Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;943432 wrote: I didn't know odeyga Waqooyi Galbeed ka taliyo inuu baadarigii weynaa ee boobka (Pope) ahaa maadaama cafis iyo waxaas la weydiinasanaayo. And when will he ask himself to cafis himself? I mean, wasiir ayuu ka ahaan jiray dowladii hore, wuuna dhex dabaalan jiray. And he believed publically midnimada Soomaaliya as recently as '90s. He might believe it in private now, waala isogyahee. President siilaanyo stopped believing in the unity of Somalia and Somaliland on 18 may 199. You have to understand Siilaanyo lived during colonial Somaliland, he lived during the union and helped re build the new Somaliland.
  2. I think he is a good man,, Mr samatar, but its a good step forward he resigned from the Somalia parliament.
  3. He was one of the last remaining old school poets alive may allah have mercy on his soul, what a talented poet he was samir iyo imaan to his close relatives.
  4. http://togaherer.com/deg-deg-allah-ha-unaxariistee-abwaan-caan-ka-ahaa-gobolka-geeska-africa-abwaan-dhoodaan-oo-ku-geeriyooday-adari/ Ilaahay ha u naxaristo Abwaanka
  5. A khadar warki jira ba wu iman and its not my website LOL it is certain the Professor samatar is sick and tired of Koonfurians
  6. Professor Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar Oo Iska Casilay Xubinimadii Golaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Safarna Ku Imanaya Somaliland Dhawaan April 26, 2013 - samatarHargeysa (BLM) Aqoonyahanka heerka sare ee reer Somaliland Professor Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo ahaa siyaasi aad looga qadariyo mandaqadda beriga Afrika iyo dhulka soomaalidu degto ayaa maanta isagoo weraysi siinaayey shabakadda Hadhwanaagnews wuxuu u xaqiijiyey inuu iska casilay xilkii uu ka hayey baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Shabakadda Hadhwanaagnews oo weraysi khadka telefoonka ah la yeelatay Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar wallow aanay shabakaddu sii wada dayn weraysigaasi ayaa wuxuu ku sheegay weraysigaasi inuu ka niyad jabay gebi ahaanba siyaasadda dalka Soomaaliya oo uu ku tilmaamay mid aan u dhawayn saansaantii qaranimo balse qaab qabiili ah u socota. Professor Samatar wuxuu sheegay inuu xidhiidh la yeeshay wefdiga Somaliland ee uu hogaaminayo madaxweyne Siilaanyo lagana yaabo inay kulan yeeshaan. Professor Samatar ayaa badhtamahii sannadkii hore wuxuu aas aasay xisbi loo bxiiyey Hiil Qaran isagoo u tartamay xilka madaxtinimada dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo dhawaan hadal u jeedinaayey jaaliyadda soomaalida ee magaalada Mennipolis ee gobolka mennisota ayuu u sheegay in si toos ah loogu sheegay inuu yahay nin ka soo jeeda Somaliland oo aanay waxba u oolin Soomaaliya. Professor Samatar oo ah aftahan siyaasi ah ayaa wax weyn ku soo kordhin kara siyaasadda Somaliland haddiiba uu door bido inuu ku soo biiro, balse laftigiisu wuxuu hore u sheegay inuu jecelyahay inuu la doodo dadka oo la dhegaysto. Baligubadlemedia.com
  7. A small but stable democracy lies in the shadow of Somalia in the volatile and terrorist-infested Horn of Africa. It formed a government based on the U.S. Constitution. It feeds more than 3.5 million residents and exports 4 million head of livestock a year to its biggest customer, Saudi Arabia. It holds elections, and defeated incumbents peaceably transfer power to the opposition. Yet for all its pretense to nationhood, Somaliland remains unrecognized diplomatically by all of the 193 countries of the United Nations. It is a stepchild of Somalia, which spent the past 22 years in anarchy, war and famine, while Somaliland quietly built a functioning democracy. “It is a model for the region,” Somaliland Foreign Minister Mohamed A. Omar told Embassy Row this week. On a Washington visit with Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud Silanyo and other government ministers, Mr. Omar explained that the purpose of the trip was to provide U.S. officials with an update on the region’s progress and to lobby for U.S. recognition. He said many nations in Africa are “holding back” recognition, “waiting for a signal from the West.” “Somaliland’s case is not being hindered by legal issues. It is a political issue,” he said. Present-day Somalia was created in 1960 by the union of the former colonies