Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Amin is here trying to be dramatic the President of Somalia Mr hassan is not taking the country back to civil war. But the man has a hard time putting the country under his control. So far he called for reconciliation and dialogue to sort out all the problems peacefully. So i believe this image is wrong.
  2. Poll puts Nairobi-Mogadishu ties at risk Share Bookmark Print Rating Posted Wednesday, May 22 2013 at 23:10 In Summary Sources in Kismayu have confirmed that Sheikh Madobe is due to visit Nairobi later this week for talks with the Kenyan Government, but speculation the Jubaland leader may also meet the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud could not be ascertained Kenya’s testy and troubled relations with Somalia are once again on the rocks. The election of Sheikh Ahmed Madobe as President of Jubaland on May 15 by clan delegates in Kismayu has opened a huge chasm between Nairobi and Mogadishu and created a febrile atmosphere inimical to dialogue. As Kenya continues to warmly applaud and welcome the developments in Juba as positive and Mogadishu insists it will not recognise the new leadership in Kismayu, the stage is now set for a bruising diplomatic row certain to cause a major setback in bilateral ties. The risks of a new potentially destabilising diplomatic tempest appear a near certainty and the consequences too blindingly obvious and grave to contemplate. An intense shuttle diplomacy spearheaded by Igad in the last one week to try to calm the mounting tension and ease the renewed polarisation over Jubaland apparently failed to make any headway. Pressure is mounting Sources say the talks in Mogadishu between Igad delegation led by its executive director and senior Somali government officials over the weekend failed to agree on a workable formula to end the impasse. Consequently, pressure is mounting on the senior most leadership— President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Hassan Sheikh— to initiate urgent talks with all the key stakeholders and muster the nimble diplomatic footwork required to resolve the crisis before it escalates further. Sources in Kismayu have confirmed that Sheikh Madobe is due to visit Nairobi later this week for talks with the Kenyan Government, but speculation the Jubaland leader may also meet the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud could not be ascertained. All these would of course seem to suggest the Uhuru administration is keen to reach out to all sides and facilitate a new intra-Somali dialogue. For its part, the Somali Government set up a 16-member committee on May 15, made up of MPs from the two chambers of Parliament, led by Abdi Guhaad Jama “Oday”, and dispatched it to Kismayu for talks with the new leadership, clan elders and politicians. Many in the diplomatic community, uneasy at the new turn of events, say the growing momentum towards dialogue can only be a positive thing, not least, because the act of talking may have the potential to progressively de-escalate the tension in the short-term and hopefully create the context for serious negotiations to find a pragmatic solution in the longer-term. As things stand, there are now two active parallel dialogue initiatives— one led by Igad and the other by the Somali Government— and a potential third brokered by Kenya seems to be in the offing. Such proliferation of parallel talks could create confusion; become bogged down in tangential issues and complicate matters and there is, therefore, need to merge these efforts and create a well-structured single dialogue designed to focus on the fundamental issues. Admittedly, while few are holding out the prospect for an early breakthrough, considering the complexity of the issues at stake and the entrenched views on both sides, there are hopes, nevertheless, the crisis over Jubaland may have thrown up a new opportunity to address the core issues that have dogged Somalia’s federalisation process. In a speech on May 18, President Hassan for the first time acknowledged, albeit obliquely, that the row over Jubaland was fuelled by a perception the government was reluctant in implementing federalism and that views on the federal model envisaged under the existing Constitution differed widely.“The government has a plan to implement federalism in Somalia,” he said. Whether the claim was simply rhetoric, as sceptics are wont to suggest, or whether, indeed, an actual blueprint on federalism exists, remains a matter for conjecture and debate, but the mere fact the President had tacitly admitted federalism was a principle cause of the discontent in the periphery is, in itself, significant. Many will now be hoping to see the President move swiftly to reopen the debate on what kind of a federal model the country should adopt and constitute a committee of experts to revisit the controversial articles in the Constitution that have given rise to the confusion. Unless Somalis arrive at a common understanding and consensus on the federal model the country must adopt; the language of the relevant sections in the Constitution amended accordingly and rendered more precise; and a common criteria for the federal states agreed and their borders and powers defined with greater precision, it is unlikely we will see an end to the type of acute centre-periphery power struggle as we are now witnessing.
