Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Haatu;955173 wrote: Chimera, I only used it as an example. I really have no clue what type of country Iran is. Xaaji, that was my point. All notion-states go through this phase which we're going through. Read the second and third quotes again. We just have the misfortune of being hundreds of years behind. Safferz, thanks will check it out. You are right the Iranians went through all of that but they are united as people and they all have different origins ancestries but all of them added something of value to the Iranian political identity. The share the same history and a big portion of iran speak the same language. For an iranian if you ask him what does it mean to be an Iranian he can tell you in chapters. And what kind of civilization they had. But ask a Somali what does Somali mean to you ?
  2. The Iranians went through many dimensions and how their national political identity was shaped all of those previous Empires added something of value to their national political construct.I use the term iranian demyon because that is what is they are called now. The medes and the Persians played a significant role int he demise of the Assyrian Empire that subjugated them so they collaborated in the downfall of the Assyrian Empire. And after the fall of the Assyrian Empire the southern Persians introduced the farsi language as they intermixed with the medes and other tribes such as Manneans and Elamites. But you are right the sassanid Empire was the one that shaped the Iranian identity close to what it exist today. The Chinese are a bit complicated but still Somalis are closer to the germanic tribes.
  3. Malistar how many troops does hassan sheikh have in Kismayo who are loyal to his government?
  4. This is hilarious wasiiradi oo u hooyday airboodhki lool:D
  5. Somalis lack state mechanism the state is an alien concept for Somalis, the Somalis clearly still do not understand what a government does, most of the time the state is viewed as something that stands in the way. But some times the leading tribes use the state to screw the opponent tribes.Somalis as people are a nation but not in the political context, but they haven't organized them them selves as a nation Yet. The prominent Independent fighters in the 1940s constructed the Somali national identity that every one who speaks the Somali language is by default a Somali and is part and parcel of the larger Somali political national goals,to unite the Somali race under one state one super state. From Djibouti to Kenya's north eastern province, from Kenyas north eastern province to the awash river. But for Somalis being a Somali is not just enough, because we have never developed a nation state for Somalis , it was an objective. But it was never really part of political past and history. Unlike iranians who had a long past of Empires like the seleucid Empire and the pathian Empire and the sassanid Empire. Somalis have no history like that of the Iranians/Persians.
  6. Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Sheegtay Inay Turkiga Ka Wada Hadleen In La Soo Horumariyo Wada Hadaladii Ay Somaliland Iyo Somaliya U Balansanaayeen May 26,2013 Hargaysa(Cadceed)Wasiirka Wasaarada arimaha gudaha Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar oo shalay hor tagay Mudanayaasha Golaha Guurtida, ayaa sheegay inay dawladda Turkiga ka wada hadleen hindise ah in wareega labaad ee wada hadallada Somaliya iyo Somaliland ee Turkiga la qabto badhtamaha bisha June ee fooda inagu soo haysta, taasi oo muujinaysa in xukuumaddu danaynayso in wakhtigoodii laga soo hor-mariyo. Wasiirka wasaarada arimaha dibada Somaliland, waxa uu sheegay in xukuumadda Somaliland ay diyaar u tahay inay wadahadallada la sii wado dawladda Somaliya inkasta oo