Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Matt Bryden Oo Si Qoto Dheer Uga Hadlay Wada Hadalada Somaliland & Somaliya Iyo Caqabadaha Soo Waajihi Kara Writen by Qaran News | Published: Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:11 AM Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Mr. Matt Bryden, oo wakhtigan maamula hay’ad cilmi baadhiseed oo ka hawlgasha Geeska Afrika, laguna magacaabo Sahan, ayaa si qoto dheer uga hadlay wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya iyo weliba qodobada caqabada ah ee soo waajihi doona. Matt Bryden, oo sidoo kale aha madaxdii guddigii kormeerka cunaqabataynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Somaliya, ahna khabiir si dhow ula socda arrimaha gobalka Geeska Afrika, ayaa wuxuu waraysi siiyay Wargeyska Daily Nation ee ka soo baxa magaalada Nayrobi ee wadanka Kenya, ku iftiimiyay inay caqabado badani ku gadaamanyihiin wada hadaladaas. Waraysigaas oo uu Mt. Bryden, sidoo kale kaga hadlay xaaladaha dalka Somaliya, ayaa waxa su’aalaha la weydiiyay ka mid ahayd sida uu u arko wada hadalka Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho iyo weliba natiijada uu filan karo inay ka soo bixi karto. “Wada hadalka ay dawladda federaalka Somaliya iyo dawladii ku meelgaadhka ahayd ee ka horeeyay la leeyihiin Somaliland waa talaabo togan. Waa markii u horaysay ee ay dawladda Muqdisho iyo maamulka Hargeysa uu midba midka kale u aqoonsado in ay yihiin dhinacyo uu khilaf dhex yaalo, oo ay jirto wax yaabo ay tahay in ay ka wada hadlaan. Xaqiiqada ah in derbigii la jebiyay oo ay labadii dhinac wada hadlayaan waa horumar aad muhiim u ah. Hase yeeshe aad ayay u adagtahay, khatartii ugu weynayd ee wada hadalladan soo waajahdaana si ayay u soo xoogaysanaysaa oo si aan ku talo gal ahayn u gaadhay heer is-fahmi waa ,kala fogaanshiyo iyo is eedayn ah.” Ayuu yidhi khabiirkani. Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxuu raaciyay “Sidaa awgeed, aad ayaa ay muhiim u tahay in wada hadaladani ay sii socdaan, oo bilowga ay ku koobnaadaan arimaha farsadamada iyo in la isla eego arrimaha laga midaysan yahay. Waxa ay tahay in ay bilowga isla eegaan qadiyadaha labada dhinac si isku mid ah u khuseeya, sida amniga, hawada, badda, ganacsiga, arrimaha dhaqaalaha iyo isu socodka dadka iyo badeecooyinka. Waxyaabahani waa kuwo imikaba si uun u socda, laakiin waxaa laga dhigi karaa arrimo si rasmi ah la isaga af garto oo ay labada dhinac nidaam u sameeyaan. Marka ay timaado arrimaha siyaasadda ee ka dhexeeya, waxa jira wax ay ku kala qaybsan yihiin labada dhinac. Tusaale ahaan labada dawladoodba waxa ay isu arkaan in ay yihiin kuwo dastuuriyan ay qasab tahay in ay dhowraan shuruucda.” Wuxuu Matt, iftiimiyay inay jiraan laba caqabadood oo wada hadalka saamayn ku leh, kuwaas oo kala ah madaxbanaanida Somaliland iyo midnimada Somaliya. “Somaliland, waxa la xurmaynayaa go’aankii la soo noqoshada madaxbanaanida ee 1991. Dawladda Federaalka Somaliyana, waxay xurmaynaysaa midnimadii dhuleed ee Somaliya, ee ay aqoonsanyihiin Midowga Afrika, Qaramada Midoobay iyo bulshada caalamkuba. Mid kasta oo ka mid ah labadan maamul inuu ka noqdo go’aamadaasi waxka dhigan tahay is-khaarajin siyaasi ah. sidaa awgeed midkoodna ma awoodo in uu ku lug yeesho wada hadal ay ka dhalanayso natiijo aan dan u ahayn oo aanu marka hore ugu sii tashan.” Ugu dambayn, isagoo hadalkiisa soo gunaanadaya wuxuu yidhi “Waxa aan is leeyahay sida keliya ee ay uga wada hadli karaan mustaqbalkooda ugu dambeeyaa waa in ay marka hore natiijadu noqotaa mid furan oo qolo kastaa wax kasta ka filan karto, waayo in si nabdoon loogu heshiiyo midnimadu waxa uun ay ku iman kartaa heshiis labada dhinac ah, laakiin xoog ma’aha.” Geeska
  2. Well the koonfurians are hard headed but i still think we should talk to them even letting the talks to fail , for the IC to prepare another form of dialogue with real mediation.
