Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I doubt this is true faisal just loves to over exaggerate things, you dont get the Somaliland political sentimentality he wants to put pressure on the SL government. The moment SL government hears faisals speech youth are heading towards Mogadishu. The government will try to put their shit together. Xamar is used as a Boogyman i believe there are more Somaliland youth heading to Sudan than any other place in Africa.
  2. Somali military forces clash with Kenyan defense forces this just shows that the Kenyans are fighting on their own terms and are not assisting the Somali federal government
  3. Ciidamada Kenya oo askar ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda ku laayay deegaanka Hoosingoow Sabti, June 15, 2013(HOL) :- Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Kenya ee ku sugan gobolka J/hoose islamarkaana qeybta ka ah howlgalka AMISOM ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay askar ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya ku dileen deegaanka Hoosingoow ee gobolka J/hoose, kadib iska horimaad dhexmaray labada dhinac. Sida ay inoo xaqiijiyeen ilo wareedyo ku sugan deegaano ku dhow Hoosingoow, iska-horimaadkan ayaa yimid kadib markii ciidamada Kenya ay is-hortaag ku sameeyeen askar ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda oo doonayay in ay isaga tagaan deegaanka Hoosingoow, waxayna arintaasi keentay in labada dhinac uu dhexmaro iska-horimaad xooggan. Warar xog ogaal ah oo aynu ka heleyno deegaanka Hoosingoow ayaa sheegaya in labada dhinac ay isu adeegsadeen hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, waxaana iska horimaadkaasi ku nafwaayay askar ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda. Afar askari ayaa iska horimaadkaasi ku dhimatay sida uu HOL u xaqiijiyay sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda oo ku sugan gobolka J/hoose. Isgaarsiintii deegaanka Hoosingoow ayaa hawada laga saaray, Ilaa imikana ma cadda khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee kala gaaray labada dhinac mana jiraan masuuliyiin ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Kenya oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay arintaasi. Dhacdadan ayaa kusoo beegmeeysa xilli dhawaan qeybo ka tirsan gobolka J/hoose ay soo gaareen ciidamo ka socda dowladda Siera Leone kuwaasoo qeyb ka noqon doona howlgalka ciidamada Midowga Afrika ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya.
  4. warsamaale;962066 wrote: if 22 yrs without a government did not help your cause for Independence, then how now when the FGS is getting stronger by the day. PL & JL don't want to be autonomous states and your understanding of federalism is very crude. They want autonomy trust me that is whats going to happen swiss model style SFG is not getting stronger it controls only a small part of Somalia with the help of African union forces. And large segments do not even want to be ruled by the SFG.You are saying it your self the reason why Somaliland didn't receive dejure recognition was because Somalia had no government. Now they do the 2 are being forced to talk and this going to be very interesting. I am very sure that Somaliland will be recognized there is nothing major obstacle stopping it the Neighboring countries are not really against it. And Somalia is very weak and will not form a threat to Somaliland the next coming decades. By the way the SFG is controlled now by the HAG community they want a Union with Somaliland but they will not waste their resources on it. They are busy stopping a Jubbaland Kenya linked autonomous state. The Future looks bright for Somaliland
  5. ^^ Arabs are to weak if they connected the dots if they could turn the Arab league into a great Arab Institution. if they reformed and joined forces economically and poliitcally they would be much more powerful than the small Jewish community. For example Syria , Arabs are being played. Syria Arabs opposition supported By Israel America and the European countries Syria Government supported by China Russia East Block Maandhow iga da carabi wa naag eh.