Madaxwaynaha Somaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo masuuliyiinta dawladiisu ay jabiyeen qodobkii dhigayey in la iska ilaaliyo hadallada xanafta leh. Wasiirka oo arimahaa ka hadlayaana waxa uu yidhi “Waxaanu aqbalsanahay inaanu muddo sagaashan Maalmood gudahood ah aanu isugu nimaadno (dawladda Somaliya) oo aanu ku wadahadalno, waxa kale oo laba maalmood ka hor Hargeysa noogu yimid safiirka dalka Turkiga, waxaanu ka waramay mashaariicda Turkigu halkan ka wado, waxa kale oo uu xukuumadda uga waramayey mashaariic cusub oo xukuumadda Somaliland hore uga dalbatay Turkiga halka ay marayaan, waxa kale oo u gudbinay codsiyo cusub oo xagga horumarka ah in lanaga taageero oo aanu dawladda Turkiga ka dalbanay, markaa hawlaha Turkiga uu halkan ka wado waa kuwo aanu ku faraxsanahay oo waa sidiimeelo dalka ka mid ah biyo loo galin lahaa, xagga Tacliinta ee ay inaga caawinayaan iyo dhanka caafimaadka oo aanu ka dalbanay” Wasiirka khaarajiga Somaliland waxa uu sheegay in safiirka dalka Turkiga ah ay ka wada hadleen in shirka Somaliya iyo Somaliland la qabto bisha June, iskuna raaceen in laga wadahadlo “Marka taa laga yimaado, waxa uu noo sheegay in dawladiisu ay diyaar u tahay marti-galinta wareegii labaad ee wada hadalada labada geesood, waxaanuna isku raacnay in laga tashado in bisha june badhtankeeda ama dhamaadkeeda ay wada hadalladu mar labaad dib u bilaabmaan oo aanu anaga iyo Somaliya ku kulano Turkiga, arintaasi waa arin u baahan in labada dal iyo Turkiguba ku heshiiyaan, laakiin arintan hindise ahaanbaa looga hadlay, aniguna waxaan halkan ka caddaynayaa inaanu danaynayno in wadahadalkaasi sii socdo oo aanu la sii wadno, dawladda Turkiguna waxay soo jeedisay in bisha June badhtankeeda iyo dhamaadkeeda ay ku haboon tahay (wadahadalka labada dhinac) oo wixii iyaga dhankooda ku xidhnaa xaggooda diyaar ka yahay”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray isaga oo ka hadlaya shir qaramada midoobay iyo xukuumadda Somaliland shalay ahaan uga furmi lahaa Hargeysa oo baaqday “Qaramada midoobay waxaanu ka dalbanay sidii wadahadal looga gali lahaa maamulka hawada oo ay ku fashilantay masuuliyadii ka saarnayd, maanta oo ay bisha May tahay 25 (shalay) waxaanu ku balansanayn in saraakiil qaramada midoobay ka socdaoo ka imanayey New-york iyo kuwa Nairobi ee arimahan khuseeyaan, way kala habsaameen oo qof ka mid ah ayaa diyaaradihii ka yimaadeen, markaa shirkii dib ayuu u dhacay, laakiin waxaanu rejaynaynaa in toddobaadkan gudihiisa uu shirkaasi qabsoomo si arintaasi xal loogu heli lahaa.” Cadceednews Hargaysa Source geeska
  7. Ciidan Iyo Gaadhi Tikniko Ah Oo Ka Soo Goostay Kooxda Khaatumo Oo Xalay Isu Soo Dhiibay Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland. Laascanood(Ramaasnews) May 26, 2013-Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka qeybta 12-aad Axmed Hurre Haariye ayaa caddeeyay in xalay abaaro 8:00pm cawaysnimo ay ciidanka qaranka ee fadhigoodu yahay gobolka Sool ay soo gaadheen unug dhawr iyo toban xubnood ah iyo Baabuur Tikniko ah oo ay wateen, kuwaasi oo ka soo goostay kooxda Nabad-diidka ah ee la baxday Khaatumo. Taliyaha Ciidanka qaranka ee Qeybta 12-aad Axmed Hurre Haariye ayaa sheegay inay Unugan iyo baabuurka ay wateenba lagu qaramayn doono ciidanka qaranka. Taliyuhu waxa uu sheegay inay u mahad celinayaan soona dhaweynayaan muwaadiniinta la khalday ee la hubeeyay, waxaanu inta kale ee baaqiga ku sii ahna u soo jeediyay inay wax la qabsadaan walaalahooda Somaliland oo ay iska dhigaan hubka. Mid ka mid ah kooxdan oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ciidanka qaranka ee jiida Sool uga mahad celiyay sida diiran ee loogu soo dhaweeyay duleedka Laascaanood, waxaanu xusay inay ka soo goosteen kooxda Khaatumo ka dib markii ay ka waayeen wax rejo iyo naruuro ah oo ay u hayaan bulshadda.
