Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wadani;938403 wrote: Ha i fahmi waayin. Haddii ay Soomaalidu lahayd kartida iyo gobonimada loo baahanyahay si loogu gudbo nidaam danta guud ku dhisan dee ciddii markaas soomaaliwayn diiddaa waaba cadow fogaaday. Anigu soomaali oo is raacda wax aan ka jeclahay ma jitro, ayaan darrso se hadda raggeedi ma noola. Markaa adeer Soomaaliland tan yar ee aan ku badbaaday ha iga ciidaynin, haddii aad ku soo biiraysidna cid xigtaa majirto ee ahlan wa sahlan. Somali cid ka cararaysa ma jirto , laakin hada la yidha geela ino kala sooc , oo kani sumadaydi bu leeyahay eeh waxa ha iskaga kaya qasin ma ceeb ba . nin walba gurigisa bu Somali ku yahay nin Somali ka cararaya ma jirto walaalken ismaciil cumar geele tallow Somalida mu ka cararaya kuwa kiiniya la heshiiyey ma Somali bay ka cararayaan maxa Somalida qaar na ay gurigooda inay joogaan loogu sharfay qaar na la leeyahay waad cararaysan. Somali mar bay is raacday markina labadi buul eeh u shidna labadiba wa gubteen marka xalku waxa weye siday xeego na xeego u noqoto ilkana u nabad galaan. Buulaasha leeydhadka ha ka daminina.
  2. oba hiloowlow;938400 wrote: jacpher somalinimada aad ka hadleysid waa maxey? look at JL for example dadkii natives.ka ahaa boqolaalka sano deganaa ayaa xaqooda loo quuri la'yahay and your telling me somalinimo wey nooshahay. Oba Somalinimada waxa hayaa nimanka shurakada la ah Kikuyada Somalinimada haka hor iman hadi kala khayin al wadan baan lugugu sheegi haka hor iman Somalinimada.
  3. Jacpher;938395 wrote: x.xaaji: Ma waxaa la gaaray markii aad naive iska dhigi jirtay? Sow adinka ku andacoonaya Soomaalinimo ayaa na loo laayey, Soomaalinimo maxay na tartay, Soomaalinimo waxaan dhib aheyn ma aynaan ka helin. Ain't this the whole bases of your secession? Sxb Oba iyo inta kula fikir ah ka dhaadhici Soomaalinimo inaysan jirin. The SL case is first not secession since Somalia was never the mother country of SL , but the 2 formed a union to form the greater Somali republic, one side left the union , the other side wants a union but its not certain how to have one. There is no special bond between SL and Somalia matter infact Somaliland has great relations with the 3 inhabited Somali speaking countries. I still do not get Somalinimo la no laayey i have never heard that i first wanna know what Somalinimo is what does it mean to you what does it mean for a person in garisa what does it mean for a person in Djibouti and jigjiga. Jacpher Somalinimadu ma walefare dawlad Somaliyeed bixisa ba ma dad gaar ah Somalinimada micnaheeda og. Yaa Somaali ah yaase ahayn micnaha Somalinimo halkay ka timi waxayalas oo dhan ba suaalo u bahaan in laga jawaabo. Oba laftigisa inu Somalia dhiso bu raba,laakin dad ba leh Somalinimadi baanu kontrobaan ku haysana ana iyada laftigeedan fahmayn.
  4. STOIC;938387 wrote: I doubt they losing the war to Mogadishu yet.Judging from the sweet words I heard churned out of Mogadishu residents by the Somali BBC reporter few days ago it seems the Mogadishu public are coming at peace with SL agenda so far...This new opinions marks the beginning of a new orderly thoughts in solving the elephant in the room, but should not make our brothers from the north elated yet. Mogadishu loses nothing if SL goes , its just the emotional attachment they have with SL , but practically they will lose nothing 90% of the Mogadishu people have never seen Somaliland or lived there. Somaliland and Somalia case is much easier practically than the south sudan and sudan case and the eritrea ethiopia case.
