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Dagaal Maalintii Labaad Ka Socda Kismanyo, Qaramadda Midoobay Oo Dalbatay Xabad Joojin iyo Madaxweyne Xasan Oo Ka Hadlay (Hadhwanaagnews) Saturday, June 29, 2013 Waxaan markale ku baaqayaa in si sharuud la?aan ah loo joojiyo dagaalka ka soo cusboonaaday magaalada Kismaayo oo dhiig danbe oo Soomaaliyeed......Madaxweyne Xasan Muqdisho (HWN) - Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa maalintii labaad ka socda dagaal culus oo u dhaxeeya maleeshiyo kala taageersan Axmed Madoobe iyo Barre Hiiraale. Maleeshiyada Barre Hiiraale oo shalay la sheegay inay Fadhiisimo ka qabsadeen kuwa Axmed Madoobe ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in maanta dib looga soo saaray goobihii ay qabsadeen. Khasaaraha dagaalka ayaan si dhab ah loo ogeyn, hase ahaatee waxaa jira warar sheegaya in tiro ka badan 10 qof ay dhinteen, waxaana sidoo kale jira barakac balaaran oo ay dadka rayidka ahi uga qaxayaan magaalada. Ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Nicholas Kay, ayaa ku baaqay in si dhakhso ah loo joojiyo dagaalka ka socda magaalada Kismaayo. Sidoo kalena warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa lagu sheegay in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu markale ku baaqay si degdeg ah loo joojiyo dagaalka Kismaayo. "Waxaan markale ku baaqayaa in si sharuud la?aan ah loo joojiyo dagaalka ka soo cusboonaaday magaalada Kismaayo oo dhiig danbe oo Soomaaliyeed aan la daadin. Soomaalida wey ka soo daaleen colaado iyo dagaallo, xalna uma noqon karaan xasilinta dalka, nabad-ku wada noolaanshaha iyo horumarinta dhaqanka iyo dhaqaalaha dalka" ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale ugu baaqay ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo inay dhexdhexaad ka noqdaan kooxaha dagaalamaya, isla-markaana ay kala dhexgalaan ciidamada si looga hortago inuu dagaalku sii faafo. Madaxdweynaha ayaa sidoo kale ku baaqay in si degdeg ah loogu gurmado dadka ku dhaawacmay dagaalada maalintii labaad ka socda magaalada Kismaayo. Hadhwanaagnews/Office
Dagaalladii Magaalada Kismaayo oo sii Xoogeystay iyo khasaare fara badan oo kasoo gaaray dadka ku nool Magaaladaas Sabti, Juun 29, 2013 (HOL) — Dagaalkii magaalada Kismaayo ayaa si xowli ah uga socda xaafadaha magaaladaaas, iyadoo khasaaraha dhimasho ee ka dhashay dagaalkaas ka badan yahay kii shalay dhacay, waxaana wararku ay sheegayaan in 18-qof ugu yaraan ay ku dhinteen. Isbitaalka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa la gaarsiiyay dhaawacyada dad 50-qof ku dhow oo u badan shacab ay guryahooda ugu tageen madaafiic iyo rasaas dagaalka loo adeegsanayo, iyadoo dhinacyadu ay isku riix-riixayaan xaafadaha kala duwan ee magaaladaas. “Dagaalka wuu ka xooggan yahay kii shalay, si aad ah ayuuna u socdaan xaafad walba oo ka tirsan magaaladana xabbad ayaa ka dhacaysa, kooxuhu waxay is-riix-riixayaan gudaha magaalada, dadkuna waxay billaabeen inay ka barakacaan guryahooda,” ayuu goobjooge ku sugan Kismaayo u sheegay saxaafadda. Ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Kismaayo oo isugu jira kuwa ka socda Sierra Leone iyo kuwa Kenya ayaa la sheegayaan inay dagaalka daawanayaan iyadoo isbitaalladooda la geynayo ciidamada Axmed Madoobe ee ku dhaawacmay dagaalka, halka kuwa kalena la geynayo goobo kale oo magaalada ka tirsan. Ma jiraan wax dadaallo ah oo lagu joojiyo dagaalka oo ka socda magaalada Kismaayo, balse magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya ayaa la sheegayaa inay dadaallo lagu doonayo in dagaalladan lagu qaboojiyo ay ka socdaan. Shacab fara badan oo ka qaxaya magaalada ayaa lagu arkayaa qaybo ka tirsan magaalada iyadoo rasaastuna ay si aad ah u socoto, waxaana dagaalkan uu noqonayaa kii ugu cuslaa ee dhinacyada isku haysta maamulka Kismaayo ku dhexmara degmadaas. Dagaalkan oo aroornimadii hore ee saakay ka qarxay magaalada