  8. Laascaanood: Unug Iyo Gaadhi Tikniko Ah Oo Caawa Ka Soo Goostay Kooxda Khaatumo May 25th, 2013 Laascaanood (Somaliland.Org)- Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka qeybta 12-aad Axmed Hurre Haariye ayaa caawa shaaca ka qaaday in abaaro 8:00 cawaysnimo ay ciidanka qaranka ee fadhigoodu yahay gobolka Sool ay soo gaadheen unug dhawr iyo toban xubnood ah iyo Baabuur Tikniko ah oo ay wateen, kuwaasi oo ka soo goostay kooxda Nabad-diidka ah ee Khaatumo-seeg. Taliyaha Ciidanka qaranka ee Qeybta 12-aad Axmed Hurre Haariye ayaa sheegay inay Unugtan iyo baabuurka ay wateenba lagu qaramayn doono ciidanka qaranka. Taliyuhu waxa uu sheegay inay u mahad celinayaan soona dhaweynayaan muwaadiniinta la khalday ee la hubeeyay, waxaanu inta kale ee baaqiga ku sii ahna u soo jeediyay inay wax la qabsadaan walaalahooda Somaliland oo ay iska dhigaan hubka. Mid ka mid ah kooxdan oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ciidanka qaranka ee jiida Sool uga mahad celiyay sida ay diiran ee loogu soo dhaweeyay duleedka Laascaanood, waxaanu xusay inay ka soo goosteen kooxda Khaatumo ka dib markii ay ka waayeen wax rajo iyo naruuro ah oo ay u hayaan bulshadda.
  9. War-Deg-Deg Maayirkii Magaalada Buuhoodle Ee Khatumo Cabdicasiis Ducaale Qanbi Oo Hargaysa Ugoostay Maayarkii Khaatumo ee Degmada Buuhoodle Cabdicasiis Ducaale Qanbi ayaa u Goostay Dhinaca Maamulka Somaliland Waxaana Warar Kalshaalenews.com ka Heshay Magaalada Hargaysa ay Sheegayaa Inuu Halkasi Xil uga Doontay dhinaca Somaliland, Waxaana Wararku intaasi ku darayaa inuu Tagitaankiisa ay timid kadib markii Khaatumo uu Khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay.. Dhinaca kale Waxaa isna u Goostay Magaalada Muqdisho Gudoomihii Khaatumo ee Buuhoodle C/raxmaan Khaliid oo isaguna horay uga tagay khaatumo, Waana Masuuliyiintii Ugu Danbaysay ee ka Goostay Khaatumo oo Hargaysa Gaadha oo Xillal ka doonta, mana jiraan wax khaatumo ah oo hada Buuhoodle ka Shaqeeya oo Dhinaca Maamulkood ah, marka laga reebo islaamo iyo carruur yar yar oo wali fikir khaladani uu ku jiro. Ygu danbaytiina maayarkii khaatumo ayaa lagu wadaa inuu warbaahinta somaliland ka hadlo maanta kana warbixinyo sababaha uu khaatumo uga soo goostay, la soco wararka ka soo kordha,
  10. The only reason IGAD was playing a role on a technical level was because Kenya has troops in Somalia , now with the siere leone troops arriving IGAD will line behind the Somali government.
  11. The siera leone troops arrived today in Somalia. IGAD agreed its up to the Somali government to play a key role in the establishment of states in Somalia The motion against Prime Minister saacid failed The government signed a military cooperation deal with sudan I think it has been a good week for Somalia.
  12. Faransiiska Oo Sheegay In Shirkadahoodu Dano Dhaqaale Ka Leeyihiin S/land, Qaabilaad Macquul Ahna U Samayn Doonaan Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Mar Kasta Oo Uu Go’aansado Socdaal Uu Ku Yimaado Paris Hargeysa, May 23, 2013 (Haatuf) - Safiirka Faransiiska u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somalia oo fadhigiisu yahay dalka Kenya Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins oo shalay Socdaal ku yimid Somaliland ayaa kulan la yeeshay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), kaas oo sheegay in dalkiisu uu meeqaam sare ku soo dhaweyn doono mar kasta oo Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Ajandihiisa ku darsado socdaal uu ku tago Paris. Waxaanu intaasi ku daray inay jiraan Dane Dhaqaale oo Shirkadaha Faransiisku ay ka leeyihiin Somaliland, isla markaana uu kala hadlay qorshahaasi. Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins ayaa sidaasi ku sheegay Shir-jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Madaxtooyada Somaliland kadib Kulankii uu la yeeshay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, waxaanu tilmaamay in socdaalkan uu ku yimid Somaliland uu yahay kii ugu horeeyey ee uu mudo 25 sano ah ka dib uu ku yimaado Safiir Faransiis ah oo qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somalia, waxaanu sheegay inuu doonayey inuu Hargeysa yimaado si uu ula kulmo Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo uu u muujiyo sida Faransiisku ugu faraxsan yahay wax ay qabsatay Somaliland ee tixgalinta Mudan oo ay ka mid yihiin Amaanka, Horumarka iyo isku xukunka Sharcigu. Ambassador Etiennce De Poncins, waxa kale oo uu sheegay inuu halkan u yimid sidii ay Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirka Khaarajiga ay isku waydaarsan lahaayeen habka ay u wada shaqaynayaan Faransiiska iyo Somaliland, oo uu ku wargaliyey Madaxweyne Siilaanyo in lagu soo dhaweyn doono mar kasta oo uu Ajandihiisa ku darsado inuu socdaal ku yimaado Caasimada Faransiiska ee Paris oo uu heli doono meeqaam macquul ah. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay inuu halkan u yimid si uu hoosta uga xariiqo in Faransiisku uu uu caawiyo Somaliland, isagoo soo marinaya taageerada Midawga Yurub, oo ay ugu deegaan mucaawinooyin tiro badan oo uu siiyo Somaliland oo ay ka mid tahay dhinacyada Horumarinta iyo Amaanka, iyadoo mucaawinooyinkaasi ay ka yimaadaan dawlada Faransiiska iyo Cashuuraha ay dadka Faransiisku bixiyaan. Waxaanu cadeeyey Safiirku inuu doonayey in Madaxweynaha Somaliland uu u cadeeyo xidhiidh dhexmara Somaliland iyo Faransiiska iyadoo ay jiraan Dalabyo oo faransiisku uu ku doonayo inuu Somaliland Baro Dhaqanka iyo Luuqada dalkaasi. Ugu dambayntiina Sariifka Faransiiska u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somalia waxa uu sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsanahay inuu halkan Hargeysa joogo, oo uu maalmo ka dib maalintii qaranimada Somaliland u hambalyeeyey Madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada. Sida uu Safiirku hadalka u dhigay. Dhinaca kale Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Somaliland Dr Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cumar oo Kulankaasi ka dib shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ayaa tafaasiil ka bixiyay qodobadii ay madaxweynaha iyo danjiraha faransiisku ka wada hadleen, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlayayna waxa uu yidhi “Maanta waxa Booqasho ku yimid dalka Safiirka Faransiiska ee fadhigiisu yahay Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya masuulna uga ah Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, waana markii u horeysay ee uu booqasho ku yimaado dalka, waana Safiir ku cusub shaqada. Waxa uu la kulmay Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxaanay ka wada hadleen guud ahaan xidhiidhka Faransiiska iyo Somaliland ka dhaxeeya.” “Waxa kale oo aanu ka wada hadalnay barnaamijyada mashaariicda iyo muwaacimada uu Faransiisku ku taageero Somaliland. Waxa kale oo aanu ka wada hadlanay barnaamijyo mustaqbalka aanu rajaynayno inay labada dal ka wada shaqeeyaan oo aan filayo inuu waxtar u yeesho Somaliland,” Safiirka Faransiiska u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo fadhigiisu yahay dalka Kenya Etiennce De Poncins, oo ka hadlay shirkaasi jaraa’id ayaa sheegay in socdaalkiisu la xidhiidho sidii loo sii adkayn lahaa iskaashiga iyo wax wada qabsiga ka dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Faransiiska. Waxa uu tilmaamay inuu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo kulan balaadhan la yeeshay iskana xog waraysteen sidii cilaaqaadka labada dal loo sii xoojin lahaa. Danjiraha Faransiisku waxa uu sheegay inuu Madaxweynaha Somaliland ku bogaadiyay Nabad-gelyadda, dawladnimada shaqaynaysa ee ka tisqaaday Somaliland.
