Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Tillamook;967789 wrote: Oo yaa adiga kaala tashanayo, alwaaxyahow? What a non-thinking individual like yourself fails to see is that these talks are merely a formality for Silanyo's cabal to save face with the habro clans by insisting upon many concessions from Xamar to placate their bruised egos, which by all means Xamar will agree to. The Somali Federal Government will simply do almost anything for maslaxada habraha waqooyiga The same Somali federal goverment your clan wants to bring down because it refuses to cooperate with the clan state you support in Kismayo that Somali federal government.Somaliland will talk to the Somali federal government , but you are still not welcome in Somaliland pirates are only welcome in SL prisons. You should read more about the Somalia and Somaliland dialogue and guess when it started last year its a process of building some kind of trust but the 2 countries after 72 hours talking they could not agree on the fundamental conflict. But this does not concern you do not speak for Xamar SL speaks to your HAG overlords.
  2. ^^ Adigu you dont say much beryahan other than a smiley you oke mise khatuma banjartay , oo hadal ma jiro lol.
  3. ^^ Its not really his fault Somalis cannot be governed Somalis will consider the other Somalis a threat to their existence which gave neighboring countries Kenya Ethiopia so much leverage in Somalia.
  4. The Airspace was handed over from the UN to the SFG now its jointly managed by Somalia and Somaliland. the Sea control/patrol was never under the authority of the UN. There is no point discussing immigration because we dont even know what kind of relations the 2 countries will have that also concerns diplomatic offices trade has been discussed before, aid has been discussed before. These talks are not going any where aslong as the 2 sides cannot agree on the most fundamental conflict between Somalia and Somaliland. I predict the next phase of talks will most likely fail Carafaat ask your self they sat 72 hours and agreed on one point this shows the 2 sides are far apart. I dont see any sort of compromise being made with out international mediation. Inta ka sakow wa shimbiriooy heesa, hees wanaagsan heesa.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;964442 wrote: Matt Bryden Oo Si Qoto Dheer Uga Hadlay Wada Hadalada Somaliland & Somaliya Iyo Caqabadaha Soo Waajihi Kara Writen by Qaran News | Published: Jun 26th, 2013 at 10:11 AM Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Mr. Matt Bryden, oo wakhtigan maamula hay’ad cilmi baadhiseed oo ka hawlgasha Geeska Afrika, laguna magacaabo Sahan, ayaa si qoto dheer uga hadlay wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somaliya iyo weliba qodobada caqabada ah ee soo waajihi doona. Matt Bryden, oo sidoo kale aha madaxdii guddigii kormeerka cunaqabataynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Somaliya, ahna khabiir si dhow ula socda arrimaha gobalka Geeska Afrika, ayaa wuxuu waraysi siiyay Wargeyska Daily Nation ee ka soo baxa magaalada Nayrobi ee wadanka Kenya, ku iftiimiyay inay caqabado badani ku gadaamanyihiin wada hadaladaas. Waraysigaas oo uu Mt. Bryden, sidoo kale kaga hadlay xaaladaha dalka Somaliya, ayaa waxa su’aalaha la weydiiyay ka mid ahayd sida uu u arko wada hadalka Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho iyo weliba natiijada uu filan karo inay ka soo bixi karto. “Wada hadalka ay dawladda federaalka Somaliya iyo dawladii ku meelgaadhka ahayd ee ka horeeyay la leeyihiin Somaliland waa talaabo togan. Waa markii u horaysay ee ay dawladda Muqdisho iyo maamulka Hargeysa uu midba midka kale u aqoonsado in ay yihiin dhinacyo uu khilaf dhex yaalo, oo ay jirto wax yaabo ay tahay in ay ka wada hadlaan. Xaqiiqada ah in derbigii la jebiyay oo ay labadii dhinac wada hadlayaan waa horumar aad muhiim u ah. Hase yeeshe aad ayay u adagtahay, khatartii ugu weynayd ee wada hadalladan soo waajahdaana si ayay u soo xoogaysanaysaa oo si aan ku talo gal ahayn u gaadhay heer is-fahmi waa ,kala fogaanshiyo iyo is eedayn ah.” Ayuu yidhi khabiirkani. Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata wuxuu raaciyay “Sidaa awgeed, aad ayaa ay muhiim u tahay in wada hadaladani ay sii socdaan, oo bilowga ay ku koobnaadaan arimaha farsadamada iyo in la isla eego arrimaha laga midaysan yahay. Waxa ay tahay in ay bilowga isla eegaan qadiyadaha labada dhinac si isku mid ah u khuseeya, sida amniga, hawada, badda, ganacsiga, arrimaha dhaqaalaha iyo isu socodka dadka iyo badeecooyinka. Waxyaabahani waa kuwo imikaba si uun u socda, laakiin waxaa laga dhigi karaa arrimo si rasmi ah la isaga af garto oo ay labada dhinac nidaam u sameeyaan. Marka ay timaado arrimaha siyaasadda ee ka dhexeeya, waxa jira wax ay ku kala qaybsan yihiin labada dhinac. Tusaale ahaan labada dawladoodba waxa ay isu arkaan in ay yihiin kuwo dastuuriyan ay qasab tahay in ay dhowraan shuruucda.” Wuxuu Matt, iftiimiyay inay jiraan laba caqabadood oo wada hadalka saamayn ku leh, kuwaas oo kala ah madaxbanaanida Somaliland iyo midnimada Somaliya. “Somaliland, waxa la xurmaynayaa go’aankii la soo noqoshada madaxbanaanida ee 1991. Dawladda Federaalka Somaliyana, waxay xurmaynaysaa midnimadii dhuleed ee Somaliya, ee ay aqoonsanyihiin Midowga Afrika, Qaramada Midoobay iyo bulshada caalamkuba. Mid kasta oo ka mid ah labadan maamul inuu ka noqdo go’aamadaasi waxka dhigan tahay is-khaarajin siyaasi ah. sidaa awgeed midkoodna ma awoodo in uu ku lug yeesho wada hadal ay ka dhalanayso natiijo aan dan u ahayn oo aanu marka hore ugu sii tashan.” Ugu dambayn, isagoo hadalkiisa soo gunaanadaya wuxuu yidhi “Waxa aan is leeyahay sida keliya ee ay uga wada hadli karaan mustaqbalkooda ugu dambeeyaa waa in ay marka hore natiijadu noqotaa mid furan oo qolo kastaa wax kasta ka filan karto, waayo in si nabdoon loogu heshiiyo midnimadu waxa uun ay ku iman kartaa heshiis labada dhinac ah, laakiin xoog ma’aha.” Geeska Matt bryden was spot on he predicted the outcome precisely, the Question is where to go from here
  6. (2) The existing President or Vice President of the Legislative Assembly of Somalia shall preside over the National Assembly of the Somali Republic for the purpose of taking the oaths of allegiance in accordance with subsection (1) hereof and for the purpose of electing the first President of the National Assembly only. (3) The members of the Council of Ministers after being appointed in accordance with the Constitution shall each make an oath of allegiance to the Somali Republic before the President of the National Assembly. Freedom of movement and trade (1) Notwithstanding anything in section 2 hereof, the citizens of the Somali Republic shall have the right freely to move for lawful purposes throughout the territory of the Republic subject to the provisions of any law relating to public order or human or animal health. (2) Notwithstanding anything in section 2 hereof there shall be no customs, exercise or other tax imposed upon the movement of goods (including animals) between any parts of the territory of the Somali Republic provided such goods originate from the Region from which they are proceeding. (3) Until unification of customs tariffs is achieved goods imported from foreign countries and moving from the Northern Region to the second name Regions and vice versa shall be subject to the customs laws at present in force in the Northern Region and the second named Regions. Special Commission for Uniformity. (1) There shall be established a Special Commission the members of which shall be persons who were immediately prior to this Lw either members of the Legislative Assembly of Somalia or members of the Legislative Assembly of Somaliland together with a Chairman being a member of the National Assembly appointed by the members of the Commission. (2) The members of the Special Commission (other than the Chairman) shall be appointed by the President of the Somali Republic acting on the advice of the Council of Ministers and shall consist of an equal number of former members of the Legislative Assembly of Somali and former members of the Legislative Assembly of Somaliland. (3) The Special Commission shall examine into and make recommendations (which in the event of the Commission not being unanimous shall be the recommendations of a majority of its members to which a minority report shall be attached) as to the provisions to be made from time to time by law for the purpose of establishing uniformity between the laws, institutions, public service and social services presently existing in the Regions referred to in section 2 hereof. (4) The Special Commission shall for the aforesaid purpose be empowered to establish sub-commissions or committees, the members whereof may include other persons and to engage or call for assistance from any person by way of advice or otherwise. (5) The Special Commission shall from time to time report to the Council of Ministers as to its recommendations under subsection (3) of this section and the Council of