Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Anagu ba tol baanu nahay Axmed karash tol baanu nahay isku dad baanu nahay , dhanka siyasaada uun baanu isku yara khilafsanahay eeh waxanu nahay ul iyo dirrkeedi.
  2. Source daynille bal ku noqo:D
  3. Tallaabo;956552 wrote: He has no idea how much Somalis are mixed and intermarry. Even more so now in the diaspora. Diaspora is very small compared what lives back home, how many Somali speaking people live abroad 1.5 million. Back home is where the people are.
  4. Haatu;956544 wrote: Xaaji, are you still peddling your Arab rubbish? And did you say Durriyadda don't intermarry with other Somalis much? lol Haatu mostly with in the same ethnic group the Somalilandish people. And sometimes with the big foots in Somali galbeed, and sometimes with the draculas in Djibouti. But not much with south and certainly not with the pirates.
  5. Tallaabo ethnic Somalilandish people do not intermarry with the folks of Somalia on that level, mostly with in the region and some times those in Somali galbeed., The Somali overall genetic make up is very diverse although close to 70% carries the same Haplogroup but those are than divided into several markers that dates back to 5000 years where it originates. That same haplogroup they share with atleast of 60% of the Oromos and 50% of the Amharas. Genetics doesn't disprove anything really in here. We are a paternal society so it doesn't matter the tribe of the mother it doesn't change the paternal gene in here. Tallaabo the Somali tribal make up there is some truth in it and there is also lots of incorporation adoption these identities currently exist and they existed for hundreds of years. And its more than just some fella wanting to take the throne in here:D
  6. Why are these folks upset , what did hassan do , what do they want?
  7. ElPunto;956508 wrote: Some Somali identity existed prior to Islam arriving. But Islam solidified and broadened the Somali identity. Islam helped Somalis to interact with and spread their influence in the Horn and the wider area There are numerous people in South Somalia who were absorbed into Somali identity through Islam. I don't see anything wrong with her larger point - Islam is a vital component of Somali identity just as Christianity is to Ethiopia. Sure Somali identity existed before islam , but the people were not called Somalis they were called Something else. We were never called Somali 2000 years ago. Somali is a recent identity.
  8. Islam Somali and the Somali language all are intertwined, its weird to see a Somali who is not Muslim who doesn't believe in Allah , prophet Muhammads is the messenger and the last day.
  9. Ethiopias best fighter jet Su27 its a good plane it has the best doppler radar it can carry a wide range of weaponry in the air,Ethiopia has about 20 of these. It has 15 mm Gatling gun on both of the wings Egypt on the other hand has F16S now this baby can do allot of damage F-16 can carry a heaviest load and more variety of weapons and missiles. With modern target data, it has 4 hard points on each wing . And it has AN/APG-68 radar. It has more than 50 of those
  10. ^^ Egypt has superior air force and more modernized military arsenal trust me Egypt is not the Egypt that fought against israel in the 60s. They are well trained and ready to annihilate the Ethiopians if it came to a war. The Ethiopians are low equipped badly trained Ethiopia can only take on Eritrea it was even struggling with Eritrea. The Ethiopian way of fighting is belligerent way of fighting against all odds and dont matter how many casualties. They dont care how much man power they lose. They dont care about casualties they dont fight a strategic war the Eritreans fought a strategic war very tactical. Egyptians will do the same to and the Egyptians are much more advanced military wise.
  11. Not really thats how it is , Ethnic Somalilandish people do not take pride of Arab , because Arab doesn't mean usually they are good,or better there are Arab of low ancestry there are many Arabs who were turned into Arabs oo jin iyo jaan ka yimi.. Arabs are not all related to Ethnic Somalilandish people. Only a small portion and the people of SL do not talk about that. Physical appearance says little its about the origin people.. Africa aad baan u jecelahay because its part of the SL heritage. i embrace it with both Harms. I am proud about Africanism But African is not an identity or an origin its a continent i am very proud of.
  12. ^^ I dont think there will be a war, but if it came to it Egypt can destroy Ethiopia.
  13. warsamaale;956478 wrote: XX, another question ? how come SL'ers are the blackest ? where is the arab light skinness, like the tuaregs Ancestry kuma xidhna madoowga ama cadaanka , Madoowgu wa wax fiican , eeh assaliyada muhiim ah qofka assaliyadisa iyo cidi yahay. Warsamaale we are not Arabs we are afro hashimites , Mustacarab and Qaxdaani skinny legs from yemen manihin. Imam Muse Al kadim inu nin Madow aha so ma ogid wa imamyadi malaaigtu u duceysey. Kaladhka qofku muhim maha waxa muhiim ah assaliyad.Waxad noqon karta qof cad laakin assaliyadu inanay wanagsayn ba laga yaaba.
