Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Ninki apophis beryaha aad bu noogu kacsanyahay cadhadi culusow bu nugula kacay. War Somalilanders are your brothers and sisters and you have no conflicting interests, Unless you are a pirate but i doubt you are. Especially NFD Somalis and the Somalilanders are very good friends people like farax macalin and others. But i dont think you are from Kenya, Kenyan Somalis do like Somalilanders allot. Maybe you are just from Ethiopia i think and you grew up in Kenya. The Somalis particularly the Azanians from Ethiopia and the ethnic Somalilanders have a bad history but not the rest.
  2. Soon the foreign minister of Djibouti will also be from Somaliland and from Yemen to
  3. We must congratulate the Somaliland politicians doing it very good in neighboring countries Fawziya Yusuf Haaji adan Foreign Minister of Somalia Foreign Minister of Kenya Amina Muhammad Edna adan ismael former Foreign minister of Somaliland
  4. She is an ethnic Somalilander she is from Kenya but an Ethnic Somalilander Salaax dont divide the great people of SL.
  5. Ma wax ba i dhaafay i thought the Zack liked Kenya and hated Ethiopia mise wax ba is badalay war ma sheekadi jubbaland ba wax iska badaleen.
  6. The list is accurate well for the most part i can atleast say about 15 ambassadors are correct , but was it a secret we all know the former kacaan goverment in the last decade was dominated by the M.O.D.
  7. Somalilanders doing it big in the horn well done congratulations Amina allow dhowr
  8. Oba they are a minority they are not quiet they are a minority how can a majority be oppressed its not like we have oromos in Somalia. We are talking about Somalis.
  9. Dee daahir calasow maxa ka cadheysiiye cagmadhige wuu ku yara dhago hadlay wa iska duur xul nin kun KM ka yimi. Haba ahaadan isku qabil hada daahir calasow wuxu ku doodaya , inu ururka sahal u shaqeyo cagmadhige oo laga saaray beesha habr gangster.
  10. No 4.5 is oke .5 is oke they are to small to be considered as one block the big clans will not agree to that. 4.5 is the best formula.
  11. if you just look at the Forum all the HAG members are opposed to clan federalism Oba Abwaan Malistar Metta, now are you saying they were brainwashed if you want to insult the HAG members just do so. But why are you associating Somalilanders with all of this. They are just taking part of these discussions on these boards. Meesha waxa ka so hadhay blease hanaga hadlina blease hana sheegina blease hanaso qaadina blease blease hala baroorto sidi habar dhalay weyday. The point of the video was about pointing out hassan sheikh maxamuuds policies towards clan federalism since he is the President if we go by what the President does than that is a good thing. Hassan sheikh Maxamuud clearly stated that federalism is not about 2 qabil oo isu tagay he said that when he was in England.
  12. Maaday ma waxad leedahay daahir calasow isaga is kashifay
  13. its called the good old days for some for others it was not , dhulkanada diyaaradanada safaradana dawladanada ciidankanada:D Oba you would think though 4.5 brought some justice i am always a supporter of 4.5
  14. Wadani;941524 wrote: Man, no wonder my forefathers and these people have been mortal enemies since the 17th century. The last few days have been sort of an eye opener for me here on SOL. I seriously didn't know people were harbouring this kind of hate. Alhamdulillah Somaliland is independent and stronger than ever, cid wax ka qaadi kartaanaa majirto. TAKBIIR! ALLAHU AKBARRRRRR!!!!!!!! Hahahahaaaaa Wadani remember when you first joined and you were singing Somaliyey tooso An eye opener Never forget udubkaa cidhiidhiga u degey ma cidkalaad mooday so cududa reer sheikh iyo ciidankooda maha.
  15. *Blessed;941528 wrote: LoL carrying it on your I.D. is hardly going to reduce its impact? Anyway, I prefer the names of my beloved aabe and awoowe. Blessed in Rwanda on their ID it said Hutu or Tutsi:D
  16. Haatu i have observed Somalis and the way they interact with each other they have a hard time connecting the dots. Somalis sometimes act like Arabs in their behavior , Arabs love to run away from their problems. And Arabs declare some problems as non existent. Some Somalis will do the same and will say the tribalism with in Somali society should not be discussed because they dont know how to deal with it.
  17. It should be tried and lets see how people react to it its worth trying at least we can say later if it worked or not. Our neighbors identity themselves with their regions and than their clan and sub clan. But since we our nomads we identify our selves with the clan and sub clan I listened to the professor and it seems like he is a very intelligent man he brings solutions. With in the Somali society its that the clan identity is very strong the moment a President is elected we already know his opponents. And ofcourse the President has to nominate a prime minister not based on his CV but primarily his tribe. For many Somali identity means little it means just a language and a close association but it doesn't mean kinship nor nationality.
  18. Here listen to xassan sheikh maxamuud you dont have to believe me just listen to him and where he is taking Somalia. Dadkan mala afsomaliga ku adag bal horta dhegeyso intadan jiiboon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uRbiYjHAVoY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  19. Haatu if people are opposed to something in Somaliland people fight it the clan in Buhoodle is than fundamentally different than the clan in Laascaaood. Because the clans in laascaanood sool are fine with Somaliland From 1982 to 1988 that's 6 years the SNM waged a Guerrilla war against General siyad bare regime with one of the largest armies in Africa, The Hargeisa clans were in full support between those years colonels generals police chiefs were being assassinated, it was never safe for the regime and eventually they waged an all out war against General siyad barres forces against all odds ,if you are opposed to something you fight it.
  20. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;941374 wrote: Yea, yea, sida kuwaan hoos ku xusan soo ma'aha: Jaamac Kaluun Buubaa Jen. Qaalib Cabdalle Boos Maareeye Awmaar Ilkaxanaf Xuseen Carab Fowsiyo ... Kuwaas soo aamin marka hore intaa mid calooshiis u shaqeysto ah keenin meeshaan. Kuwaasi maxay ahayeen, maxayse qabtaan maxayse siyasadoodu tahay.
  21. Haatu;941371 wrote: Those clans only share one thing, subjugation by the British. Besides, a few mercenaries do not represent the wishes of the majority (and truth be told, the majority abhors sharing anything with your clan); hence why there's no hope. I doubt it the elites of laascaanood switched sides and felt very dissatisfied with Puntland because they believed Puntland was supporting one clan of the garaad clan against the other. So they joined Somaliland , Puntland was removed from laascaanood. its not a few mercenaries, how can a few mercenaries hold people close 300.000 hostage. Surely if they were opposed to it they would have fought it. The issue is not sharing political seats the clans who live there together are brothers and sisters and you cant tell the difference between them the camels of laascanood graze as far as burco and those in burco go as far as boocame and taleex. If they really shared nothing with the rest of Somalilanders they would have stayed and supported political H.artism but that failed. Before colonialism arrived in SL these clans used to raid each other as groups not as clans so the clans from caynabo and buhoodle were allies. Against the clans of Sanaag. One would say they would have formed a block with their kin in Puntland based on ancestry but why didnt that work out. Now they have khatumo which is based in the far eastern part of sool. What if a sub clan of Khatumo says i want my own state what than?
  22. By the way you didn't tell us how you going to solve the south lets say you want to disintegrate Somalia how are you supposed to do that. Puntland up to galkacyo is oke but when you reach galkacyo its going to be difficult. Who gets what where will the border be between the new countries. And in the far south will there be several republics or just 3 or 2. The Somaliland case is a minor issue , when compared if you want to create new countries in the south.
  23. What if their former rebel leaders says he is part of SL remember SL is not a clan but several clans who share the same history and culture and political culture whom are united in their quest for statehood.