  5. Jacpher;938378 wrote: ^Right because yall share the pure genes of the holy durriya and deserve a country of your own. Unlike the pirates or the looters, yall 'look alike, both in [perfect] mannerism and in verbal expressive sense.' SL is winning the battle only to lose the war to Muqdisho. if the pirates and the looters want to remain one country than that should be respected if they wanna go their separate ways than that 2 should be respected. SL will always win do not worry about that
  6. Jacpher;938368 wrote: Oba is being brainwashed these days by the separtists on this board. Someone help the brother out. Waryaa Soomaalinimo is the whole purpose of President Hasaan is meeting the secessionists in Turkey. His message is solely based on Soomaalinimo and you nod your head in agreement with xaaji that Somalinimo is dead, a man whose aim is to kill Soomaalinimo and build up his Qaran based on his clan entity. If there were no Somalinimo, your adeer wouldn't have a good case. Say it ain't dead and you're coming to Muqdisho. We first have to understand this terminology called Somalinimo is it a culture a country a nation a language is it what bonds the Somali speaking people. I cant kill something i hardly know what it stands for. Is it pan Somalism based the language the Somali people speak. I mean we have here people who were calling for that IGAD countries have more say in making an administration for Somalia (jubbaland) then the government of Somalia its self. Are the IGAD countries included into the so called Somalinimo. President hassan sheikh maxamuud is the President of Somalia, not the President of Somalinimo well maybe he is but we still dont know what it is by the way who is dying for Somalinimo currently Puntland Somaliland Khatumo Jubbaland raskambooni Djibouti ONLF you tell me?
  7. Carafaat the thing is what can khatumo offer hassan culusow and his admin , obviously some of the territory of khatumo is still claimed by the garowe clan enclave. While the vast majority is under SL Khatumo needs to rethink their strategy when dealing with Koonfurians.
  8. oba hiloowlow;938351 wrote: '' somalinimo ayaanu uu dhimaneyna'' damn i hate when people use the somalinimo card for their own agendas. Somalinimo is an overused notion no one really understands what it means we tried to brainstorm about it before. For each and every one it means something else. Ofcourse for Cali khalif and his crew it means something else. And i am sure dad wa dhimanayey the past 21 years but lets be real cid Somalinimo u dhimatay the past 21 years ma jirto
  9. Carafaat;938313 wrote: Why is Khatumo threatening with secession? If Khatumo truly seeks Unity and the restoration of the Union, then it should welcome the talks between Somalia and Somaliland. Carafaat the professor said if we join SL there is nothing stopping us and that will be the end of the union. But the problem is the khatumites are in a dilemma, the government in Mogadishu doesnt care if they join SL or not if they remain in taleex, the government in Mogadishu doesn't care. I believe sh sharif would have been a better partner for khatuumo.
  10. Are there even entities called awdal state and maakhir in SL. i can go with that khatumo exist but the other 2
  11. i dont think hassan culusow cares about Khatumo , he views them as people who cant offer him anything
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o8bbnqKd-DE
  13. Somaliland can be a partner in the war against international terrorism and work for a better and stable horn of africa.
  14. ^^i know that but SL and the US dont have conflicting interests so we can be great partners
  15. Somaliland gets wind in its sails for revamping power sectorThe region's antiquated, piecemeal power grid is constraining growth – but a new energy bill may change that Matthew Newsome and Nicholas Parkinson in Hargeisa guardian.co.uk, Monday 15 April 2013 07.00 BST Jump to comments (0) Engineers erect a wind turbine in Somaliland. Hargeisa wastes nearly 40% of its electricity through technical faults and antiquated materials. Photograph: Edwin Mireri In 2009, Hassan Ahmed Hussein brought an industrial bread-making machine from abroad to install in his hotel in downtown Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Hassan's idea was part business, part self-interest. Wholewheat bread is not available in Somaliland, and he envisioned selling it to small-scale vendors. He baked bread for four months before coming to the unfortunate conclusion that the machine wasn't cost effective. Electricity in Somaliland is too expensive. While the rest of the world pays an average $0.15-0.30 per kilowatt hour, Hargeisa's residents pay $1 per kWh. He abandoned the bakery and, in 2009, bought a diesel generator, poles, wires and transformers to start his own power company, Iftin, which rapidly gained nearly 2,000 customers in a catchment area of 10,000 residents. He has since merged his power stations with the city's largest provider, KAAH, and now serves more than 4,500 people on the same grid. Hassan is not the only local power provider. There is little government support for power generation (pdf), and many of Hargeisa's wealthy residents import diesel generators to power homes and businesses. The independent providers depend on the price of diesel and Middle East exporters. When Somalia collapsed in 1991, wires, poles and generators in Hargeisa were taken over by the emerging Somaliland government. The new government had no money to invest in the power grid, so independent providers began to appear. As a result, a system whereby neighbours pay neighbours for electricity has gone unchecked. Somaliland rates are high due to a disjointed network of independent