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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Hassan needs a stronger team he needs a real interior minister who is competent who has the ability to give guidance on all domestic affairs with in the country,hassan needs to get rid of the intelligence service and adopt a whole new plan and strategy to infiltrate all the cells of Alshabaab. He needs to have a special institute of national security for Mogadishu to begin with and later to reach the entire country. The National security service will directly cooperate under the interior ministry the same with the newly established intelligence service. Hassan needs to train the security forces, he needs to have competent first general and a real defense ministry defense ministry is not just about one man, its a whole national defense institution which gives guidance to the entire nations security, this needs to be clearly redeveloped. The defense minister travels to much he needs to lay the foundation of capable defense security force and give coordination where needed. Let the Foreign minister travel to neighboring countries let she do all the diplomacy when it comes to neighboring countries.
The reason why u dont see real progress on the ground is because there is no real army in place other than Some Militia , there is no structured command no real trained officers it will take years until an army is reinstated. Remember it took Somalia 15 years to train troops and prepare for duty 15 years before colonialism ended in Somalia. And back than it was trained by Italy and at independence it had defense forces. right now there is no territorial control there are some militia they need to fill the vacuum they need to train, and they are shadowed by the African union troops and there is corruptions soldiers are not paid on time. So u wont see real changes on the ground unless the SFG changes its ways. Somalia is still dependent on the African union troops.
Feysal cali waraabe oo eedeyn kulul u jeediyay maamulka soomaaliland
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
malistar2012;970051 wrote: Feysal Cali Waraabe Blows the whistle , the Truth has come to the SNM Clans They are starting to realize Recognition will never come Stop your nonsense Recognition is not what builds a tangible and functional state, domestic hard work and good governance and basic administration and distributing the national wealth among the people , is what does. Somalia is recognized it has a recognized government but its toothless full of corruption with no territorial control over its land and African union countries having more say about what happens in Somalia than the so called government. But there is no hope at the end of the tunnel only Turkish Charity projects when a President tells his soldiers they need to stop the isbaaro, you see there is something really wrong there -
Feysal cali waraabe oo eedeyn kulul u jeediyay maamulka soomaaliland
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Good Faisal needs to be a strong opposition to the government , SL needs strong opposition the goverment was getting to comfortable the past year or 2. Good on Sultan Faisal keeping the balance. -
Buuba is family and a very educated man but the man i cant understand him, when he sits next to General moorgen the same man he fought in the 80s. I respect General Jamac Maxamad qalib allot although he is a unionist he doesn't behave as a sell out . STOIC adeerka wa xagjir lol By the way Samatar says allot i wished a Somaliweyn but wa lana la garan waayey hada waxan raacay dadkaygi Samatars point is that Koonfurians made the union impossible , he also said Somalilanders in another interview we should never wait for left overs again.
STOIC;970011 wrote: Che, hehe..Waaar I don't trust this guy. What is going to happen tomorrow if Somaliland fails to fulfill his ambitions? His heart maybe at the right place ,but I still have doubts(not an unfounded concern). The man has the right to change his politics. It is just that he came across as opportunist. Lets not be to hard on the Professor back in the days the Professor seemed to be angry all the time, he was also convinced that there is true Somalinimo In Somalia where people are chosen and elected on their leaderships skills and not viewed in a certain way because of their clan. The Professor miscalculated Somalia was in civil war for the past 2 decades, he has to understand the Koonfurians although a bit slick in the early 60s They were also patriots like the Somalilanders, But the civil war also changed them a bit and even they broke into pieces,and were fighting along clan lines and turned into religious zealots called in all the African union nation states to send troops. Drafted a constitution after 21 years with the help of the legendary Mahiga , Mr mahiga friend of all Somalis. So the Professor didn't really understand the Koonfurians and their plight. I believe the professor just want to give back to the people of Somaliland the rest of his life and perhaps leave a legacy. And go down in the history books as one of the most respected Somalilanders. We shall see his future steps horta isaga iyo reer Somalia wa kala so dhamaadeen xaga siyaasada.
