Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The Cagadheers were not that involved in the Conquest against the Abyssinians but Garaad wiilwaals people were part of the conquest in huge numbers and other small clans. But Somalis believe the imam is a Somali, but if he was a Somali we would've known his clan either he belongs to one of the clans that became extinct or he was an Arab who grew up in the midst of the northern Somalis at that time.
  2. Haatu;965912 wrote: The last one needs more explanation. Do you mean his ethnicity or his qabiil? Both lol
  3. ^^ Ooh the Somaliland Somalia issue is a famous subject on SOL had millions of topics about this issue, actually i have talked more about other affairs than Somaliland. You should also check out twitter and youtube. And you will see how Somalis are divided and concerned about this issue. Maybe you do not care nin yabaan, because lama yabaanid Laakin its a controversial issue with in the Somali community. I post mostly news thats why i have so many posts:D
  4. Abtigiis;965779 wrote: There is no accusation from Mogadishu, i mean SFG. This morning, Kenyan Foreign Ministry summoned Somali Embassy staff here in Nairobi to explain the accusations. The staff called state house in Mogadishu, aka, President Hassan's Office. The instructions was that they can not say that the allegations made by the junior minister acting on the order of the PM and tolnimo responsibility is the SFG's position. File closed. Sow markaa warku uma eka, dheg ha u dhigina waa war reer saar Gedoode!! Yaan la isu dawladeeyn, jubbaland na dawlad ma aha ; Office of PM na dawlad ma ahe. Reeraha hala kala qabto. Abtigiis marka meesha yaa dawlad ka aha Kiiniya somaha. Waba fawdo sideedi ah
  5. Sheikh xassan daahir aweys has caused friction with in the HAG society maybe for HAG political objectives it was better if he had stayed with Alshabaab. But he could not stay with Alshabaab because Amiir Godane was chasing him. Maybe he should've been giving refuge in Asmara his old friend Isaias afewerki would give him asylum. But this is atleast is a short win for Sahal, Xaad and Axmed Diiriye will stop their threats against Jubbaland for a while until this is sorted out.
  6. I am not sure what kind kind of Somali you are but the Somalis i know do not like mix with non Somalis whether they are white or black it dont matter. Salafism is very wide category you have neosalafist and thats a strict group and u have jihadi salafists. .I think the sufis are misunderstood even though i believe there is allot of Jahiliya with in the Sufi community. Nonetheless Sufist spread islam in many parts of the world. Number 3 issue is also very controversial and i seen Somalis debate on that i always say with the Arabs we share a religion and with the Africans we share a skin color and continent and to some extend culture Africa is home.
  7. Arabs need monarchs and dictators they cannot live in freedom, they dont know what it is to have democracy
  8. aero;965857 wrote: ^ It's not healthy This is history re-writing itself once again just in a different part of the world. We know this story very well. The confederates (in this case Somaliland) wanted to break away from union with the North (in this case the rest of Somalia to the south) but unionists weren't having any of that secession mambo jambo and as we know it succeeded and continued with the union and is now one of the greatest nations in the world. And you wonder why I'm a unionist . The union always prevails! If America and the powers that be defines Somaliland as a breakaway nation, best believe the rest of the world would accept and follow but since it chooses not to see you as one, y'all cease to exist. Why do you love this union so much what is it in for you its certainly beneficial for you but not for Somaliland, as we seem to be different on this opinion. Union is dead in the hearts and minds of Somaliland and seriously my generation i think were the closest and maybe were idealistic to the union even though they suffered allot because many of them went through the civil war the 80s and their teen age years were ruined.The current youth born in the mid and late 80s. Have no affection at all with anything Somalia. There are different times i used to flirt with Somaliweyn few years ago with some of the youth and they all looked at me with an eye is he really one of us. If u want union and prevail, than u have to defeat Somaliland. If you want to use the American context of their civil war. Are you ready for a war are you ready to spill blood for the union how many you want to sacrifice do you have what it takes to enforce a Union. America is not the horn of Africa. the horn of Africa is turbulent volatile region. And Somalia is very different than America the leaders of Somalia are different than the US leaders. Silanyo is not Jefferson davis. And Culusow is certainly not Abraham Lincoln. I dont think Somalilands future is tight to America the US is not against it and its not for it they are neutral they said it many times. They want the African union to take the lead when it comes to SL recognition. I believe Somaliland has a good chance to be recognized there are no major powers against it except the few hairy arabs in the region, Somalia is not Turkey or China. If South Sudan could break away from Sudan it took them 50 years If Eritrea could break away from Ethiopia it took them more than 30 years. Than i am sure Somaliland has it easy with Somalia the Amisom guarded government. 22 years and counting Somalia in civil and it is not closer to a union with Somaliland. I am even afraid that Somalia it self might disintegrate who knows with all the autonomous states popping up every where and neighboring countries supporting it. The best way for Somalia and Somaliland is agree to live and let live and make sure the peace and stability is maintained in order for the brotherhood between the nations to grow.If we dont do that it will be wasted . If we dont dont do that i am sure in 100 years time when we are long dead the 2 people cannot grow towards each other and always remember today will be tomorrows future.