  3. The new SL foreign minister a senior diplomat will be the chief negotiator for Somaliland
  4. Somalia: Top Federal Govt Leaders Address the Somaliland Talks 26 June 2013 Mogadishu- — the president of the federal republic of Somalia, prime minister and the speaker all addressed the Somali and Somaliland talks during the celebration marking the 53rd anniversary that ended the British rule in northern Somalia. The president of the federal republic of Somalia admitted that atrocities occurred during the military rule in Somalia not only to the people of Somaliland but majority of Somalis in the whole country. "We are ready for a dialogue and the dialogue will continue in a peaceful way "said Mr. Hassan. Thousands were killed during and after the military rule that never discriminated the Somali communities living in the entire country. This led to the long inter clan civil war that completely devastated the country. The president ensured all Somalis that he will do everything to maintain the unity of Somalis in Somalia The prime minister of Somalia Abdi Farah Shirdon said that he welcomed the talks and urged the Somaliland administration to forget and forgive the past mistakes of the military regime. The speaker of the national assembly said that the talks should adhere to the Somali constitution and should bring together the Somali communities to prevent what happened in the past. The federal government of Somalia previously welcomed the talks and urged the Somaliland administration to forward its allegations to the federal government leaders.
  5. Faah faahin ka soo baxaysa xubno ka socda maamulka Faroole oo Taleex gaadhay. Magaalada Taleex waxaa gaadhay xubno ka socda maamulka Faroole ee Garoowe ka arimiya, waxaana ka mid ahaa xildhibaan Cali Dhegacadde oo ka tirsan kooxaha sida dhaw ula shaqeeya Faroole, isla markaana loo adeegsado mu’aamaradaha ka dhanka ah shacabka Khaatumo State waxa kaloo la socdey nin magaciisa lagu sheegay ina Sanqad weyn oo asaguna Faroole ugu magacaaban afhayeenka Doorashooyinka maamulka Puntland. Labadan xubnood ayaa sheegay in magalada uu ku casuumey mid ka mid ah cuqaasha deegaanka Taleex oo xaflad gaar ah ku qabsanayey Taleex, Abdi Warsame {C/Halas}, oo markii hore lagu waday inuu kooxdan raaco ayaa la sheegay inuu Garoowe uga hadhay balse uu asagu maamulayey in Taleex gudaha loo geliyo xubnahaas qaswadayaasha ah. Warbaahinta Khaatumo ayaa waxay xidhiidh la sameeyeen xubno ka tirsan maamulka Khaatumo oo ku sugan gudaha Taleex, waxayna u xaqiijiyeen joogitaanka labadaas xubnood, waxayna intaas ku dareen inay saacado u qabteen xubnaha Garoowe laga soo direy inay uga baxaan magaalada Taleex. Warku wuxuu intaas ku darayaa in labadan nin ay ka qaybgaleen maanta Qado ka dhacday isla magaalada Caasimada ah ee Taleex. Magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex ayaa ahayd mid si buuxda ay u maamulayeen maamulka Khaatumo isla markaana ah magaalo madaxda dawladda Khaatumo State. Walina kama dhicin in xubno hoosgalo ah ay gudaha u galaan tan iyo sanadkii 2012 horaantiisi markaasoo la Aas aasay maamulka Khaatumo State. Waraysi ku saabsan arintan Goordhaw filo.
  6. Shirar Xasaasi ah oo wali kasocda Degmada Boocame iyo Wasiiro Culculuso oo soo gaaray Degmadaas Xaalada Maamulka Khaatumo State oo aad u kacsanayd Maalmihi lasoo dhaafay iyada oo uu madaxweynaha Talada haya ee maamulka Khaatumo State Cabdinuur Cilmi Qaaje (Biindhe) oo uu si carro leh uga soobaxay Habeen Hore Magaalada Taleex. Madaxweyne Biindhe oo in mudo ah u dulqaadanaayay Qas iyo Bur bur ay wadaaan niman qurbajoog ah oo raba in ay dibada ka maamulaan maamulka Khaatumo iyaga oo aan ka warhayn xaalada dhabta ah ee kajira Gudaha. Koox fidnawadayaal ah oo raba in ay maamulka Khaatumo curyamiyaan ayaa waxa ay gebi ahaanba jareen lacagihii Ay jaaliyadu soo dirijireen markii uu talada lawareegay Madaxweyne Biindhe. Madaxweyne Biindhe Ayaa ku goodiyey in uu is casilayo hadii aan howlihiisa loo madaxbanayn lacagahana lasoo fasixin. Dhinaca kale waxaa Soo gaaray Magaalada Boocame Wasiiro Culculus oo ay kamid yihiin Wasiirka Maaliyada, iyo wasiiro kale oo katirsan maamulka Khaatumo.
