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Meesha Kiiniya wa inan mar aada STOIC xafadeeni isiolo so iso tusi maysid.
Marksman;962576 wrote: I think this was written in the EastAfrican website. A day after on KTN there was a discussion on a tv program in Kenya and 1 Kenyan 'expert' called for Somalia to be divided into two states. Well thats a good thing, whats the Name of that Kenyan,
They first said Somaliland will be pressured by the UK to attend the Somalia conference when Somaliland said no we will not attend.Than they said Somaliland needs the UN and Aid from the UN , Somaliland told the UN to go to Mogadishu and Somalia no unsom office will be opened in Somaliland. Somaliland doesn't need the west to exist, its Somalia that needs AU troops UN and other agencies to live with out the international community Somalia cannot exist that's the truth.Somaliland exists on the back and the strength of the people of Somaliland. Not because some white dude in a suit tells them to do this and that, hellow this is not Somalia.
malistar2012;962611 wrote: xaaji Sultan Faisal will get a respond from Xaad or Diriye that's his level of Somali Politics ......................... one day he his crying how Mogadishu is booming and his sons are running to Xamar for better living condition next day his bashing xamar ......... where is oday musa Sudi Yelox when you need him Sultan faisal never said xamar is booming he said i heard Kenyan Somalis telling me that Somalilanders are working in Xamar in reality he said that because he wanted to attack the Kulmiye government. But this man has no love for xamar, u should know that.
The bottom line for SL it doesn't matter the Nile doesn't go threw SL and the Nile conflict is not a problem for SL only if there is war between Ethiopia and Egypt. It wants a peaceful solution for the region and that is something good. Most countries have taken sides Uganda Kenya south Sudan are all on the side of Ethiopia. Sudan stance is similar like that of SL its a bit neutral. Eritrea hasn't made a comment about this so far and Djibouti also no comment.
Somaliland: So far from Somalia... The plane that the air force of Siad Barre used to bomb the city during the civil war — mounted on a monument. Photo/Fred Oluoch By RED OLUOCH Posted Thursday, June 13 2013 at 13:21 In Summary Somaliland with a population of 3.5 million is peaceful, has a functioning civil service, judiciary and police and has held five multiparty elections. Somaliland, on the Gulf of Aden in the Red Sea, is a major contrast to troubled Somalia, its southern neighbour. The people are fiercely protective of their sovereignty even though the international community has not recognised the country as an independent state. Since its breakaway from Somalia following the fall of Siad Barre’s government in 1991, Somaliland with a population of 3.5 million, has created working institutions such as the judiciary, the police, a functioning civil service. The country has maintained peace and has held five successive multiparty elections. Somaliland’s links with the better-known Somalia are through language and religion, but the culture is different. Somalilanders are trying to balance maintaining their unique identity with borrowing a few things from their southern brothers. For example, while all vehicles are right hand drives, they still drive on the right side of the road like in the south — unusual anywhere in the world. Countries that drive on the left typically have right-hand drive cars, and vice versa. In Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland and the second largest city in the whole of Somalia, three currencies are used interchangeably. One can use the US dollar and get change in Somaliland shillings. Some hotels also accept the Ethiopian birr. Money can be changed on the streets, and money changers are everywhere with heaps of Somaliland shillings. It is a sign that the country is free of thieves. Hargeisa is safe compared with Mogadishu; one can walk the streets at night without worrying about their safety. The 160km road from Berbera to Hargeisa is in relatively good condition, having been built by the Chinese 25 years ago. However, some of the link roads in Hargeisa are gravel roads that give drivers a hard time. Construction is booming in Somaliland. One of the key features of Hargeisa is the plane that the air force of former president Siad Barre