Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The defeated lot are angry history is on the side of the winners.
  2. Swiss model of federalism ba socda Good development there Zack.
  3. General jidhif liberator of Seylac Cali wardhiiglay deputy chairman of SNM 1983 and the co founder of the USC
  4. Abdisalaan turki a soldier a teacher a politician amazing man The colonel Maxammad mooge
  5. The spiritual leader Sheikh ibrahiem sheikh Yusuf Sheikh Madar General cali hussein the father of Jamaal Maxmamad farax xaashi the captain one of the first Somali captains picture was taken 1961 he died in 1984 dagaalki buuraha the battle for the mountains General shaqale the current commander of the SL forces former SNM commander Hargeisa division Abdiraxmaan tuur First SL president and last SNM chairman Cali marshaal One of the co founders of the SNM Muhammad hashi also the treasury keeper of the SNM, also served as SL finance minister
  6. And those who sacrificed their lives Suldaan Muxummad one of my favorite
  7. SNM is the mother of Somaliland by Muhammad hashi cilmi http://www.boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7188&catid=34&Itemid=53
  8. Somaliland: SNM Commemorates 32nd Anniversary Saturday, 06 April 2013 18:42 HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The Somali National Movement-SNM held a stylish event commemorating its 32nd anniversary at a Hargeisa hotel where Founding Fathers were among participants. Among the SMN founding fathers who graced the event were Prof Abdisalan Yasin Mohamed, Mr Mohamed Hashi Elmi, Dr Omar Elmi Dihood and Arwo who were accompanied by other luminaries like Mohamed Kahin and Sheikh Aden Siro. The SNM is the rebel group that took up arms after dissidents from the then North West region of Somalia (now Somaliland) launched in London on 5th March 1981 with the sole purpose of safeguarding citizens of the region from possible annihilation by Dictator Siad Barre's Somali national Army. After establishing itself in Ethiopia the SNM launched a relentless guerrilla war against the SNA forces which were subsequently uprooted after massive damage was inflicted thus the re-birth of the Somaliland republic in 1991. Speaking at the event organized by the SNM owned halgannews.com the editor Mr Ahmed sharaf said the website which is on its tenth year has accumulated and archived a lot of relevant material pertaining to the history of the struggle. While cautioning on on-going talks with Somalia Mujahid Mohamed Hashi Elmi said that country has nothing to offer Somaliland as it is currently unable to control areas within its Jurisdiction, citing the on-going Jubaland fallout as a good example. Mr Hashi who is the immediate former finance minister said the campaign for the US to grant Gen Ali Samatar immunity by the government in Mogadishu has made it unworthy for any contact with Somalilanders. He called for an intense rearmament of all branches of national security forces in view of similar armament on-going in Somalia following the lifting of the UN imposed arm embargo to that country. Top SNM Commander Mujahid Mohamed Kahin who detailed activities of the rebel group said that the struggle did not receive any external support relying only on what landers working in Arab countries and nomads in Ethiopia could provide. According to Dr Omar Elmi Dihood, one of the SNM founding fathers the government which should inform the public on negotiations with Somalia , should never at any given time sit for discussions with administrative regions of that country. The 32nd SNM anniversary event heard from Sheikh Aden Mahmud 'Aden Siro' that it was only a vote of more than 97.9% from citizens that could change current status of Somaliland's sovereignty. SNM founding father Prof Abdisalan Yasin Mohamed who thanked organizers of the event said the anniversary commemorations are very important as they remind and educate on the country's history. He urged all national to take advantage of the documents archived by halgannews.com thus raised awareness on Somaliland's pre and post-colonial history as well as current one.