ayaa wuxuu daba socday dagaalkii shalay gellinkii dambe ka billowday halkaas, kaasoo u dhexeeyay taageerayaasha Col. Barre Hiiraan, Cabdi Balleey iyo Iftiin Xasan Baasto oo isku dhinac ah iyo taageerayaasha Axmed Madoobe oo dhammaantood isku haysta xilka madaxnimo ee maamulka Jubaland. Xafiisyada Midowga Afrika iyo Qaramada Midoobay ay ku leeyihiin Muqdisho iyo dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ku baaqaya in dagaalka la joojiyo, inkastoo aysan jirin wax taallo ah oo ay qaadeen si dagaalkan lagu joojiyo. Afhayeenka maamulka Raaskambooni, C/naasir Seeraar oo la hadlay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta isagoo ku sugan Kismaayo ayaa wuxuu sheegay inay ku gudo jiraan howlgallo ay magaalada kaga sifeynayaan wuxuu ugu yeeray kooxo ay soo aabushay dowladda Soomaaliya oo qorsheynaya inay carqalad geliyaan maamulka Jubaland. Dagaalka ayaa weli ka socda gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo dhinac walba uu sheegayo inuu gacanta ku hayo qaybo badan oo magaalada ka tirsan, inkastoo dhinacyadu ay tan iyo saakay is-riix-riixayeen.
Barre Hiiraale and his allies captured most of Kismaayu
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cambuulo iyo bun's topic in Politics
uchi;965049 wrote: This Barre hiiraale fella...what is his agenda? Honestly Somalia is full of losers and degenerates, everyone wants to be the leader. His agenda is to remove raskambooni its obviously clear -
What resources does Somalia have some rotten banana's how can you sustain an economy based on 2 rivers trust me Somalia does not have anything Somaliland does not have. Its you who need Somaliland not the other way around. Somaliland has oil a long sea coast the entire livestock trade. Its good you brag about your land we welcome it you keep what is yours and Somalilandes keep what is theirs, every one happy just remove SL from your constitution than all will be fine. You can swim in your rivers and at the same time brag about your few farm lands and the Somalilanders can stay in their land a win win for the entire region.
Horjooge Xasan Daahir Aweys oo Ogolaaday in uu isaga Baxo Cadaado
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
This news makes no sense where is aways going now and Ximan iyo xeeb admin what is their opinion on aways. Something is fishey -
Dagaalkii maanta Kismaayo ka qarxay oo caawa fiidkii istaagay Kismaayo(RBC Radio) Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubada hoose ayaa ku waramaya inuu Caaawa Fiidkii uu istaagay dagaalkii xooganaa ee maanta ka bilowday xaafadda Farjanno ee magaalada Kismaayo,wararka aan ka heleyno Kismaayo ayaa tilmaamaya in dagaalkaasi uu dhaliyey khasaaro badan oo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh. Dagaalka ayaa u dhexeeya ciidamada Maamulka Jubaland iyo ciidan daacad u ah Col. Barre Aadan Shir Hiiraale oo isne sheegtay inuu yahay madaxweynaha maamulka Jubaland,dagaalka oo bilowday 2dii duhurnimo ee maanta ayaa soo gaaray ilaa caawa Fiidkii,waxaana la tilmaamayaa inuu jiro khasaaro nafeed oo dagaalka ka dhashay balse ilaa hadda lama hayo tirada saxda ah ee dadka ku dhintay dagaalka iyo kuwa ku dhaawacmay. ciidamadii dagaalamay ayaa caawa ku hoyanaya aagagii ay maanta ku dagaalameen,waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in Xabbadii ay istaagtay caawa 7dii Fiidnimo,wararka aan heleyno ayaa sheegaya in madaafiic ay isku adeegsadeen dhinacyada dagaalamay ay waxyeelaysay dad rayid ah. Xaalada magaalada Kismaayo ayaa cakiran,shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada ayaa bilaabay iney ka barakacaan xaafadaha ay dagaaladu ka socdaan si ay naftooda ula baxsadaan,dhinacyada uu dagaalku u dhexeeyey ayaan ilaa hadda wax war ah warbaahinta siin oo ku aaddan dagaalada uu dhiigga badan ku daatay ee maanta ka qarxay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubada hoose.
