Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Apophis;951353 wrote: You're not just qabilist but you hate the Somali race so much that your mind invented it's own race. And this lady has said nothing your auntie Edna hasn't said. So spare us your obscurantism. But edna adan does not claim to be a Somalia nationalist patriotic woman as Aaliyaah described Halimo as a wadaniyad. Thats the fundamental difference edna adan is from a different country she has nothing to do with Somalia she only defends her Somaliland when koonfurians claim her land thats all.The afro hashimites are their own people that does not mean they hate their linguistic cousins in the horn not at all.
  2. So you defeated Somaliland armed forces with out arms and fighting brilliant no one ever did that on this planet.
  3. ^^ Hows afro hashimite equal to qabilism and hating other tribes like halimo soofe who called entire tribes barbaric and animals. Stop defending this hateful woman who took part of the civil war and killed many.
  4. First you said they attacked innocent civilians than you changed your stance and say SL troops have no right to stay in those territories e because some sub sub clans refused.What is it because you seem to be confusing your self. The truth is an armed resistance group have been attacking the SL defense forces and the SL defense forces retaliated. How can one invade a region when the person is from the same region. Clearly deep inside you know the truth that no innocent civilians were killed but the armed resistance was crushed that seems to be your problem. These people were not innocent do you want me to post them showing their guns? Threatening the SL forces.
  5. I dont get it is this a tea shop owned by a former kacaan person in xamar or something?
  6. Aaliyyah;951318 wrote: Oh really is that what he was doing when he attacked Buhodle and killed innocent civilians??.. Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better at night. But, we all know the truth. Are you saying the Khatumu militia and the ssc militia before were not armed are you saying SL soldiers didnt die in that region talow may iska dhinteen. Jooji beenta aad wadid dagaal laba ciidan bay ahayd not ciidan vs shacab.
  7. ^^ I dont believe he is killing innocent civilians i believe he is fighting an armed group there is a difference. Your halimo soofe is an extreme tribalist her hatred towards some Somali tribes is well noted. Now dear Aaliyah how can you call halimo a patriotic Somali nationalistic woman when she compared some somali tribes with animals?
  8. Aaliyyah;951306 wrote: The same man who is clapping for Silaanyo - a warlord who killed so many innocent people. Are you in a position to speak? I am not claiming to be a Somalia wadani:D
  9. Listen from 2:50 look at the hate she is spewing against some Somali tribes.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OA2_8j39QYI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  11. Raysul Wasaare Saacid: Dowladdu Waxay Aad uga Xuntahay Sida Loo Jah-wareershay Masiirka Hogaan Ee Shacabka Jubbooyinka Muqdisho (RBC) War saxaafadeed ka soo baxay Xafiiska Raysul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon ayaa lagu sheegay in dawladu ay aad uga xun tahay doorashooyinkii lagu sheegay inay ka dheceen magaalada Kismaayo, taasoo dawladu ay sheegtay inaysan aqoonsan doonin. War saxaafadeedka ka soo baxay xafiiska Raysul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon ayaa u qornaa sidan: Ayadoo Ia llaalinayo dastuurka dalka ee qeexaya qaab-dhismeedka dawlad-goboleedyada dalka ee nidaamka federaaliga ah. Lana dhawrayo geedi socodka dawladaynta ee uu qeexayo Dastuurka Fedaraalaynta Qodobkiisa 49 aad. Ayadoo lagu guda jiro dhamaystirka go’aankii dawladdaha urur goboleedka IGAD ee shirkii Addis Ababa Maajo 3, ee lagu go’aansaday in guddi dhiirigalin oo ka socda wadamada IGAD loo diro magaalada Kismaayo. Ayadoo la tixgalinayo rabitaanka rasmiga ah ee shacbiga Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa gobolada Gedo, Jubbada Hoose iyo Jubbada Dhexe. Isla markaana laga taxadarayo xasiloonida iyo dib-u-xoreynta