  6. ^^ Actually autonomous states for Somalia is much more favorable for Somaliland in seeking recognition and possible dialogue with the Koonfurians. I mean the weaker Somalia gets on the ground the better for Somaliland. For example Puntland operates as a country with in a country with actually total independence from Mogadishu if Jubbaland does the same as Puntland. Modern Somali statehood and governance is dead. it means tribes have the power and no longer the Somali government You institutionalized tribal federalism this means that the HAG community will not give up the SFG as their little Government. The 2 tribal states will use their tribal fiefdoms to gain leverage and political support and control. HAG and the middle regions will blindly supporting the SFG as that is their entity.Somaliland will continue to search for recognition and it will be forced to hold dialogue with the SFG. And i am sure in the talks they can work something out which will be in favor of Somaliland and its people. In the long run Somalia breaking into pieces like Jubbaland and Puntland is not good for Somaliland , a Somalia and Somaliland side by side is in the interests for Somaliland in the long term. But for the short term gains i say its going the right direction viva Jubbaland autonomous state linked to Kenya:D
  7. Uganda Burundi Tanzania Kenya Djibouti South Sudan Are all in favor of Ethiopia Sudan and Eritrea are still not clear about their stance
  8. Booqashada iyo martiqaadka Madaxweyne Siiraanyo ku tagayo SUCUUDIGA ma danbaa Somaliland ugu jira.mise arrinka NIILKA xaalku weeyi. By: Wariye CALI Dheere Boqorka sucuudiga ayaa dhanbaal u soo diray madaxweyne siiraanyo uu ku martiqaadayo sucuudiga iyadoo dayaarad khaasana loo soo diri doono madaxwynaha , hadabaa maxaa keenay inay sucuudigu immika ina casuumaan arrintu malaa waa wabiga niilka.haddaba warbixin lagu daabacay wargeyska boston globe ayaa sheegtay in laga cabsi qabo in in uu dagaal ka dhex qarxo dowladda masar iyo itoobiya dagaalkaas oo sida warbixinta lagu sheegay salka ku haya biyaha wabiga niil, waxayna warbixintu intaas ku dartay in qaraxa dagaalkaas aad u soo dhowaaday ka dib markii ay itoobiya ku adkeysatay in la qaybsado biyaha niil iyada oo ay shirka ka maqanyihiin masar iyo suudaan . Wargeysku wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in dowladaha uu ka soo bilowdo wabiga niil ee yuganda,Kenya,tanzaniya,kongo,Burundi iyo ruwanda ay ku adkeysanayaan in ay xuquuq ku leeyhin wabiag neel waxayna dowladda mareykanka ka codsadeen in ay murankan si dhakhso ah u soo dhex gasho. Warbixintu waxay intaas ku dartay in dowladda masar ay ku adkeysaneyso haysashada xuquuqdeeda taariikhiga ah ee biyaha niil taas oo lagu qiyaaso 56 milyaar mitir oo saddex jibbaaran sanadkiiba iyada oo qayb ka ah biyaha wabiga oo ah 84 milyaar mitir saddexjibbaaran, halka dowladda suudaanna ay sheegtay inayna marna ka tanaasuli doonin qaybteeda dhan 15milyaar mitir saddexjibbaaran. Sidoo kale warbixintu waxay tlmaantay in dowladda msar ay aad uga xuntahay qaababka codowtooyada leh ee ay itoobiya u qaabayneyso biyaha niil, waxayna intaas raacisay in haddii uu dagaal dhex maro itoobiya iyo masar ay ereteriya la safan doonto itoobiya oo ay horey cadow u ahaayeen hadda se uu heshiis ka dhexeeyo sida warbixintu sheegtay. Masar waxay leedahay israa’iil ayaa dowladaha wabigu ka soo billowdo ku dhiirri galineysa in itoobiya laga sameeyo afar xarumood oo biyaha kronto lagaga dhaliyo , arrimahaasina waxay sii xoojinayaan in dagaal ka dhex qarxo itoobiya iyo masar. Wasiirka beeraha ee masar ayaa horey u sheegay in ay dagaal ka xigaan in la nusqaamiyo qaybtooda ay ka helaan biyaha niil, ra’iisul wasaaraha itoobiya ayaa isaguna mar sii horreysay sheegay in masar ayna iyaga ka celin karin waxa ay raba - See more at: http://gaafo.com/215596/booqashada-iyo-martiqaadka-madaxweyne-siiraanyo-ku-tagayo-sucuudiga-ma-danbaa-somaliland-ugu-jiramise-arrinka-niilka-xaalku-weeyi-by-wariye-cali-dheere