used to bomb the city to pulp during the civil war in 1991. The plane was shot down and it is now mounted as a monument and a reminder of the dark period the country underwent. Indeed, Siad Barre is anathema to Somalilanders and the mention of the name elicits epithets at a man who mistreated the people of Somaliland before and during the civil war. State House, where President Mohammed Silanyo lives, is located within the city and ordinary people have easy access to it. Just like Somalia, the Somalilanders love their conversation and can spend hours talking till late in the evening. Although Somaliland does not strike one as a strictly Muslim region, alcohol is not available and city dwellers take their prayers seriously. Despite having been part of Somalia until 22 years ago, Somaliland has little day-to-day connection with Somalia. The people are proud to have broken away and nearly everybody defends their separateness. Any suggestion that they should reunite with Somalia is met with scorn, on the grounds that they don’t want to import chaos into a country that has remained peaceful for 22 years. The former British Somaliland gained its independence on June 26, 1960, five days before their Italian-controlled counterpart in the south. But on July 1, 1960, when Somalia gained independence, Somaliland decided to join hands with its southern neighbour to realise the Greater Somaliland dream. This dream sought to unite the two with three other regions inhabited by ethnic Somali — French Somaliland (currently Djibouti), the ****** region in eastern Ethiopia, and the North Eastern Frontier in north-eastern Kenya. Despite the dream having caused the Shifta War in Kenya in the early 1960s as Kenyans of Somali origin sought to secede, it is now a dead dream and Somalilanders do not entertain any suggestion of unity with Somalia. Entering and leaving the airport in Berbera is expensive. One has to pay $34 for the visa fees and on leaving, one has to part with $10 for security checks, and a further $34 for airport tax.
Madaxweynaha Dowlada Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya oo galabta Adis soo gaaraya si ula kulmo Wafdiga Jubaland Adis ababa–17 Juun,2013–Pi– Madaxweynaha dowlada Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya mudane Cabdi Maxamed Cumar ayaa la filayaa inuu galabta soo gaaro Adis ababa si uu la kulmo Madaxweynaha Jubaland ka dibna ay iska wareystaan arimaha Soomaaliya. Warar hordhac ah oo warbaahinta Puntlandi ka heshey Jigjiga ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Cabdi Cumar uu wafdiga Jubaland ku Casumi doono Magaalada jigjiga, kulamada Adis ka dibna ay isu soo raaci doonaan Jigjiga. Wafdiga Jubaland oo uu hogaaminayo Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe oo booqashadooda Adis ababa wata ayaa la filayaa inay kulamada u horeeya ay qaataan Beri oo talaado ah, waxayna sida aan warka ku heyno la kulmi doonaan Masuuliyiin ka tirsan beesha caalamka iyo Dowlada Itoobiya. Wararka kale ee aan heleyno ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Puntland oo isna la filayo inuu maalmaha soo socdo soo gaaro Adis ababa iyo Madaxweynaha Jubaland ay khamiista ama jamcaha la kulmayaan Raysal Wasaaraha Itoobiya Hailemariam Desalegn . Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco Puntlandi.com Puntlandi.com
Faroole oo Dubai iyo Adis-ababa ku wajahan Monday, 17 June 2013 11:53 Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole oo maalmahan u shaxaad-doontay Jaaliyadaha Jubbaland iyo Puntland ee Dalka Austraaliya ku nool inay lacago ugu deeqaan inuu 5-sanno Puntland u taliyo ayaa la filayaa saacadaha soo soca inuu ka soo duulo Magaaladda Melbourne ee Dalka Australia. Faroole ayaa la filayaa inuu Dubai uga sii gudbo Magaaladda Adis-ababa oo casumaad uu ka helay Midowka-Afrika iyo Ururka IGAD oo kala tashanayo sida laga yeelayo muranka ka dhex-aloosan Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed oo iyagu mucaaraday Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Madaxweynaha loo doortay ee Sayid Axmed Madoobe.
Somaliland calling for diplomacy between the 2 countries to sort out their problems in a diplomatic way, its willing even to mediate if needed. I think this is an excellent step by Somaliland to remain very neutral between the 2 the Nile waters are not one that concern Somaliland. These rivers do not go through Somaliland. But the peace in the region is necessary.