  9. “Haddii Aniga Huteel La igaga taggo boorsadayda Ayaan Soo Qaadanayaa” Guddoomiyaha UCID Oo Lagu Daray Weftiga Somaliland Ee Wada-hadalada Somaliya Hargeysa (Ramaas) Apr 6,2013 – Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID Eng Faysal Cali WAraabe, ayaa sheegay in Madaxwaynuhu ku daray xubnaha dawladda Somaliland uga qayb-galaya wada-hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya ee dhawaan ka furmaya dalka Turkiga. Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu sheegay in Madaxwaynuhu habeen hore isugu yeedhay xubnihii wada-hadaladii hore xukuumadda uga qayb-galay, kuwaasi oo uu isagu ka mid ahaa. Guddoomiyaha UCID oo maanta shir-jaraa’id ku qabtay Hargeysa ayaa shaki ka muujiyey shirkaasi, isaga oo sheegay inaanu ogolaanayn wax laaqi ku ah sharafta Somaliland. Guddoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe oo arimahaa ka hadlayaana waxa uu yidhi “Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu noo yeedhay habeen hore, wuxuu yidhi shantiinii hore isku kaalaya arinkaasaa laga tashanayaaye, anigu markaan arinkaasi maqlay waxaan la tashaday dad Mucaarad ah, waxaanan meesha ala tagay toddoba qodob, toddobadii qodobna way hayaan oo meel looga leexan karaa ma jirto” Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu sheegay in Turkigu aanu wax saamayn ah ku yeelan Karin waxa ay ka wada hadlayaan labada dhinac “Turkigu gogosha ayuu inoo dhigayaa, laakiin dadka wada hadlayaa waa inaga iyo Somaliya, anagu UCIDna wixii meesha ka dhaca waanu idiin soo sheegi doonaa, wixii Somaliland sharafteeda laaqi ku ahna meel aan anigu joogo laga ogolaan maayo” ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Dadbaa igu yidhi huteeladaa lagaga tagi, haddii aniga huteel lagaga taggo boorsadayda ayaan soo qaadanayaa”
  10. Terrorists planning Somali attacks, UK government warns British government warns terrorists in final stages of planning attacks in Mogadishu, following statement by Foreign Office The Foreign Office’s website states that attacks in and around Mogadishu continue to be carried out by terrorist group al-Shabaab. Photograph: Feisal Omar/Reuters Saturday, April 06, 2013 Terrorists are in the final stages of planning attacks in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, the British government has warned. Concerns about a possible attack were highlighted in a statement issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), which already advises against all travel to Somalia. The Foreign Office's website states that attacks in and around Mogadishu continue to be carried out by al-Shabaab, a terrorist group, and others opposed to the Somali government. Attacks in the past have targeted government institutions, hotels, restaurants and public transport, including the international airport. An FCO spokesperson said: "We have amended our travel advice for Somalia. Our advice makes clear that there continues to be a high threat from terrorism and that the FCO believes that terrorists are in the final stages of planning attacks in Mogadishu. We advise against all travel to all parts of Somalia." "The safety of British nationals abroad is a major concern for the FCO. We therefore attach great importance to providing information about personal safety and security overseas, including an assessment of the level of threat from terrorism, to enable people to make informed decisions about travel." Security in Mogadishu has improved greatly since a military offensive drove Islamist rebels allied to al-Qaida out of the city in August 2011. But bombings and assassinations blamed on militants still occur often. Last month, a suicide car bomber killed at least 10 people near Mogadishu's presidential palace in an explosion that police said was aimed at a senior security official. The attacker blew up his car while driving along a boulevard that runs between the palace and the national theatre. In late September, al-Shabaab withdrew from the southern Indian Ocean port of Kismayu, its last major urban bastion in the east African state, signalling its demise as a quasi-conventional military force, but it pledged to step up a campaign of suicide bombings and hit-and-run attacks. Source: Guardian
  11. Its to early to say but it seems as long as they agree the pm and president, its good.
  12. Haatu i am a unionist i want a union with NFD , Somaliland and NFD to be united, how about that since reer NFD are the least qabiliste Somalis
  13. Waligay cid ma habaarin xassan na tageero wa u bahanyahay wa in la tageera.
  14. He took some great steps forward especially with the militarization of the Somali defense forces and enhancing closer relations with neighboring countries well done.
  15. Che -Guevara;934822 wrote: LOL you really had to say you were born in Xamar, dude you are being b!tch slapped by secessionist of all people. Apo cant really relate to Somalia but he loves the clannish nature of Somalia and the tribal homelands