Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Haatu i know Sultan faisal he has 3 sons one is married to a hargeysa girl the other one is married to a laascaanood girl and the last one has a reer NFD girlfriend. Hada bal isku gee intaas average ka so qaad. Haatu dadka deriska ah ba is guursada so ethnic Somalilandish people in galbeed intermarry with other reer somali galbeed people.here and there. ethnic Somalilandish in Djibouti intermarry with the rest of reer Djibouti and reer Somaliland intermarry with reer Somaliland. Its that simple.
  2. Taleexi kambooni iyo waxyalaahaas abti ma afkeeni ba ?
  3. And we have to believe all those people who celebrated in Minnesota are from Jubbaland, waleh nimankani niman xishooda maha.
  4. Kiina badiya ba aniga ila ciyaaraya , waxay u eektahay aniga iyo hasan ba isku so hadhayna:D
  5. ^^ dee anigu galbeed folks maba diidin dee bal dib u akhri dee.
  6. You are not fighting a battle and it looks like you are not even close to winning other than emotions hassan did this and hassan did that.He is gaining more legitimacy by the day he has the Somali capital under his control, and by the day he is gaining more territorial control. And Xiin he outnumbers you and he even has half of your cousin on his side. The constitution is just how u twist it and how the interpretation is formulated.In the long run you are outgunned politically and diplomatically time is on his hand not on yours. You cannot liberate the middle jubba on your own strength gedo is on the other side. You have helped created this federal government in its finer perfections , but guess what the federal government is in the hands of your opponents damuljadiid. Hashaadi nin kala maalaya weyee and there is little you can do to stop it. Our goal is much bigger than playing silly tribal federal politics in Somalia. Somaliland wants to become a full fledged nation. We have no time to play with kids who cant even guard their own towns and cities and who cant even tie their shoelaces.We have rooted you out much of eastern sool and you keep talking about caynabo a small town lost in 1923. No Xiinfaniin you losing the political war against the HAG elites in this, you lost the militaristic battle in 1991 and now you are losing the political one.
  7. Xaaladu ma wanaagsana Caynabo Axmed Siilaanyo haysta Jubbada dhexe Axmed godane ba haysta Jubbada hoose sheikh xassan ba ku socda Ninki qurumihi noola muxu yidhi. Ma afkaad ku ciil bixi cildaad ka hanjabaysa:D
  8. Saalax;956590 wrote: MoonLight1 Loves the Kenyans too much, he nearly had a heart attack upon hearing they were ordered to leave. :D when your entire future is dependent on the Kikiyus this is what happens.
  9. War ninku hanjabaad weyna., ma ogtahay hanjabaad anaga waxba naga ma qaado:D. Inagu beri hore baanu kala adkaanay maad so rogaal celin soo dhawoow baanu leenahay diyaar baanu nahay. Baala xoofteynta wanu naqana ,maanta waad faro madhantihin. U malayn mayo wadaadka sheikh xassan inad ka dabalaanaysan. bal weynu eegi. Sheikh xassan dab yar ma shidayo, siyaasadisi wa diyaariiyey. Sheedaas baanu sheikh xassan ka eegeyna.
  10. Classified dee faroole reerkisa may degaan meelahaas maxa battle keeney. Meesha battleke looga bahanyahay wa hoggoga HAG oo ciidamadoodi diyaariiyey.
  11. Xiinfaniin anigu cidna ma habaaro , runta uun baad mar adigu diida,, runtuna inta badan dee way yara xanuun kulushahay.
  12. Haa wa isku hooyo isku Aaabo dhiigooduna wa isu damqada.
  13. Mayaa reer Somaliland uun ba tol ah oo wax walba isu ah , kambooni iyo kambooni afkayaga maha adeer.
  14. Haatu Fiqi tolki kama janoh tago , war dadkaga ha ka hadhin, sheekadi hada waxay ku dhowdahay DVSH, xamaanta la kala guray , Xiinfaniin seefti bu galka kala baxay waka kusheegey madaxweynihi USC mentality. Wadaadki Kismayo joogay waka xidhay tuute. Even Zack is on guard,the diaspora are demonstrating, tribalism is back unfortunately.
  15. Anagu ba tol baanu nahay Axmed karash tol baanu nahay isku dad baanu nahay , dhanka siyasaada uun baanu isku yara khilafsanahay eeh waxanu nahay ul iyo dirrkeedi.
  16. Source daynille bal ku noqo:D
  17. Tallaabo;956552 wrote: He has no idea how much Somalis are mixed and intermarry. Even more so now in the diaspora. Diaspora is very small compared what lives back home, how many Somali speaking people live abroad 1.5 million. Back home is where the people are.
  18. Haatu;956544 wrote: Xaaji, are you still peddling your Arab rubbish? And did you say Durriyadda don't intermarry with other Somalis much? lol Haatu mostly with in the same ethnic group the Somalilandish people. And sometimes with the big foots in Somali galbeed, and sometimes with the draculas in Djibouti. But not much with south and certainly not with the pirates.
  19. Tallaabo ethnic Somalilandish people do not intermarry with the folks of Somalia on that level, mostly with in the region and some times those in Somali galbeed., The Somali overall genetic make up is very diverse although close to 70% carries the same Haplogroup but those are than divided into several markers that dates back to 5000 years where it originates. That same haplogroup they share with atleast of 60% of the Oromos and 50% of the Amharas. Genetics doesn't disprove anything really in here. We are a paternal society so it doesn't matter the tribe of the mother it doesn't change the paternal gene in here. Tallaabo the Somali tribal make up there is some truth in it and there is also lots of incorporation adoption these identities currently exist and they existed for hundreds of years. And its more than just some fella wanting to take the throne in here:D
  20. Why are these folks upset , what did hassan do , what do they want?
  21. ElPunto;956508 wrote: Some Somali identity existed prior to Islam arriving. But Islam solidified and broadened the Somali identity. Islam helped Somalis to interact with and spread their influence in the Horn and the wider area There are numerous people in South Somalia who were absorbed into Somali identity through Islam. I don't see anything wrong with her larger point - Islam is a vital component of Somali identity just as Christianity is to Ethiopia. Sure Somali identity existed before islam , but the people were not called Somalis they were called Something else. We were never called Somali 2000 years ago. Somali is a recent identity.