalia. But there are other factors that play a role to, but if Somalia wants to have peace and Somalis want to rebuild their country they need to reintegrate, as people. Waranle you as puntlander is talking for Jubbaland because of Clan it kills the very own foundation of what federalism should be like. You are not involved on how gal hiiraan state should be established or other regions. We have brother Xiin a Puntlander who is also very much involved in the Jubbaland if the provincial regions of Somalia are separately administrated with a governor with a decentralized form of a state. You will not have problems like we are having now. Also another point that needs to be addressed if federalism was given a good chance to succeed it should not be based on clan. But Mudug and Galguduud hiiraan should join Puntland. Bay bakool gedo lower juba middle juba middle shabelle and lower shabelle should become one state. Than you have 2 very diverse strong federal states.
  21. ^^ The problem is if you encourage clan federalism some communities will always be dissatisfied, people think clan federalism will heal the wounds but it will just create more animosities between the clans. The president is not the problem its the people of Somalia so called stake holders qurba joogs who do not want a better future. They want to institutionalize clan states where one clan dominates the other, it can never work in Somalia.
  22. I think hassan wants to Kill clan federalism and unite bay bakool gedo and the 2 jubbas and lower shabelle and middle shabelle. Its still federalism just a different flavor.
  23. Article 49 (b) The parameters and conditions it shall use for the establishment of the Federal Member States; © The number of the commissioners, requirements of membership, nomination methods, office tenure, and their remuneration. (4) The number and the boundaries of the districts in a Federal Member State shall be determined by a law enacted by the parliament of the Federal Member State, which must be approved by the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.
  24. If you give me a quote where i called for violence i will give you the benefit of the doubt:D In the mean time the goverment stands strong in this.