Barre Hiiraale and his allies captured most of Kismaayu
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cambuulo iyo bun's topic in Politics
Aslong as the Kenyans are there Raskambooni will not be completely defeated, no clan is a match for Kenya, Maybe Alshabaab can be a major challenge. But i doubt Kenya will let raskmabooni be defeated -
Xiinfaniin who will decide his fate, are you sure the Somali govt can bring him to justice as long as his clan protects him. I doubt it Hassan remains in the hands of his clan where no one can touch him.
The Egyptians are still a bit in transition but they are ancient Civilization they will safe their nation there is some turbulence here and there but i am sure they will overcome, not Like Koonfurians they will not let their country totally collapse.
London : Olympian Mo Farah Receives CBE from Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace (Medeshi) - Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah has received a CBE from Prince Charles during a service at Buckingham Palace. The 5,000m and 10,000m specialist triumphed at both distances at the London Olympics last year and became one of Team GB's biggest stars. The Somali-born athlete, 30, grew up in Hounslow, West London, and is now well-known for his trademark 'Mobot' celebration. Speaking after receiving the award, he said: "I never in my life imagined coming to Buckingham Palace. "I remember running past it in the mini-marathon as a kid when I was 13 and thinking it was so beautiful and taking pictures of the lion, so coming inside and receiving this award is great. "Prince Charles said 'You must be getting sick of so many medals' and to hear someone like the Prince of Wales knows who you are is just brilliant. "I'm not tired of it at all, I just want to make my country proud and collect as many medals in my career as I can." Farah found himself the subject of an investigation this week after the All England Club said it was "looking into" reports he broke Wimbledon rules by filming play from the Royal Box. "I was filming but I took the film down from Twitter," Farah told reporters at the Palace. Others famous names at the investiture included actor Ewan McGregor, who got an OBE for services to drama and charity, and Olympic rower Anna Watkins, who received an MBE for services to rowing after she won the gold medal in the double sculls. On a military note, Major Edward Colver, of The Yorkshire Regiment, was awarded an MBE in the Military Division after he lost six of his men in the biggest single loss of life suffered by British troops in Afghanistan. Privates Kershaw, 19, Anthony Frampton, 20, Daniel Wade, 20, and Daniel Wilford, 21, Sgt Nigel Coupe, 33, and Corporal Jake Hartley, 20, died when an IED hit their armoured Warrior vehicle in Helmand province on March 6 last year. Sergeant David Acarnley, a bomb disposal officer with the Royal Logistic Corps from Riding Hill, Northumberland, also got the Queen's Gallantry Medal for rescuing Danish colleagues when their vehicle was hit by an explosive device in June last year. Sky News
Xassan daahir aways ma tol beelin, the Clan is always protective no matter what.
RIP Former President Abdulahi Yusuf jus view years ago and Rip General Siad Barre both hail from D Block , Why aren't snm clans confidence and feel like they cannot survive in Somaliweyn competition ? Abdilahi Yusuf was never accepted as a President by the HAG , the HAG communities turned into religious zealots and declared an all out jihad against Cabdilahi Yusuf. First of all Somalia is not Somaliweyn Somaliland and Somalia united is also not Somaliweyn.learn the correct terminologies.Somaliweyn illusive dream includes Djibouti Kenyas north eastern province Somaliland and Somali galbeed. Somalilanders are confident in their own country,its you who cant survive with out Somaliland. 3 out of the 5 Somaliweyn states. Koonfurians accept that they will never be part of Somaliweyn thats Djibouti Kenya's north eastern province and Somali galbeed. The problem is Koonfurians are terrified to be alone. and cannot survive on their own. They use the Somali weyn scam a way to survive.