Muddo 20-sano ah oo kasoo wareegtay Markii Ergaygii Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia uu Amaray in lasoo qabto Jen. Caydiid Isniin, Juun 17, 2013 (HOL) — Labaatan sano ayaa maanta ku buuxsantay markii ergaygii Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya, Admiral Johathan Howe uu amar ku bixiyay in lasoo qabto Jen. Maxamed Faarax Caydiid, xilligaas oo ku beegnayd 17-kii June 1993-kii. Amarkaas ayaa keenay inay isku dhacaan ciidamadii uu hoggaaminayay Jen. Caydiid iyo kuwii UNOSOM (United Nations Operation in Somalia) iyadoo ay ku dhinteen askar badan oo isugu jira ciidamadii UNOSOM ee uu Mareykanku horkacayay iyo kuwii Soomaalida ahaa ee Jen. Caydiid. Jen. Caydiid oo geeriyooday 01-dii Ogoosto 1996-kii ayaanay suurogelin in howgalkaas lagu qabto, waxaana sababta dagaalka keentay ay ahayd iyadoo loo haystay ciidamadii uu horkacayay inay dileen 25 askari oo u dhashay dalka Bakistaan, kuwaasoo qayb ka ahaa howgalkii UNOSOM ee Soomaaliya. Admiral Howe ayaa dul-dhigay madaxa Jen. Caydiid 25,000 oo dollar iyadoo loo ballanqaaday ciddii soo qabata ama soo sheegta meesha uu ku sugan yahay, isagoo xilligaas ku jiray dhuumaaleysi. Dadkii lagu laayay dagaalladaas waxaa ku jiray ciqaal iyo odayaal laga xusi karo, Col. Abshir Kaahiye oo la safnaa Jen. Caydiid iyo xubno kale, waxaana uu dilkooda dhacay 12-kii June 1993-kii. Sidoo kale bishii 03-dii Oktoobar 1993-kii waxaa lagu dilay dagaalkii loogu magac-daray Black Hawk Down dad badan oo Soomaali ah, iyadoo sidoo kale ay naftooda ku waayeen 18-askari oo ka tirsan ciidamadii Mareykanka. Howlgalkii ciidamadii UNOSOM ee Soomaaliya ayaa lasoo gabgabeeyay bishii May ee sannadkii 1994-kii kaddib markii lagu guuldarreystay in lasoo qabto Jen. Caydiid, lagana adkaado xoogaggii uu hoggaaminayay. Ugu dambeyn, waxaa is-weydiin leh isbeddel ama saameyn noocee ah ayay Soomaaliya ku yeelan lahayd haddii waqtigaas lasoo qaban lahaa Jen. Caydiid oo ahaa hoggaamiye Soomaaliya oo muctafic ahaa.
Xukuumadda S/Land Oo Ka HadashayMawqifkeeda Dhaamka Ethiopia Ka Dhisanayso Blue Nile-Ka Oo Xiisad Ka Dhex Abuuray Qahira Iyo Adis-Ababa Hargeysa, June 17, 2013 (Haatuf) – Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horaysay ka hadashay Mawqifkeeda Muranka ka taagan dhaamka Ethiopia ka dhisayso Blue Nile-ka, taas oo xiisad ka dhex abuurtey dawladda Masar iyo Ethiopia oo khilaafkoodu todobaadadii ugu danbeeyey uu cirka isku sii shareeray ka dib markii ay labadda dhinac hadalo hanjabaado iyo digniino xambaarsan hawada isku mariyeen. Wasiirka Arrimaha Debadda Somaliland Dr Maxamed C/laahi Cumar ayaa isagu mar uu shalay hortagay Golaha Wakiilada ka hadlay mawqifka xukuumadda uu ka tirsan yahay ay ka taagan tahay khilaafka xoogan ee dhashay biyaha Webiga Niil-ka ee u dhaxeeya Masar iyo Ethiopia, kaas oo dunida iyo dalalka mandaqada ugu baaqay inay sameeyaan dhaqdhaqaaqyo diblomaasiyadeed oo lagu xalinayo xiisadaas, isla markaana xusay inay taageerayaan in qaab wada-hadal lagu soo afjaro qadiyadaas. Dr Maxamed C/laahi waxa uu tilmaamay inay diyaar u yihiin inay qayb ka noqdaan dhaqdhaqaaqyada lagu soo afjarayo khilaafka u dhaxeeya dalwadaha Ethiopia iyo Masar, tibaaxayna inay Somaliland