Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Oodweyne spot on the only difference is that the Kenyans are after resources offshore while the Rwandans and their proxies M23 rebels , who are directed by Rwandan generals are taking the resources in the interior. The only way Hassan sheikh can defeat the ill intentions of the Kenyans is if he creates awareness that the Kenyans want to create a buffer zone inside his legal sovereign territory. He already started with this with in the African union and European union when he was in Brussels that he wants Siera leon troops. He also needs to train capable forces inside Somalia he can get equipment from many countries. But he needs to train competent military forces who can fill the vacuum the most important objective for him should be boots on the ground.
  2. Somalia and Kenyan Presidents in bilateral meeting ahead of London Conference Office of the Somalia President Saturday, April 27, 2013 The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia H.E. Hassan Sh. Mohamud today had a short working visit to Mombasa to meet with his counterpart H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of Kenya. The President was accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Fowziya Hagi Yusuf Adam and Minister for the State-House H.E. Farah Sh, Abdulkadir. The President said, “We have had a very good bilateral discussion today concerning a wide range of issues of mutual interest. We have many shared interests and a determination to see the region continue to progress towards peace and prosperity. “We have talked about the need to stand firmly together against the global problem of extremism and terrorism, and we are committed to removing the scourge of Al Shabaab, to defeating them and preventing any spread of their malignant ideology." Said President Hassan “I have also taken the opportunity to brief President Kenyatta on the aims and objectives of the London Conference coming up next week.” At the end President Hassan stated, “We have talked about the need for Somali refugees in Kenya to return to Somalia as soon as the time is right and preparations have been properly made.”
  3. The Safe Haven Next Door Somaliland was once part of chaotic Somalia. Today it's a thriving oasis of peace. BY AHMED MOHAMED MOHAMOUD SILANYO | APRIL 27, 2013 The Horn of Africa has endured decades of violent repression, civil war, terrorism, and piracy. But Bookmark and Share More... This new approach is evident in Somalia, where a new government, with support from the United States and others, is making a concerted effort to move forward. There are signs of progress. Expatriate technocrats are returning to help rebuild. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has diminished, with attacks falling from 239 in 2010 to 46 in 2012. The British Embassy recently reopened its long-shuttered doors. Yet the country's stability remains fragile, as witnessed just days ago when al-Shabab terrorists bombed Mogadishu's judicial complex, taking the lives of 29 innocent people and injuring more than 40 others. Ironically, the world has paid much less attention to a nearby model of success. Just north of Somalia, the Republic of Somaliland enjoys starkly different circumstances. Having chosen to unite with Somalia after gaining independence in 1960 -- we had been separate colonies under British and Italian rule -- our people reasserted their right to self-determination in 1991 as our neighbor descended into chaos. Since that time, Somaliland has been a virtual island of good governance, peace, and security in the Horn of Africa. There is no safe haven for terrorists on our land, no pirates off our coast. Experts around the world have advocated for the diplomatic recognition of our nation, yet support from the United States and others for our independent, sovereign status remains just out of reach. Our success has come through decades of struggle and suffering. In the 1980s, the Somali regime of Mohamed Siad Barre waged a brutal campaign against Somaliland, killing 50,000 civilians. Like many others who have experienced similar atrocities, we learned an important, tragic lesson: Never again would we allow such a thing to happen to our people. As Somalia subsequently disintegrated, Somaliland built a functioning, stable, and democratic state. While the international community spent millions trying to save Somalia from itself, we focused on maintaining peace within our borders, building strong state institutions, and creating a sustainable economy. Since 2000, Somaliland has held five peaceful elections and preserved a culture of consultative democracy. In the last year, Somaliland has taken deliberate efforts to renew dialogue with Somalia's leadership. Most recently, with the support of the Turkish government, Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and I signed a communiqué in which we affirmed our shared commitment to build trust and improve relations between our governments. Future talks will aim to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism, extremism, piracy, illegal fishing, toxic dumping, and other serious crimes. Most importantly, with international support, the Somaliland-Somalia dialogue process must seek to provide final clarification on the status of our political relationship. Somalia and Somaliland can and should be equal partners. Yet as we proceed down this track, we hope and expect that those looking to support Somalia's aspirations will also seek ways to support ours. Engagement with Mogadishu to sustain its transition to a viable entity and support for Somaliland's national aspirations need not be mutually exclusive. In this regard, international conferences to address the region's economic and humanitarian needs are welcome, but must be coupled with steps to address political issues that might otherwise stifle or undermine such support. Likewise, security assistance must be aligned with efforts to resolve these same issues so as not to breed new instability should a final agreement be reached. U.S. defense officials have called Somaliland "an entity that works," and for good reason. Our government does work, and with proper diplomatic recognition, it will be able to contribute more effectively to a sustainable and prosperous future for the Horn of Africa. To this end, we are building on our new dialogue with Somalia to both expand relations with other governments and pursue observer status in international organizations, starting with our region's Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the African Union. We are not asking others to take a chance on what Somaliland may one day become, but rather to simply recognize what we have already achieved. Somaliland is a fully functioning sovereign entity. From 1960 to 1991 we gave unity within a "Greater Somalia" a chance. It did not work, and we cannot turn back. In the midst of violence and now a fragile peace, Somaliland's people have protected -- and will continue to advance -- our cause of freedom and security because we know their true value. In partnership with our neighbors and with the support of the international community, we can ensure that the entirety of the Horn of Africa will experience the peace and stability that we have in Somaliland.