Ministers shall thereupon with all reasonable dispatch lay such report before the National Assembly together with the proposed legislation to be made to give effect thereto. (6) The National Assembly shall thereupon decide by majority of the members thereof present and voting upon such proposed legislation whether the same shall be enacted. (7) Upon the National Assembly so deciding then the President shall assent to such legislation and upon the same coming into operation any condition set forth in section 2 hereof shall so far as it is inconsistent with such legislation be abrogated. (8) The Special Commisin may with the approval of the Council of Ministers make rules regulating its procedure and providing for the duration of tghe appointments of its members, the remuneration of any person whose participation or assistance is called for under subsection (3) hereof, the cilling of vacancies in membership and all other matters as may be required for the performance of the function conferred upon the Special Commission by this section: Provided that if the Special Commission fails to make rules under this subsection in accordance with a request made to it by the Council of Ministers, the Council of Ministers may make the said rules. (9) Any rules made under subsection (8) may be added to, amended or revoked in the same manner. Succession to rights and liabilities: (1) Any property (including any rights arising from contract or otherwise) that is immediately before this Law vested in the Government of Somaliland or in the State of Somalia shall upon this Law being made vest in the Somali Republic or in such person or authority on behalf of the Somali Repubic as the Council of Ministers may direct. (2) Any liability or obligation (whether arising from contract or otherwise) incurred by the Government of Somaliland or by the State of Somalia and subsisting immediately before this Law shall upon this Law being made be a liability or obligation of the Somali Republic or of such person or authority on behalf of the Somali Republic as the Council of Ministers may direct. (3) For the purposes of the preceding subsections, any property which immediately before the making of this Law was vested in or any liability or obligation which at that time had been incurred by, any person or authority on behalf of the Government of Somaliland or the State of Somalia shall be deemed to be property vested in or a liability or obligation incurred by the respective Government or State. (4) Without derogation from the foregoing provisions of this section the right and obligations arising from agreements entered into between the Government of Somaliland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and between the Government of Somalia and the Government of Italy and other States and International organisations which are set out in the Schedule to this Law shall be binding upon the Somali Republic. Transitional: (1) For the time being the provision subsisting immediately before the making of this Law for the expenditure of public moneys of the Somali Republic hereby constituted within and upon the Northern Region and second named Regions shall as far as practicable continue to the intent that those moneys which have been authorized to be expended within and upon the respective Northern Region and second named Regions shall continue to be expended upon the public service and upon the development and welfare and in the service of the said Northern Region and second named Regions and the inhabitants thereof respectively. (2) For the time being the presently subsisting provision for the expenditure of public moneys (including such moneys as may be provided by way of assistance from foreign States) upon the development and welfare of the aforesaid Northern Region and second named Regions and the inhabitants thereof respectively shall as far as practicable continue to the intent that those schemes of development and welfare which are now current shall be completed and that those schemes of development and welfare which have been planned shall be proceeded with within the respective Northern Region and second named Regions hereinbefore referred to and for the benefit of their respective inhabitants. (3) The Supreme Court of the Somali Republic shall have appellate jurisdiction in relation to decisions of the Courts now constituted and which will continue to subsist in the aforesaid Northern Region. ----------- SCHEDULE The Agreement between the and Government of Somaliland