Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. War Deg deg ah: Weftigii reer somaliland ee ka qaybgalay shirkii wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia ee ka dhacay waddanka turkey oo goor dhoweyd ka soo degey madaarka Berbera. (Hadhwanaagnews) Thursday, July 11, 2013 Weftigii ka koobnaa wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada ee ka qaybgalay shirkii wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia ee ka dhacay waddanka turkey ayaa goor dhoweyd soo gaadhay dalka. Weftigii ka koobnaa wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada ee ka qaybgalay shirkii wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia ee ka dhacay waddanka turkey ayaa goor dhoweyd soo gaadhay dalka. Weftigan ayaa ka soo degey gegida diyaardaha ee magaalada berbera, waxana halkaas ku soo dhoweyey masuliyiinta degmada berbera iyo maamulka gobolka saaxil iyo masuliyiin kale. Weftiga oo uu hogaminayey wasiirka ganacsiga iyo maalgashigsa caalamiga ah ee Somaliland Dr. Mohamed abdulahi omer ayaa qolka nasashada ee vip da kula hadlay warbaahinta sheegyna in wada hadalkii ku soo dhammaaday Guul iyo is af afgaradd isla markaasna qodobkii lagu soo heshiiyey aha in hawada Somaliland ay Somaliland maamulkeeda yeelato lagana maamulo hargaysa. Weftigan ayaa intaas kadib u soo kicitamay magaalada hargaysa, waxana warbixin kooban oo wasiirka madaxtooyadu ku qoray boggiisa uu ku leeyahay facebook uu ku yidhi sidan ?Safar 7 Cisho qaatay kadib, Waa Alle Mahadii mar hadii aan maanta dalkayagii dib ugu soo noqonay. "Hada waa Bilow in aan Hawadeenii Maalmaha dhawayd muranka la gashay soo ceshanay, waxaa inoo dhiman Dhulkeenii, Badaheenii iyo guud ahaanba Madaxbanaanideeni " Waxaa ka soo wareegtay saacado kooban, kadib markaan aniga iyo waftigii Wada Hadalada Dalkeena iyo Somalia uugu maqnaa Turkey aan ka soo degnay Gegada Diyaaraduhu ka haadaan ee Berbera Airport, sida aad la socoteen waxaan la soo guryo noqonay guulo hor leh, walaw himiladeenii wali wax inoo dhiman yihiin, sidii aan shaashadaha caalamka ka sheegnay guushayada u dambaysa waa in aan dalkayaga dib uugu soo celino Xoriyadii aan horay u lahayn ee mudo kooban ka hor inaga luntay. Guud ahaan shacabka xariirta ah ee reer Somaliland waxaan uuga mahadcelinayaa sidii qiimaha badnayd wadaniyada badana ku dheehnayd ee ay garab, guubaabo, toosin iyo ducaba noola ag joogeen. Hada waa bilow in aan hawadeenii maalmaha dhawayd muranka la inaga gashay soo ceshanay waxaa inoogu xigta Xududaaheena inta kale ee ay ka mid yihiin Dhulkeena, Badaheena iyo guud ahaanba Madaxbanaanideeni. Allaha Soonka inaga aqbalo. WARKA SOO NOQOSHADA WEFTIGA OO FAAHFAAHSAN LA SOCO GOOR DHOW
  2. Carafaat waxasi wa iska sheekooyin dadka lugu so jiito that they want to correct they said the same when rayaale was in charge particularly ina xaashi and others. By the way the government said it will not allow such a council hilfaha ba loo laabaay maanta., faisal and i know xassan ciise jamac were all pro for the talks non of them is against it. Marka jooji unconfirmed newskaad fiidineysid.
  3. Somalia MPS not happy with the airspace deal http://www.boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1156&catid=34&Itemid=53
  4. Thats good these men are one of the founding fathers of the rebirth of Somaliland in 1991.But they are not opposed to the talks where does it say they are against the talks mise adiga iska sameystey this does not belong in this thread?