  4. The Somali parliament is very clear lets see the move of the small pseudo nationalists in the Somali parliament.
  5. Apophis i am just analyzing the political movings in the regions as homunculus agreed with me. Where did i mention Habaar or anything related to that maybe you dont know what habaar means Apophis?
  6. Gudoonka Baarlamanka oo mamnuucay in mowshin laga keeno heshiiskii Culusoow iyo SNM-ta Allssc.com (muqdisho) jawaariGudoonka Baarlamanka Somalia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday maanta inaan Baarlamanka la keeni karin mowshin ka dhan ah heshiiskii magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga ku kala saxiixdeen dowlada Somalia iyo maamulka Somaliland. Hadalkan ayaa waxaa fadhigii Baarlamanka ee maanta ka sheegay Mahad Cabdalla Cawad oo ah gudoomiye ku-xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamanka Somalia oo shir gudoominayey kulankaas. “Xildhibaanada waxaan u sheegeynaa ineysan naga sugin inaan ka qabano, golahana horkeeno mowshin ka dhan ah heshiiskii dowlada Somalia iyo maamulka Somaliland, maxaa yeelay waxaa arintaas baarlamanku u xilsaaray heyaddo kale” ayuu intaa ku daray Mahad Cabdalla Cawad. Arintan ayaa ku soo aadeysa iyadoo xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamanka Somalia oo uu horkacayey Prof. Cali Khaliif Galeyr ay sheegeen iney diyaariyeen mowshin ka dhan ah heshiiskaas, ayna doonayaan inuu baarlamanku ka doodo, waxayna xuseen in dowlada Somalia ay sidii dowlad la siman heshiis ula saxiixatay Somaliland, iyagoo xusay in heshiiskan uu qatar gelinayo midnimada Somalia, Somaliland ku dhiirigelinayo damacooda ahaa iney ka go’aan dalka intiisa kale. Dhinaca kale, kulankii maanta oo ay soo xaadireen 172 xildhibaan ayaa waxaa looga dooday qodobo ku saabsan xeer hoosaadka uu ku shaqeynayo baarlamanka afarra sano ee uu jirayo, waxaana ka hadlay xildhibaano badan. Allssc.com
  7. Guddoonka Baarlamaanka oo diiday in Baarlamaanka la horkeeno Mooshin ka dhan ah Heshiiskii Ankara ee DF iyo maamulka Soomaaliland Kulanka maanta ay yesheen mudaneyaasha Baarlamanka dalka waxaa shir guddoominayay gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamanka, waxaana soo xaadiray 170 mudane iyadoo ajandaha uu ahaa mooshinkii ay dhowaan soo gudbiyeen xildhibaano, mooshinkaas oo ahaa heshiiskii ay DF la gashay maamulka Somaliland ee ka dhacay Ankara, Turkiga. Guddoonka baarlamaanka ayaa maanta gabi ahaanba laalay in mudanayaasha baarlamaanku ay ka doodaan Mooshinkaas, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay inuu yahay mid aan sharci ahayn, gudoonka baarlamaanka ayaa ku dhawaaaqay iney manuuc tahay in mooshin laga keeno heshiiskaas maadaama aysan ahayn arin u taallo golaha sharci dajinta baarlamaanka. Mahad Cabdale Cawad guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamanka oo shir guddoominayay kulankii maanta ayaa sheegay in la celiyay ajandahii ahaa soo bandhigida qodobadii ka soo baxay wada hadalkii dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Soomaaliland waxa uuna tilmaamay in awooda mudaneyaasha Baarlamanka aysan aheyn ka hadalka arrintaas maadama ay quseyso xukuumadda. Arrintaan ayaan ilaa ka hadlin xildhibaanadii mooshinka keenay. Waa markii ugu horreysay oo guddoonka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay si toos ah u diidaan mooshin ay soo gudbiyeen xildhibaano ka tirsan golaha shacabka, waxaase jirta in dhawaan uu guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ku wargeliyay xildhibaannada in dib loogu soo laabto ka hadalka qodobkaas. Puntlandi