  3. Salax you are talking about the short term interests, in the long term interests Somaliland and Somalia need each other to protect and safeguard their political and economic interest in the horn.What Somaliland has with Somalia is a political disagreement currently on their future relations the TPLF junta on the other hand does not favor Somaliland over Somalia nor does it care about Somaliland interests as you want to believe. It doesn't even care about those Somalis under Ethiopian rule including ethnic Somalilanders. Somaliland should also not side with Ethiopia when it comes to the Ethio Egyptian conflict. Because lets be honest what has Ethiopia done for Somaliland, it should stay away from these affairs. The short term interests will fade away, but Somaliland has a long term interest, the political disagreement should not be translated that Somaliland and Somalia are enemies we are not enemies. The Xabashis on the other hand have their own interests, if you read what those bug eyed wrote on that website you posted they said Somaliland was part of their Abyssinia once thus they should claim it. We have no shared values with those people and its in our very own interests that that ill conceived empire disintegrates.
  4. Saalax;953769 wrote: It is all about interests, it is in the legal sense Ethiopia can't make that move yet (they have their own issues with secession inside their borders) among , but it is good that they realize a united Somalia being by the likes of Egypt is Danger to them. Its just talks the TPLF adventures are ending in Somalia and their role in Somalia is diminishing since the new SFG. As for Somaliland if they were sincere about Somaliland independence they would have lobbied for Somaliland or at least encouraged other countries in Africa to take the first step. But they are fine with the status quo. They already know that Egypt is a threat to them it doesn't need to be reaffirmed. No i think we have a better friend in Kenya and in Rwanda atleast Paul kagame said that the Somaliland case should be discussed at the African union the Kenyans also called a few times that Somaliland deserves recognition. But when the Ethiopians were asked they said its up to the Koonfurians to decide Somaliland future. For now we should just keep our heads cool.
  5. malistar2012;953775 wrote: wara yaa isgaare Somali Army will reach 28 thousand professional soldiers with moderate weapons , people are underestimating president Hassan and Pm Saciid ? Ethiopian Pm sees the future . When you no longer need ugandan kenyan Ethiopian Djiboutian burundian troops is when you can say i am free and no longer guarded now i admit the Somali government made some progress the past 8 months. But its still not there and it has allot of work to do in terms of security policing and the reestablishment of the security institutions.
  6. Ethiopians are scared of Egyptians, Egypt has motives and we know why they have blocked SL recognition. But if the Ethiopians are serous they should recognize Somaliland independence. But most of the time they are not sincere because no one needs their protection its much about nothing. The African union guarded government is toothless there is no threat coming from the pirates either.
  7. Koonfurians dont know when to use the r or the dh its well known phenomenon. When they want to say booty they will say bari but when they want to say east they say bari to.
  8. Djibouti baanu isaga dhownahay oo fransiiska ina baray haba inaga ilka dhadheeradan eh.
  9. Ethiopia doesn't want to pick sides here because they know what is at stake, and that the 2 admins are contesting. We dont know what is in their heart and what they really want. The same with the Kenyans they cannot arrest President hiiraale or block his Militia from the city because they dont want a confrontation.
  10. Its still a bank recognition is one thing but SL must always maintain good relations with the Europeans particularly the french. Somaliland should ask the french to train their naval forces there are many ways the french can assist Somaliland when it comes to security and investments. In 2010 the Israeli ambassador to Ethiopia and Dr bidaar held talks he initially agreed to allow Israeli journalists in the country. But because its a sensitive issue the israeli journalists were told to leave the country afterwords. i am for unofficial relations with the israelis but not official relations.
  11. I am not fan of having relations with Israel its a very sensitive issue although we can have unofficial relations where we buy arms from the Israeli arms company's. The Israelis manufacture one of the best weapons in the world.Maybe SL should purchase 20 Merkava tanks. But i prefer Somaliland to cooperate with the french there is already a french bank operating in Somaliland and the french are good folks in my book.