of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. Mr. Omar said the goal then was to create a greater Somalia by drawing in ethnic Somalis in neighboring areas. That goal failed. Somalia collapsed into a military dictatorship under Mohamed Siad Barre, who was overthrown in 1991. Somalia became a lawless nation, beset by pirates and terrorists. Massive international diplomacy and some military intervention have brought some stability to Somalia, which adopted a new constitution last year and held presidential and parliamentary elections. Somaliland, meanwhile, declared independence in 1991 and spent the past two decades working out details with various clan leaders for a new government — modeled after the U.S. Constitution, with a president, bicameral legislature and independent judiciary. It held its first multiparty presidential election in 2003. The CIA World Factbook 2013 says Somaliland, about the size of Virginia and West Virginia combined, has “maintained a stable existence and continues efforts to establish a constitutional democracy.” Mr. Omar said the only hindrance to international recognition is Somalia’s reluctance to disband the union. Somalia’s new president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is holding talks with Mr. Silanyo on the union’s future. They met two weeks ago in Ankara, Turkey, and plan another meeting in July. Somaliland also is providing information to the West about terrorist activities in the region. A small but stable democracy lies in the shadow of Somalia in the volatile and terrorist-infested Horn of Africa. It formed a government based on the U.S. Constitution. It feeds more than 3.5 million residents and exports 4 million head of livestock a year to its biggest customer, Saudi Arabia. It holds elections, and defeated incumbents peaceably transfer power to the opposition. Yet for all its pretense to nationhood, Somaliland remains unrecognized diplomatically by all of the 193 countries of the United Nations. It is a stepchild of Somalia, which spent the past 22 years in anarchy, war and famine, while Somaliland quietly built a functioning democracy. “It is a model for the region,” Somaliland Foreign Minister Mohamed A. Omar told Embassy Row this week. On a Washington visit with Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud Silanyo and other government ministers, Mr. Omar explained that the purpose of the trip was to provide U.S. officials with an update on the region’s progress and to lobby for U.S. recognition. He said many nations in Africa are “holding back” recognition, “waiting for a signal from the West.” “Somaliland’s case is not being hindered by legal issues. It is a political issue,” he said. Present-day Somalia was created in 1960 by the union of the former colonies of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. Mr. Omar said the goal then was to create a greater Somalia by drawing in ethnic Somalis in neighboring areas. That goal failed. Somalia collapsed into a military dictatorship under Mohamed Siad Barre, who was overthrown in 1991. Somalia became a lawless nation, beset by pirates and terrorists. Massive international diplomacy and some military intervention have brought some stability to Somalia, which adopted a new constitution last year and held presidential and parliamentary elections. Somaliland, meanwhile, declared independence in 1991 and spent the past two decades working out details with various clan leaders for a new government — modeled after the U.S. Constitution, with a president, bicameral legislature and independent judiciary. It held its first multiparty presidential election in 2003. The CIA World Factbook 2013 says Somaliland, about the size of Virginia and West Virginia combined, has “maintained a stable existence and continues efforts to establish a constitutional democracy.” Mr. Omar said the only hindrance to international recognition is Somalia’s reluctance to disband the union. Somalia’s new president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is holding talks with Mr. Silanyo on the union’s future. They met two weeks ago in Ankara, Turkey, and plan another meeting in July. Somaliland also is providing information to the West about terrorist activities in the region. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/25/embassy-row-shadow-democracy-in-africa/?page=2
