Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Nope u need training u need to set up training camps every where u need people who do the training what makes an army an army is training other wise u will just have a massive militia but not a military. If u get nice helicopters fighter jets Merkava tanks abram tanks T90 Tanks. And u have no training no competent military officers. They will lose these equipment to the enemy and that will be a major loss. So Culusow and co need to focus on training both the police and the army. And from there later on u can get the best equipment , equipment is the most easiest thing u just need to buy it and there u have it. But u need to build the central command and the sub divisions. Good luck.
  2. Wadani;964003 wrote: Oo illeen imaba taaqaanid. Maxaa aqoon isugu keen laaban Xaajiyow. Wadani laakin wanu ka adagnahay kuwaas maxanu geel ka dhacnay ilahooow danbigeena dhaaf maxanu caruur ku korinay cuud anu ka so dhacnay Haatu and his people.
  3. Haatu.. i think Wadani thinks Abrahim is nabi ibrahim cs lol Ma oga inay yihin qolyaha xoolaha dhaca oo cago dhadheer.
  4. xiinfaniin;963952 wrote: ^^they are close xaaji xunjuf ---unlike the separatists , our disagreement does not prevent us from talking and respecting each other Lol i love how Xiin tries to create some imaginary Unity between Koonfurians, this is just cute but the reality tells other wise
  5. lol as if Hassan is going to listen to an old Prime Minister from the Garowe clan enclave, his opinion is not valued in Villa Somalia.
  6. Wadani it cant be that different than the may and may language if you speak Somali as your native tongue whether May may or maxa tidhi and you are Muslim and belong to the Somali tribes. You are a Somali
  7. They are Somalis they have a different dialect but they are Somalis , this clan is a warrior clan they whooped the oromos the Borana oromos and pushed them beyond Marsabit
  8. 7 – According to the Somaliland government; it has been discussing these concerns with the United Nations in the last two years consistently, the Foreign Minister went to New York and met with members of the Security Council and shared these concerns, wrote many letters to the Security Council subsequently, the government also shared its concerns with the United Nation Executives who visited Hargeysa most recently in March of 2013, the UN simply ignored Somaliland concerns up to now. 8 – Somaliland government advised the United Nations in the process of establishing UNSOM mandate. UN again ignored the Somaliland concerns: the Secretary General's letter dated April 19th to the Security Council included Somaliland those who were mentioned and received expression of gratitude and appreciation for providing advice and guidance to the UN; nevertheless the UN decided to ignore the Somaliland concerns. Instead the Security Council passed Resolution 2102, established UNSOM, which (Reaffirms respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia); UNSOM undermines Somaliland sovereignty and is inconsistent with the Somaliland constitution. UNSOM's mandates will, if allowed, continue the UN practices in Somaliland including humiliation of our people (wearing Somalia flag) and violation of Constitution etc. 9 – The UNSOM mandate states the following; the UNSOM will be located in Mogadisho, its objective is to support the Federal government of Somalia to develop a federal system for Somalia; establish Somalia constitutional review process and subsequent referendum on the constitution. That means the UNSOM staff in Hargeysa will follow the direction of the Mogadisho office, which will hire Hargeysa staff, provide Budget, and approve their work in Mogadisho. Hargeysa staff must go to Mogadisho for training, to meet with executives such as SRGS Kay, to seek more funds, and must send reports to Magadisho. This seems the government of Somalia is getting control over Somaliland people via UNSOM mandate. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. 10 – Somaliland sacrificed so much for its freedom and self-determination; more than 100,000 people have lost their lives, ten years of guerilla war with Barre government, millions of people living in refugee camps in Ethiopia for many years, lost of total property in major cities, and Somaliland has been working very hard over the last 22 years to rebuild the institutions of their country and their lives; helping people stand up with their own two feet, building schools, hospitals, successful businesses, government institutions (Executive, Parliament, Judicial), security forces, military forces, currency, flag, changed leaders from Militia leaders to civilian government, elected leaders through the ballot box 5 times; two Municipal government, one parliament, and elected the last two Presidents through the ballot box, which the International observers reported has been free and fair and met the international standards. That is how much sacrifice the people have made to get the Somaliland freedom; and the people are willing to risk everything again to protect it. Those who believe otherwise will find out soon or later. 11 – Somaliland Position: President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo told SRSG Nickolas Kay; [somaliland government decided that UNSOM'S presences in Hargeisa will not be in the best interest of our country. Therefore, we cannot allow UNSOM'S political office to function in Somaliland. However, we wish to continue engaging with all UN humanitarian and development agencies, whose support to Somaliland's development is much appreciated. But we ask that in order to address Somaliland's specific needs adequately, the UN development programs should be managed from Hargeisa not from Mogadishu]. This means UNDP cannot ask Hargeysa staff to wear blue flag of Somalia – that must stop immediately. This means Somaliland concerns shared with UN for 22 years must be responded to, and this means Somaliland can exist without the UN in Hargeysa, if necessary. Somaliland people have existed 22 years with very little assistance from the International community, and the UN should know that Somaliland can exist without any UN help. Somaliland patience ran out and it is time to respect our laws. 12 – We applaud the Somaliland people for supporting their President and Foreign Minister to stand up to the United Nations and UNSOM. The Somaliland Civil society, Parliament, Students, lawyers association, Somaliland Political parties have all pledged their support for the Somaliland government's position. This shows the frustration of the Somaliland people with the United Nations both at the government level and the people level. 13 – No one is expecting the UN to close its offices in Hargeysa next week, but the UN has lost multiple opportunities in the past to address the Somaliland concerns without any consequences, however, the UN is in a bind this time because Somaliland government gave the UN and SRSG Mr. Nickolas Kay its final decision that UNSOM will not have presence in Somaliland; the only thing left to negotiate is to find an acceptable arrangement that will allow UNDP and others like it who provide humanitarian support (not UNSOM's political wing) to operate in Somaliland while respecting the Somaliland freedom. President Silanyo will not accept anything less, and his people are 100% behind him. If and when we hear an update from UN; we'll report and share with you.