and the Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding interim arrangements in respect of the Somaliland Scouts. The Interim Agreement between the Government of Somaliland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for a United Kingdom Aid Mission. The Pubic Officers Agreement between the Government of Somaliland and the Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ----------- This Bill has been passed by the Legislative Assembly on 27th June, 1960. AHMED MOHAMED ADAM Clerk of the Legislative Assembly I hereby certify that at the third reading of this Bill, (which has now been passed as the Somaliland and Somali Union Law) the votes of not less than two third of the members of the Assembly were cast in favour thereof. W. F. STUBBS, Speaker. Copied from the SOMALILAND GAZETTE Vol. I, No. 3, HARGEISA, 5th July, 1960. SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (Containing Law) LAW No. 1 The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law. http://hiiraan.com/news4/2013/july/30220/the_union_of_somaliland_and_somalia_law.aspx
  7. THE UNION OF SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA LAW Reproduced by MOHAMED OSMAN OMAR. DEAR READERS, PLEASE NOTE: This is a copy from the original reprint. We express our apology for any typing error or involuntary omission. Source: THE SOMALILAND GAZETTE THE SOMALILAND GAZETTE Published under the authority of the Council of Ministers Vol.1, No. 3, HARGEISA, 5th July, 1960. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (Containing a Law) LAW No. 1. The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law _________ Supplement No. 2 to the Somaliland Gazette, Vol. I No. 3, dated 5th July 1960 Containing Law LAW No. 1 of 1960 Assented to by the Council of Ministers Mogadiscio, 5th July 1960 Mohamed Ibrahim Egal Ahmed Haji Dualeh Ali Garad Jama Haji Ibrahim Nur __________ THE UNION OF SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA LAW Preamble: WHEREAS the State of Somaliland achieved independence and ceased to be under British protection or within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Her Britannic Majesty on the 26th day of June, 1960 (being Muharram 1st 1379): AND WHEREAS the State of Somalia achieved its independence and ceased to have the status of a Trust Territory of the United Nations Organization administered by the Republic of Italy on the 1st of July, 1960 AND WHEREAS it is the will of the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia that their States shall united shall forever be united in the Somali Republic: NOW, we the signatories hereof being the duly authorized representatives of the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia and having vested in us the power to make and enter into this Law on behalf of our respective States and peoples do hereby solemnly and in the name of God the compassionate and Merciful agree as follows:- Union: 1. (a) The State of Somaliland and the State of Somalia do hereby unite and shall forever remain united in a new, independent, democratic, unitary republic the name whereof shall the SOMALI REPUBLIC. (b) The Capital of the Somali Republic shall be Mogadiscio. Conditions of Union: Subject to the express provisions of this Law the Union hereby constituted shall be upon the following conditions: - (1) That the component administrative units of the Government of the Somali Republic until more suitable administrative arrangements are made, shall be, firstly, the region comprising the territories contained in the boundaries of the presently existing State of Somaliland (hereafter referred to as “the Northern Region”) and, secondly, those presently existing territories which comprise the six Regions of Mijertain, Mudugh, Hiran, Banadir, Upper Juba and Lower Juba all in Somalia (hereafter collectively referred to as “the second named Regions”). (2) That the existing laws presently in force in the Northern Region and in the second named Regions respectively shall remain in full force and effect within the respective territories where the same presently apply and shall not have force or effect beyond those respective territories where the same presently apply. (3) That all persons now serving the Somaliland Government in the Northern Region and the Government of Somalia in the second named Regions respectively shall continue to serve the Government of the Somali Republic upon terms not less favourable than those at present applicable to them. (4) That the Courts as presently