  8. I am now hearng that he professor samatar resigned from the somalia parliament And that he is planning to visit hargeisa somaLiland
  9. Ururka Sahal oo Bayaan ka soo saaray Siyaasada Jahawareersan ee Xasan Culusow Ururka Sahal ka dib maruu qiimayn ku sameeyey xaalada iyo siyaasada guracan ee Madaxwayne Xasan Shiikh, isla markaasna uu tixraacay bayaanada uu ururku soo saaray 18th March 2013, 31st January 2013, 26th December 2012, 29/11/2012 iyo 9/11/2012, waxuu soo saaray bayaanka hoos ku qoran: 1. Siyaasada jahawareersan ee Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh Waxaan u aragnaa in madaxwaynuhu uu ku dhaqmaayo siyaasad qar iska tuur ah isla markaasna uu wadanka ku wado siyaasad jahawareer iyo kala eexasho ku salaysan. Waxaan si adag u cambaaraynaa shirkii afduubka iyo hagardaamada ahaa ee Xasan Shiikh iyo xulafadiisa ay ku saxiixeen magaalada Ankara ee wadanka Turkiga. Waxaan u aragnaa in shirkaasu ahaa mid xaqiraad, bahdilid iyo qiyaano loogu gaystay guud ahaan sharafta, qaranimada iyo karaamada ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Waxaan xusuusinaynaa Xasan Shiikh in Soomaalidu aysan isu dilin reer Waqooyi iyo reer Koonfur ee dhibaatada ku dhacday gobolada waqooyi, gobolada dhexe iyo gobolada koonfureed ay ahayd arimo siyaasadeed iyo jamhado kasoo horjeeday dawladii militeriga ahayd. Ugu danbayntii waxaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee jecel wanaaga iyo midnimada in madaxwayne Xasan Shiikh iyo xulfadiisu ay galeen khiyaamo qaran taasoo aan ka dalbanayno Baarlaamanka Fadaraaliga ah inay bayaan cad kasoo saaraan arintan foolxumada ah ee lagula kacay masiirka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. 2. Cambaaraynta eexda dawlada Turkiga Waxaan halkaan si adag ugu cambaaraynaa dawladii lagu hanwaynaa ee Turkiga oo Soomaali ka gashay godob iyo kala xigsasho, waxaana dawlada Turkiga la socodsiinaynaa inay lumisay ixtiraamkii iyo sharftii ay ku lahayd dadka Soomaaliyeed ka dib markii ay hal dhinac kaga biirtay siyaasadaha is-diidan ee Soomaalida. Waxaan dawlada Turkiga la socodsiinaynaa inaan laga soo dhowayn doonin gobolada ay ka gashay eexda iyo godobta. 3. Godobta iyo qabyaalada ay wado xukuumada Jabouti Ururka Sahal waxuu si adag u cambaaraynaa dawlada uu hogaamiyo keli-taliye Ismail Omar kaasoo usoo dhar-dhigtay hagardaamaynta iyo u kala eexashada iyo iska horkeenida ummadda Soomaaliyed. Waxaan u aragnaa in xukumuda Ismail Omar Geele ay markasta u taagan tahay inaan habayaraatee Soomaaliya aysan helin dawlad madaxbannaan waana nasiib darro inuu iloobay abaalkii waynaa ee dadka Soomaaliyeed u galeen xiligii gobonimo-doonta ummada reer Jabouti. Waxaan u aragnaa dadka reer Jabuuti inay yihiin dad aad u wanaagsan hase yeeshee ku nool cadaadis iyo xukun keli-talisnimo. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa ururka IGAD iyo Midowga Africa in si deg deg ah ciidamada Jabuuti looga saaro wadanka Soomaaliya isla markaasna la badalo af-hayeenka AMISON waayo dawlada Jabuuti dhexdhaxaad kama aha arimaha Soomaaliya umana qalanto inay noqoto nabad ilaaliyeyaal isla markaasna dawlada Jabuuti dhagar iyo kala eexasho ayey ku haysaa ummadda Soomaaliyed. 4. Cambaareynta cadaalad darrada ka jirta Wasaaaradda Arimaha Dibada Ururka Sahal waxuu si adag u cambaaraynaayaa eexda iyo qaraabo-kiilka ka socda Wasaaaradda Arimaha Dibada ee DFS, gaar ahaan qaabka loo qaybiyey safiirada dawlada Soomaaliya u fadhiya dalalka dibada. Waxaan Ras'iisal Wasaarada DFS ka dalbaynaynaa in arintan tilaabo deg deg ah laga qaado isla markaasna la kala cadeeyo sababta 95% shaqaalaha wasaaradda arimaha dibada, safiirada iyo qunsulada Soomaaliya loogu soo koobay dad kasoo jeeda labo beelood. 5. Taageerida dhisitaanka maamul goboleedyada Ururka Sahal waxuu si buuxda u taageerayaa una dhiirigelinayaa in dadka Soomaaliyeed ee raba inay samaystaan maamul goboleed ku salaysan rabitaanka dadka deegaanka iyo sida waafaqasan dastuurka fadalaariga ah. Waxaan taageeraynaa xaquuqda dadka degan gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose oo dhulkooda lagu hayo dulmi iyo ku dul-noolaansho, waxaana Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo dawlada Xasan Shiikh ka dalbaynayaa inaysan dadka Shabeelaha Hoose ku qasbin wax aan lagu qasbi karin dadka degan Shabeelaha Dhexe amase Hiiraan. 6. Ururka waxuu umadda Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqayaa midnimo iyo ka fiijignaanta hagardaamaha wajiga cusub qaatay ee ka mid yihiin midowga Dam jadiid iyo Islaax. Ugu danbayntii ururka Sahal waxuu ummadda Soomaaliyeed la socodsiinayaa in dhowaana magaalada London lagu qaban doono mudaharaad looga soo horjeedo qodobada kor ku xusan, waxaana ugu baaqaynaa dhammaan ummadda jecel midnimda, karaamada iyo sharafta ummadda Soomaaliyeed inay kasoo qaybgalaan mudaharaadkan kaasoo uu dhowaan ururka Sahal soo sheegi doono waqtiga iyo goobta uu ka dhici doono. Bayaanka Waxaa soo saaray Ururka Sahal Organisation, London 25/4/2013