  9. 1Somalis dating Marrying Ajanabis frenjis 2Salafism versus Sufisim 3Arabism versus Africanism 4Somaliland versus Somalia 5The identity of imam Ahmed ibrahim al Ghazi
  10. Maps and bureaucrats in new york do not define if there is a union Somalia and Somaliland do. In my opinion and millions others the union was killed dragged on the streets of Burco and eventually killed and buried on 18 may in 1991. Its just a dark day for Somalilanders that doesn't make me sad lol. I am still happy for Somalia when they got their dignity and independence back from Italy. So i am very happy for Somalia. But you are welcome to delude your self that there is a union:D ka qasi mayo i xaflade
  11. Unfortunately yes, but thank God the Union no longer exist lets keep it with the independence of Somalia. Which is a good thing to celebrate for the people of Somalia.
  12. Cambuulo if there is no reinforcement from Mogadishu to assist Barre, what can he do by the way he didnt make an alliance he just said there is a ceasefire between shabaab and him.
  13. These Egyptians and their protests every few months. I doubt Morsi will leave any time soon though
  14. nuune;965813 wrote: I can see two communities getting divided, or getting divided already, and Dahir Alasow is spinning it already saying that beesha wixii kaga jirey dowlada oo shir leh iyo sidey dowlada u wada faaruqin lahaayeen and establish a mucaarad similar to Alshabaab. A habr gangster Damuljadiid , aweys and sh indho cade al markaawi had their own xisbal islam party before
  15. ^^ Damage has already be done Aweys was treated as a criminal Abu mansuur will think twice now before he humiliates him self
  16. Bannaanbax looga horjeedo xariga Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo Maanta ka dhacay Qaybo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho Isniin, July 01, 2013 (HOL) — Dibadbax ay ka qaybgaleyeen dadweyne isugu jira haween, caruur iyo dhallinyaro loogana soo horjeedo xariga Sheekh Xasan Daahir iyo xubno la socday oo dowladda Soomaaliya u xiran ayaa maanta ka dhacay qaybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho. Bannaanbaxayaasha ayaa gubay taayarro iyagoo sidoo kalena dhagaxaan ku tuurayay goobaha ganacsiga, waxaana intii uu dibadbaxa socday istaagay isku socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka qaybo ka mid ah Muqdisho. “Xasan Daahir waxaa gacanta loo geliyay dowladda Mareykanka, waana mid aan aad uga xunnahay, dowladda Soomaaliya waxaan ugu baaqay inay sii dayso xubnaha u xirxiran,” ayaa ka mid ahaa erayada ay ku dhawaaqayeen dadka dibadbaxa dhigaya. Dibadbaxyadan ayaa waxay ka dhaceen inta u dhexeysa isgoysada Banaadir iyo Zope iyo isgoyska Tarabuunka, mana jirin wax ciidamo ah oo jawaab ka bixiyay dibadbaxaas am aka hortagay. Sidoo kale, dadka dibadbaxa dhigayay ayaa waxay ku qaylinayeen rayo ay kaga soo horjeedaan dowladda Soomaaliya, mana jirto cid sheegatay inay ka dambeysay abaabulka dibadbaxa oo noqnoaya kii ugu horreeyay Muqdisho laga sameeyo tan iyo markii Xasan Daahir iyo xubno la socday la xiray habeen hore. Shalay oo Axad ahayd ayaa waxaa Muqdisho ka dhacay kulan ay yeesheen xubnihii Sheekh Xasan Daahir iyo taageerayaashiisa kasoo waday degmaada Cadaado ee gobolka Galguduud, keenayna Muqdisho, iyadoo markiiba ay la wareegeen ciidamada nabadsugidda Qaranka oo xabsiga dhigay. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ka hadashay mowqifkeeda ku aaddan Xiridda Sheekh Xasan Daahir oo kasoo goostay Al-shabaab iyo xubno la socday oo weli ku xiran Muqdisho, waxaana afhayeenka madaxweynaha uu sheegay in dowladdu ay u baahan tahay fursad ay kaga baaraan-dagto sida laga yeelayo hoggaamiyahan iyo xubnaha la socda. Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda iyo kuwa hay’adaha ammaanka ayaan weli ka hadlin sida ay u arkaan dibadbaxa, waxaana dibadbaxa uu si iskiis ah u joogsaday barqonimadii maanta, iyadoo dib ay furmeen goobihii ganacsiga iyo isku socodka gaadiidka iyo dadweynaha.
