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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Somaliland: “Our Ties with Kenya are Centuries Old” Dr Sifir
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ Actually he was a Kulmiye member before he went to Somalia just temporally he worked there, he was and is a die hard Somalilander, just because a Somalilander works for a foreign country he is still a Somalilander. Even Fawziya is a die hard Somalilander and she will be back when she finishes her career in Somalia. -
Somaliland: “Our Ties with Kenya are Centuries Old” Dr Sifir
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
After Djibouti Kenya should be Somalilands closest ally in the region, do you know there are many ethnic Somalilanders living in Kenya , by the way Kenya is modernizing really fast, they can be a great example for Somaliland. -
Somaliland: “Our Ties with Kenya are Centuries Old” Dr Sifir
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Kenneth Kaunda Jomo kenyatta Muhammad Cigaal -
Hiiraan Person of the Year 2013. Who is your candidate?
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in General
^^ She to should be on the List Marwo Fawziya First female Somali deputy prime minister and Foreign Minister. -
Somaliland: “Our Ties with Kenya are Centuries Old” Dr Sifir
Xaaji Xunjuf posted a topic in Politics
Somaliland: “Our Ties with Kenya are Centuries Old” Dr Sifir Wednesday, 03 April 2013 03:00 Dr Sifir during the interview in Hargeisa"Kenya is not only an important ally but a tremendous laboratory for Somaliland" "Somaliland does not have conflict with any country thus welcome positive diplomatic and economic relations from all" HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The incoming Kenyan government of President Uhuru Kenyatta is very sympathetic to the Somaliland's quest for international recognition as a sovereign nation. This is per the top Somaliland diplomat in Kenya Dr Mahmud Abulahi Jama 'Sifir who is currently in Hargeisa where he told Somalilandsun that the good standing of the country with the Nairobi authorities is as a result of centuries old relationships established during colonial eras. Said he, "Kenya is home to a third generations of Somalilanders who are considered nationals thus integrated in all aspects of life both in the private and public sectors" Similarly Somaliland has become second home to a large number of Kenyan expatriates and commercial concerns that have continuously provide essential services and goods since the country reclaimed its self-rule two decades ago. As early as early 1800's Somalilanders are known to have had relations mostly commercial with Kenya and as Britain entrenched itself in both countries where it established protectorates a large number of landers migrated to Kenya as members of the British civil service or King African Rifle-KAR Army regiment that saw service in the first and second world wars in the early 1900's in later years the Dr Sifir attributes these relations to the ease in which his diplomatic duties in Nairobi are received despite the country not being recognized internationally as independent. "While in Nairobi where I am in the first year of my diplomatic post no door has ever been closed for me, which is a measure of how Kenyan authorities and citizens view Somaliland and its relentless quest for sovereignty recognition" revealed Dr Sifir On the issue of the expected opening of a Kenyan diplomatic mission in Hargeisa the ambassador said that the permanent secretary in the Kenyan ministry of foreign affairs informed him-Dr Sifir- that plans are at an advanced stage and were pending the just concluded elections and installation of the new government. Queried on his take as per the implications of the Kenyan intervention and subsequent war against the Al-shabaab Islamists group in Somalia Dr Sifir had this to say. "While every nation has a right to defend its people against terrorism as Kenya is doing and done in Somalia for the past year, its intervention there is a blessing in disguise for Somaliland" "With this intervention in south Somalia where the Kenyan army is an accredited member of the AU fronted African Mission in Somalia-AMISOM the Kenya authorities are receiving daily briefings on developments not only of south Somalia but the entire Horn region which includes Somaliland. He informed that his appointment that almost coincided with the Kenyan intervention in Somalia has thence seen him being consulted on a regular basis on the position of Somaliland Vis 'a' Vis the on-going in the neighbouring Somalia. On the basis of this constant briefing of the top echelons of the Kenyan government Dr Sifir Postulates that once Uhuru Kenyatta the president elect is sworn to office on the 9th of this month, the impact of daily briefings that started immediately he was announced winner of the presidency shall be visible. While postulating on the possibility of Kenya taking its sympathetic stance of Somaliland's recognition as step forward, Dr Sifir said the 50 years of post-colonial strides taken by the giant east African nation in all spheres of life and the devolution of power to regions entailed by the new constitution might make this a very realistic possibility in the not distant future. Said he, " Kenya could swing the sway for Somaliland internationally due to its muscles garnered from various achievements in spheres of life diversified that has placed it at the apex not only in east Africa but the continent and world as well thus a powerful ally whose sympathetic stance needs to be cultivated further" According to the diplomat Kenya is among the leading African countries that have a well-developed infrastructure and robust economy with major international investments which is driven by its highly structured public and private sectors that work harmoniously to ensue with a modern civilization. Adding that Somaliland is sure to benefit more from strengthened bi-lateral relations with Kenya, Dr Sifir says that to this factor does not only emanate from its multi-faceted developments but the strategic importance of Nairobi which is houses the headquarters of UN agencies, all major international donor organizations and diplomatic missions accredited to Somalia. The ambassador says that his favourite adage is "Hargeisa is two hours from Civilization" which indicates the flight time from Hargeisa to Nairobi is a clear portrayal of the significance of Kenya-Somaliland relations. He is of the opinion that more and better from Kenya is expected sooner rather than later with the opening of the diplomatic mission in Hargeisa and the soon to be opened Egal airport in Hargeisa. Dr Sifir says that the minister of civil aviation Mr Mahmud Hashi Abdi has informed him that works at the Egal International are in the final stages and the airport shall be reopened on May 18th with the first passenger flight being East African Airways from Nairobi. Concluding with the issue of the 21 years quest for sovereignty recognition Amb owing to the negative results from the unyielding purportedly foreign friendly governments and regardless of regional affiliations the Somaliland ambassador to Kenya Dr Mahmud Abulahi Jama 'Sifir, says that any country to the contrary be it Russia, Israel, Iran, North Korea or such is welcome. "Somaliland does not have conflict with any country thus welcome positive relations from all" -
Hiiraan Person of the Year 2013. Who is your candidate?