  10. Mogadishu is the seat of the govt and the biggest somali city and the legit govt for the country. They were happy with culusow when he was elected but now they prefer uhurro. Its not about being dependent its about having allies in the region right now they have no relations with the pirates in garowe, no relations with somaliland. Forget about mogadishu, they make it really easy for somaliland.
  11. ^^ Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia home two almost 3 million people How can you compare it to the dusty town in eastern sool
  12. Waranle_Warrior;943287 wrote: The secessionists are getting all worked up for no reason. Yes, 'Midnimada Somalia waa lama taabtaan', a very fitting statement and demonostration coming from a city that's the symbol of Somali nationalism and struggle. As for Uhuru's picture its neither here nor there as NFD is part of Kenya and was given away by the very same British you so dearly love long before even Uhuru was born or had any input in it. Kenya is a friendly country that has done so much for Somali refugees and its government has helped the Somalis a great deal and likewise Uhuru has shown in a short and even before he started any work that he's extra friendly to the Somalis and give them much much more chances and opportunities than anytime before which is a welcome thing from me and from all the sane Somalis including reer Taleex. Well done reer to Taleex and I must say thank you to Uhuru for his nomination of the Somali girl and expect him to do a lot more and the Somali people's status to rise in his reign in Kenya. Thats the Pirate spirit
  13. Here is the video to what is strange is they fully support the Kismayo conference this means they will get zero sympathy from Mogadishu " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  14. Banaan Bax Balaadhan Oo Loogasoo Hor Jeeday Heshiiskii Xassan Culusow Iyo Jabhada SNM Oo Ka Dhacay Magaalada Taleex (Daawo Maqal Muuqaal + Sawiro). Taleex(Allssc): Waxaa magaalada Taleex ka dhacay isu soo bax balaadhan oo looga soo hor jeeday Heshiiska Xaaranta ah ee Xassan Culusow iyo Jabhada SNM ku wad agaleen dalka Turkey. Shacabka iyo Maamulka Khaatumo ayaa dhinac iska taagay kuna tilmaamay Heshiiskaas Xassan Culusow iyo Jabhada SNM mid dhaawacaya Qaranimada Somalia.
  15. Mintid the pirates and the Azanians are not on the same level when it comes to how to deal with the gedo community and their leaders they wish to deal with them but it seems the pirates want to adopt a more hostile policy towards the gedo community interests than the Aazanians. The Azanians seem to be oke with the situation i even think in the near future they will fully embrace the government in Mogadishu. Remember the Azanians and the HAG community share common political values since the early 90s there just seems to be a little miss understanding between Mogadishu and the Azanians. Remember few months ago madoobe was on the verge to visit xamar this still can happen but it needs time.
  16. Waranle_Warrior;943187 wrote: Adeer Barre Hiiraale waa caade qaate, nin waalalah galgaduud kusocda oo Muqdisho kayimid waa in Madaxa laga toogta. Ahmed Madoobe has an opportunity here to obliterate the caade qaate. But its good to note that the secessionist hope and by extention HAG depends on forces of to hit each other. The gedo community disagrees they believe hiiraale is there man in Kismayo i do not know a person from the gedo community who doesn't respect Col Hiiraale. He is there to prevent the kabo hegemony over the gedo community. And if that means being allied to Mogadishu than so be it there are some who are allied to Uhurro Kenyatta. This arrival of Col hiiraale is a game changer.
