Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. xiinfaniin;953205 wrote: ^^xaaji habaar, this is another news that would not please you. The Kaliil of Gedo supports Madoobe , what now xaaji habaar Kismaayo24 News: Siyaaasiga ka soo jeeda Gobolka Gedo ee Diyaaad Cabdi Kaliil ayaa waxaa uu marki ugu horaysay ka hadlay Doorashadi Madaxweynaha Jubbaland iyo Kuxigeenkiisa. Mr Kaliil waxaa uu sheegay in u si weyn u soo dhaweynayo Doorashada ka dhacday Jamacada Kismaayo ee Magaalada Kismaayo islamarkana uu rajo badan ka qabo in Maamulka halkaasi lagu dhisay in uu noqdo mid dhibaatada ka sara Shacabka Jubbaland. diyaad kaliilMr Kaliil oo la waydiyay sida uu u arko Madaxweyne yaasha badan ee Kismaayo loga dhawaaqay ayaa waxaa uu shegay in kuwaasi ay la mid yihiin ninki Cabdinuur Darman a haa ee 10 ka sano sheeganayay Madaxweynaha Somalia hadana ka dalay oo iska dayay. Kaliil ayaa waxaa uu ugu danbeyn sheegay in Gobolka u ka so jeedo ee Gedo u ka soo dalay dowladihii dhexe ee Somalia iyo wax qabad xumadooda hadana uu diyaar u yahay in uu tijaabiyo Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland State. Thats not the governor of gedo thats his son try again Xiinfaniin.
  2. You deep inside know to that barre is a major problem to Ahmed madoobe's presidency thus you parade here with qaxootis from dadaab.Amiir Godane might have lost Kismayo but he surely was not defeated by Raskambooni or a Somali Militia . He was removed from power by a well organized equipped Kenyan military force with technical support from Israel. So alshabaab is not the issue here its president barre presidency that will be a problem for Ahmed madoobe, there cant be 2 presidents for one region. If you ask me barre with support from gedo and parts of Kismayo has a significant chance to become the president. Not saying he will be the winner but he has a good chance.
  3. Godane is not the issue here stop mentioning him , the major problem Xiinfaniin you are facing is President barre and his large support in Jubbaland. Its all about how the dynamics go in the next coming days and weeks. And how hassan approach will be towards the region u can call madoobe President but the government in Somalia does not recognize him as such. Nor the clan assembly that appointed him is recognized by the SFG. I thought you liked President siilaanyo and u believed he is secretly working against SomalilandS quest for statehood. No my friend refugees in dadaab will not make Ahmed madoobe the legit president as long as this is contested by President hiiraale.
  4. Easy Easy the Mogadishu elders and the Somali government are also great supporters in this game he has support in gedo and in the jubba regions the gedo governor said that barre is the president. Isn't gedo part of jubbaland. Forget about alshabaab its fair 2 say there are 2 presidents in Jubbaland. Barre is no spoiler in this he is a major player in the region. I don't see how refugees in dadaab will make Ahmed madoobe's presidency more legitimate than Barre hiiraales presidency. You cant sign off barre Xiinfaniin you just cant yet.
  5. Oke so barre hiiraale has no qaxooti supporters but what does this change on the ground barre has diaspora supporters and also inside the country.
  6. Madaxweynaha Dalka Kenya Oo Sheegay Inuu la Shaqayn Doono Wasiiraddiisa Arrimaha Khaarajiga. Hargeysa(Ramaas) May21, 2013 -Wasiiradda arrimaha dibadda Ee Dalka Kenya Amina Maxamed oo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda Soomaaliya ahna Haweenayddii u horaysay taariikhda dalka Kenya, ee loo magacaabo Jagadan Wasiirnimo ee Arrimaha Dibaadda oo shalay si rasmi ah loogu dhaariyay xilkan Wasiirnimo, ayaa sheegtay inay ku faraxsan tahay masuuliyada loo igmaday loona dhaariyay. Xafladdii dhaarinta Wasiiradda oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya iyo xubno sarsare oo ka tirsan xukuumaddiisa. Xafladan oo lagu qabtay magaaladda Nairobi, ayuu Madaxweynaha Kenya xusay In Wasaaraddan Khaarajigu ay tahay mid aad u mihiim ah oo ay u qalanto aqoon ahaan iyo waayo aragnimo ahaanba in Wasiiraddan loo magacaabo, isaga oo sheegay in uu si dhow ula shaqeyn doono Wasiiradda si loo xoojiyo xidhiidhadda caalamiga ah ee udhexeeya dalka Kenya iyo beesha caalamka. Dhanka kale, Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya waxa uu Carabaabay baahida xoogga leh ee loo qabo in xukuumadda cusub ee dalka Kenya ay, ay tahay inay la timaaddo siyaasaad hufan oo ku aadan caalamka si loo horumariyo danaha wadanka Kenya uu la leeyahay mandaqadda gobolka iyo bulsho weynta kale ee Caalamka.