  8. Guddoonka Baarlamaanka oo sharcidarro ku tilmaamay in laga keeno Mooshin Heshiiskii dhexmaray Somalia iyo Somaliland Sabti, Abriil 27, 2013 (HOL) — Guddoonka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa diiday mooshin laga keenay heshiiskii dhexmaray dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Somaliland, iyagoo sheegay in mooshinkaas uu ka horimaanayo dastuurka dalka, sidaa daraadeedna aan laga doodayn. Kulan uu maanta yeeshay baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa hadalka ka sheegay guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, Mahad Cabdalla Cawad, isagoo xusay in xildhibaannadu ay dalban karaan in dadkii ka qaybgalay ay horyimaadaan baarlamaanka, balse aan heshiiskaas laga hadli karin. “Barnaamijka xukuumadda ee la meel-mariyay 13-kii Novmber 2012, wuxuu xukuumadda siinayaa awood ay ku qabsato howlaha siyaasadda dalka, sidaa daraadeed golaha baarlamaanku ma faragelin karo howlaha xukuumadda ee dhinaca siyaasadda,” ayuu yiri Cawad. Sidoo kale, guddoomiye ku xigeenka ayaa sheegay inaysan ka doodi karin war-murtiyeedkii ama heshiiskiii kasoo baxay shirkii Somalia iyo Somaliland wuxuuna xusay in xukuumadu ay xor u tahay inay ku matasho Soomaaliya arrimaha siyaasadda. “Xildhibaannadii mooshinka soo gudbiyay waxaan ku leeyahay mooshinkan ma ahan mid sharciga waafaqsan sidaa daraadeed loogama hadlayo shirka baarlamaanka arrintaas, balse waxaad xaq u leedihiin inaad u yeertaan qaar ka mid ah xubnihii ka qaybgalay si aad su’aalo u weydiisaan,” ayuu ku daray hadalkiisa. Hadalkan ayaa wuxuu imaanayaa kaddib markii xildhibaanno baarlamaanka ka tirsan ay dhawaan u gudbiyeen baarlamaanka ka hadalka heshiiskii dalka Turkiga ku dhexmaray dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Somailand, kaas oo ahaa mid iskaashi oo ay qodobbadiisa ka mid ahaayeen in la wadaago deeqaha dibadda laga helo iyo ka shaqeynta ammaanka. Waa markii ugu horreysay oo guddoonka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay si toos ah u diidaan mooshin ay soo gudbiyeen xildhibaano ka tirsan golaha shacabka, waxaase jirta in dhawaan uu guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ku wargeliyay xildhibaannada in dib loogu soo laabto ka hadalka qodobkaas.
  9. Sulleiman The Great;943737 wrote: this government needs to distance itself from this jubaland thing, focus on more important issue and let the situation play out. Focus more on economic recovery and infrastructural rehabilitation. I think the president is doing well by letting this jubaland thing playout. Jubbaland is an important part of Somalia with a major port there , so the President and his government will focus what happens there , still large parts of that territory is in the hands of Alshabaab and there are some elements who want to create a one sided tribal state there, at the expense of the others. So the government has the right to intervene since its responsible for those regions. Its the governments task to create capable security forces for those regions.
  10. This is actually good for the government , the unilateral organized conference with out the governments input is being put to halt.. Because they were supposedly announce a President , and declare the state but that didn't happen. Col barre hiiraale arrived in Kismayo by sea. and the government is moving more troops into Kismayo every day. Axmed madoobe and others feel the heat. And he knows a state in kismayo with out the blessing of Mogadishu can never happen. Thats why they called for uhurros mediation.That is if he meets with Axmed madoobe there we yet have to see, but i still think its talks between Nairobi and Mogadishu.
  11. Oodweyne its Xiins famous Crystal ball, he sees the union coming be aware:D
  12. Its not about reporting its about diplomatic correctness ,since Somaliland is a defacto independent state. and its status as it is now it has to deal with the brits through their embassy in addis ababa.No one is appeasing the president of Somalia so far he is seen as a credible partner in dialogue President hassan. And the SL government will continue talking to him in order to clarify our future relations.
