Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Complete domination of the army there is no way Ethiopians can protests the same way as Egyptians and the Arabs did. The Tigreans would completly crush any opposition that protest. I believe only Ethnic movements can defeat the ruling TPLF. Remember what happened in 2005.
  2. The Zack;958253 wrote: ^TPLF is not stronger than Mubarak's and Ben Ali's regimes. TPLF has corrupted the Ethiopian army , Egypt had Peoples army. The army and the TPLF are exactly the same there is no difference.
  3. Djibouti is a nice place to stay the beach is also very nice there are nice malls. One problem its to hot very high temperature and there are Yankees who think they are all that especially on the beach.
  4. Djibouti made some good progress
  5. I dont think these protestors can make a change The TPLF will not release journalists nor will they allow exiled journalists return to Ethiopia.
  6. Alpha Blondy;958182 wrote: tell me the ethnic composition of xamar in 2013 not 1645? all over the somali peninsula, cities and towns, are experiencing demographic transitions. this wave of urbanisation has consolidated some facts beyond doubt! its only logical that we ALL embrace these changes. Right now its HAG dominated no one can challenge them its especially Unuka dominated. Even xamarweyne has a mayor from cadaado:D
  7. ^^ Many of the awdalites carry the blood of Sheikh Ahmadudiin and Sheikh Jamaludiin and Sheikh Mahamadu diin with in their sub clans the grandsons of Yusuf Al Baqdadi who is buried 40 km east of Hargeisa.Especially Professor samatar clan who hail from the Seylac area.
  8. The zack no one wants recognition from a person, but from nation states by the way this is not about all of that but about professor samatar who returns back home a country he hasn't been for more than 23 years.
  9. ^^ We have seen the pictures of the conference all of the members mentioned were the one mentioned in the article if you see the politicians in picture you know.
  10. It dont really matter xamar had different rulers different groups living there it was a real capital in east Africa for centuries, it had Somalis from different regions, Persian elements to Yemeni influence. Even once upon a time it was ruled by an Ethnic Somalilander from berbera who was the Sultan of Xamar. In midevil times it was ruled by A.juran Kingdom and later the italians came and also gave it their influence.
  11. ^^ Well he was an honest unionist he wanted to help Somalia and help the Somali race in the horn. But he found out the deep seated tribal politics in Mogadishu that only certain tribes can lead Somalia. Tribal politics obsessed Koonfurians made the last remaining honest Somaliland unionist go to Somaliland and join his brothers and sisters.
  12. ^^ Where did i mention war i just said they wont agree just because they dont agree doesnt mean there will be a war what kind of pirate logic is that. Pirates have a weird way thinking.This is not pirate way of leading a country ,it is true if you hijack a ship and u disagree with the leading captain there will be war. But there are no pirates any more in Mogadishu and the president and prime minister are in agreement.
  13. I doubt they will agree Hassan will not accept the Jubbaland leadership as representatives of the people of those regions. I dont think faroole will back down from supporting Jubbaland and Ahmed madoobe.
  14. Classified;958148 wrote: I would like to see if Ali Khalif Galaydh would do exactly the same thing. I wonder what the reaction would be? The Gerad is welcome to its his country 2
  15. Prof. Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar Oo Si Weyn Loogu soo dhaweeyay Somaliland June 2nd, 2013 Hareysa (Somaliland.Org)-Shirgudoonka Golaha Wakiilada,Xubno ka Tirsan Golaha Wasiirrada,Madax dhaqameedyo iyo dadweyne Tiro badan ayaa maanta si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyay Madaarada Magaalooyinka Berbera iyo Hargaysa Aqoon yahan Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo ka mid ah Siyaasiyiinta Somaliland. Aqoonyahanka ayaa markii uu diyaarada ka soo degay inta uu Jilbo Joogsaday ayuu dhunkaday Dhulkiisa Hooyo ee uu mudada dheer ka maqnaa,waxaana Madaarka Hargaysa ku soo dhaweeyay Xubno Wasiirro ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Wasiirka Madaxtooyada,Warfaafinta Kalluumaysiga,Beeraha,Boosaha iyo Isgaadhsiinta iyo Duulista Hawada,Madaxda Xisbiyada Qaranka,Siyaasiyiin,Aqoon yahano,Madaxdhaqameedyo, iyo Qaybaha Bulshada. Wasiirka Wasaarada Kalluumaysiga iyo Khayraadka Bada ee Somaliland Mudane C.laahi Jaamac Cismaan Geel Jire ayaa hadal Kooban oo uu Qolka Nasashada ee Madaarka ka jeediyay Waxa uu Sheegay in Xukuumad ahaan ay ku faraxsan yihiin inay dadkiisa iyo dalkiisaba ku soo dhaweeyaan Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo Mudo dheer ka Maqnaa. Markaas kadib Aqoon yahan Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa Sheegay inuu u mahad naqayo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo,oo Marti qaadkan u fidiyay waxaa kale oo uu mahadnaq u diray Wasiirada Madaxtooyada,Kalluumaysiga iyo Safiirka Somaliland ee Wadanka Kenya oo door Mugleh ka qaatay imaatinkiisa. Prof Samatar waxa uu Xusay inaanu Sheegi Karin ereyo uu ku Muuneeyo Madaxdii iyo dadweynihii ku soo dhaweeyay Magaalooyinka Berbera iyo Hargaysa,waxaanu intaas ku daray inuu ku faraxsan yahay imaatinka dalkiisa hooyo. Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo ka hadlaya Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa Xilligan ee Somaliland waxa uu Sheegay inuu salka ku hayo sidii uu u Ogaan lahaa xaalada dhabta ah ee ay dadkiisu ku sugan yihiin isagoo intaas ku daray in isaga iyo Koox la socotaaba ay Socdaal ku tagi doonaan Degmada Saylac ila Degmada Ceerigaabo si uu Xog ogaal ugu noqdo Nolosha dhabta ah ee Somaliland isla markaana uu u helo Xog uu adduunka u bandhigi karo. Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  16. Classified;958139 wrote: Axmed Ismacil Samatar is literally embarrassing Reer Awdal. Look at how he bows down on his forehead in front of the Hargeisa tribe, putting his forehead on the ground in a gesture of defeat. Oh, how the mighty Awdal Sultanate has fallen. 20 years ago, thousands of Awdalites were execute by SNM, right? Hargeysa tribe and borama tribe are of the same origin they are the same people there are no differences between the people of Somaliland.