  9. Somaliland: UN’s Ignorance Makes UNSOM Mandate Unacceptable Monday, 24 June 2013 13:16 Editorial Somalilandsun - The United Nations has been ignoring Somaliland concerns for 22 years; the UN has never taken the Somaliland freedom and the self determination of its people seriously; this fact is supported by the UN documentations, UN Web sites, and UN actions listed here. Somaliland made numerous attempts to share its concerns with the UN before it finally reached the decision to deny the UNSOM a presence in Somaliland. The UN should recognize the reality on the ground in Somaliland; and UN should support the dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia which will eventually help to determine their future relationship; the current UN position protects the Unity of Somalia and this position can be described as UN fantasy in New York. It is time for UN to address the Somaliland concerns or Somaliland government will not allow UNSOM to operate in Somaliland: 1 - The United Nations has passed 64 UN Resolutions on Somalia since 1992. To see list of United Nations Resolutions click here. The last 40 UN resolution (out of the 64) have been passed between 2005 thru 2013, and 100% of those last 40 UN Resolutions contain a language that reaffirms the unity of Somalia. This UN declaration of support for Unity of Somalia will only embolden the Mogadisho government to aggressively challenge Somaliland and likely will encourage a future conflict in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland repeatedly asked the UN to support the dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia instead, and stop pledging support for Unity because that will lead to conflict. If the UN wants to be helpful it should give support to the dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia. The last 40 UN Resolutions contain this unity language in the preamble: (Reaffirming respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia). That means the United Nations has taken upon itself to be the sole protector of the unity of Somalia and enemy of Somaliland sovereignty. This is the best example that shows how the UN feels about Somaliland freedom and the self determination of its people. The UN position will eventually lead to another war in the Horn of Africa is not a UN concern. we wonder why! 2 – The United Nations Special Representative of Secretary General for Somalia Mr. Nickolas Kay (and his predecessors) consistently patronize Somaliland and share how good UN will help Somalia (except when in Hargeysa they say Somaliland). Mr. Mahiga came to Hargeysa many times and flattered Somaliland government and the people about their accomplishments; but he turned around and wrote his quarterly reports to the Security Council and describes his visit to Somaliland "as a visit to the northern region of Somalia", and UN SRSG never acknowledged the sovereignty and the freedom of Somaliland. Somaliland government complained about this practice and its concerns was ignored. Somaliland believes the Security Council deserves a report based on the reality on the ground in Somaliland; 3 – The United Nations staff in Nairobi or from New York visit Somaliland on a regular basis using UN planes but they do not apply for Somaliland Visa to enter the country at the Airport or in advance from Somaliland representatives in Nairobi or other cities, because they do not believe they should – according to UN staff, Somaliland is a region of Somalia and they don't need to get a Visa to enter Hargeysa. This is a UN practice that undermines Somaliland sovereignty and ignores the laws of the country. Again, Somaliland requested this practice shall stop and its concerns were ignored. 4 – The United Nations Organizations that provide humanitarian and development programs do not differentiate between Puntland, South Central or Somaliland – according to UN it is one country (Somalia). A good example of this practice can be found in the UNDP Somalia Country Programme 2011-2015 document [click here] that says "Over five years, UNDP will expand its existing partnerships with federal and regional governments, UNDP adapts its approach based on different needs and accessibility in south and central Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland". Also, the UN Agencies such as UNDP that have offices in Hargeysa give their staff ID card which they are required to carry while in office (typically hanging from their neck), and this ID says UN location is [uNDP Hargeysa, Somalia], and the worst part is the ID cards contain the blue flag of Somalia. This is more than violating the Somaliland Constitution and it is a humiliation of the Somaliland people. Again, this concern has been ignored. 6 – Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press (USA Publication) said "The larger point is, there are long-standing and legitimate claims in Somaliland, but the UN or at least parts of it simply ignore them. Is it a matter of bureaucracy? Of the "love of states"? Is it a double standard when compared to the UN's solicitude to other group's claims? These are questions the UN, in the first instance Nicholas Kay, should answer". click here to see it.
