Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I doubt they fully sacrificed the ONLF for Jubbaland, but maybe they decided to fight another day. Remember ONLF is not making any progress against Ethiopia. Absolute no support from Somalia i mean if SFG officials go to addis ababa and tell the Ethiopians there is an ONLF cell in Kismayo what are you expecting. As i see it they divided themselves 3 ways one group will continue the war against Ethiopia one group will cooperate with Ethiopia, in order to achieve and secure a tribal homeland for Beesha in Somalia inter linked with the last group who are setting up a state in Somalia with the help of the Somali Kenyans. Its kinda smart of them its a good strategy if you ask me.
  2. Mad_Mullah;962347 wrote: This coming from a country that runs on money that gets sent back from Europe/America. Pfffff... Arabs are morally mentally very weak , also very inferior when it comes to europeans Arabs are not creative they are very poor even with all the resources the Smallest EU countries have higher GDP than the richest Arab countries.
  3. Arabs are still weak , we might take their money if they have money to offer us is always welcome , but we will not cooperate with these monkey's they always have an agenda we have no interests in their agenda because most of the time it goes against ours. They were always very hostile towards Somaliland. Give ma quarter of the army equipment saudi Arabia has and i can guarantee you Somaliland Militia can shake the foundation of the state of Israel. But Arabs cannot fight diplomatically they have nothing to offer us , they might tell us that we should be nice to the Koonfurians. Because the Koonfurians have been screwing up the past 2 decades. And the Arabs have no ally in the Horn:D
  4. A united Somalia and ONLF. but for now there is no United Somalia , only ONLF is a threat to their territorial integrity not a major threat but still it can destabilize parts of Ethiopia.
  5. ^^ Maaddeey Somalia sheeganaysa Somaliland ,Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya ma sheegtan Somaliland.
  6. Citizen or Stranger? In this two-part series we meet an extended family of immigrants navigating their lives in six different countries. Special series Last Modified: 14 Jun 2013 10:19 Countries with a multicultural approach, like Canada, the US and Great Britain, encourage immigrants to keep their customs and culture. Others, like France and Denmark, urge immigrants to integrate and adopt Western values. We look at the story of one immigrant family that was separated due to a civil war. They tell about their lives in their adopted country, and about their hopes for the future. Episode 1 In the world today, there at least 10 million people on the move, looking for safety, comfort and a better life. But they are not always welcomed when they arrive in a new land, and the arguments over how to integrate these newcomers are emotional and sometimes explosive. I'm French, whether they like it or not Sahra Halgan Ahmed But what about the people who are at the centre of this debate? What do they think of their new countries, and how have they been received? In this film, we meet an extended family of immigrants who now live in six different countries. Some of them are distant cousins, some, are close relatives. They all come from the same part of the world: the Horn of Africa - Somaliland, a place that has been torn apart by civil war for the last 30 years. This is their story in their words. http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/specialseries/2013/06/201361314412558551.html
  7. if it is true and the President goes to Saudi Arabia, the question what do the Arabs have to offer us , i always raise my eye brows when Arabs are involved
  8. MADHABAA IN M/wayne Ahmed Mahamuud uu wafti ku tagi doono Caasimada Saudiga ee Riyaadh Dawalada Boqortooyada Sauidiga aya Si ba an uga soo horjeeday Qadiyada Gooni Iskutaaga Somaliland Warar aan wali soo shaacbixin oo naga soo gaadhay Casimada Boqortooyoda Saudaiga Magaalada RIYAADH ayaa lagu sheegayaa in dhawaan Safar uu ku tagi doono Madaxwayne Siiranyo. Macada Sababta ay dawlada Saudigu Waqtigan Casumada ugu Fidinayso M/waynha Somaliland. Dawalada Boqortooyada Sauidiga aya Si ba an uga soo horjeeday Qadiyada Gooni Iskutaaga Somaliland Warkan oo ilaahada aan Shaaca lga qaadin ayaa imanaya Waqti Mandaqada Geeska africa ay ka jiraan XurguF ka dhex aloosan labada dal ee MASAR IYO ETHOPIA KAA SOO KU SAABSA Wabiga niil
  9. Lol@ Haatu its maybe a bit stereotype but there is some truth in it reer NFD look like borana oromo and rendile mar mar. Welll Somalia there is no Typical Somali look.
  10. ^^ She liking or not is not the issue here u just need to have a word with the father, u dont understand the Bigfoot traditional culture , if you are good with the father it can be arranged. She doesn't even have to like it.