constituted in the aforesaid Northern Region and the aforesaid second named Regions shall continue to exercise within their respective territories the jurisdiction which is conferred upon them by presently existing law and shall be Courts of the Somali Republic. (5) That all rights and obligations vested or accruing, whether public or private (including any status of legal personality acquired under law by corporate or non-corporate bodies) shall continue to subsist in accordance with subsection (2) hereof be recognized and enforced by the Courts of the Somali Republic, referred to in subsection (4) hereof and by the Government of the Somali Republic. (6) That in the Somali Republic the National languages of the Republic shall be as to the spoken tongue Somali and as to the written language Arabic, English and Italian, which shall have equal status. Citizenship 3. (1) All persons who upon the date of this Union possess the citizenship of Somaliland and Somalia respectively shall by this Union now become citizens of the Somali Republic. (2) All persons who hereafter would, but for this Union, have become citizens of Somaliland or Somalia respectively under the law of either of the two uniting States as presently subsisting, shall hereafter become citizens of the Somali Republic. Head of State The Head of with State of the Somali Republic shall be the PRESIDENT of the Republic chosen in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in section 7 hereof. Executive Authority. Executive Authority of the Somali Republic shall be vested in the COUNCIL OF MINISTERS appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in section 7 hereof and shall be exercised as therein provided. Legislative Power. The Legislative power of the Somali Republic shall be vested in the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution referred to in section 7 hereof and shall be exercised as therein provided. The Constitution. The CONSTITUTION OF THE SOMALI REPUBLIC shall be the Constitution of the State of Somalia with such adaptations as may be necessary to bring in into conformity with this Law but notwithstanding the provisions thereof relating to amendment, no amendment of that Constitution shall derogate from the conditions of Union set forth in section 2 hereof unless made in accordance with the procedure and provisions set forth in section 10 hereof. The existing Executive and Legislative Organs. (1) Upon this Law being made the presently subsisting Legislative Assembly of Somaliland and Somalia respectively shall cease as such to subsist: but the existing elected members of the said Legislative Assemblies shall constitute the first National Assembly of the Somali Republic. Immediately upon the National Assembly of the Somali Republic being constituted under these provisions, the members thereof shall each before the person presiding over the National Assembly make oath of allegiance to the Somali Republic.
  8. Tillamook;967755 wrote: Air control is nothing. We want to move our national capital from the anarchist infested Mogadishu to peaceful Hargaysa. I am personally lobbying for this. That way we can appease the deranged secessionists and give the moryans time to reflect on how naughty they've been... Nope you are not welcome in Hargeysa
  9. ^^ Tell that to ur unionist brothers who wrote this , i dont find this issue a big deal the airspace revenues will be shared between Somalia and Somaliland and its office will be seated in Somaliland. Previously it was managed from Nairobi, i welcome this.
  10. Nope you will not be allowed in Somaliland.
  11. malistar2012;967714 wrote: WHY are somalilander insecure? 2. Permit free movement of people and politicians on each side. sad that just shows how fragile the situation is in Somaliland. Why would we want that why would we want Somalia's politicians to come to Somaliland whats it in for us ? Somalia's politician are not welcome in Somaliland, if Somalia removes Somaliland from their constitution, than maybe we can discuss that.