  5. Somalia has had a legitimate government since 2012 and although Islamist insurgents are still active, it is relatively stable. But there is tension between Mogadishu and semi-autonomous regions such as Puntland. The mood in Garowe, capital of Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland, was festive. The crowd had tensely awaited the arrival of leading public dignitaries including the President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, who delivered a speech. The ceremony was held to mark the completion of 1,200 new dwellings for displaced persons which were built by an international aid organization. Thousands of refugees from war-torn southern Somalia have sought sanctuary in Puntland. New housing in Garowe for refugees who fled the fighting in southern Somalia President Farole arrived punctually. He said a few words of thanks to the aid organization and the donors and then promptly changed the subject. The government in the Somalia capital of Mogadishu was violating the constitution, he maintained. They had been agreement over the creation of a Somalian federal state, but Mogadishu was preventing development in the regions within that federal framework. If Mogadishu did not mend its ways, then the conflict in the country would persist. The president then departed the scene as abruptly as he had arrived. Interpreting the constitution President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole accuses Mogadishu of violating the constitution Civil war broke out in Somalia in 1991 and in parts of the country it is being waged to this day. In the course of the conflict, Puntland became semi-autonomous. It does not, however, wish to cede completely from Somalia, preferring instead to remain part of the country and contribute to its recovery. It is prepared to recognize the authority of the central government of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, but insists on extensive political space of its own. The authorities in Puntland maintain that Somalia's constitution envisages the creation of new republics within the federal framework. Mogadishu insists that the opposite is true, namely that the constitution puts priority on a strong central government. Cedric Barnes from the International Crisis Group says both sides are in the right under the present provisional constitution. "This problem arose because a number of key questions were left unresolved while the Somali government was being formed," he said. "We are now paying the price for this and the central government and the autonomous regions will now have to sort out the issue," Barnes added. Read more http://www.dw.de/vying-with-somali-government-for-autonomy/a-16941069?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf
  6. I think i watched a movie about this Mukhtaar guy 15 years ago lion of the dessert not a bad movie. He was an islamic fighter the reason he fought was an Italian colonial officer came into a madrassa where he was teaching children the Qur'an and he was disrespected as the Italian colonial officer started throwing some of the holy books of islam on the Ground. I think that was the real turning point for him to wage a jihad. I believe he had less takfiri elements in his struggle unlike the mahdi of sudan ,or the mad mullah of Somaliland.
  7. Ilahaay ha u naxaristo Cumar Mukhtaar geesi bu aha
  8. Ma noogo halkee laga yidha hore umaan maqlin eh and i know allot about the Koonfurian dialects , Tuuladayda wa halka Sugaanta iyo hal abuurka Somali ay ka abuurantay, Somaligina swaxili fara badan ba ku jira marka laga yaaba inad sabixili kalmado badan ka so qadateen ama oromada siba ormada la yidha.
  9. warsamaale;967897 wrote: odaygaan xunduf maba noogo wallee, everyday waa the same topic, somaliland. Wamaxay noogo? Adeer adigu ma oromaad tahay oo afsomaliga ku dhibaya?
  10. They were loosely administrated tribal fiefdoms in both countries but if we go back few centuries ago Much of southern and central and even parts of the north east of Somalia was under A.Juran Kingdom and others were vassals. And in Somaliland much of the north was under Adal Empire including the Harar Emirate it also included much of Djibouti. So clearly they were historically very different, there was never a unified Somali republic only the short lived experiment from 1960 until 1991. Before 1896 there was no Somali state or Somali empire not during the colonial era and certainly not now. Not sure what your argument is
  11. I love it the pirates HAG bay labada dhaban ka dhunkadan markay arkaan the Somalilanders just wonderful, they are terrified . Laakin ha u baqan wanu ka matajinayna waxad uurka ku sidatid. Somalinimo has already being compromised you dont even know it, if you use xabashis to kill your fellow Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. If you use Kenyans to destroy the lives of other Somalis you have compromised on Somalinimo. Mala you believe Somalinimo is singing first of July songs in the open but behind the curtains all the time plotting to annihilate each other that is not Somalinimo, Aniguna iftiinka waan ku iifinyaa kooxda budhcad badeedka and their Fitno.
  12. Tillamook;967820 wrote: ^ War anoo burcad ah baa ku leeyahay, Somalia sedex bey idinku qabtaa, weligeedna xabad dhalaaq ah ka ma heleysaan ee bal isku dirka aad naf ka dayanaysid iska yaree! Reer Muqdisho iyo anaga Soomaalinimo, walaaltinimo, iyo wadaninimo ayaa naga dhaxaysa, si kasta oo aan siyaasada iskaga hor imaadno, weligeen Somalia midnimadeeda heshiis baan ku nahay...diid ama ha diidin. Marka topic-gaan aad mar walba dhan ula carareysid sidii qof waalan naga daa....meeshaan waxa kaliya oo looga hadlayey waxay ahayd hadiyada air-controllada oo Mudane Madaxweyne Axmad Shiekh Maxamuud uu ku maslaxayo habraha waalwaalan ee waqooyiga. ee ma ahayn cantarabaqashkaan aad lasoo shir tagtay oo ah isku dirka ummad Soomaaliyeed. Xaaji, step up your game homie! ^^ Somaliya iyada ba la qabaye eh sidee wax u qabi karta Uganda burundi Kenya xabashi marba nin ba guursada oo ka mariya. waliba Somalia waxa kiirieyey kooxda budhcad badeedka iyaga qolka u balaqay inay wadama jaarka oo dhani u so tumasho tagaan. Reer Muqdisho hada waxba ha isku dhedjin waadigi shalay xabashi u so raacay deken dekan ka dhigay dhulkoodi iyo dadkoodi baa'biyey, waadigi ka so mashxaradayey garowe iyo galkacyo. Wadanimo halkay jirta walaaltinimo halkay jirta XIta madaxweynaha Somalia magacisa garan maysid hadana waxad leedahay waan tageersanahay waaliday ka mid tahay:D iyo khiaaliyga aad iska dha dhicinaysid.