  7. Talks next week between Somalia and Somaliland let it all start again, whats on the agenda.
  8. Aaliyaah why are you against Somaliland statehood as an independent state, i mean if you say the garaad clan gained more from the union than the rest of the SL communities like the Maakhir berbera burco hargeisa caynabo boorama seylac communities i want to hear it. I dont get it if Somalia was really a rich country with a great economy with dignified leaders. I would pack my bags and move to Somalia and call for the Union. But i look back in history Somaliland all together laascaanood buhoodle burco berbera ceerigaabo badhan hargeisa borama. Was nothing compared to what the Koonfurians had besides the entire leadership of the country was in the hands of Somalia. Somalilanders were just told to sit back and accept to be ruled. Somaliland took the first step to unite Somaliweyn. But these people were never really interested in that today shows that they are not interested. They are working against each other undermining each other, siding with neighboring countries against their national leaders. They turned into religious zealots brainwashed by crazy Saudis. Why on earth would we want to waste our time with that i mean a union should be beneficial for all right. Right now the Mogadishu goverment operates as an autonomous state for certain clans in that region. Yet they call and say they want Somaliweyn we cant rely on these people they are unreliable people aaliyah if we want to move forward we need to move forward and cut them officially loose.I cant honestly believe that the garaad clan who refuse to be part the garowe clan enclave to uphold the failed political h'rtsm Want now and take their 4 districts in Somaliland and want it to be governed by people who cant even walk properly to the toilet with out being escorted by Ugandan and Burundian troops. Unless Aaliyah buys the Koonfurians their fake nationalism and i know Aliyah loves songs and parties
  9. GAROODI;964362 wrote: The last somaliweyn Somalilander comes home. Mashallah long live samatar he said it all waliga inadeer ha tegin meel aan laga qiimayneyn, the rest of your life dalka iyo dadkaga ku bahan.
  10. Do people really think President rayaale was appointed Rayaale was voted on by the people of Somaliland one man one vote and he was Somalilands third President.
  11. Haatu i think its not necessary about him that he wants a seat but he sees that Somalia in the south and their 4.5 politics and their clanism will not change he knows they themselves are not honest about Somaliweyn. They might say it they love it but as long as it under their tribal hegonomy. Haatu the man was more than 30 years waving the blue flag. He got tired of it because he found out those who wave the blue flag with him are never honest about their nationalistic idea's He was the biggest critic of Somaliland independence the past 2 decades He was against the SNM in the 80s. What are you expecting from him to eat the leftovers of Somalia?
  12. Tallaabo i never knew you liked Dr bidaar I am sure Oodweyne is relieved
  13. Xiinfaniin not just the 3 mothers sadexda oday also never held anything in Somalia not the presidency the Maakhir and The Garaad clan communities in Somaliand also never held the presidency also the Awdal community of Somaliland never held the presidency of Somalia. Are you saying Somalilanders are not capable in leading Somalia are you saying they are not skilful are you saying Hassan sheikh is more competent than Professor samatar. It shows that Somalilanders are very traditional and yes are very artistic when it comes to songs poems and are very entrepreneurial to. But sharing a pie with Koonfurians was never easy we know how Cali khalif failed to get the speaker of Parliament let alone prime minister,was jawaari more skilled than professor galaydh. It shows that Koonfurians love their system inay isku shushubtaan and professor samatar hada wu fahmay Somalilanders 1991 way fahmeen. It shows Somalilanders can build a nation an effective goverment we have seen it with Somaliland with genuine democracy where every one votes and abide the law. But Koonfurians are struggling they all want to be President but no one really makes a difference the past 22 years. They all think the same they all believe political governance is just smooth talk and hide behind Ugandans. It just shows that Somalilanders and Koonfurians can never share anything other than the language and have cultural interaction. Somalilanders are excellent leaders we have seen it with Amina in Kenya we have seen it with SL politicians in Britain and Europe. Even the likes of Godane and Afghani in terrorists Shabaab society they can rise up and become the top leaders. But with in Somalias Politics its rotten Qabyalaad 4.5 nin jeclaysi koonfurian chauvinism mafia culture fake nationalism fake cries. Somaliland society is different the people there are open Koonfurians hide their feelings so you dont know whether they are your friends or will backstab you.