  7. IsseRiyole;953097 wrote: I see a lot of haters in SOL, i never thought i will come back to post my two cents again, but i do have to admit it i do read most of your comments when i can, One thing we need to realize is We will never see the Innocent Somali we knew that period of time passed away and we are in a different environment, we are still recovering the Killings, Rape, Looting we saw and no one so far raised that issue, how can a country reconcile when every one is looking the other way and pretending nothing has happened? I fully support Jubaland to be their own and if a Region or a Tribe of a Region wants to rule themself i fully support, you may hate it but that is the reality we are facing. The man in charge Mogdishu he is totally supporing his Tribe we know it an nothing wrong with it, so allow the rest of ther regions who are living in peace to be whatever they watn to eb. Also fully supporting Somaliland hate it or love they are and independt nation they were and i hope they neve come back to join .also i support Puntland , so please don't talk for the sake of talk but look into the mess we are, let's dig it out and let each region become self sufficient then let's see what can be done for all the hatred we have each other. there are some of you who i can't stand their comments but i respect what is in your mind it is yours and it is original. Peace to the rest of you i know i will never go back to Mogadishu even though that is where i was born, but i hate it the way these ppl behaving. Good luck Haters. Welcome back issa riyoole.
  8. ^^ In Somaliland he could have easily be elected as President or vice President, people in SL see when they see an educated leader. in Somaliland its all different its all about one man one vote.
  9. Carafaat;953054 wrote: Professor Samater was the most vocal Somalilander opposing Somaliland. His change of heart is according with the political reality in the region. Yeah remember him in 2006 2007 2008.
  10. Taleexi;953046 wrote: Prof. Samatar is a capable, self-made man and role model to many however, his current political gaffe and misguided change of heart will not amount to anything - he all of a sudden believes the Somaliland of the sixties as it were to be restored, it isn't only impossible but morally wrong, Eastern clans are gone for good, Awdal is on the balance. The fallacies of his recent logic are many for instance; where he thinks Somalia and Somaliland could sit together as equal partners where they share resources and power equally and in proportions, are southerners id-iots or what and we all know there is no way Delaware and California could've a same representation in any shape or form possible. And finally, whose Somaliland is he talking about.? As it stands, SL is one clan projects and should be treated as such - any other assumption is protracting the misery of our people. Taleexi its koonfurians who want union no one is asking koonfurians to share their resources with Somaliland its they that want union. Somaliland is very happy with its resources its Somaia is insecure and cant stand alone. The 2 countries united in 1960 but there was no equality of the union which resulted for Somaliland to withdraw from the union altogether. Somaliland is not a province of Somalia , the 2 as equal states united and became the Somali republic. Now its they who have to clarify their future relations 53 years later.
