Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^They are of 2 different sub clans actually of various subclans, for example the buhoodle subclan also lives in the sool region. But they are from a different sub region of Somaliland., you wouldn't understand since you are not a Somalilander. I will give you another example in ceerigaabo there is one sub sub clan but this sub sub clan lives also in hargeisa. They are of different sub regions of Somaliland but of the same sub clan.
  2. ^^ Yes there is a difference between reer buhoodle and reer lasascanood they are called reer hawd and reer Nugaleed, Reer Nugaleed tend to have cooler heads and more open minded , reer Hawd are fierce and stubborn , reer hawd are more traditional. But they are of the same ancestry and share a common origin and heritage and culture and nationality with the rest of their people in Somaliland.
  3. Alpha Blondy;971366 wrote: XX, abti, we've given them the flag and they've ruined it. we've given them literature and music, and they still do the niiko. there's a moral corruption of sorts about koonfurians. let them have the 'somali' identity as well. its ruined thanks to them. waar daadkan waa dameeroow ee naga daa, abti. They can have the flag the capital from raskambooni to raa caseer they can even have the national anthem Somalilanders composed for them. But will not give them the Somali identity because it doesn't exclusively belong to them. Somaliland gave them all the rest but we keep the Somali plus the land.
  4. No not all Somalis share common ancestry, nor do they share common history Somalis in Somali galbeed , dont have a common history or ancestry with the Somalis Mogadishu nor do they have the same traditions or cultural connection. The average Xamaraawi doesn't know the history of the Somalis in Galbeed and their plight and their nomadic warfare and their habits. They do not share the same ethnic traditions history and certainly they dont have the same destiny. The average Somali from Kenya's north eastern province has nothing with Djibouti other than sharing the Somali language not the same history culture accent no intermarriage nothing zero. Somali speaking people in the horn of Africa have the same religion and some cultural values, but thats where it really ends. If you dont believe just look at the Somali peninsula from Gaarisa to jigjiga from jigjiga to laas qoray from laasqoray to Djibouti.
  5. Another fabrication and distortion of facts the french called their colony La Côte française des Somalis and later they called it Territoire français des Afars et des Issas. The Italians on the other hand called their trusteeship amministrazione fiduciaria italiana della Somalia. Non of them called their colonies Somaliland. Garmaqaate your argument holds no water. You have to try harder. Soon you will tell us the italians conquered Somaliland in the second world war thus Koonfurians and their italian allies have every right to claim Somalilland:D
  6. The fact is what tide the 2 together was the union of 1960 and there was no union between the 2 countries not before colonialists came the reason why the union failed real bad was the so called Somalinimo was an emotional one.You should ask your self why the union only lasted for 30 years only 3 decades and 2 decades of the union was under a dictatorship, who kept the union together by force. Classified you are from Somalia you dont know anything about Somaliland or its people.. Wuxu maqlay uun reer Somaliland af Somali bu ku hadlaan markaas Somaliyey wax isku yihin bal waalida inta leeg eega. Yes the Garaad clan has nothing to do with the garowe clan , they dont even look a like, unless you believe in clan confederations created 4 centuries ago. There is a difference between clan confederation and actual ancestry.
  7. Classified;971519 wrote: Iminka adiguna ma waxa leedahay qaabilada Somaliyeed ee waqooyiga deega, sida DH (SSC), I (Hargeisa), G (Awdal), W (Makhir) iyo C (Zeylac), were once together under one government with parliament, military force, and administration BEFORE the arrival of the British Colonials? They had their separate sultanates but they were all related lived in the same land for centuries. Actually emir sharmarke ruled much of awdal for 80 years he and his son before the colonialists arrived, and the zeila and other awdalites were under his jurisdiction, the fact these people of Somaliland were never ever part of Somalia.or part of a country called Somalia before 1960. Ethiopian nationalists have a better claim to Eritrea than Koonfurians have to Somaliland. Before colonialist came more than 70% of what is today Eritrea was under Ethiopian rule. Somaliland on the other hand was never part of Somalia, only for the short lived experiment and soon Somaliland independence will reach 30 years and it will out live the failed union, god willing. Even the Garaad clan had nothing to do with the rest of Somalia they were living close to Burco area and raided together their own kin while being allied to different other Somaliland subclans. There was no clanism back than , for example the Sanaag garaad clans and the SNM clans of Sanaag used to raid the Buhoodle clans. The only argument koonfurians have against Somaliland we should come under one country because we love it and because we speak the same language but nation hood and statehood cannot be based on a mere language. If that was the case the Koonfurians would want the Djiboutians to be part of their country. This is not the case if that was the case the Arab speaking nations would be one country , this also not the case nationhood, and so called ethno nationalism is not the same. The People of Somaliland share a distinct history tradition culture ancestry and blood line political culture, which goes back for centuries and centuries.