  13. UNESCO congratulates the African Union on its 50th Anniversary © African Union -African Union 50th anniversary logo In advance of the 21st Summit of African Union, to be held in Addis Ababa on 19-27 May 2013, the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, presents her congratulations to all African women and men on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the African Union. “The African Union is a force for solidarity and for peace across the continent,” said Irina Bokova. “For fifty years, it has promoted a more integrated and prosperous Africa -- this role is all the more essential at this time when Africa is rising. UNESCO has always stood with the cause of African unity, and it will continue to support pan-African cooperation and the African renaissance.” As one of its global priorities, UNESCO has worked closely with the Organization of African Unity since its creation, supporting its work to deepen regional integration, pan-African cooperation and inclusive development. UNESCO helped to launch the Regional Conferences of Ministers of Education and of Ministers of Science and Technology, which laid the ground for the African Union’s Conference of Ministers of Education. The Organization’s support to the education goals of the African Union was strengthened with the creation of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa, based in Dakar, Senegal (BREDA). Support has ranged from educational planning and capacity-building, to teacher training and curriculum design. Girls and women’s education have always been a shared focus. In 1993, UNESCO organized the first Pan-African Conference on Girls and Women’s’ Education in Burkina Faso, and created, jointly with the African Union, a specialized center in Ouagadougou on this issue. UNESCO was the first agency of the United Nations to provide assistance to national liberation movements on the continent in the 1970s, through a Regional Office in Lusaka. The Organization also established a special programme for a South Africa free of apartheid. Supporting the great wealth of Africa’s cultural diversity, as well as African languages, has always been a pillar of UNESCO’s cooperation with the African Union – to strengthen social cohesion and promote inclusive, sustainable development by safeguarding and promoting Africa’s cultural heritage and the diversity of its cultural expressions. UNESCO launched its flagship General History of Africa in 1964, just one year after the creation of the Organization of African Unity -- to reveal and preserve the history, traditions and cultures of Africa and to share these with the world, highlighting the great contribution of African peoples to humanity as a whole. The General History of Africa gave new impetus to integration on the continent through a new vision of the past. The first phase of the project closed in 1999, with the publication of eight volumes, in 13 languages. The adaptation for the pedagogic use of the collection was launched in 2008, and the volumes have been translated into Portuguese. UNESCO is now launching a 9th volume on modern developments, with the support of Brazil and close cooperation with African experts. “UNESCO’s cooperation with the African Union builds on shared values, on common objectives and, as importantly, on a clear vision of the future of the continent as a dynamic and global leader,” said the Director-General. Collaboration with the African Union focuses today on several key issues – promoting the goals of African States to provide quality education to all of their citizens; strengthening the foundations for a culture of peace across the continent on the basis of dialogue and reconciliation; and advancing science and technology for sustainable development across the continent. Promoting media development and training for journalists is another area of focus, as is safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage and diversity of cultural expressions across the continent. The young people of Africa are a core priority of all UNESCO’s action across the continent, working through an African Youth Strategy, to provide relevant skills, to promote civic participation and to ensure the voices of young people are heard. All of this work builds on the goals set by the African Union, including through the consolidated plan of action for sciences and technology in Africa, the Second Decade of Education for Africa (2006-2015), the Charter of African Cultural Renaissance, and other frameworks. Recent flagship events have included the African Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Youth Employment, Human Capital Development and Inclusive Growth, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 1 to 3 April 2012, co-organized with the African Union, the African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa. On 26-28 March 2013, UNESCO, the African Union and the Government of Angola organized the Pan-African Forum on Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace, in Luanda. In the field of culture, UNESCO and the African Union have worked closely to safeguard Africa’s cultural heritage -- tangible, intangible, and documentary – including in situations of conflict, as in Mali. This has encompassed also a strong focus on capacity-building for African cultural institutions, as well as support to African cultural industries and events – such as the 23rd Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO), held last February in Burkina Faso. UNESCO recently deepened cooperation with the International Centre for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and Languages (CERDOTOLA), based in Yaoundé, Cameroon, to safeguard and promote African languages and African heritage, amongst its Member States -- Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Sao Tome and Principe. “This Golden Jubilee is a great moment for Africa and for the world,” said the Director-General. “This is a time to celebrate, and to look with confidence and determination to consolidating Africa’s rise. UNESCO will advance with Africa every step of the way.”