  12. France and Somaliland are brotherly nations Somaliland must and will cooperate with the french
  13. Somaliland:President Silanyo Receives French Ambassador Silanyo with French Envoy By Goth Mohamed Goth President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) today in the Presidency received the republic of France Ambassador to Kenya, Somalia and Somaliland Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins, Hargeisa. President Silanyo and French ambassador held lengthy discussions in which they explored ways to enhance future bilateral relation between the Somaliland and the republic of France. “I on the behalf of the people of Somaliland express our gratitude for the support of the French government through the EU ,Somaliland needs foreign investment in order to grow our economy and increase the business opportunities ,I do hereby take this opportunity to invite foreign investors to come and develop the natural resources in our country,” Said President Silanyo. Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins who is the first full-fledged Ambassador both to Somaliland and Somalia in 25 years after his meeting with Somaliland leader told reporters, this is the first direct engagement with both countries. The French Ambassador went on to say “Firstly on behalf of France ,I want to congratulate you on the marking of your national day, secondly i also commend the people and government of Somaliland for the accomplishments made in the areas of security, democracy investment, rule of law, the fight against piracy and good governance. “Apart from economical interests in Somaliland from French companies, the government of France intent’s to enhance Cultural exchange such as promoting the French language, economic development, bilateral and political relations with Somaliland,” stated Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins . Lastly the visiting French envoy extended an official invitation to President Silanyo from the French government to visit France in the near future; to date apart from the USA which deals with Somaliland separately through the dual track policy, France is the first Western Europe country to clarify it separately deals with Somaliland and Somalia others are expected to follow suit in the future. Click the link below to listen to the press briefing http://www.sendspace.com/file/3w4t1c Somalilandpress.Com
  14. Somaliland: France Invites President Silanyo for Talks in Paris Wednesday, 22 May 2013 16:41 President Silanyo and Amb de Poncins after meeting in HargeisaPresident Silanyo and Amb de Poncins after meeting in Hargeisa HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – "Your Excellency I hereby extend an official invitation for talks with the highest levels of authority in Paris whenever your schedule allows" This invitation was extended by the in-coming French envoy to Kenya, Somaliland and Somalia Ambassador Etienne De Poncins at the presidency in Hargeisa where he had presented his credentials to the head of state. According to Amb De Poncins who is the first full-fledged Ambassador both to Somaliland and Somalia in 25 years , this is the first direct engagement with both countries and that the French republic has a lot of interests in Somaliland be it political or commercial. Said he "Apart from economic interests in Somaliland from French companies, the government of France intent's to enhance Cultural exchange such as promoting the French language, economic development, bilateral and political relations with Somaliland," The visit by the French ambassador comes a day after another high level one made by the EU ambassador to Somalia and Somaliland in which the EU informed of its continued interaction with Somaliland directly. Analysts say that the recent flurry of activities seen in the country from western authorities is a direct result of boycotting the Somalia conference held in London on 7th may as well as the banning of UN flights after UNDP handed over this country's airspace management to the Mogadishu based government.
  15. It needs to be sharpened here and there but no need for a mass return they re doing a good job abroad the ethnic Somalilandish people There is press freedom in Somaliland different private owned radio stations 7 different papers come out every day. Private owned T.Vs. Ofcourse we dont live in an utopian society and allot goes wrong. But compare Somaliland to the region its doing very good in terms of democracy.
  16. Dowladda Ethiopia oo ka hadashay arimaha ka taagan gobolada Jubooyinka Afhayeenk u hadlay R/wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Hailemariam Desaleng ayaa ka hadlay arimaha uu muranka badan ka taagan yahay ee gobolada jubooyika dalka Soomaaliya,afhayeenka ayaa sheegay in dowladda Ethiopia aysan wax lug ah ku lahayn arimaha maamul u samaynta Jubooyinka. Afhayeenka u hadlay R/wasaaraha Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in madaxweynayaasha kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Kismaayo iney yihiin madaxweynaha Jubaland uusan jirin mid ay dowladda Ethiopia si gaara u taageersan tahay isla markaane uu cilaaqaad gaara kala dhexeeyo sida uu tilmaamay Katijwa oo ah afhayeen u hadlay R/wasaare Desaleng. Afhayeenka ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in arimaha ka socda magaalada Kismaayo ay tahay arin u taalla dowladda Soomaaliya iyo shacabkeeda isla maraane aysan jirin wax kaalin ah oo ay Ethiopia ku leedahay sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “ma qabo in dowladda Soomaaliya ay ka gaabisay arimaha Jubooyinka,dowladdu wey ku hawlan tahay xal u helida arimahaas” ayuu yiri afhayeenka u hadlay R/wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Hailemariam Desaleng. Mr Katijwa ayaa intaa ku daray in doorka dowladda Ethiopia ee Soomaaliya uu yahay taageeridda dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya,wuxuuna tilmaamay in ciidanka dalkiisa ee dagaalka ka wada gudaha Soomaaliya ay naftooda u hureen sidii ay usoo celin lahaayeen amnigii iyo kala danbeyntii Soomaaliya isla markaane ay alshabaab uga safayn lahaayeen gayiga Soomaaliya sida uu hadalka u yiri. Hadalka afhayeenka u hadlay R/wasaare Hailemariam Desaleng dalka Ethiopia ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili ay dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ay Ethiopia iyo Kenya ku eedeynayaan iney hurinayaan mushkiladda ka taagan gobolada Jubooyinka ee dalka Soomaaliya waxaana lagu xantaa iney goboladaas ka leeyihiin dano siyaasadeed oo u gaara.
  17. Founding fathers of the OAU/African union