iyo dalalka geeskaba ay khatar ku tahay hadii dagaal ka dhexqarxo xukuumadaha Qahira iyo Adis-Ababa. Ugu horayna isaga oo arimahaas ka hadlayana, waxa ka mid ahaa hadalkiisii “Arintan biyaha Webiga Niilka ee hadal haynteedu baryahanba taagnayd waa khilaaf u dhaxeeyey dalal badan oo ku yaala gobolkan, markaa horta taas aynu ogaano inaanay arintaasi ahayn mid ku kooban Masar iyo Ethiopia oo kaliya. Xukuumad ahaan arintaasi anagu waxaanu u aragnaa arin khal-khal galinkarta nabadgalyada gobolka Geeska Afrika ee aynu ka midka nahay, waxaanay sida aanu sheegay noogu muuqataa arin wayn oo mudo hadalkeedu taagnaa, isla markaana aanu Caalamku marnaba si wanaagsan u darsin oo aanu u eegin oo heshiisyadii hore u jiray mooyaane aan arintaas markale dib loogu noqonin, waana arin la filankaro inay Mushkilad wayn keento Mustaqbalka”. Dr Maxamed C/laahi Cumar Wasiirka Khaarajiga Somaliland isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana, waxa uu intaas raaciyey “Waxaanu xalka arintaas u aragnaa inay dalalka Mandaqada iyo kuwa Caalamkuba u gurmadaan oo ay sameeyeen dhaqdhaqaaqyo Diblomaasiyadeed oo arintaasi wax lagaga qabanayo, xukuumad ahaan marnaba uma aragna xalku inoo yahay in la isku dilo oo dagaal ka dhexqarxo dawladda Masar iyo Ethiopia oo dabcan hadii ay dhacdo saamayn wayn ku yeelankara Somaliland. Markaa Mawqifka Somaliland ee qadiyadaasi waxa uu noqonayaa in si nabadgalyo ah ay dunida iyo dalalka ay khusaysaaba ay arintaas ka odayeeyaan, Somaliland-na dal ahaan waxay diyaar u tahay inay dhaqdhaqaaqyada diblomasiyadeed ee lagu dajinayo arintaas ay ka qaybqaadato”.Wasiirka mar wax laga waydiiyey sida ay xukuumad ahaan u arkaan taageeradii dawladda Ethiopia dhawaan u muujisay Somaliland, waxaanu si kooban u yidhi “Arinta kale ee ku saabsan taageeradda ay Ethiopia u muujisay Somaliland oo run ahaantii aanu ka mahad celinayno, isla markaana inaanu arimaha noocaas ah meel uga soo wada jeedsano way naga go’an tahay oo waanu soo dhawaynaynaa”.
Good points but i disagree because the Big foot community in Kenya are the greatest supporters and financiers of the ONLF and i doubt they stopped supporting it. They have agreed to focus on the Jubbaland state forming and fight another day more extensively. It is true that Ileey gained allot of support the past 2 years. He played the Clan card very well to unite the O community and create his little O kingdom in Jigjiga. The reason Why Madoobe is in addis ababa is to make an alliance with Ethiopia because Ethiopia was suspicious about the whole Jubbaland.If you read Wikileaks the Ethiopians never supported a Jubbaland led by the Big foot Community. Also the SFG was not helping the cause on the Pirates and their relations with the whole Jubbaland thing you are spot on. But Mintid do not forget the gedo community is also very divided Madoobe and the Pirates are day in day out working hard to include them.Its the Mogadishu Community that will do the most of the Diplomatic fighting to halt this Jubbaland Project.
Lol@ Hagbad Somalis indeed consider Federalism like some sort of Hagbad and Hassan sh is temporarily named to be head of the Hagbad foundation. And the rest are the investors