  11. Classified;962306 wrote: What happened to the ONLF flag? Wait, I forgot, now it has White, Blue, Green and a white Star on the corner. This has nothing to do with ONLF its a diplomatic trip to forge better relations between Jubbaland and Ethiopia.
  12. I have to say Ahmed madoobe has one of the best political advisers , the last 2 weeks there were rumors that ONLF might have had a safe heaven in Kismayo. He is now in addis ababa telling the Ethiopians they shouldn't worry. And that his state Jubbaland is not anti Ethiopia. Because the Ethiopians were a bit suspicious at the beginning.its seems to be cleared now Ahmed understands the role the neighboring countries play and their support is essential. The best thing i will give him an advise to is to tell the Ethiopians he supports the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam or the Abay dam as the Ethiopians call it. He should also tell The TPLF that Hassan culusow is in bed with the Ikwaani Egyptian mullah's.
  13. Madoobe iyo Gaas oo Adis-ababa gaaray iyo Madaxwweynaha Jubaland oo si diiran loo soo dhaweeyay(Sawir) Sunday, 16 June 2013 16:14 (Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo si diiran Adis-ababa loogu soo dhaweeyay) Wafdi balaaran oo uu hogaamminaya Madaxweynaha dowlada Jubaland Mudane Ahmed Maxamed Islam ayaa maanta lagu soo dhaweeyay Magaaladda Adis-ababa ee Caasimadda Itoobiya. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa ku weheliyaan xubna xubna ka tiran gudigii farsamada ama saxiixayaasha Maamul usameynta gobalda Jubboyinka oo ay kamid yihiin Sh Maxamed Aw-libaax,General Darwiish,Professor Gaandi iyo Aw-yuusuf . Ujeedada wafdiga ayaa salka ku haysa sidii ay dowalda Itoobiya uga wada hadli lahaayeen arimaha dhanka Amaanka , Wada shaqeynta dhanka Amaanka iyo iskaashiyo Caalami ah ee dhexmara maamulka Jubaland iyo dowalda Itoobiya ee driska la ah.Madaxweynaha Jubaland ayaa waxuu marti qaad rasmi ah ka helay Dowlada Itoobiya. Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Jubaland ayaa waxay Addis kulmi doonaan Madaxweynaha Dowalda Puntaland Mudane C/raxmaan sh Maxamed Faroole oo isaguna maanta imanaya Addis Ababa, Kadib wafdiga ayaa laga yaaba inuu soo maro Jigjiga iyo Garowe. Maamulka Jubaland ayaa Waxaa dagaal adag kula jira, Maamulka Muqdisho oo kaashanaya Argagaxisada Caalamka , Dowlada Masar oo dooneyso gobalka gedo inay ka dhigato goob ay kaga duusho Itoobiya iyo waliba qaar kaloo badan. Dhinaca kale Reysalwasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya C/weli Gaas ayaa Adis-ababa soo gaaray,kadib markii uu casumaad ka helay Wadamadda IGAD,waxaana la filayaa inta uu joogo Adis-ababa inay kulmaan Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Sayid Axmed Madoobe. Shacabkamedia-Beyra-Puntland Runta Kama-Xıshoono
  14. Yeaah you can tell by looking ,if you see a sri lanken looking Somali he is most likely a pirate high frequency of sri lankan look is from the garowe clan enclave. The Big foot community i can tell them from miles away they are most likely very tall the one in galbeed. And have a browinish skin color.The one in Kenya look like Boranaa oromos.The one in galbeed and the one in NFD dont look like. Abtigiis and Haatu dont look alike. The Unukka community are most of the time very skinny and some are tall have a big fore head and have very white teeth but have sharp Somali features. Also the Habr gangster clan are very short and dont have sharp Somali features and have nappy hair.
  15. ^^ Waraabe is the last man to go to Xamar, he just uses xamar as a fear tactic to worry the SL govt.
  16. Somalia;962259 wrote: , damn secessionists, how is this good for you? Its good those Somalilanders who support the Jubbaland Kenya project is good , it keeps pressure on Culusow and Co and the HAG nest in Mogadishu. And those who are against it like carafaat, are forging better relations with the HAG community in order to preserve the power of 3 alliance.
  17. Loooool Funny video aqlib maxanu aqlubna ma foosta baanu hayna oo qalibna
  18. ^^ You can tell by looking at them and by hearing them their dialects
  19. ^^ Qurba joog are worse, they are the one who participate in clan parties:D