  14. Xukuumada oo ka hadashay mooshinka lala noqday, arrimaha Jubaland & Somaliland. Shirkii golaha wasiirada Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya ee joogtada ahaa oo uu shir gudoominayo Ra’iisul Wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon “Saacid”, ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aanka baarlamaanku uga noqday mooshinkii ka dhanka ahaa dawladda. Waxaa kaloo goluhu ka wada hadleen arrimaha federaalaynta dalka ee la xiriira Jubaland iyo wada xaajoodka Somaliland. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa saxaafada si toos ah ugala hadlay shacabka Soomaaliyeed kadib markuu dhamaaday shirkii golaha wasiirada. Kadib markuu soo dhaweeyay go,aankii baarlamaanka ee looga noqday mooshinka ka dhanka ahaa xukuumada, waxaa uu ka hadlay xaalada Kismaayo, horumarka gobolada koonfureed iyo magaalda Muqdisho iyo halka ay marayaan wada-hadaladii dawlada Soomaliya iyo maamulka Somaliland. Isagoo ku hormaray mooshinkii guul daraysatay ee ka dhanka ahaa xukuumada ayuu xusay in dawladda wax badan uga kordheen arrintaas. “Si wada-jir ah baan u xalinay dareenkii xildhibaanadii mooshinka keenay hadaan nahay labada gole ee dawladda. Kala duwanaanta fikirka hadii si fiican loo isticmaalo wax badan baa laga faa’iidaa, waxaana oran karaa, ka dawlad ahaan waan ka faa’iidaysanay mooshinka. Maanta iyo maantii mooshinka la bilaabay maantaan kalsooni badanahay, oo aan dhihi karaa faham buuxa yaan ka qabnaa qaabka wada shaqeynta labada gole,” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo siweyn ugu mahad celiyay shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ee taageerada buuxda u muujiyay xukuumada mudadii mooshinku socday. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa si kooban uga warbixiyay horumarka arrimha guddaha iyo dhaqaalaha dalka. Waxaana uu sheegay inuu jiro kobac dhaqaale oo yididiilo leh iyo in dalka dib-loogu soo noqonayo muda dheer kadib.Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu waxaa uu ka hadalay arrimha Kismaayo iyo barnaamijka dawladda ee ku aadan Jubaland. Waxaana uu sheegay ugu horeyn in xukuumaddu leedahay masuuliyada federaalaynta dalka ayna doonayso inay maamul-goboleedyadu ku dhismaan sida dastuurku dhigayo ee ummada Soomaaliyeed heshiiska ku gashay.“Dariiqa loo marayo waa inuu noqdo dariiqa saxdaa, waa in dawladdu leedahay doorka hogaanka lagu samaynayo maamul-goboleedka. Sidoo kale waa muhiim in shacabka deegaanku u dhan yihiin oo isku waafaqsan yihiin, uuna waafaqsan yahay dastuurka. Waxaa kaloo muhiim ah inaysan hakad galin ladagaalanka argogixisada iyo sidii wadanka nadab loogu soo dabaali lahaa,” ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaaruhu. Waxaan uu dhanka kale ka hadlay wada hadaladii u dhexeeyay xukuumada iyo Somaliland ee kulankii labaad laysugu soo noqonayo Istanbul bisha soo socota. Waxaa uu sheegay inay wada hadaladaani muhiimad gooni ah u leeyihiin ummada Soomaaliyeed ayna taas ku baraarugsan tahay dawladdu.“Xukuumad ahaan waxaan doonaynaa inaan gaarno Soomaaliya oo mid ah isla markaana federaali ah. Wadada aan u hayno jidkaas midnimada waa inaan la sharaysan ee nalagu taageero hawsha na loo igmaday. Waxaan doonaynaa Soomaaliya oo mid ah, wax-dheeraad ah ma galinayno, kamana saareyno,” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu. Xafiiska Raysalwasaaraha
  15. Dawladda Somaliland oo Puntland uga Digtay inay Doorashooyinkeeda u soo Waarido Bariga Sanaag Thursday May 23, 2013 TWITTER FACEBOOK PRINT THIS PAGE SEND TO YOUR FRIEND Hargeysa (Horseednews.com) Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horaysay, ka hadashay qorsheheeda ku aadan Hindise Maamulka Puntland doonayo inuu Doorashooyin kaga hir-geliyo deegaamada Bariga Sanaag, taasoo Xukuumaddu ku tilmaantay mid aan la aqbali karin, dadka deegaamadaasina si weyn uga soo horjeedaan. Wasiir ku-xigeenka Macdanta iyo Biyaha Somaliland Cabdisalaan Maxamed Xasan oo todobaadkanba Booqasho shaqo ku joogay Deegaamada Bariga Sanaag, ayaa Dawan u sheegay in “Waxaan Safar ku soo maray deegaamo badan oo ka mid ah Bariga Sanaag, waxaanan u kuur-geliyay Xaalada dadka deegaanka oo runtii waxoogaa db u dhac ahi ka muuqdo adeegyada arrimaha Bulshada, dadka shacabka waxa kale oo aanu kala hadalnay sidii ay isaga fogayn lahaayeen daan-daansiga Puntland wado ee Doorashooyinka ay doonayaan inay ka qabtaan deegaanadaasi, markaa waanu isku afgaranay dadkuna way soo dhaweeyeen arintaasi, waxaanay diyaar u yihiin inay ka hortagaan Doorashooyinkaa Puntland aniguna dawlad ahaan waanu ku Taageeraynaa, waxaana naga go’an inaanu amaanka dhulkayaga sugno oo aan lala soo gelin wax amni daro abuuraya.”ayuu Sheegay. Sidoo kale, Wasiir Cabdisalaan wuxuu Digniin u diray Maamulka faroole “Maamulka Puntland waanu uga digaynaa inay isku