providers that have their own grid and use unreliable, dilapidated equipment. Somaliland's minister of energy, Hussein Abdi Dualeh, says the city loses nearly 40% of its electricity due to technical problems and antiquated materials. "Hargeisa's streets look like a plate of spaghetti. And then you add in theft and illegal connections, and these power providers are barely breaking even," says Dualeh. "We need a legal framework to govern the sector – we need an electricity law." The ministry of mining, energy and water resources is finalising a draft bill designed to regulate and standardise the sector, to be submitted to parliament for review this year. The legislation was drawn up in 2011 by the energy ministry with input from suppliers as well as technical experts provided by USAid Partnership for Economic Growth. A functioning electricity act is part of the partnership programme's goal to strengthen private business and the investment climate. In 2011, when the programme carried out an initial assessment, most business owners – particularly small-scale industries – cited electricity rates and services as a constraint to growth. High overhead costs give local businesses fewer opportunities to compete with imports, and as a result few products are produced in Somaliland. The new law is expected to consolidate the grids in Hargeisa, standardise infrastructure and establish safety standards. "Nobody can guarantee that the new law will reduce rates, but it will make the sector more efficient. We believe that inefficiency is one of the reasons that rates are so high," says Suleiman Mohamed, chief of party at the partnership programme. "Investors will be more confident to invest in a place where there is a law and accountability with legal systems." Hargeisa's streets are lined with kiosks and small merchants who pay independent providers about $10 a month for one 100W lightbulb. There are no switches and the bulb burns all day and night unless somebody removes it. "We have an inefficient, unreliable and prohibitively expensive power supply. How can you expect businesses that require a reliable electricity supply to succeed?" says Mohamed. The energy sector has begun looking at wind and solar power as alternative sources of energy. "Renewable energy needs to be considered. Somaliland has more than 340 days of sun and some of the fastest wind in the world," says Dualeh. In May, the partnership programme hosted Somaliland's first wind power investment workshop, which gathered members of the business community, government officials and investors from the diaspora. The programme used satellite imagery to create wind maps to demonstrate the country's wind power potential. Participants calculated the differences between diesel and wind energy in terms of generation costs and revenues. Last year, the programme began working with the energy and aviation ministries to establish a five-turbine pilot windfarm with an installed capacity of 100kW. The programme will also erect four 25-40 metre-high monitoring stations to collect data, an essential first step towards wind investments. "If we can harness the wind, we could supplement our power supply with an economical alternative. It's not out of reach – we just need to find the right partnership," says Dualeh. Hassan welcomes the pilot. "In Somaliland, there are no financial services to invest in equipment or expansion. If we had the means, we would be putting our capital into wind."
  16. Its a good step the Americans are people who believe in the freedom of people it will be President siilaanyos first trip to America since he came to office.
  17. Dr osman are you scared of Sultan Faisal:D By the Faisal did not say that
  18. Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Shaacisay In Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Marti-qaad ka helay Maraykanka April 14th, 2013 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Wasiirka wasaaradda Qorshaynta qaranka Dr. Sacad Cali Shire iyo Wasiirul dawlaha Maaliyadda Md. Cismaan Cabdilaahi Saxardiid (Cadaani) ayaa *****lka ka qaaday in Madaxweynaha Somaliland uu marti-qaad rasmi ah ka helay dawladda Maraykanka. Wasiirradan oo maanta shir ku qabtay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa sheegay inay iyagu socdaal ay ugu gogol xaadhayaan safarka madaxweynaha ay ku tagi doonaan dalka Maraykanka, iyagoo shir kaga sii qeyb geli doona Magaalada Addis-ababa ee dalka Maraykanka. “Waxaanu Aniga (Wasiirul dawlaha), Wasiirka Qorshaynta iyo Wasiirka Macdanta iyo biyuhu aanu safar ku tagi doonaa dalka Maraykanka, iyadoo aanu ugu sii gogol xaadhayno safarka madaxweynaha Somaliland dhawaan ku tagi doono dalkaasi oo uu madaxweynuhu marti-qaad rasmi ah ka helay,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirul dawlaha Maaliyadda Mudan Cismaan Cabdilaahi Saxardiid. Wasiirka wasaaradda Qorshaynta qaranka Dr. Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa sheegay ka hor inta aanay u ambo-bixin maraykanka ay Itoobiya kaga qeyb geli doonaan shir caalami ah oo ay kula kulmi doonaan qaadhaan-bixiyeyaasha. “Inta aanaan u ambo-bixin Maraykanka waxaanu dalka Itoobiya kaga qeyb geli doonaa shir caalamiya oo aanu kula kulmi doono Ha’yadaha DFID Iyo DANIDA oo maal-gelinaya sanduuqa mucaawimo ee Somaliland,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Qorsheyntu. Dr. Sacad waxa uu intaasi ku daray “Waxaanu halkaasi ku kala saari doonaa shirkadaha maamuli doona gacan ku haynta maamulka sanduuqaasi.” “Shirkaasi ka dib waxaanu u ambo-bixi doonaa dalka Maraykanka oo aanu gogol xaadh u noqon doono socdaalka Madaxweynuhu ku tagi doono wadankaasi oo uu marti-qaad ka helay,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Qorshaynta Somaliland.