Somaliland continueing to salvage the Somali image and reputation
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Tallaabo's topic in General
Alpha's clan are known as apes lol, they triggered the first Somaliland civil war when they said they own the Berbera port in 1992 yeah i know its madness. Some still beat their chest and tell others they own berbera, they need to be slapped in the face real hard and they need to be told that they dont own berbera. But they started moving into the city in the late 1920 and early 1930s. Berbera is much older. The Somaliland parliament need to pass a law to get rid of tribal homelands in the country.We cannot have some Monkey's claiming one of the oldest cities of Somaliland. Brother Che the oromos were invaders themselves they were never in Somali galbeed before they migrated from Kenya and southern Ethiopia, they have no right any where near us there were some oromos in Southern Somalia but they were pushed out centuries ago and beaten and send into the Nilotic lands. -
Somaliland continueing to salvage the Somali image and reputation
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Tallaabo's topic in General
Alpha Blondy;969922 wrote: Berbera daad baa iska leh. waxaan ''Somalia'' iyo ''Somaliland'' aad sheegeysa waa maxaay? kuma dhacaan in 20km kusoo dhawaadaan :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: The monkey's invaded Berbera in the early 20th century and because the original berberaawis moved to Hargeisa , before that the Monkey's had no say in Berbera 19 18 17 16 century and so on the Monkey's were caged, now the Monkey's believe they own the city ,geel dhalaya indhahagu na wa ku tusa -
The professor said i felt so home when arrived in Somaliland culturally traditionally and i was once again united with my people and there was so much historic attachment i had with Somaliland, And i felt that all over again. He said the difference between Somaliland and Somalia, and the way i was treated and welcomed was that in Somaliland i got a special treatment and its special to me he said since its the land i hail from originally, the republic of Somaliland. He said the People welcomed me with a true heart. When asked about clan states in Somaliland and Awdal , he said it was never my intention to divide Somaliland along clan lines, he said i will never ever support that i believe in the unity of Somaliland. He said the Koonfurians Killed the Union when they created a duopoly and that is a real reason to leave the Koonfurians altogether. He said the Somaliland people must unite their resources to strengthen their unity and i believe the unity of Somaliland is my destination. When asked about Somaliland , he said the Somaliland aspirations are legit and real and cannot be denied and that people in Somaliland have completely given up on Somaliweyn, this is the reality The professor also said Somaliland is me and i am Somaliland my roots are in Somaliland , no one can tell me to leave as the Koonfurians said that i was a mere person from the north. He also explained Somali language and the cultural Somali identity and the Somaliland national identity as in par with Djibouti Somalis Somalia Somalis Kilinka Somalis NFD Somalis. He also said when we proposed the unity of Somalia and Somaliland people rejected it particularly in the south , and as i was always a Somalilander and i want to be with Somaliland because we will no longer wait for the Koonfurians, Because the people of Somaliland made their decision. When asked about Ethiopia and Somaliland relations, The professor said i have never seen Ethiopian birr in Somaliland because the reported said people might have use ethiopia Bir in parts of SL, he also said the SL shillings is worth more than the Somalia shillings. He also said that the people of Somaliland i urge them to have diploamtic economic relations with Ethiopia but a well thought policy where as Somaliland gains allot from the huge market of Ethiopia. When asked about the future of SL , he said Koonfurians haven't brought anything to Somaliland, Somaliland gave Somaliweyn the biggest present which was they made the union and gave up their sovreingty for the union. He said Xassan sheikh has no clue about Somaliland when he said SL is about emotions , Somaliland aspirations are real and legit he said i have seen it with my own 2 eyes in every single village of Somaliland.