  12. Somaliland:Ankara Talks stalled By Goth Mohamed Goth The ongoing Somaliland and Somalia talks in Ankara have stalled after the negotiating teams from the two sides failed to agree on the 10 points present at the start of the dialogue meeting ,the today’s meeting was adjourned the several times for the teams to consult with their respective government s back home. The parties seem to have made headway on the issue of solving the impasse on who controls the Somaliland’s airspace by which both sides agreed to 1. . Both sides agreed to setup a committee which will be tasked with running the airspace of both Somalia and Somaliland which will be based in Hargeisa and the return of the controlling of the airspace from the UN. 2. . The continuation of the talks 3. . The resumption of the talks in Ankara in 120 days’ time Here are the Points Presented by both sides earlier Somaliland 1. SFG should recognize that Somaliland reclaimed their independence 2. As long as discussion continues for two sides Somaliland should be allocated separate seat during international conferences concerned what was used Somalia 3. Somalia should arrest and hand to Somaliland all individuals committed crime against humanity, and given compensation 4. Somaliland should have authority of managing its airspace. 5. Getting investment for Somaliland resources. Somalia’s five point agenda was: 1. Unity of Somalia should be abiding 2. Permit free movement of people and politicians on each side. 3. Other remaining dialogues be hold inside country 4. To hold future dialogues inside Somaliland or Somalia 5. Design standard procedure abiding for future dialogue
  13. Somalia and Somaliland are brotherly nations but when it comes to politics Somaliland diplomatic channels with Britain will always go through the British Embassy in Ethiopia. When Somaliland is dealing with the French it uses the diplomatic channel of Nairobi. We one day wish to see a Somalia embassy in Somaliland.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ki1BXk_QfM0#at=45" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  15. War Deg-deg ah:- Shirkii Labadda Wadan Ee Somaliland iyo Somalia Oo La Soo Gabogabeeyay iyo Hal Qodob Oo La Isla Qaatay (Hadhwanaagnews) Tuesday, July 09, 2013 Kaas oo ah in Lagala Soo Noqdo UN-ka Hawada oo la sameeyo maamul wada jira oo Xarun Looga dhigo Hargeysa, dakhligana si xaq ah loo qaybsado Hargeysa (HWN) - Wada Hadaladda Labadda Wadan ee Somaliland iiyo Somalia uga socday Dalka Turkiga ayaa si aad ah loogu kala aragti duwanaa. Kulankan oo saddex maalmood ka socday Magaaladda Istanbul, ayaa goor dhaweyd la soo gabogabeeyay, waxaana laga soo saaray hal qodob. Waxaanu ku yidhi qoraalkaas kooban sidan Waxa Aanu Mar dhaweyd soo gabogabaynay shirkii Wada Hadaladda Somaliland iyo Somalia, saddex cisho markii aanu is jafaynay waxa aanu ku heshiinay, hal qodob oo keli ah. Kaas oo ah in Lagala Soo Noqdo UN-ka Hawada oo la sameeyo maamul wada jira oo Xarun Looga dhigo Hargeysa, dakhligana si xaq ah loo qaybsado. Waxa intaas raaca in la isku soo laabto afar bilood ka dib, waxaana lagu kulmi doonaa Dalka Turkiga? ayuu ydihi.
  16. Wada Hadaladii Turkiga Uga Socday Somaliland Iyo Soomaaliya Oo Lagu Heshiiyay Sadex Qodob July 9th, 2013 Heshiiskan waxa uu dan u yahay Somaliland Istanbul (Somaliland.Org)-Shirkii afraad ee wada hadaladda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya uga socday magaaladda Istanbuul ee dalka Turkiga ayaa caawa la soo gabo-gabeeyay, waxaanay ergadii ka kala socotay labada dal ay ku heshiiyeen heshiis ka kooban sadex qodob. Heshiiskan waxa dhinaca Somaliland u saxeexay Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Maalgashiga Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar, halka Soomaaliyana uu qalinka ugu duugay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha C/Kariim Xuseen Guuleed. Waxaanay labada Wasiir-ba sheegeen inay ku qanacsan yihiin heshiiska la gaadhay waxaanay u mahad celiyeen dawladda Turkiga oo isku hawshay ka mido dhalinta wada hadalada labada geesood u socday oo ay marti-gelinaysay. Sadexda Qodob Ee Lagu Heshiiyay Waxay u dhignaayeen sidan:- 1)- Maamulka Hawadda lagala wareego Qarrammadda Midoobay oo lagu wareejiyo Guddi wada jir ah oo ka kooban Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya. Gudidaasna fadhigoodu noqdo Hargeysa. Guddidaasi waxay soo gudbin doonaan nidaam si siman dakhliga loogu qeybsan doono. 2)- In la sii wado wada hadaladda. 3)- In wada hadaladda kan ku xigaa lagu qabto isla dalka Turkiga muddo 120 maalmood ah (afar bilood) ah ka dib. shirkan ayaa muddo laba maalmood ah u socday labada wadan ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, waxaana la sheegay inay ahaayeen wada hadaladii ugu adkaa ee labada geesood isku soo hor-fadhiistaan, iyadoo la isku mari waayay ajandihii ka koobnaa tobanka qodob ee miiska u saarnaa.
  17. ^^ Yes but its our barren land we love it we would never swap it for anything in the world, long live Somaliland and its people.