  13. Oodweyne;943555 wrote: ^^^Saaxxiib, It's not about liking the man or even admiring his bow-legged walk ( ). But it's the first leader of Somalia since early 1990s (incidentally it was none other Gen. Aideed who wanted the talks to happen between Somalia and Somaliland) who accepted as a principle (legally signed in the presence of an international witness to vouchsafe before all others) that destiny of the what was then used to be known as the Somali republic will be be based on a bilateral discussion of two and only two party. This is the historical milestone he did it. And if that talks collapsed then those legally given reality can't be wished away; and there will be no third party to elbow it's way to any talks between Somaliland and Somalia.. This means, if the talks fail then, we have acceptance of the international community that we were an entity call Somaliland that even Somalia has accepted it; and since the talks have failed, then each party will be free to seek it's destiny as it sees fit.. General caydiid was a man a head of his time, the only problem with him was he had the balls to rule and even had territorial control with out the Amisom forces. But his efforts were halted by diplomatic thievery in Djibouti.And a disorganized central committee of the USC. Brother hassan enjoys legitimacy, but he lacks the institutional functionality, and needs AU troops. Nevertheless its a legitimate government in the eyes of the western powers Europe United states. So i say let the talking continue i am sure , we came along way.
  14. Oodweyne;943502 wrote: This sort of argument in my view are bit premature (or if you like putting the cart before the horse); for they have to wait till end of the talks and we see where we are in-terms of political reality on the ground. But in principles, there are nothing to which one could take exception to. Agreed but Somalilanders should always show that they are the most flexible and reasonble people when it comes to engaging with their neighbors and ofcourse, showing Somali solidarity when needed. Its to early to talk about this because we are in the middle of the process the dialogue between the 2 countries.
  15. I dont think any one in Somaliland would have a problem with the movement of people, people of Somalia can visit Somaliland with out a visa. Somalia and Somaliland can later forge closer economic and trade integration. Or even go a step further as carafaat suggested to share the same embassy buildings. Ofcourse there are some hard liners but as long as the 2 sovereign states restore relations everything is possible. We could even go a step further and have the same defense policy so if Kenya has a problem with Somalia. Somaliland would automatically side with Somalia. The same with Ethiopian if its in conflict with Ethiopia or Djibouti if its in conflict with Eritrea. This is all possible if the 2 sides agree two live side by side as two independent nations. This is dahabshils new bank under construction in Mogadishu
  16. ^^ I dont see a problem with that i have some relatives of mine who are currently in Xamar and i am sure there are many koonfurians in Somaliland. It just becomes difficult when a governmental official of Somalia tries to visit Somaliland or a governmental official of SL tries to visit Somalia.
  17. xiinfaniin;943477 wrote: ^^I am Khatumo when it comes the big strategic battles ...for the internal politicking and subclannish competition I care not. So no matter how you pretend otherwise there are men who will never entertain this silly notion of yours. And for 21 years, they are the reason why today you cannot set foot in majority of those districts. That is what reality on the ground means awoowe. Jawhar is a good place between, but on matters of secession they irrelevant unless there is a referendum then we need their vote Are you calling some unionists irrelevant those in jawhar and that their opinion doesn't matter. Its a bit more than just sub clanish quarrels between brothers. When some of the brothers side with the other group. For 21 years Somaliland territorial control only advanced never diminished. Yet the pirates lost entire regions and tribes of their state. Now you can claim Khatumo on SOL , but the political leaders those in garowe sing a different song.
  18. Oodweyne also Professor samatar said that that Somaliland and its people are true believers of freedom and democracy he also clearly stated that there are problems in eastern Somaliland. According to Khadar there is no such thing as eastern Somaliland regions:D
  19. Oodweyne, Xiin still believes in the defunct political h- artism those in taleex who call themselves Khatumo, consider the pirate enclave a hostile state that often sides with Somaliland when it comes to Khatumo . Yet Xiinfaniin has the nerve to speak on their behalf
  20. Professor samatar is a genuine unionist i have to say it was a very good interview.
  21. There is a clear distinction between the pirates the so called tribal unionists and the people of hassan sheikh maxamuud the Muqdishaawis. We dont see HAG community members from Mogadishu beledweyne jawhar and afgooye writing endless articles. How treacherous it was of hassan to meet with siilanyo in ankara. Although many Muqdishaawis wish to see the union as it was in 1960 some have an emotional attachment to Somaliland they themselves have no words for. But the pirates have clanish motives they are terrified to see a recognized Somaliland next door because they are terrified of the political weight it might bring in the region particularly for them since they border Somaliland. The resentment the pirates and other sahal community members have for Somaliland is well noted. There are even some of them who are equating the SL Somalia talks , as talks between USC and SNM. Clearly the HAG community and the pirates and their closest allies do not view SL the same way the Muqdishaawis do. I do think that Somaliland has a reasonable partner to have dialogue with in Somalia. That doesn't mean they will agree any time soon but still as long as the talks continue the 2 sides can come to an agreement regarding the future relationship between the 2 countries.