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in General
mo Farax -
HARGEISA-Somaliland President His Excellency Ahmed M. Silnayo declared open on Wednesday two story building constructed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine. Large ceremony organized for the inauguration of the new building was attended by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Abdilahi Jama Osman ‘Geel Jire’, director generals and guests. Minister of Fisheries addressed the gathering and said that the new building came through hard work and it became possible for the Ministry to have its own building after years of renting. Somaliland president of Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo has praised the Fisheries Ministry during remark made at the inauguration ceremony. The president called upon all people to benefit from the fishing and develop it until there comes a time it will be exported just like the livestock. The president reminded the attendees that Somaliland has got large coast which needs to be developed. The Chairman of Berbera Maritime University Dr. Abdirahman told that 14 students, four are female and where were taught about Maritime are due to graduate from the university. The Director General of the Ministry of Fisheries Mohamed Elmi Adam said that the Ministry generated revenue estimated to be around 145556 US dollars.
Madaxweynuhu Wuu Nagala Tashaday Shirkan Turkiga” April 3rd, 2013 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Gudoomiye xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Wakiilada Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, ayaa sheegay in madaxweynuhu la tashi kala yeeshay shirgudoonka Wakiilada iyo Guurtida marti-qaadka ay Turkigu u fidiyeen xukuumadda ee ay ku marti-gelinayso qorshaha ay dib ugu bilaabayaan wada hadaladii kal-hore ay yeesheen Somaliland Iyo Soomaaliya. “madaxwaynu shala waxa uu u yeedhay shir gudoonka labada gole baarlamanka Wakiiladda iyo Guurtidda, arrinkaasna waa laga wada hadlay. Waxa laysla qaatay in shirkaa laga qayb galo, waana shir damba socda wada hadaladii ay hore u yeesheen Somaliland Iyo Soomaaliya. ‘Shirkanina waa qaybtii saddexaad dawlada Turkiga ayaa nagu wargalisay inay na dhex-dhexaadinayaan . Somaliland waxay goosatay in ay ka qayb gasho shir kasta oo dani ugu jirto Somaliland, waxa laga wada hadlayaana waxa weeye sidii labada dal ee walaalaha ahi ay u kala bixi lahayeen. ’ayuu yidhi Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka Wakiiladdu. Md. Baashe Maxamed Faarax, waxa sidoo kale xaqiijiyay in wada hadalada dalka Turkiga ee ay ku wada hadlayaan Somaliland iyo Somaliya inay ka dambaysay socdaalkii dhawaan uu dalkaasi Turkiga ku tagay madaxwayne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo).
Apophis i was never for or against Jubbaland , my stance was that clan federalism is bad for Somalia , but it should be tried and see if it works. And i predicted that the government of Somalia wil do all its can to stop the formation of clan states and so it happened hassan wants an entity from southern galkacyo to the kenyan border he made that clear many tmes. But that doesnt mean i am against jubbaland or for jubbaland never saaxib, u have to be with carafaat on that one.