  18. Is Kenya birthing a new country named Jubaland? A Jubaland warlord backed by Kenya flew to another semi-autonomous region in Somalia and was hailed this weekend as Jubaland's president. By Fredrick Nzwili, Correspondent / July 8, 2013 A row on the Horn of Africa between Somalia and Kenya over a border area inside Somalia called Jubaland took another twist -- as a former militia leader backed by Kenya but not recognized by Somalia flew to a prominent northern city and was received there as the president of Jubaland. Related stories Subscribe Today to the Monitor Click Here for your FREE 30 DAYS of The Christian Science Monitor Weekly Digital Edition In recent weeks the government of Somalia has been claiming Kenya, an old ally, of quietly and tacitly creating a buffer state out of the territory of Jubaland, one that Kenya would hold sway in. On July 1 Somali authorities said that Kenyan forces, deployed in Somalia as part of an African Union peacekeeping force, were taking sides and should leave, and that they were complicit in a small massacre in May in the Jubaland port of Kismayo that left dozens dead and some 155 wounded. They also allege that Kenya is backing Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, the leader of a militia called Ras Kamboni, that has fought in Jubaland with Kenyan troops in an effort to drive out the Al Qaeda-linked radical forces of Al Shabab. RECOMMENDED: Think you know Africa? Take our geography quiz. Over the weekend Mr. Madobe flew to the Somalian Puntland region, which, like Jubaland, is semi-autonomous and wishes to remain so. In Puntland, Madobe was received with a guard of honor and spoke at a public square, praising his hosts for their semi-independent status and calling Puntland "the mother of Jubaland." The Somali government, now backed by the US, has steadily said it does not recognize Madobe as the leader of Jubaland; some six warlords now claim to represent the Jubaland area that stretches along the Kenyan border. Kenya officially denies that it is creating a borderland buffer state, or taking sides in Somalia, or backing Madobe. Yet there are strong feelings in Nairobi that Jubaland will eventually gravitate towards a Kenyan orbit since Madobe is backed by a number of influential Kenyan politicians of Somali origin. As the Monitor reported last Friday: Kenya denies taking sides in Somalia and calls itself neutral, even though many analysts now agree that Nairobi is pursuing a security zone on its border aimed at repulsing militants like the Islamist radical group Al Shabab that are linked to Al Qaeda. “Kenya has been seeking to establish a ‘state’ so that it can take care of its security interests. It had been neutral on the Somali issues from 1991-2011, but we think this is changing,” says Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad, a Nairobi-based Horn of Africa specialist. Tensions were exacerbated yesterday by a misdirected letter to the African Union from Fawzia Yusuf Adam, the Somali deputy prime minister and foreign minister, stating that Kenyan forces are not being neutral, and that the Kenyan commander in charge in the Jubaland area is “incompetent.” The letter, obtained and authenticated by the BBC, was wrongly sent out to “press contacts” in addition to officials of the African Union – and is the first verification of the degree of anger and diplomacy by Mogadishu regarding Nairobi. Last fall Kenyan troops based in Somalia took Kismayo, a strategic port some 300 miles south of Mogadishu, from the control of Al Shabab, which carries out attacks on Western and international groups on the Horn, most recently exploding a suicide bomb at a UN compound in Mogadishu. To maintain control of Jubaland and Kismayo, Kenya has been tacitly backing Sheikh Ahmed Madobe. Mr. Madobe is a former warlord whose Ras Kamboni militia supported Kenyan troops since they entered Somalia in 2011 as part of the African Union contingent designed to stabilize Somalia, say officials and analysts. In May, Mr. Madobe, using his militia as a political base, was elected president of Jubaland at a conference at Kismayo University attended by 550 delegates. The current Somali government in Mogadishu – now recognized by Washington and the International Monetary Fund – rejected the election as unconstitutional. Some five warlords in Jubaland currently are calling themselves president of the area; the Somali government does not recognize any of them. 'We are just trying to rebuild' Kenyan military officials, such as spokesman Col. Cyrus Oguna, have stressed that Kenyan forces are neutral and merely trying to promote security and rebuild the country. Yet “Kenya needs to be cautious," says Mr. Abdiwahab. "There is a complex web of politics involving clans that it must not lose sight of. I am afraid, if it has not understood this, then ... it’s making a political miscalculation that may jeopardize security in north eastern Kenya and parts of Somalia." For Fred Nyabera, a conflict resolution consultant in Nairobi, the Jubaland buffer zone may be an important idea, but it needs further thinking. “Kenya needs security along the porous border and I think the buffer zone is important. It will contribute to the security of region including Somalia. The problem is that other actors in the region think that Kenya sees this only as a Kenyan issue,” says Mr. Nyabera. Nyabera also says that Somalian officials must see the situation from Nairobi’s security perspective. He warns, however, that if Kenyan authorities don’t make clear a time frame for their troops to leave, that they will be increasingly seen as “an occupying force. They need a clear calendar for exit.”