  17. The population of Puntland is six Million :D And they say the Dr is a real Dr lol
  18. Dawlada Ingiriiska Oo ka hadashay Mustaqbalka wada hadalada Somaliland & Soomaaliya April 25th, 2013 Washington (Somaliland)- Dawladda Ingiriiska ayaa sheegtay in wada hadalada u dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay yihiin qaar ku xidhan oo ay go’aankooda leeyihiin labada geesood. Mark Simmonds, Xoghayaha Arrimaha Afrika u qaabilsan dawlada Britain, oo shalay kaga hadlayey xarunta Strategic studies and International Studies ee Maraykanka ujeedooyinka shirka ay bisha May ee fooda inagu soo haysa ay ugu qabanayaan Soomaalida magaalada London ayaa sheegay in mowqifka UK ee Somaliland cad yahay, isla markaana fahamsan yihiin hadafka Somaliland u socoto, mar wax laga weydiiyey Somaliland. Mr, Simmonds, oo ka jawaabayey su’aal laga weydiiyey kulankii shalay oo ku saabsanaa Somaliland ayaa yidhi, “Mowqifka Ingiriiska ee Somaliland wuu cad yahay. Waan fahamsan nahay hadafka Somaliland u socoto. Laakiin, sidaan qabno, wada xaajoodka Somaliland iyo Soomaliya u dhexeeya waa arrin muhiim ah, ma filayo inuu sahlanaan doono, balse, aakhirka labada dhinac ayaa looga baahan yahay inay wada gaadhaan xal ay ku qancaan. Waxaana muhiim ah inay wada xaajoodyadooda ka bilaabaan dhinacyada ay iska kaashan karaan.” Xukuumada Ingiriiska ayaan ka hadal mowqifka xukuumada Somaliland ku qaadacday ka qeybgalka shirka London, oo marar badan masuuliyiinta dawladda Ingiriiska, ilaa raysal-wasaarahooda David Cameron, isku deyey inuu ku qanciyo Madaxweyne Siilanyo, xilligana u muuqda kuwo ka rajo go’ay inay Somaliland keenaan miiska shirka London.
  19. Where do people get the idea any one wants war heaven forbid , war is the last thing any one should wish for in any part of Somalia or in any part of Somaliland. What people are here discussing is merely what people,politicians can expect politically from the government in Mogadishu regarding the Kismayo conference . And how the process is going surely we know the government in Somalia is opposed tot he conference they made it bold and clear. I have not seen any one Mintid or carafaat or oodweyne calling for war, why are people so sensitive when these topics are discussed and how come pirates are more concerned with the Jubbaland project than the Jubbalanders themselves where is dabrow and macaliinka and Gabbal Yunis what is their opinion on the arrival of Col hiiraale.
  20. Jacpher;943151 wrote: ^Waryaa tell me why you backpedaling now your support for anything Godane? Ma FBI ayaa irrida kugu soo garaacday? I don't want you to get locked up so I say no you did not support their extreme ideology in the south in case the authorities are monitoring here. How so my stance always was the same the SFG and TFG should have talked to shabaab and bring them back and hassan did the same the extreme alshabaab elements will be destroyed particularly foreigners the Somalis , are always welcome to join the government and to support peace and they should denounce violence. many of them joined the government, calling some one amiir doesn't mean u support him its just a title. This was my stance 2 years ago http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/58502-Alshabaab-wa-shayaadin
  21. What we do know is that barre hiiraale is one of the main representatives of the gedo community the same way governor kalil is and the Prime Minister is. The SFG knows about hiiraales involvement he arrived in Kismayo with many militia from his community. This is a very interesting development, i will not be surprised if he claims authority over Kismayo soon.
  22. Oodweyne if you declare oodweyne state and start fundraising you can easily raise a million dollars , even our xaglatooisye got a few mansions in abu dhabi during the ssc qiiro fund raising for the cause , dibu xoreynta.
  23. Horta qoladi awdalstate eeh kanada xafladaha ku dhigi jiray halkay ku danbeyeen beryaha iyagu durbaanki sita maan arkin eh , ma caydhi ba la gooyey tallow.