  17. Happy independence day people of Somalia, eventhough this day is also a dark day for Somaliland. But its a good day for Somalia, because it gives somalia the strength to continue and hope.
  18. Now its getting interesting for the first time the SFG called for the removal of the Kenyan forces in Public instead of saying it behind doors. This will be interesting will they have what it takes to remove them diplomatically and replace them? What is the interest of the bigger powers sitting in Brussels and Washington how do they view it does Somali legitimacy means something in their eyes.
  19. Somali government wants Kenya Defence Forces out of Kismayo, calls for neutral force Monday, July 01, 2013 Somali government wants Kenya Defence Forces to leave Kismayo and the forces be replaced by a more neutral one. This was after the KDF forces who are under Amisom apparently arrested a commander with the Somalia National Army (SNA) and involvement in violence. “AMISOM Section Two forces purposefully arrested government appointed division 43 SNA commander, Col Abbas Ibrahim Gurey,” deputy minister for information Abdishakur Ali Mire said on Sunday. A statement from the Prime Minister’s Media Office Mogadishu, Somalia said the government regretted the national loss of the three days fighting in Kismayo and called for the replacement of AMISOM Section Two forces to what the minister described “a more neutral African Union force.” Mire claimed AMISOM Section Two forces supported one side of the two fighting functions in violation of their mandate. “We are also informed that there was a targeted offensive against civilians and the SNA command centre in Kismayo by the AMISOM Section Two force, which is unfortunate.” He demanded the establishment and the dispatch of a fact finding mission to assess the situation in Kismayo and called for immediate release of Col Abbas Ibrahim Gure to resume his military duty in the region. He also called for humanitarian intervention to prevent crisis and assist the civilian victims in Kismayo. Kenya has repeatedly denied it is supporting any section in Kismayo. Chief of Defence Forces Gen Julius Karangi downplayed claims the ongoing factional fighting in Kismayo may affect peace and stability in the country and region at large. Gen Karangi said last month the fighting there over power is normal and that the crisis will be solved soon. He said Kenyan troops under Amisom as still in control of much of the affected areas and assured the country there will be no more insecurity. “I want to assure Kenyans that the country is safe and that the small problem in Jubaland will be solved soon. Al-Shabaab is now weakened and they will never come back,” said Gen Karangi. He added a group of leaders from Somalia central government and Jubaland are having talks to solve the differences. He said Kenya was not involved in the election of Ahmed Mohamed Islam, best known as Ahmed Madobe, as the president of the regional state of Jubbaland on May 15. Gen Karangi said the residents of the region held elections on their own and elected Madobe in accordance with their laws. Gen Karangi said Kenyan troops who are under the Amisom still control large parts of the Jubbaland and in particular Kismayo. Karangi was reacting to protests from leaders from Mogadishu who claim Kenyan military is imposing leadership in the region. Gen Karangi said the troops control more than 300,000 square kilometers of the region and that they will leave the country after the African Union orders so. A faction allied to Madobe has been fighting with another local leader who declared himself the regional president, which has left 20 people dead and property destroyed. Karangi said the military in the area would remain neutral about the ongoing political process. Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has indirectly criticised the Kenyan army for not treating well a government committee sent to Kismayo.
  20. Somalis are nomads Pakistanis are not , Somalis will move from north America to an exotic place maybe in South America. One thing i like about Somalis we do not assimilate i know some of my closest family members used to live and work in Saudi Arabia in the late 40s and 50s. But they never changed their ways. Eventually they all returned it depends now Arabia is closer to Home North America is further. But Some how Somalis will always return back home. Somalis are now scattered all over the world because of the war and it is good our youth are now educated and can give back to their communities. One day i am sure a percentage of them will return all that needs to happen is peace and stability and the economy to start thriving And than i am certain many will return.
  21. They are still strongly attached to the homeland that is good, one day we will all return to the mother land and live in our motherland. And if they dont they should still know their ancestral Home land its part of their identity.