dayaan inay Doorashadooda iyo waxaas ay wataan Deegaamada Bariga sanaag la yimaadaan Badhan oo aan Iminka joogo iyo Lasqoray oo aan u warhayo iyo dhamaan Dhulka aan Safarka ku soo marayna meel walba dadku way ka feejiganyihiin anaguna waxaanu kula dar-daaranay inay iska jiraan wixii Khaakhuul keenaya, Hay’adaha amaanka ee Gobolkuna waa u diyaar inay ka hortagaan wixii nabad-gelyada Bulshada wax u dhimaya”. Cabdisalaan Maxamed Xasan ayaa sidoo kale amaanay sidii quruxda badnayd ee ay Bulshada Gobolku uga qayb-qaateen Dabaal-degyada Xuska 18 May, waxaanu taasi sababeeyay Xogo-gaal u noqoshada xaalada Bulshada oo ay xukuumaddu kordhisay Bilhii ugu dambeeyay iyo rabitaankooda Wadiyadeed oo marba marka ka dambeysa sii siyaadayada, sida uu sheegay. waxaanu yidhi “Dadka Deegaamada Bariga Sanaag markaad eegto teegaarada ay dawladooda u hayaan waxaad ka garan kartaa sidii ay ugu soo baxeen Xuskii 18 May, oo ay ahayd markii ugu horaysay ee ay sidan oo kale ugu soo baxaan, Masuuliyiinta Qarankuna kala qayb-galaan, wax kalena taasi kumay iman ee waa ka war heynta iyo la joogista mar walba aanu la joogno ee aanu la socono Xaaladooda, waxaanan rejaynaynaa inaanu wax ka qaban doono wixii dib u dhac ah ee jira horena waxa looga fuliyay mashriic, kuwo Iminka u baahan wax ka qabasho oo aanu rejaynaynaana way jiraan”.
  16. Amin is here trying to be dramatic the President of Somalia Mr hassan is not taking the country back to civil war. But the man has a hard time putting the country under his control. So far he called for reconciliation and dialogue to sort out all the problems peacefully. So i believe this image is wrong.
  17. Poll puts Nairobi-Mogadishu ties at risk Share Bookmark Print Rating Posted Wednesday, May 22 2013 at 23:10 In Summary Sources in Kismayu have confirmed that Sheikh Madobe is due to visit Nairobi later this week for talks with the Kenyan Government, but speculation the Jubaland leader may also meet the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud could not be ascertained Kenya’s testy and troubled relations with Somalia are once again on the rocks. The election of Sheikh Ahmed Madobe as President of Jubaland on May 15 by clan delegates in Kismayu has opened a huge chasm between Nairobi and Mogadishu and created a febrile atmosphere inimical to dialogue. As Kenya continues to warmly applaud and welcome the developments in Juba as positive and Mogadishu insists it will not recognise the new leadership in Kismayu, the stage is now set for a bruising diplomatic row certain to cause a major setback in bilateral ties. The risks of a new potentially destabilising diplomatic tempest appear a near certainty and the consequences too blindingly obvious and grave to contemplate. An intense shuttle diplomacy spearheaded by Igad in the last one week to try to calm the mounting tension and ease the renewed polarisation over Jubaland apparently failed to make any headway. Pressure is mounting Sources say the talks in Mogadishu between Igad delegation led by its executive director and senior Somali government officials over the weekend failed to agree on a workable formula to end the impasse. Consequently, pressure is mounting on the senior most leadership— President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Hassan Sheikh— to initiate urgent talks with all the key stakeholders and muster the nimble diplomatic footwork required to resolve the crisis before it escalates further. Sources in Kismayu have confirmed that Sheikh Madobe is due to visit Nairobi later this week for talks with the Kenyan Government, but speculation the Jubaland leader may also meet the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud could not be ascertained. All these would of course seem to suggest the Uhuru administration is keen to reach out to all sides and facilitate a new intra-Somali dialogue. For its part, the Somali Government set up a 16-member committee on May 15, made up of MPs from the two chambers of Parliament, led by Abdi Guhaad Jama “Oday”, and dispatched it to Kismayu for talks with the new leadership, clan elders and politicians. Many in the diplomatic community, uneasy at the new turn of events, say the growing momentum towards dialogue can only be a positive thing, not least, because the act of talking may have the potential to progressively de-escalate the tension in the short-term and hopefully create the context for serious negotiations to find a pragmatic solution in the longer-term. As things stand, there are now two active parallel dialogue initiatives— one led by Igad and the other by the Somali Government— and a potential third brokered by Kenya seems to be in the offing. Such proliferation of parallel talks could create confusion; become bogged down in tangential issues and