  10. Monday, June 24, 2013 President Kenyatta vows to order use of force unless peace is restored in Mandera and Wajir; asks residents to immediately surrender arms. Meeting leaders from the two counties at State House, Nairobi on Monday, the President said the Government will take stern action against those who continue to fuel hostilities. More than 22 people were killed and several others injured over the weekend in clashes between the **** and ***** clans in Mandera and Wajir counties. President Kenyatta directed the immediate surrender and mop up of illegal arms, warning that if peace is not restored, the Government will have no choice but to mount an all-out security operation that may have unintended consequences. “If the hostilities do not end, we will have no otherwise but to move in with full force,” President Kenyatta said, adding that the killings of innocent children, women and the elderly cannot be tolerated. The Head of State said his Government will engage the Ethiopian Government to ensure the peaceful co-existence of all communities along the common border. The President also warned chiefs in Mandera and Wajir counties that they will be held responsible if they fail to take action and provide adequate and timely information that will help in containing acts of breach of peace. If peace is not restored, the Government will have no choice but to mount an all-out security operation that may have unintended consequences - President Kenyatta While the Government does its part, President Kenyatta said he expects the leaders from both communities to impress on the two clans to co-exist peacefully as Kenyans. Saying that the people who perpetrate the hostilities live among the communities, the Head of State said it was within the ability of the local leaders to end the violence. The President added that the Government will accord the leaders all the necessary help required in ending the hostilities and directed the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government, Mr Joseph ole Lenku who was present, to immediately take the necessary steps in this regard. On their part, the leaders who included Members of the National Assembly, Members of Senate and governors among others, briefed the President on the outcome of peace meetings which have been ongoing. In this regard, the leaders said that in their earlier meetings, they resolved that the hostilities between the two clans should cease immediately and each community must restrain its members from perpetrating any more acts of violence, failure to which will lead to a communal fine of Kshs 10 million. The leaders said they had also agreed that payment of blood compensation (diyya) should commence with immediate effect and there should be peace without preconditions. They also resolved that they must all take responsibility of their areas in the promotion of peace, equity, fairness and justice. The leaders assured the President that they will convene more meetings and promote dialogue among the two communities with a view to ending the conflict. The meeting was attended by Secretary to the Cabinet, Mr Francis Kimemia, Kenya Red Cross Secretary-General, Dr Abbas Gullet and top security officers led by Inspector General of Police, Mr David Kimaiyo.
  11. Somaliland: Where sovereignty means something On June 24, 2013 · Even as a political scientist, sovereignty is not something that captures a lot of my attention in the course of a normal day. But when I spend time in Somaliland, it’s inescapable, and what it means to be seen – or not seen – as a state by the rest of the world is heatedly debated by people from all walks of life. Somaliland proclaimed its independence from Somalia in 1991 but has never been officially recognised by any state despite exercising a reasonable level of territorial control and internal political legitimacy. By Sarah Phillips Source: The Interpreter http://www.peacepalacelibrary.nl/2013/06/somaliland-where-sovereignty-means-something/
  12. Nop he needs to join his people He wasted to much time on the koonfurians
  13. Mahad naq iyo Bogaadin ka dib, Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar waxa uu madashaasi kaga dhawaaqay inuu ku qancay qadiyada gooni-isutaaga Somaliland, arkayna waxaanu filayn iyo horumar la mahadiyo oo aan maanta cidna dafirin Karin, si buuxdana waxa uu u shaaciyay inay Somaliland xaq u leedahay aqoonsi iyo inay beesha Caalamku hoos ugu daadegto sugida xuquuqda Mawaadiniinta Mandaqadan ku dhaqan. He is fully on board i want him to run in some kind of office in Somaliland he is an intelligent man he can contribute to Somaliland
  14. Former Somaliland parliament in 1959 Today that building is Somaliland high court
  15. Well Somaliland after 53 years has a functioning state and a goverment and 26 june will continue to be celebrated although unfortunately statehood wasn't achieved on 26 June but we have it today
  16. ^^ No independence was achieved on 26 june.. 18 may was when the Somaliland statehood was reinstated
  17. It was a joyful day for all Somali speaking people in the horn when Somaliland gained independence on 26 june. Somalis in the Abyssinian territory were celebrating. So i dont see why Somalis of Somalia cant celebrate.
  18. By the people of Somaliland And they made poems and songs for it They raised classified if you one time visit hargeisa i will show the exact place the Blue flag was raised Kana siib kana saar