  19. Doctor you are right somalis wouldve destroyed that bridge the same way they destroyed beautiful xamar.brother chimera is a bit optimistic nothing wrong with that. But somalis can never be like eritreans
  20. Stoic do not confuse the garaad clan with khatumo, the garaad clan is part and Parcel of sl they have helped built this nation, khatumo is one faction hiding in taleex. Khatumo cannot break nor make sl, sl has a strong foundation ssc was more of a problem to sl than khatumo. Ssc was a real jabhad. Khatumo hardly fights after a year and a half they havent made any progress . Galaydh is welcome in sl its his country but if he prefers to stay in xamar its find to. It wont change anything.
  21. ^^ He cannot do that HAG and the other clans dominate the parliament and jawaaris people ofcourse , galaydh and his faction are between a rock and a hard place. He cannot make peace with Siilaanyo he will lose credibility with in his khatumo faction. There is not much for him in xamar. He cannot make peace with the garowe clan enclave he will lose credibility with in his khatumo faction and , he will go down as a flipflopper since the professor and the pirates were never the best buddies.
  22. Abyey is still in dispute nevertheless this was a win of basheer, but the south sudanese are not sitting still either , they are building a port in lamu and they are building a pipe line through ethiopia up to Djibouti. They are considering different options since they are land locked.
  23. Cali khalif rejects talks " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  24. Tougher Somaliland-Somalia talks ahead Sunday, 14 April 2013 21:34 By: Liban Ahmad Somalilandsun - Twenty two years ago president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Silanyo) of Somaliland wrote a paper entitled "A Proposal To The Somali National Movement: On A Framework For A Transitional Government In Somalia. " In the paper President Silanyo, then, former SNM Chairman, cautioned against forming a government in Mogadishu following the ouster of the military dictatorship in 1991 without consulting 'liberation movements', and reprisals against civilians. United Somali Congress leaders heeded neither suggestion. They formed an interim administration led by Ali Mahdi Mohamed and failed to rein in their militias, who committed widespread human rights violations. Now president Silaanyo is the first president of Somaliland to be able to hold talks with a Mogadishu-based government. Representatives from Somaliland administration and the former Mogadishu-based Transitional Federal Government, the predecessor of Somali Federal Government, met last year under an arrangement by the British government. Federalism, on which the Somali government institutions are based, is the second factor that made the talks possible. Since Somalia's successive federal governments have banked on the support of African forces , mostly from Somalia's neighbouring countries in favour of a federal system for Somalia, the former Transitional Federal Government leaders refrained from policies that could destabilise Somaliland, as Wikileaks entry on the late Somali president Abdillahi Yusuf Ahmed dated 24/11/2004 has shown. The outcome of Ankara meeting held yesterday gives strong hints about Somaliland intentions to be pragmatic about the status of the Somali Federal Government and its privileges in the international fora. Somaliland has given the Somali Federal Government the green light to ensure Somaliland gets its share of the development aid. This is a remarkable success for Somaliland since it will continue to maintain its partnership with development or multilateral agencies such as USAID, SIDA, DFID and the World Bank. However , cooperation could be derailed by the Somali FederalGovernment's drive to take advantage of its status that reinstated Somalia's membership in such agencies as International Monetary Fund. Will the Somali Federal Government consult Somaliland administration on any talks with IMF regarding new loans for post-war reconstruction? Somali Federal Government proposals to IMF for loans will not leave out Somaliland because of sovereigntygrounds but failure to discuss those issues with major stakeholders such as Somaliland could undermine all that has been achieved through talks. In other words, will Somalilandland consider legitimate agreements Somali Federal Governments signs with multilateral organisations without the input of Somaliland administration? Follow-up talks between the Somali Federal Government andSomaliland Administration have paved the way for tougher talks in the future. Decisions made in Mogadishu will affect Hargeisapolitically in the near future. That is why political issues were shelved during the talks between Somali Federal Government andSomaliland administration in Ankara.