Dowlada Soomaaliya oo markale ku celisay mowqifka ay ka taagantahay shirka Jubaland | on April 3, 2013 0 Comments R/wasaaraha Xukuumada federaalka Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon, ayaa sheegay in doowlada ay horay u caddeysay mowqifka ay ka taagantahay shirka kasoconaya Kismaayo. R/wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in shirkaasi looga baahanyahay in la waafajiyo dastuurka dalka u degsan, doowladana ay raali ka noqoto. “..Shirka ka socda Jaamacada Kismaayo, shirkaas waxa aan ka qabno oo cad baanu u sheegnay, markaan Xamar kusoo laabtay waxaan qabtay shir jaraa’id, oo aan ku qeexayo waxa ay doowlada Soomaaliya ka qabto, hada kahorna markuu bilaawday waxaan si cad u sheegay mowqifka doowlada kaga aadan…” ayuu yiri R/wasaaraha. R/wasaaraha ayaa dhanka kale sheegay in doowlada ay ku baaqday in shirka Kismaayo laga dhigo laba waji, wajiga koowaad oo ah in shirka laga dhigo dib u heshiisiin, iyo wajiga labaad oo ah maamulkii in la sameeyo. R/wasaaraha waxa uu sheegay in masuuliyiinta Kismaayo ay ka codsadeen doowlada in waqti lasiiyo, doowladana ay siisay mudo 20 maalmood ah, taasna ay wali dhamaan. “Mudo kooban oo ay naga codsadeen baanu siinay, oo ay kusoo fikiraan” ayuu yiri R/wasaaraha. Shalay ayay ahayd markii Ergada ka qaybgalaysa shirka Kismaayo ay Ansixiyeen dastuurka uu ku shaqaynayo maamulka Jubaland ee la doonayo in loo sameeyo gobolada Jubooyinka iyo Gedo.
My uncle was a poet decades ago when i was a young boy, he taught me, i never forgot i remember these poems like they are quranic verses lol yeah i can name a few. Xassan tarabi Ma bayidin beryaha maansadaan buuni ku ahaaye Berrigaan ka doortaye haddii aan baxarka weyn quuso Waa baraha roobkoo kale iyo belel rasaaseede Biiftaan sideedii ayey arliga badan u nuurtaaye Caawana bullaan ima hayo ee waxay basiireeyey Bahdii iyo waxaa igala tegay biligi laysaaray Waxaan bawdka uga meerayaa een buuro uga caagay Badhankiyo hindiga boodayiyo baashahaa yimiye Haddii aanu badraan kani fadhiyin baar cadahan dhaartay Berkedahan ka qodan ceelka herer baanbadahan jiifa Nin baryiyo nin baylah u cabiyo beri gu' mooyaane Biryartu xoolo kuma soo horteen bacadka jiilaale Boocuu i kala goonayaa ma'aan badbaadsheene Birmadbuu xakame nooga dhigay biraan ka liicayne Buruud gooniyuu nagu qabsaday waanu noo bu'iye Baxsanow suldaankii tashiga lagala soo baydhye Baanjaadka nimaan aabihii baranin loo dhiibye Hablii boqolka laga qaadi jiray beec u dhici waaye Badhad aan ninaba guursan jirin boobto loo noqoye Boqon hiiga iyo aadanaw booshku na haweeye Waayadanba beeshanu halaye ugama baaqayne Laaskii anaga noo baxnaa biig gunaa degaye Baabuurka caymada sidii lay bidhaan eriye Bisinkiyo quraankaa ku yaal baalka xaashida'e Bisadiyo maroodiguna way beratamaayaane Barbaray noqdeen dacawadii baabulaha aare Waxba yaanan baanaha wadwadin badiyay daadowe Boogaha qarsada waa adduun lays bedelayaaye
Poetry is important with in the Somali society , i know many poems i memorize them especially cilmi boodheris Qawdhan ducaales poems cabdi gahayr , ismaciil mire , cali dhuux adan , ina cabdilla xassan qamaan bulxan. Samatar baxnaan.. Muxummad libaan jadeer. Suldaan Nuur dhego cun Yawle, Suldan xassan tarabi. Suldaan Timma cade. Raage ugaas
Jubbaland State Flag will be hoist tomorrow Inshaallaah
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Fiqikhayre's topic in Politics
Does Jubbaland have a national anthem , it will be a nice party baan maqlay. -
I dont know who exactly it is , they just said wa siyaasi Somali oo caan oo dhawaan la kharaajin doono ,, oo goob an laga filayn banay ka dhici doonta, thats all i know.
I am not sick , i am a very healthy i had some back problems in 2009 but i am fine now Alxamdulilah.
Mr che i don't think this lad knows how internet works there will be an assassination attempt on his life whether he will survive or not we don't know. No oba Hilloowle Amiir Godane doesn't tell any one he just strikes.
An important Somali politician known by every one will be assassinated soon don't ask me how i know but this will happen pretty soon , and it will happen in an unfamiliar corner.
The Jubbaland is a declaration of war against the Somali people.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Che get with the program its called Clan pride loool -
It will happen u will see in the next coming days.
HiiraanOnline Reports the Passage of Jubbaland Charter
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Hiiraan is a website dhex dhexaad ah joojiya muranka , ragoow -
The Jubbaland is a declaration of war against the Somali people.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
Haatu your learning from Dr Oodweyne. -
Somalilands independence aspirations report 1985
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Haatu;933469 wrote: I have a leg in both Lugaha meel isugu du.. lol