  14. Hadanay wax ba inaga baahnayn hadal hayntooda ba maxa keenay dunidu waxay ku kala hormartay strategic partnership Aana ku sheegaya. Waxa dantena ku jirta in koonfurta Yemen ka go'odo north Yemen. South Yemen ethnic Somalilandish badan ba ku nool qaar xita qurumihi lagaga tagay meesha. Dadkaas wa allies of Somaliland republic. Itoobiya kala Go'ogeda dan ba inoogu jira dalka ay inaga haysato wa inaynu so ceshana, dalki ingriisku xayle sellasie siiyey. Xita Harar inaga iska leh oo dhisnay. Qotida afraanqallo wa inaynu meeshay ka yimadeen ku celina.. Dadkan shabeelooyinka ku nool na dadkooda ay la degenyihin bay wax la yihin waxa ka masuul ah Sheikh indhocade al markaawi, wa sidu no sheegey. Markaynu inta samayno wa inaynu xuquuqda walaalaheen isiolo ku nool u doodna , eeh Kiiniya degan oo run ahaanti dadkeeni ah. Waxas oo dhan ba talaabo ina sugaya , energy iyo resources uma hayno dad webiyaal fadhiyaa, prioritygu wa inad kala baratid. Markaynu inta ka dabaalano , Qolyahaaas shabeelooyinka wa wada xajoon karna , Laakin hada wax ay nugu so kordhin karan ma jirto
  15. Tallaabo dadkaas aad baan u kala aqaana siday xita shabeelooyinka u dega qaar ba xita tuulooyin ka degan galguduud. Laakin Somaliland dan ugu ma jirto in dad iyagi ba meel ay seexdan hayn inaynu shuraako la noqono. Adeer Duni dhan ba la ino soo diray waxa la inooga bahanyahay inaynu Afro hashimite people eeh itoobiya ku nool xoreyno ila iyo harar. Waxa la inoogu bahanyahay inaynu Koonfurta Yemen qabsana oo aynu gacansiina imamyadi anu wax isu ahayn. Wax badan ba ina sugaya waxa la inooga bahanyahay inaynu Ukrain iyo wadamada wax soo saarka leh la xidhano. Adna fadhatayaal baad nugu wareerinaysa adeer hawla badan ba ina sugaysa. Horta Jamhuuriyada Somaliland aynu dal xor ah oo meel walba laga aqooonsanyahay ka dhigno , dabeedna hawlihi kale banu u gudbi karna.
  16. Xiinfaniin hanjabaad weyna hada ma waxad leedahay culusow baanu ka takhlusayna because faroole u dhoofay Kenya.. Culusow still has the majority in the Parliament backing him.
  17. Johnny B;956460 wrote: What happened to the " Hashinite " , or was it " Hashimite " ? Hashimite and Arab kala saar. Hashimite Arabs wa ka sareyaan ethnic Somalilandish people are of higher pedigree, than Arabs, because they have the best of both. Dadka Carabta loo soo diray banu nahay.
  18. War waxasi wa sheekooyinka qurba joogta loogo sheekeyn jiray , tageero maxay ah, SNM had a better ally with the USC, or the Unuka Pilots who refused to bomb Somaliland. Dadkan iyagi ba socon kari lah maxay dad kale tari, xaajiyad ba qada gebigooda ba. Anigu waxan odhan laha dadka productiveka Somaliland hala xidhato sida Ukrain iyo wadadamada hormaray oo wax badan hala is weydarsado dhaqaalaha ciidanka wax wada qeybsiga ganaciga Dad webi ag fadhiya wax ba inugu so kordhin mayaan eh.
  19. Wax wada qabsigi wuxu fiicanyahay marka wax la kala faiidaysanyo anigu runti waxan odhan laha , dadkaas iska masaakinta meeshooda inta lo dayoo. inagu inaynu la xidhano dalkaas la yidha Ukrain, Ukrain , wax so saar fiican dad wax ku ool na wa leeyihin Ukrain qeybo ka mid ah ha inala so degan. Dadka shabelooyinka ku noolna oo ba iyo ta toona karin inaynu wakhtiga iskaga lumino maha. Umadda waxa wax lala qaybsada dadka productive ka sida reer Ukrain.
  20. Warsaamale the clan of ismaciil Cumar geele. Wayahay tallaabo adigu so gurguro inay wax ku taraan:D Warsaamale no no arab Descent for me.
  21. Tallaabo they are not our cousins, they are koonfurians whom SL and them had great relations with it. These people are no use to us , waxba inugu so kordhin mayaan. Draculas in Djibouti are much closer to us in terms of culture. Eventhought they are not ethnic Somalilandish either.
  22. These people are no use to us ,i am more interested in isiolo that place has real Ethnic Somalilandish people living there. They cant even defend their land from rag tag HAG militia. Somalilanders should not waste their energy on those folks.
  23. ^^ Anigu ma human rights organization baan ahay, ormos wadan bay leeyihin called itoobiya wadankooda ha ku eekadan maan odhan inay xoolo yihin laakin dal bay leeyihin.
  24. Burahadeer the Koonfurians are disunited on all fronts there is no balancing factor in Somalia. The 4.5 tribal formula was so perfectly set by our neighbor Ismaciil Cumar geele. That that one sides take the lead the HAG the Presidency and the capital all in their hands.The negative part is only that they don't have much control over the rest of the country. Their opponents are day in day out trying to create an autonomous state south of Mogadishu to gain leverage and political influence.The leaders in Mogadishu are fiercely opposed to a state free of Mogadishu influence in the south their elders day in and day out are threatening the jubbaland supporters. Burahadeer ask your self why the elders in Mogadishu are threatening those in kismayo every time Ahmed madoobe speaks. But when Sultan faisal calls them that they and their ancestors never ruled an inch of a village no response. Because they know Somalilanders are no threat to their interests and its just a political talk. And apophis believes the koonfurians will form a team against Somaliland , yawmal qiyaamaha:D