complicate matters and there is, therefore, need to merge these efforts and create a well-structured single dialogue designed to focus on the fundamental issues. Admittedly, while few are holding out the prospect for an early breakthrough, considering the complexity of the issues at stake and the entrenched views on both sides, there are hopes, nevertheless, the crisis over Jubaland may have thrown up a new opportunity to address the core issues that have dogged Somalia’s federalisation process. In a speech on May 18, President Hassan for the first time acknowledged, albeit obliquely, that the row over Jubaland was fuelled by a perception the government was reluctant in implementing federalism and that views on the federal model envisaged under the existing Constitution differed widely.“The government has a plan to implement federalism in Somalia,” he said. Whether the claim was simply rhetoric, as sceptics are wont to suggest, or whether, indeed, an actual blueprint on federalism exists, remains a matter for conjecture and debate, but the mere fact the President had tacitly admitted federalism was a principle cause of the discontent in the periphery is, in itself, significant. Many will now be hoping to see the President move swiftly to reopen the debate on what kind of a federal model the country should adopt and constitute a committee of experts to revisit the controversial articles in the Constitution that have given rise to the confusion. Unless Somalis arrive at a common understanding and consensus on the federal model the country must adopt; the language of the relevant sections in the Constitution amended accordingly and rendered more precise; and a common criteria for the federal states agreed and their borders and powers defined with greater precision, it is unlikely we will see an end to the type of acute centre-periphery power struggle as we are now witnessing.
  18. Salax you are talking about the short term interests, in the long term interests Somaliland and Somalia need each other to protect and safeguard their political and economic interest in the horn.What Somaliland has with Somalia is a political disagreement currently on their future relations the TPLF junta on the other hand does not favor Somaliland over Somalia nor does it care about Somaliland interests as you want to believe. It doesn't even care about those Somalis under Ethiopian rule including ethnic Somalilanders. Somaliland should also not side with Ethiopia when it comes to the Ethio Egyptian conflict. Because lets be honest what has Ethiopia done for Somaliland, it should stay away from these affairs. The short term interests will fade away, but Somaliland has a long term interest, the political disagreement should not be translated that Somaliland and Somalia are enemies we are not enemies. The Xabashis on the other hand have their own interests, if you read what those bug eyed wrote on that website you posted they said Somaliland was part of their Abyssinia once thus they should claim it. We have no shared values with those people and its in our very own interests that that ill conceived empire disintegrates.
  19. Saalax;953769 wrote: It is all about interests, it is in the legal sense Ethiopia can't make that move yet (they have their own issues with secession inside their borders) among , but it is good that they realize a united Somalia being by the likes of Egypt is Danger to them. Its just talks the TPLF adventures are ending in Somalia and their role in Somalia is diminishing since the new SFG. As for Somaliland if they were sincere about Somaliland independence they would have lobbied for Somaliland or at least encouraged other countries in Africa to take the first step. But they are fine with the status quo. They already know that Egypt is a threat to them it doesn't need to be reaffirmed. No i think we have a better friend in Kenya and in Rwanda atleast Paul kagame said that the Somaliland case should be discussed at the African union the Kenyans also called a few times that Somaliland deserves recognition. But when the Ethiopians were asked they said its up to the Koonfurians to decide Somaliland future. For now we should just keep our heads cool.
  20. malistar2012;953775 wrote: wara yaa isgaare Somali Army will reach 28 thousand professional soldiers with moderate weapons , people are underestimating president Hassan and Pm Saciid ? Ethiopian Pm sees the future . When you no longer need ugandan kenyan Ethiopian Djiboutian burundian troops is when you can say i am free and no longer guarded now i admit the Somali government made some progress the past 8 months. But its still not there and it has allot of work to do in terms of security policing and the reestablishment of the security institutions.