  13. ^^ The pirates never liked legal documents that not how they roll
  14. Yep you are right thats why the so called Kangaroo parliament is reviewing the constitution and changing left right and thats why the leader of the garowe clan enclave was crying anything can be changed on their side the country did not even have a constitution the past 2 decades with he help of the legendary mahiga they set up a constitutions,Somalia had no control over Somaliland the past 2 decades and counting.
  15. Adiga dee Somaliland waxba laga ma weydio adigu xita Somaliland kula ma sheekeysato, i remember the foolish pirates were trying to suck up to SL when they suggested that they wanted to secede from Somalia only if they come under the SL authority. Waxad noqoteen slaan sidi xanjada raga ku dhaga magacyada slaan na wabaad la baxdan odayadina ba la baxa:D Somalia's unity integrating the pirates into the normal society under Somalia is much more difficult since there is no trust between the HAG elites in Mogadishu and the Pirates in Garowe. This is much more difficult than reaching out to SL Thats why the talks with Somalia and Somaliland are on a dead lock but you would not understand this, walina adiga waxan waxba laga ma wediyo ka lala hadlayo ma tihid kay khusayso na ma tihid. Ki tegey eeh jamhuuriyada sameystey na ma tihid laakin waxad tahay ka marba indhaha labo dhinac u tagaayo:D
  16. The reason i posted it , its because it was a historic constitution which clearly stated the union of the 2 states, Yes the current Somali constitution says the same that Somalia unity is sacrosanct but what does it really mean what can they do can they enforce their laws i doubt it. Somaliland has a constitution to which is the unity and sovreingty of the republic of Somaliland is sacred to. Midna midka kale kama qiimo badna.
  17. ^^ Somalia ma ta aad xaabashida u so kaxaysatey oo aad ku dumisay caasimadeedi naga daa dee hadaba Somalia inad uurka ka necebtahay waanu ognahay gaar ahaan reer Muqdisho , wa hada kuwa hogaaminaya dawlada federaalka. Adigu ma tihid kuwa lala hadlayo adiga waxan waxba laga ma weydinayo adigu waxad ka masuul tahay budhcad badeednimada iyo waxyalaha kale eeh aad ku takhasustay eeh aan kheyrka lahayn:D
  18. What other institutions SL just allow an office in their capital which will manage the airspace of Somaiia and Somaliland the air traffic control of both the 2 countries is also agreed that this body will propose a mechanism for equitable revenue-sharing. I think this is a good solution for both sides for now. What other goverment institutions Somalia's leaders cannot even visit Somaliland. This is good for Somaliland Mogadishu could have said we do not want to share the revenues we will manage it but it shows that there was a compromise there. All the other points were not agreed on and i am not expecting remember Somalia suggested to hold talks in either Somalia or Somaliland this was rejected. Somalia wanted their politicians to visit Somaliland this was also rejected. And they wanted to keep the unity of Somalia and Somaliland this was also rejected. So the talks on all the other points were a failure. Laakin kooxda budhcadbeedku ha isku maweeliyaan Somaliland ba no so soctta.
  19. Anigu kooxda budhlayn eeh reer garowe arimaha Somalia iyo Somaliland kala ma hadlo because wax ka khuseyaa baan jirin,shaqo kuma laha wax iyaga xita u taal ba maha. Dowlada Somaliland mar walba waxay la hadlaysa dawlada Somalia wa siday heshisyadu dhigayaan , kooxda budhcad badeedka arimahan wa wax ka weyn oo laga mala hadlo.
  20. ^^ You keep asking me what the Constitution says about those who break the constitution i am no expert about Somalia;s constitution now why dont you tell us what it says?
  21. Tillamook;967790 wrote: Xaaji, what does the law of Somalia say about those who try to break that law? I dont know anything about the Law of Somalia, Somaliland cannot break Somalia's laws because Somalia's laws are not Somaliland laws, why dont you tell us what it says.
  22. 1. (a) The State of Somaliland and the State of Somalia do hereby unite and shall forever remain united in a new, independent, democratic, unitary republic the name whereof shall the SOMALI REPUBLIC. This is the most important point , something pseudo clan nationalists try to forget , Former Somali republic= Somaliland state Somalia state Somalia state Somalia