Mintid Farayar;969989 wrote: The thread is about 600 militiamen who've had a change of heart and Somaliland's expansion into all of its claimed space. There are countless other threads about Jubbaland to continue this sort of discussion. Or is this another attempt to distract from a bad news day?? Back to the 600 men Indhoshaeel one of the 3 presidents of Khatumo said there was no defection from Khatumo at all. He is Kenya by the way i think he is ill informed. One thing Mr Indhosheel is missing Somaliland gained more control 90 km south east of Ceerigaabo Fiqifuliye area how can they gain control if there was no peace agreement or defection in that sense. http://afbakayle.com/dhagayso-madax-wayne-khaatumo-oo-beniyay-in-ciidamo-ka-goostay/
Actually there are many of the SNM clans who support Jubbaland and there are many who are against it, it depends the same with the garaad clan, for example some segments of the Garaad clan believe they should not pick sides between barre hiiraale and Axmed madoobe Jubbaland since they are both their kin. For the SNM clans of Somaliland, some support Kenya gaining more control over Somalia since some feel closer to Kenya than to Somaliland. In order for Hassan sheikhs SFG to lose more legitimacy in his own country they want him to fail in the Jubbaland conflict against kenya. Remember many in Somaliland consider still Somalia a very hostile state and they dont mind Axmed madoobe gaining more momentum and control or even joining Kenya, in order to weaken Somalia. And there others who want hassan to succeed in order to have in the long term a strong Somalia next to Somaliland. I can show you a video of reer borama elders in support of Axmed madoobe. All in All the Somaliland government remain indifferent and neutral they dont see why they should support one group against the other. Both of them dont form a threat to Somaliland and i think its an excellence stance.
Meaning cut all ties with Culusow and be an autonomous state free of Culusow at all
Somaliland: “Britain Must Recognize Somaliland” EU MP Godfrey Bloom Sunday, 21 July 2013 05:16 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn As MP Henry Bellingham erroneously alludes to Berbera port being under the authority of the Somalia government during a session of the house of common By: Yusuf M HasanMP Bloom © after award in shefieldMP Bloom © after award in shefield SHEFIELD (Somalilandsun) – British Somalilanders have honoured a member of the European parliament for continued support to the international recognition of their mother Somaliland as a sovereign country. The honour in the form of a certificate was bestowed to EU MP Godfrey Bloom at a colourful event organized by British Somalilanders in Sheffield city in the UK where the MP reiterated his call to the British government to recognize Somaliland as an independent country. After thanking the organizers for the recognition of his efforts MP Bloom informed that his Liberal party is which committed to the international recognition of Somaliland has plans to embark on public campaigns to not only familiarize Britons with the issue but force the UK government to action. Said he, "During forthcoming election campaigns the Liberal party shall post somaliland recognition support adverts in the Daily Express newspaper which shall also be geared towards urging British Somalilanders not to vote for parties whose agenda does not include the recognition of Somaliland" The Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire representative wondered how the various UK governments formed by the conservative and Labour parties have for 22 years continued to turn a blind eye and deaf ears to the plight of the Horn of Africa country that was its protectorate for over 7 decades. Arguing that Somaliland's quest for international recognition deserves the support of the British people and government MP Bloom urged British Somalilanders to take action now rather than later by engaging expert legal counsel for engagement with the House of commons and #10 Downing street. "I always wonder why Britain continues to ignore Somalilanders whose citizens fought bravely with British soldiers during the Second World War" said EU MP Godfrey Bloom in conclusion. Meanwhile the house of commons was the venue where MP Henry Bellingham informed that the Somalia Federal government has managed to restore peace and assume control of the port of Berbera. The North West Norfolk Member of parliament who was contributing to a debate on the planned suspension by Barclays bank of accounts it holds for Money transfer companies among them 17 owned by citizens of Somali and Somaliland said, Henry BellinghamHenry Bellingham"During my time as a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister for Africa and the Caribbean, I received many briefings on the importance of remittances and the role that they play. As the hon. Lady pointed out, they complement the aid and development programme of many countries, including Britain, France and America. Very often, those remittances get through to areas such as small businesses, self-employed people and small non-governmental organisations and charities that aid money can never get to. Furthermore, they bypass any infrastructure of bureaucracy or middlemen and go direct to communities, where they can make a real difference" While the above sentiments carried the necessary weight on the issue of remittances MP Bellingham who was once a minister in charge of Africa displayed the lack of knowledge possessed by most British politicians in his next comment, I know, from having visited Somalia on a couple of occasions, the importance of that country, which is coming out of conflict. It has been through the most appalling time. At long last, there is stability in Somaliland, and there has been for some time. There is now a Government in Mogadishu who can control much more of the country, and certainly the big cities of Kismayo, Beledweyne, and Berbera are now under the Government control. It seems that normality is resuming in some of those areas, but there is still a long way to go before a normal banking system can be set up to support businesses and communities in the way that banks do, or should do. With this directed to the honourable members of the House of commons and from a sitting MP who was once chief foreign policy chief for the government in London hopes are that the likes of Godfrey Bloom shall soon take over and steer the great Country of Britain in the right direction through informed decision making.