  14. Garoodi dr xoog was a very competent man i agree i believe he was good at his job, did Xaglatoosiye study medicine by the way any one can raise money for a hospital.
  15. I think overall its a good list with the experienced diplomat foreign minister although i believe that Duur did a good job i dont know why he was sacked. The Hidden Prime Minister Sheikh Xirsi is still there. I am also glad with Maxammad jamac the minister for telecommunication from Borama the man was very anti Kulmiye and had many supporters in borama.Xaglatoosie is the Minister of health. I just wished prof gacmay of dhahar should have been given a more important portfolio. I am also glad the Minister of energy and mining Hussein Abdi ducaale is still the minister that man is doing a great job. And Dr sacad cali shire minister of Planning stayed.
  16. Takfiris weye kuwani diin ma yaqanaan.
  17. You didn't know that Somali republic never ever had a President from Somaliland First President of Somalia Adan cabdulle cismaan From Somalia Second President Abdirashid Ali sharmarke From Somalia Third President Muhammad Siad bare From Somalia Fourth President Ali mahdi From Somalia Fifth President Abdiqasim salaad hassan From Somalia Sixth Preisdent Abdilahi Yusuf From Somalia Seventh President Sh sharif From Somalia 8th President Hassan sheikh Mahamuud from Somalia
  18. The professors finally understands that there is nothing for Somalilanders in Somalia, that you are only welcome in Somalia if you have servitude behavior and want to be fed left overs.
  19. Prof: Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo markii ugu horreysay caddeeyey mawqifkiisa uu madax-bannaanida Somaliland ka aamminsan yahay Hargeysa(Berberanews):- Prof. Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar, ayaa markii ugu horreysay si rasmi ah u shaaciyey mawqifka uu ka aamminsan yahay qaddiyadda iyo gooni-isu-taagga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo waxa uu ku dhaqaaqi doono. Prof. Samatar ayaa shaaca ka qaaday hadal in badan dadweynaha reer Somaliland ka sugayeen afkiisa in uu mar uun ka soo baxo, ka dib markii uu soo dhammeeyey badi gobollada dalka Somaliland. Waxaanu Prof. Axmed Samatar sidaa ku sheegay Waraysi Gaar ah oo uu xalay siiyey ,Muniir Axmed Cigaal kamid suxufiinta ka hawl gal TV-ga Qaranka Somaliland “Dalka Soomaaliya 53 sannadood oo uu xor ahaa Madaxweyne Somaliland ahi ma qaban jagada Madaxweynennimada Soomaaliya, taasina waxay caddaynaysaa in aanay halkaa hambo siyaasadeed mooyee wax kale u oollin. Aniguna waxaan caddaynayaa inaan Somaliland Qarannimadeeda meel walba gaadhsiiyo.” Sidaa ayuu yidhi Prof. Samatar. Waxaanu intaas ku ladhay “Somaliland Geeska Afrika Dal ka jira in ay noqoto ayaan rabaa, aniguna aan wixii aan la qaban karo la qabto.” Hadalkan ka soo yeedhay Prof: Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar, ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horreeyey ee soo afjara warar ay Warbaahinta Somaliland si weyn u qaadaa-dhigaysay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, isla markaana Siyaasiyiinta dalka qaarkood ku dhalliileen inaanu caddaynin mawqifka uu ka aamminsan yahay gooni-isu-taagga Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.
  20. Xiin what happened to the Mogadishu conference is that officially off the table?
  21. ^^ Thats good but for Khatumo as an administration they should keep Puntland and Somaliland away or else it will not be good for the admin , i am sure those under Puntland want the elections to happen there since abdisamad is originally from taleex.
  22. ^^ He thought Koonfurians were honest about their Somaliweyn principles he was proved otherwise now he lost president but why was he not made Prime Minister. Ofcourse the 4.5 makes it very difficult for him with a small amount of MPS. He honestly wanted to help Somalia, but Somalia is qabiil obsessed.
  23. Naxar is taleex taking part of the Puntland elections i doubt that is true there are no formal relations between Khatumo and puntland so how are they able to visit makes no sense. Or are you an apologist and approve the invasion. NGOGNE the khatumites supporrted Ahmed madoobe never faroole and the Pirates.
  24. You cant even pass Khatumo, khatumo will not allow Pirates to rule over them