  11. Madaxweynuhu wuu duulaya iyo wuu duulay eeg xiliga la postgereye wa shalay marka maanta wu duulay. Xiinfaniin wamaxay dhibku so la duuli mayo uun:D
  12. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Iyo Safiirka Midowga Yurub Oo Ka Wada Hadlay hanaanka loo maamulayo deeqaha May 21st, 2013 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Safiirka midowga Yurub ka socda oo la yidhaahdo Michele Cervone d’Urso. Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, ayaa kulankaasi ka dib saxaafadda uga waramay waxyaabihii ay Madaxweynaha iyo safiirkaasi ka wada hadleen, waxaanu yidhi “Waxa maanta Booqasho Somaliland ugu yimid Safiirka Midowga Yurub ka socday oo la yidhaahdo Michele Cervone d’Urso, waxaanan ka wada hadlanay guud ahaan cilaaqaadka ka dhaxeeya midowga Yurub iyo dawladda Somaliland. Waxa kale oo aanu maanta ka wada hadalnay hindise cusub oo ah barnaamij midowga Yurub uu mucaawimooyinka uu siiyo dalal badan oo Afrikaan ah u isticmaali doono oo dhaqaale ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaanba uu midowga Yurub ka caawiyo.” Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada oo ka hadlayay dulucda qodobadii ay maanta ka wada hadleen Safiirkan, waxaanu yidhi “Waxaanu ka wada hadalnay mabaadiida guud ee Midowga Yurub iyo xukuumadda Somaliland ay ku wada shaqaynayaan.” “Waxaanu ku faraxsan nahay sidii horeba caadada u ahayd in midowga Yurub uu si toos ah ula shaqaynayo dawladda Somaliland. Sida dalalka kale ee yuruba ay noola shaqeeyaan. Wixii muwaacimo ah ee la ina siinayaana ay ku dhisnaan doonto qorshaha qaran ee dalkani (Somaliland) leedahay. Arrimahaasi si wanaagsan oo balaadhan baanu iskugu afgaranay,”ayuu Wasiirka Khaarajiga Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi. Dhinaca kale, danjire Michele Cervone d’Urso oo isna shirkaasi jaraa’id ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu madaxweynaha uga mahad celinayo sidii ay iskugu afgarteen iskaashiga Somaliland iyo midowga yurub sadexda sanadood ee soo socda. Safiirku waxa uu sheegay in mashaariicda ay ka fuliso Somaliland loo hirgelin doono hadba daruuriyaadka Somaliland u dejiso.
  13. http://kismaayonews.com/2013/05/20/madaxweynaha-jubbaland-oo-kenya-u-duulaaya/
  14. Safferz;953035 wrote: He is not clannish, but that doesn't make him any less of a political opportunist. I dislike people who espouse whatever viewpoint is convenient for them, and right now he is clearly positioning himself for a future career in SL after he failed in Somalia. I prefer his brother Abdi, who is a genuine intellectual without the political ambitions. Actually Professor Ahmed samatar was always viewed in the past by people as a man who shows the negativity and what is wrong with Somali politics. Until people said why don't you lead the nation and join Politics , He said fine he joined Somalia politics and opened a party Hiil qaran. So the man did his best what he could do , and i dont think he is power hungry. He would have been a great president for Somalia but since he is from Somaliland he was not allowed to lead Somalia.
  15. Boramenews baan ka sugayey laakin beryahaan professor samatar videogisi way ka xiiso dhaceen.
  16. Safferz he is not a bad guy i think he is the most honest Unionists i have ever seen free of clanish politics.
  17. Carafaat;953021 wrote: Still Somaliland and Somalia should try to solve issues themselves. Will be very difficult i don't see how they can clarify their future relations with out Europeans mediating. They so far have discussed everything in the book about cooperation security aid and even to modernize the troops in both Somalia and Somaliland. But what kind of future relations will the 2 countries have , they have one thing to discuss is the airspace who controls what and revenues. But it ends there Somalia will not stop claiming Somaliland and Somaliland will never drop its statehood. So there needs to be mediation from the western powers the united states and the European union.
  18. Carafaat that means they know and recognize what the people of Somaliland want which is full independence and statehood. But the case of recognition and future relations with Somalia it must be decided by Somalis in both Somalia and Somaliland. The brits are a bit dishonest here they know to well that Somalia will not agree with Somaliland recognition. So its obvious Somalis cannot agree on this.
  19. Carafaat the other fellow sworn his allegiances to Mogadishu unconditionally, while Ahmed madoobe is feuding with Mogadishu because they refuse to recognize him. He can get the support of those who oppose his presidency and support President barre hiiraale. But that would mean to organize another conference and reconciliation conference. That will be bad and a set back for his legitimacy as appointed president by his clan assembly. So he has to forge better and stronger relations with Kenya and Ethiopia elements with in Ehtiopia already support him like Abdi ileey and others. the federal ethiopian government acts indifferent though and neutral. So he wants more training for his troops by Kenya and more fundings and gain more territorial control in the jubba regions.So that he can play hard ball with Mogadishu.
  20. Carafaat;953009 wrote: Xaaji, irrelevent of any disagreements they still should meet. Carafaat that will not Happen Ahmed madoobe demands Mogadishu to recognize him as the President of the Jubbaland as a federal state of Somalia. Mogadishu refuses this , so he is looking else where for support Kenya Ethiopia.