  19. Dhageyso: Shirkii Somalia & Somaliland oo La Isku Marilayahay iyo Shirka oo ilaa Barito Soconaya July 9, 2013 at 16:42 pm shirka Somalia iyo Somaliland ee Turkiga Maalintii 2'aad shirka Somalia iyo Somaliland ee Turkiga Maalintii 2′aad Wadahadaladii Somalia iyo Somaliland ayaa maanta waxay ahayd maalintii sadexaad isla markaana la filayey inuu ku soo dhamaado shirkaas oo qodobada lagu heshiiyeyna la soo saaro,. Saaka markuu shirku bilaabmay waxaa aad la isugu mari waayey qodobo ay ka mid yihiin in shirka dambe lagu qabto somalia oo waliba lagu horeeyo Somaliland arintaasna waxaa aad uga soo horjeestey waftiga dhinaca Somaliland. Hadaba Wariyaha Idaacada BBC Somali u jooga shirka ayaa wareysi uu siiyey idaacada ku sheegey in shirkan wax rajo wanaagsan aaanay ka soo baxayn oo la is mari layahay. warkaas oo faah faahsan halkan hoose ka dhageyso:- http://saraarmedia.com/blog/archives/9666?fb_source=pubv1
  20. Somaliland: Mogadishu Relinquishes Airspace Control and Acknowledges Tuesday, 09 July 2013 17:13 By: Yusuf M Hasan ISTANBUL (Somalilandsun) - A Joint Somaliland and Somalia Communiqué is expected soon following the conclusion of dialogue held in Istanbul from 7th-9th July 2013. The Somaliland and Somalia negotiators have been conduction their internationally sanctioned dialogue in the Turkish city of Istanbul under the leadership of Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar and Mr Abdikarim Guleid respectively. While an official communiqué is yet to be issued Somalilandsun sources indicate that this time around Somaliland negotiators have made their brethren proud by achievements made in discussions that are expected to read like this: Quote- In accordance with the framework agreements reached in Chevening, Dubai and Ankara, delegations from Somaliland and Somalia met in Istanbul between 7 and 9 July 2013 with the assistance of the Turkish Government. In accordance with the agreements codified in the Ankara Communiqué of 13 April 2013, this round of the dialogue sought to establish additional parameters for the Dialogue, and to further clarify relations between the two governments. The delegations also addressed specific issues that have arisen since the previous meeting. The two sides: 1. Acknowledged the atrocities committed against the people of Somaliland by the government of Somalia under the military regime of Siad Barre. 2. The Somali Federal Government and Somaliland Governments agreed to set up a joint committee to evaluate the damage before dealing with these historical wounds. 3. Called on a broader range of third-party governments and international organisations to provide regular facilitation and support to the Dialogue process. 4. Welcomed the possibility that future rounds of the dialogue could take place in Somaliland or Somalia when deemed appropriate by both parties. This is subject to approval by the Somaliland Parliament. 5. Agreed that the Somali Federal Government will support the Somaliland Government's separate representation in international discussions on issues with relevance to its people. This is subject to approval by the Somali Federal Parliament. 6. Approved the right of the Somaliland Government to be the sole arbiter of agreements for international investment in the area encompassing the Somaliland territory, including the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. 7. Agreed to establish a bilateral control body in Hargeisa to jointly manage the air traffic control of both sides, and to create a mechanism for equitable revenue-sharing. 8. Agreed upon the establishment of set procedures and protocol arrangements for future rounds of the dialogue (detailed separately). Signature Signature Mr Abdikarim Guleid Dr Mohamed Abdilahi Omar Somalia Somaliland
  21. I am now hearing the talks are on the verge of collapse.