Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ Somaliland is not in dispute with the UN or in conflict with the UN , if the UN manages it i am fine with it but Somalia will not manage it. Somaliland will not tolerate that. Now can the 2 sides jointly manage it i am for that it needs to be worked out in the finer details but that could be agreed on. But Somalia cannot manage Somaliland air space revenues. Since Somaliland is not part of Somalia. Kagan nuunow la baxayow.
  2. They can condemn it and air their frustrations but it will not change the reality on the ground Somaliland airspace revenue will not be managed by Somalia.
  3. Sanaag ceerigaabo " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Caynabo sool " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  4. http://www.gabiley.net/pages/tDetails.php?source=news&ID=26850&permission=1&audioFile=
  5. Maamulka Puntland Oo Ku Dhawaaqday Jihaad Ka Dhan Ah Dowlada Federalka Soomaaliya. Maanta waxaan ku dhawaaqayaa in uu banaanyahay jihad ka dhan ah dowlada Xassan Sheekh. Waxaan u daliishanayaa isir kala sooca...... Cabdi Naasir Badal Khalaf oo ah isuduwaha Wasaarada War-faafinta maamulka Faroole ayaa ku dhawaaqay dagaal ka dhan ah dowlada Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay in uu xilligaan yahay mid xaq ah oo Janno lagu gelayo. Jihaadkaan ayuu ku dhawaaqay ninkani kadib markii uu saxaafada kula hadlay deegaanada Puntiland isaga oo yiri, “Waligey dagaal kama qeyb qaadan. Walaahi in aanan tan nabad ka qaadaneyn. Maanta waxaan ku dhawaaqayaa in uu banaanyahay jihad ka dhan ah dowlada Xassan Sheekh. Waxaan u daliishanayaa isir kala sooca ay wadaan oo ah in ay diidayaan in maamul Jubaland la yiraahdo uu Kismaayo ka hana qaada”. Islaamka ayaa noo ogol in aan la dagaalno maxaa yeelay, “Shaqsiyaad ku sugan Kismaayo oo fidna wadayaal ah ayaa waxaa ay kharash ku sii wadaan fowdada siiya dowlada Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud oo dooneysa in ay rabshadu sii socoto. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay, “Nafteenna, diinteena iyo Cirdigeena in aan ilaalinno diinta ayaa nafareysa. Dowalada Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay hor-seedeysaa in dagaal diinta salka ku haya uu ka dhoco Soomaaliya, kaas oo noqda mid qariya dagaladii hore oo dhan. Hadalka dagaalka lagu iclaaminayo ee uu jeediyay Cabdinaasir Badal Khalaf ayaa waxaa la’aaminsanyahay in uu yahay fikir ka soo baxay hogaanka Puntiland Faroole maadaama uu isagu afkiisa ka ilaashanayo in erayada sidaa oo kale ah ee sharafta siyaasadiisana wax u dhimaya uu ka dhawaajiyo.
  6. ^^ I did not acknowledge anything i just quoted what Xaabsade said
  7. Xaabsade waleh wa libaax he has that typical reer woqoyi wat of expressing him self . war reer laascanoodow halkeed u socottaan ki aad u socoten ba idin yidhi SL baad tihin priceless:D
  8. Haatu;951971 wrote: That's the beauty of clan politics for you and all Somalis are guilty of it. I remember a certain lot hiding behind the British fighting against a man opposing colonialists Haatu your clan tried to kill the Mad Mullah your poets hated him the legendary Qamaan and others, and large segments of the Pirates the garaad clan fought fiercely against him And other SL communities maakhir and the garaad clan , fought hard against the Mad Mullah. Matter infact the top leadership of the dervish movement were all from Burco. But the kacaanist government fed the people it was one clan pro mad mullah and one clan opposed. The dervish were like the current Shabaab fighters they were ruthless and had no mercy they were jihadists and they had many supporters in the first 10 years. and the last 10 years they were losing more support. And i can tell you all clans from SL supported the Mullah and all clans from SL were against him. The dervishes were no qabill movement as some love to describe them
  9. ^The president is a damuljadiid he supports Arabic influence in his country
  10. ^^ Burahadeer those who love the Kenyans influence in Somalia and want Hassans failure are the most patriotic Somali unionists:D
  11. Salax President hassan u should not take his words to serious , he is just trying to be politically correct. The man has bigger issue , Kenyatta wants to claim more influence in southern Somalia. He is just dancing to the tunes. Salax he sees that Somaliland can help him unite his country but Somaliland has no interests. Marka ha iska hadle eeh yara daa.
  12. Uhurro kenyatta is stepping up the game as long as Madoobe and co are in Kismayo and the Kenyans are protecting him Kenya will have a leverage on Somalia. And Somalis are divided the only way Hassan to get rid of the Kenyans is if he makes sure the western powers support his stance on Somalia. But Kenya seems to be more important for the western powers. There is another alternative if the 2 admins in Kismayo clash and Kenya picks sides. That will be also a plus of the SFG to complain about the Kenyans and their involvement inside Somalia.
  13. Maalinti mugidina ka baxnay wa may weyaane eh Malayiin qof ayaan midh laga hayn eh Alla magane eh Somaliland muqadis weyenaa eh
  14. Cabdi siyaaro's gabay in gabiley , what a poem http://www.gabiley.net/pages/tDetails.php?source=news&ID=26847&permission=1&audioFile=20130518040412_file.MP3