  9. Somaliland Oo Xabsiga Dhigtay Sarkaal Ka Tirsan Qaramada Midoobay. Booliiska Madaarka Berbera ayaa manta xabsiga u taxaabay sarkaal ka tirsan waaxda Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay............ Booliiska Madaarka Berbera ayaa manta xabsiga u taxaabay sarkaal ka tirsan waaxda Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay, kaasoo shandad gudaha madaarka kaga xaday sarkaal kale oo ka shaqeeya Hay’adda Samafal oo madaarka ka soo degay. Sarkaalka shandada laga xaday ayaa waayay mid ka mid ah shandadihiisa gacanta oo ay ugu jireen Laptop iyo qalab kale oo ay ka buuxaan xogo uu iska lahaa, kadibna waxa uu wargeliyay Ciidanka Boolsiika iyo saraakiisha Madaarka, kuwaasoo isla markiiba raad raac ku sameeyay Kamaradaha Amaanka Madaarka ilaaliya,a waxaanay heleen ninkii xaday oo ilaa diyaaradda ay Kamaraduhu hayeen. Saraakiisha Booliiska Madaarka iyo Maamulka ayaa ka daba orday iyadoo xiligaas diyaaradda uu ninka sarkaalka ah ee shandada xaday bilowday in ay duusho, hase yeeshee waxa ay Kabtanka diyaaradda ku wargeliyeen in bakhtiiyo, waxaana loogu tagay gudaha diyaaradda ninka shandada xaday oo gacanta ku haysta shandadii. Ciidanka Booliiska ayaa katiinadeeyay isla markaana ka soo dajiyay diyaaradii, waxaanay ku xidheen saldhig ku yaalaa madaarka, hase yeeshee saraakiisha Amniga Qaramada Midoobay ayaa Booliiska ka dalbaday in loogu soo wareejiyo hargeysa, si kiiska ay wax uga ogaadaan. Dadwayne aad u badan oo ka ag dhawaa meesha ay arintu ka dhacday ayaa ku tilmamay arintani inay tahay dhacdo laga xumaado isla markaana waxa ay ku eedeeyeen ninka lagu qabtay in uu yahay sarkaal Qaramada midoobay u qaabilsan Amniga oo ka hawlgala Hargeysa, waxaanay sheegeen dhacdadani waxay ku soo hagaagtay Xili xurguf dhinaca wada shaqaynta ahi ka dhex taagan tahay Qaramada Midoobay iyo Somaliland. Si rasmi ah looma oga sababta Ninkan oo dhalashadiisu tahay Kiiniyaati ku kalifay in uu madaarka dhexdiisa ka xado Shandad qof rakaab ahi leeyahay, hase yeeshee waxa lala xidhiidhinayaa in ay qayb ka ahayd sumcad xumo in uu ugu soo jiido Somaliland balse Guul daro weyn ayuu kala kulmay kadib markii Kamaradaha Madaarka lagu rakibay ee ilaaliya Amaanku si fudud u kashifeen. Saraakiisha Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan dhinaca Amniga ee xarunta Hargeysa oo aanu isku daynay in aanu la xidhiidhno way noo suurtogeli weyday kadib markii ay Telefoonkooda naga qaban waayeen.
  10. Haatu;962031 wrote: Ma aragtey. It was shocking what some of the guests were saying even if they weren't serious. Stuff like that adds fuel to the fire. They are being honest all they need to be honest now about is reconciliation it shows there is huge distrust its shows people cannot share a land or an administration. I mean back in the days they were all singing Somaliya tooso , but it had a weak foundation. The moment you create clan federalism is the moment Somalis will go mad. I think this clan federalism will be another major challenge for Somalida. Even though qurbajoogta are more tribalists than the normal people back home. But still they play a major role in preparing their communities.
  11. ^^ The arabs are weak they have no unity they cant even get rid of a small Jewish community in the middle east
  12. Yes there was a parliament they were voted on by the Parliament they also had a constitution Here you can read SL Constitution 1960 http://www.somalilandlaw.com/Somaliland_constitutional_conference_may1960.pdf
  13. ^^ It was not a sovereign nation but the people existed and lived there the ethnic Somalilandish people., only when they gained independence they became free. The State of Somaliland as it was called at the time of independence they had a Prime Minister and his name was Muhammad ibrahim egal. and the they had a Parliament and the Parliament leader was, Jamac cabdilahi Qaalib.
  14. ^^ No Somalilander was against the unity in 1960 they actually were pushing for it aggressively whether they were from borama hargeysa burco gabiley seylac berbera laascaanood eerigaabo they all felt the same about the unity with the Koonfurians. I never said it was a sovereign nation before it gained independence on 26 June.I merely said this was written by Dauglas hall the colonial governor of SL at that time which is a fact. No where did i say Britian gave the power to a tribe where did you read all of this i never said.
  15. ^^ I dont know where u get the idea of secession , from whom was Somaliland seeking secession it was not part of Somalia.lool , Secession ba dadkan washay iyado cidna laga mid ahayn yaa baas eeh laga Go'aya. And second all the parties in SL were unionists SNL USP NUF. NUF just wanted a condition the other 2 unconditional union. Cigaal was the leader of the SNL and USP they united and formed an alliance in the general elections they were 2 separate parties, if you read carefully NUF got more than 25.000 votes. But they got cheated and ended up having one seat. This was written by sir dauglas hall the last governor of Somaliland under British rule.