Mafia you are ignoring the biggest problem Somaliland is not part of Somalia, Somaliland made a union with Somalia , Somaliland and Somalia were equal states. If 2 companies unite and the company is about to go down, one side takes it shares and leaves , you are on your own to fix your Somalia. There is no such thing as our problems its you who is facing the problems there are no shared problems. And if you want Somalilands help, to help you than you have to first respect the wishes the aspirations of the people of Somaliland. The same way you dont cry behind Djibouti to unite with you or the NFD Kenyas north eastern Province.
Saacid already spoke about this but the Kenyans refuse to release him.
The former Somali republic is already broken it was dissolved in 1991 there is no going back on that the 1960 union has been totally destroyed and now what is left of Somalia is being more deeply divided. There is nothing unique of the Somali speaking people in the horn they live in different countries and ethno nationalism failed them. They never shared a country before colonialism and certainly not after. Somalia and Somaliland and Djibouti do not need to be enemy of each other i am against that they can even cooperate but on equal terms no country dominating the other no subjugation.But that is unlikely to happen since once side is against the aspirations of the others. The future can only be better if we all respect each other and truly understand what went wrong. But aslong as koonfurians portray themselves as the sole protectors of an illusive Somaliweyn.Thats not going to work others will make sure that Somaliweyn remains buried for centuries to come.
^^ There is no such thing as Somalinimo,you dont even know what it means many dont even know the definition of Somalinimo is it based on politics cultural identity unity what is it . Language and close cultural identity does not make people a nation or a state. If that was the case The Belgium and the Dutch would have been united. If that was the case the 22 Arab nations would have been one country. If that was the case the Tigrinya speaking people on both side of the mereb river Eritrea Ethiopia would be one country. If that was the case Kosovo and Albania Ethnic Albanians would be one country.If that was the case new zealand and australia would have been united. The fact is that there are far more things that divides us than unites us. When it comes to politics when it comes to history when it comes to culture when it comes to ethics when it comes to Political cultural the Somali Kenyans the way they view Somalia is not the same the way you view Somalia or the way the Somali speaking Djiboutians view Somalia is not the same way you view it. Clearly we are not the same people as the way you wish us to be but there are are some similarities but we do not share a nation nor a nationality. There is one thing we agree on is that we share the same language but language is not enough to unite. By the way for many particularly Koonfurians unionism for them it means expansion subjugation, and that shit is not going to fly. Somali speaking people agree that they do not share the same interests in the horn that is a fact and you have to deal with that. Because these are the facts on the ground, we do not even have the same independence day.
You cannot unite based on we speak the same language and fake emotions u have to share the same values share the same political interests economic interests u have to have the same political culture same mentality same ethics traditions same plight. You have to have the same history which we do not have , fact is before the Colonialists came to the horn there was no such thing as a Somali state. Before 1896 we were never one nation, the union was never really negotiated it was just done because Somali speaking people at that time believed lets build a Somali empire. And the reason why we tried is we never lived under one state it was an experiment. We didn't really know each other that well but the 30 year union we got to know each other 2 well. So when ever the Koonfurians who by the way cant unite 2 districts in Somalia talk about the fake Somaliweyn. Its just shows whats wrong with Somalia.
The Somali republic was never a nation state it was a creation of 2 separate states so no one was abandoning there was Pragmatical union which could benefit both but that died. The experiment failed miserably which led to full destruction of Somaliland and the total state collapse of Somalia. So no one is abandoning Somalia, because Somalia was never theirs. Let it go its natural way.
Its funny few years ago the Pirates were saying the SNM are the mugged once lol And now they are singing a different tune. Somaliland is one nation and its people have chosen their path. A tribal goverment is based in Somalias Mogadishu where one clan holds all the seats of the govt, hence why professor samatar the last honest union left the clanish Koonfurian camp:D