deegaanadada weli gacanta ugu jira kooxaha nabad-diidka ah. Dawladda Faderaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay aad uga xuntahay sida loo jaah-wareershay masiirka hogaan ee shacabka Jubooyinka iyo in Kismaayo looga dhawaaqo labo madaxweyne 15 Maajo 2013. Sidaas daraadeed dawladdu waxay caddeynaysaa inaysan suurto gal u ahayn inay labo madaxweyne u aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland. Dawladdu waxay mar kale caddeynaysaa inay soo dhawaynayso dhismaha maamul goboleedyada ku yimaada qaabka sharciga waafaqsan kuna dhisan rabitaanka iyo midnimada shacabka deegaanka. Dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay xoojinaysaa hawsha Guddiga Labada Golle ee loo xilsaray wada-xaajoodka iyo dib-u heshiisiinta gobolada Jubbooyinka. Waxayna maamulada degmooyinka, hogaamiyeyaasha dhaqanka iyo wax-garadka deegaanka ugu baaqaysaa inay si buuxda la shaqeeyaan gudigaas dawliga ah. Dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxay ku baaqaysaa in la illaaliyo xasiloonida, lagana dheeraado wax kasta oo caqabad ku noqon kara amniga iyo dib-u xoreynta dalka, iyo in loo hogaansamo sharciga dalka. DHAMAAD Ahmed Adan Prime Minister’s Media Office Mogadishu, Somalia
  12. Classified;951157 wrote: So, the Freedom and Independence gained in June 26, 1960 from close to 100 years of British colonization of "Somaliland" is far LESS important than May 18, 1991, "the independence that was gained from Somalia, which only existed for 30 years at the time" ? 26 june was important day , but 26 june Somalilanders didn't declare their country as a sovereign state, its not as significant as 18 may , on 18 may Somaliland restored its statehood as a sovereign state. Somaliland did not gain independence from Somalia , because it was never part of Somalia , it was part of the Somali republic and it was a member of the union of that republic. So 18 may is part of the new Somaliland republic and its very important.
  13. Ninkan nuune waxa ka galay numberka Somaliland qaracayso baan garan la'ahay. Ma mar ba isaga lala so hadlaya?
  14. Mursal new song Somaliland 18 may 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PrQANd7ZZl4#!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  15. This is looks more serious than i thought , i was thinking gabbal and dabrow were joking Barre was really inaugurated.
  16. Apophis;951120 wrote: If you're not a script of Xaaji habar then let my eyes boil away to nothingness. Like him, you're poison. Apophis why are you so against the xaaji i am not against madoobe nor for every neutral adeer.
  17. ^^ You didnt answer the first question by the way i have only 2 questions
  18. I wonder why he picked SL he didn't answer no i did not ask for him visa but i have other questions.
  19. Just asking is Somaliland the only nomadic land u know u can go to Somali galbeed u can go to Puntland galmudug , Why Somaliland? What is your business in Somaliland i am wondering?
  20. Why do you want to come to Somaliland?
  21. The good old days when Somali politicians were honest nationalists and noble and god fearing. Ilaahay idin naxariiso
  22. But guys this is a joke, kalsoonidanu kala laabayna if they do that what will change nothing really its not like they were cooperating before. Wa naag qawan oo kale ,oo leh walahi maradaan dhiganaya makes no sense.
  23. Baashi;950989 wrote: That's not the way to go about this and you know it awoowe If and when the planned election of 2016 materializes that's when folks can exercise their vote. As it stands now the government of president Hassan will stay put in office till that date. What JL can do is to recall their MPs from the capital. That move will probably not do much from legislative point of view as the quorum of the parliament will be met by the presence of the remaining MPs. But what it could do is show solidarity of the representative of JL with the local government. Politics is a serious business but it is also an art and those who perfected in its compexity can use it very efficeintly. What makes you think in 3 years time there will be one time one vote elections??