  16. Ethiopia: Uganda joins Sudan in support of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Ethiopia: Uganda joins Sudan in support of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has backed Ethiopia's construction of a new $4.7 billion hydro power plant along the river Nile. President Museveni said in a national address that Ethiopia as well as other African nations need such power plants to spur their economies, and protect the environment from peasant farmers, who continue to cut forests for bio mass fuel. Mr. Museveni's remarks came on the same day the Ethiopian parliament ratified a treaty stripping Egypt of its right to use the bulk of the Nile River's waters for domestic purposes. "It is advisable that chauvinistic statements coming out of Egypt are restrained and through the Nile Valley Organization rational discussions take place," Mr. Museveni said. "No African wants to hurt Egypt; however, Egypt cannot continue to hurt black Africa and the countries of the tropics of Africa."
  17. Museveni dismisses Egypt's claims over Ethiopia's Nile dam threat By Godfrey Olukya Museveni says the construction of a dam over the Nile River by Ethiopia would not destroy the water source as alleged by Egypt Museveni says the construction of a dam over the Nile River by Ethiopia would not destroy the water source as alleged by Egypt Uganda President Yoweri Museveni has warned Egypt against repeating mistakes of past regimes by threatening neighbours over the use of River Nile water. Museveni on Wednesday told the Ugandan parliament that the construction of a dam over the Nile River by Ethiopia would not destroy the water source as alleged by Egypt. "Egypt should not repeat mistakes of past governments," he said. "Egyptians think that there is a threat to the Nile by Ethiopia's building of a hydro power but in actual fact production of electricity saves the Nile." Museveni said the production of electricity would see a decline in the number of people cutting down trees for firewood, hence the environment in the river's catchment areas will be preserved. Tension between Egypt and Ethiopia has been rising over the Addis Ababa's plans to build dams along the Nile. Ethiopia plans to construct a dam where 6 000 megawatts of electricity. President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt's government has objected to the projects saying it will affect the River Nile's water levels. Museveni said instead of threatening Ethiopia with war Egypt must open dialogue. "Construction of dams in Ethiopia has led to her economy to grow," he said. "It is advisable that chauvinistic statements coming out of Egypt are restrained and through the Nile Valley organization, rational discussions take place.' Museveni said due to lack of electricity in Uganda, 40 billion cubic meters of wood is used for domestic purposes. "No African wants to hurt Egypt," he said. "However, Egypt cannot continue to hurt black Africa." On Morsi said he did not want "war" with Ethiopia over the construction of the $4.7 billion Renaissance Dam near the border with Sudan but said he would "keep all options open." The Nile is the source of nearly all of Egypt's water. Ethiopia and other Nile basin countries – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda - accuse Egypt of taking advantage of a colonial treaty to monopolise the Nile. Read the original article on Theafricareport.com : Museveni dismisses Egypt's claims over Ethiopia's Nile dam threat | North Africa Follow us: @theafricareport on Twitter | theafricareport on Facebook
  18. Does the professor fully support the separation of Somaliland from Somalia, Listen from 19:25 the republic of Somaliland., than few minutes later he says it again Jamhuuuriyada Somaliland. I think the professor with this speech he gave up on the Koonfurians officially
  19. ^^ Depends how the Kenyans assist but for now its under Kenyan protection.
  20. The camelover guy was hilarious to but its obvious they agreed that jubbaland has more than 40 clans , and Ahmed madoobe just represents his clan. The debate was actually not that bad, because people were being honest. People were talking about clan dulmi subjugation expansionism, foreign intervention. And these are the key problems. Not some constitution there is no proper reconciliation between the people who live there. The constitution is not the problem its the people who cant agree. And finally Universal TV is putting it in context, and people see what is wrong with Somalia. its some times good to speak your mind its part of the caafimaad. No need to hide and hide your feelings.
  21. Mad_Mullah;961909 wrote: Somaliland is successful because it's only one tribe. That's why they are fighting in Khaatumo. Nope its several tribes the borama tribe the seylac tribe the hargeisa tribe the makhir tribe. There is no war with khatumo when did you hear there was a war?
  22. ^^ How does Siilaanyo undermine peace bal waxa la isugu sheekenayo eeg, Somaliland is a strategic ally of the international community in the war against terrorism and piracy. Somaliland also support Somalia coming together in peace and stability, it repeated that several times. New UN envoy hails Somaliland as ‘island of relative peace and stability’ in insecure region