  8. You are missing point the reason the MP asked if Britain and Somaliland already established diplomatic relations was that Somaliland gained independence as an independent state , only a sovreing state forges relations with other nations, reason why he is asking But we know that when Somalia and Somaliland united under the Somali republic they started opening up embassies in the world. Why need an act of union why even hold a referendum for the union if it was a mere territory if it was not a state of it own. So are you saying Somalia expanded into Somaliland and there was never a union , Somalia a state , the people of Somaliland never knew before first of July. Certainly before 1896 Somalia was never heard of . Your argument is very contradicting and it doesn't go in par with the reality. Another fabrication Somaliland was never Somalia , Somaliland was never called Somalia the 2 states united under the name of the Somali republic. As it says in the union law. Unless you believe that was falsely created by Somaliland nationalists.
  9. Why are British Parliament debating Somaliland and calling it a state this is very strange on top of that why are they asking if Somaliland exchanged diplomatic representatives with Britain. The Brits were there signed a treaty with the Somaliland communities, these are colonial treaties the entity of Somaliland was well defined under colonial rule, The Anglo italian border the Anglo French border and so on. Your argument makes no sense at all. What Garmaqaate fails to understand after 1905 The British protectorate as an entity came directly under the colonial office If we have to follow Garmaqate logic and say the treaties were never legal. does that mean we were never colonized or protected. The Fact is Somaliland gained independence just like any other nation the Brits left it had its own judiciary system defined borders distinct history its own prime minister Parliament. And they made a union with a state called Somalia with their own leaders. Anigu ninkan ila hada maan fahmin ada ma wuxu ina leeyahay cidi ba idin ma isticmaarsan waxad ahaydeen dad xor ah, oo hadaan isticmaar jirin muxu ingriisku berbera ka qabanayey iyo hargeisa iyo xeeabaha oo dhan.
  10. UK parliament 1960 Mr Reginald Sorensen (Leyton) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the independent State of Somaliland has now exchanged diplomatic representatives with this country; and how many Somalis in this country have now been classified as aliens. Mr Reginald Sorensen (Leyton) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the independent State of Somaliland has now exchanged diplomatic representatives with this country; and how many Somalis in this country have now been classified as aliens. Commander Robert Allan (Paddington South) The union between Somaliland and Somalia to form the Somali Republic was acclaimed on 1st July and Mr. T. E. Bromley presented his credentials as first British Ambassador to the Republic on that date. The Somali Republic have not yet appointed a diplomatic representative in London. http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=1960-07-25a.1068.8
  11. Zimbabweans face third Mugabe-Tsvangirai showdown Economy key in Zimbabwe polls 11:50am EDT Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe addresses a media conference at State house in Harare, on the eve of the country's general elections, July 30, 2013. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo By Ed Cropley HARARE | Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:03pm EDT (Reuters) - Zimbabweans go to the polls on Wednesday in a fiercely contested election pitting President Robert Mugabe against Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who has vowed to push Africa's oldest leader into retirement after 33 years in power. With no reliable opinion polls, it is hard to say whether the 61-year-old Tsvangirai will succeed in his third attempt to unseat the 89-year-old Mugabe, who has run the southern African nation since independence from Britain in 1980. Both sides are forecasting landslide wins but, in a country with a history of election violence, the bigger question is whether the loser will accept the result of a poll dogged by logistical problems and allegations of vote-rigging. Asked on the eve of the vote if he and his ZANU-PF party would accept defeat, Mugabe was unequivocal: "If you go into a process and join a competition where there are only two outcomes, win or lose, you can't be both. You either win or lose. If you lose, you must surrender." A spokesman for Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) said the party was prepared only to accept the results if the poll was "free and fair." Mugabe's words were in marked contrast to the thrust of what he described as an "energy-sapping" campaign, and may tamp down fears of a repeat of the violence that broke out after he lost the first round of an election in 2008. Around 200 Tsvangirai supporters were killed in the unrest before South Africa brokered a power-sharing deal that stopped the bloodshed and stabilized the economy, but established a government characterized as fractious and dysfunctional. Western election observers have been barred from the elections, leaving the task of independent oversight to 500 regional and 7,000 domestic monitors. Polls open at 1 a.m. ET and close at 1 p.m. ET, with the results expected well within the five-day legal limit. Around 6.4 million people, or half the population, are registered to vote. The verdict of observers is crucial to the future of Zimbabwe's economy, which is still struggling with the aftermath of a decade-long slump and hyperinflation that ended in 2009 when the worthless Zimbabwe dollar was scrapped. If it gets broad approval, there is a chance that Western sanctions may be eased, allowing Harare to normalize relations with the IMF and World Bank and access the huge amounts of investment needed to rebuild its dilapidated economy. Despite this, Tsvangirai urged African monitors not to give the vote the thumbs-up merely because they do not witness bloodshed. "Mugabe is the world's oldest leader and one of its longest-ruling dictators. He is fixing this election in a more sophisticated fashion than previous ZANU-PF campaigns of beatings, killings and intimidation," he wrote in an editorial in the Washington Post. "Mugabe's election-stealing antics have been documented throughout Zimbabwe and beyond. Yet the international community seems apathetic; perhaps Mugabe has been stealing elections for so long the world just rolls its eyes and moves on." (Reporting by Ed Cropley; Editing by Stacey Joyce)
  12. Waligay anigu professorka ma cayin xita berigu u ololeyn jiray Koonfurianska waabaan u duceyn jiray, remember anigu dadka reer somaliland eh somalia taga waxba kama sheego whether its Buuba Fawziya Xaaji Godane and others. Taleexi beryahan wabaad soo dhawanaysa hada baad aad tolnimadeeni qireysey, waisu so dhawanay.. Inaynan kala marmayn waligay baan wa oga inshallah mar baynu taleex ku wada afuri doona.