Part of the population support there a clear difference between Somaliland and the Somaliland government stance I dont know where culusow state is situated you tell me. Again for the Somaliand goverment Culusow and Axmed madoobe wa isku mid wa khilaaf iyaga dhex taala maha mid Somaliland u taala.
It's good to be the king?: Belgium swears in Philippe amid tensions Photonews / Getty Images Contributor King Albert II of Belgium ® and Prince Philippe of Belgium (L) during the Abdication Ceremony of King Albert II Of Belgium in favor of Prince Philippe at the Royal Palace on July 21, 2013 in Brussels. By Robert-Jan Bartunek and Philip Blenkinsop, Reuters BRUSSELS — Belgium swore in Philippe as its new king on Sunday after his father Albert II abdicated, subduing for a day questions about his ability to bring a divided country together and the power of the monarchy. Philippe, 53, took his oath in Belgium's three official languages - Dutch, French and German - two-and-a-half weeks after King Albert, 79, announced that he would abdicate after 20 years on the throne. Albert could be seen mouthing the words "Vive le roi" (Long live the king) at the swearing-in ceremony in parliament. Before signing a legislative act in the royal palace to step down, Albert thanked his wife, who wiped away tears, and said his son had all the qualities to serve the country well. Advertise | AdChoices "My final recommendation to all those gathered here is to work without rest in keeping Belgium together," he said. Philippe returned to the subject in his address to parliament, saying Belgium's richness lay in its diversity. "ONE KING, TWO NATIONS" Philippe is the seventh king of the 183-year-old country which is split across the middle. Many Dutch speakers seek greater autonomy for Flanders in the north and are wary of a monarchy seen to be rooted in the once powerful, but now poorer French-speaking Wallonia in the south. "One king, two nations" was a headline in the French language business daily L'Echo. Outside the palace, a crowd gathered in festive mood, but in scorching heat that caused some to faint. Many shouted "vive le roi" and waved flags when Philippe and his wife Mathilde arrived on the balcony. "The new king is a bit of history. That doesn't happen very often so we wanted to be here," said Xavier De Graef from French-speaking Liege, clad in a Belgian soccer shirt, a flag and a wig in the red, yellow and black of the Belgian tricolour. There were a few dissenting voices, including the N-VA party that wants Dutch-speaking Flanders to break away from Belgium and favors a republic. "It leaves me cold. It doesn't make the hairs on my arm stand up. This is part of my job as a lawmaker. Otherwise it just passes me by," said Jan Jambon, its parliamentary chief. The party has been particularly vocal in recent weeks about the need to reform the monarchy but said it would not disturb Sunday's pageantry. Far-right separatists Vlaams Belang said they would not attend the swearing in, but planned no protests. However, Michiel Descheemaeker, a 21-year-old student who with friends was dressed in mediaeval costume, said he had come to protest against monarchies in general. "Kings belong in fairy tales and that's the only place," he told Reuters Television.
Johnny Jubbaland maxa ka galay Somaliland if they join culusow or stay separate it will never effect Somaliland i dont know what u are trying to say. Khatumo can support Jubbaland, i even know some reer hargeysa who support Jubbaland and reer borama odayaal. But this doesn't change the Somaliland goverment stance which is very neutral on all domestic affairs of Somalia.
Carafaat;969917 wrote: Its seems quite clear what kind of a a relationship Somalia and Somaliland are heading for. wee iska cadahay. Wax cad ba iska yar niman 3 cisho wada hadlayey qodob kaliya ku heshiiyey way ku tusaysa in wada hadalki so gab gaboobeen:D Somaliana ma aqbali karan gooni isutagaa Somaliland. Somaliland na dawladnimadeeda cidna uga tanasuli mayso Marka result =0 Wada hadalka oktober na wa fashiil hada siday ku socoto.
Somalia;969925 wrote: Carafaat is right, fish should be negotiated. Lol