  13. Taleexi Professorka maxaad ku nacday nimanki Muqdisho bu ka so quustay in anaay marnaba Somaliweyn u dacaad ahayn bu ogaada marka maxa u diidaya inu dadkisa u tago, adiguba taleexi maalin uun baad saaxiga keeni.
  14. STOIC;971374 wrote: Don't glamorized for us the words of this twisted soul whose heart is molded into blind hatred of all Somalis.His hate maybe directed at the non-muslim African Union. but his actions is also hostile against Somalis. Why you calling him Amir? This guy should rot in hell and may the next bullet from anyone hit his Somali forehead..... STOIC no one is denying he is a Takfiri and no one is glamorizing his words these were just his words i haven't added anything as for Amir, well thats the tittle he carries for the Shabaab organization.
  15. Well the only difference is Kenya is recognized by the wider world and Somaliland is not but they have the same history which defines them as a state entity. where the Brits took part of their land and gave it to the italian colonialists the same they gave the hawd and reserve area to the Ethiopians. It doesn't make kenya less of an illegitimate entity, because of what the brits did. All African nations are the same in their history except for Liberia Ethiopia who were never colonized.And Somaliland after gaining Independence joined with another nation called Somalia. If there was never a state than how come there was an act of union, why was there the union law.
  16. You cannot change the website rules clan names are censored and will be censored.
  17. Alpha Somaliland has more right to name themselves Somali than the Koonfurians the nomadic way of Somali culture is integral part of Somaliland heritage. Somaliland is the only country with 100% Somali speaking people Djibouti has afar and french speaking people. Somalia is more diverse more than 25% of the population is not even from the ethnic Somali society. The language the nomadic culture is Somalilands, there are many things Somalia and Somaliand are different , when it comes to ethics political culture history nationality traditions. Even the traditional clothing the Sabaaxili hat is not even part of our custom and traditional clothing. Odayaal at the age of 80 told me we never wore those saabixili hat but when we went to Kenya many afro hashimiates went to Kenya to find jobs there in British east Africa. Thats how they got into contact with the saabixili hat. So i believe the name Somaliland stays its very good name Somali and land we are Somali speaking people and this is our land.
  18. http://www.boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1591&catid=34&Itemid=53
  19. Waxasi wa iska aflagado raqiis ah Piracy wa wax ka jira deeganada u ka taliyo Faroole, waxana jira cadaymo muhim ah faroole iyo kooxdisa ay lug ku leeyihin Budhcad badeednimada. Maha wax aan anigu iska sameystey.I dont know how sodomy has any connection to Somaliland , bal ino sheega?
  20. Amiir Godane changed his tactics which was to have sleeper cells in ,major cities Mogadishu baydhabo beledweyne and Kismayo to create instability in those places u will hear road side bomb suicide attacks this is caused by the new strategy it seems Alshabaab have been studying Taliban art of warfare against the Americans ISAF. Where as they are given time to regroup attack on their own strength retreated when needed to avoid major clashes and unnecessary losses. Another problem which made it easy for Alshabaab is the interior minister the defense minister the whole national security team who are unable to perform with their incompetency to protect the SFG and Somalia from Alshabaab. i dont usually say this but the Garowe clan enclave has a team called Ahshaado la dirir specialized to combat Jihadists and other extreme elements the SFG needs to set up similar like that if they want to to stop Alshabaab.