Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Taleexi;972842 wrote: Dreams remain to be dreams - Either every clan state in Somalia gets recognition or none gets is the reality that calls for acceptance. Does every clan in Somalia want recognition?
  2. Hassan at some stage would understand that he can never win the hearts and minds of the pirates they already accuse him of changing the constitution. I would welcome Djjibouti to host both Somalia and Somaliland i will consider it neutral ground. Britain Turkey united states Ghana Sweden Norway Germany France i am oke with it. Its all neutral ground. And president Ismaciil Cumar geele is an excellent host. Talking with Somalia is good , Somaliland has nothing to lose by talking to Somalia. Somaliland will continue its double diplomacy with engaging with the international community and talking to Somalia. Hassan cannot give away anything he doesn't have Somaliland u cannot give away something you dont have. He wants the union to come back but its not feasible he knows that 2 deep inside his heart when he was elected he said there might not be even a union. If it comes to a referendum i am sure he will have little problem he would just tell the parliament of Somalia he let the case of independence and union to the people of Somaliland. And that he is given a particular time to convince the Somalilanders about union to promote his cause. The Parliament of Somalia will pass it remember HAG the bay and bakool the D'r form the majority in the parliament. they dont even need the gedo votes who are also allied tot he government.
  3. Somalia;972833 wrote: What's interesting is that Xaaji thinks engaging with Mogadishu is what will get him recognition, I think this is a new view, it must be welcomed. All roads should be tried i was never against talking to Mogadishu, but there was no Mogadishu to talk to , Ali mahdi was a warlord. Caydiid could not deliver what SNM wanted. Cabdi qasim was also a warlord. Cabdilahi yusuf and his xabashi mercenaries were at war with Somalis. Non of the governments in Somalia were legitimate. Some controlled a few streets in Xamar. But Somaliland will talk to Hassan he has a something that resembles a goverment although under African union troops it has full legitimacy. Wada hadal cool always cool Any where you want except in Somalia and Somaliland
  4. Quebec i doubt that will happen any time soon their referendum already failed Republika Srpska is also far away, Scotland can happen catalonia to we just dont know how bad the Scots want independence does any one have statistics. Somaliland is the only one in Africa a functioning government a working democracy, Somaliland is also very lucky and unlucky the country they were once part of is no longer functioning it has something that resembles a goverment.If there is mediation some where in the near future the talks will be something like this Somaliland insists we are an independent state Somalia was never the mother country of Somaliland. Historic evidences will be in her favor. Somalia will argue Somaliland is part of Somalia , Somalia is a recognized nation by the UN and the international community the western powers given legitimacy will be in her favor.The Mediators listened to both sides, will than try to bring them closer to each other to a settlement by creating more cooperation by the 2 sides. The Mediators will tell the Somaliland delegation how certain are we that the people really do want to be independent did you held a referendum. The koonfurians on their turn will say that people want unity. Somaliland will tell the mediators that SL already held a referendum in 2001 and the people wanted to be independent. The Koonfurians will say the referendum was not valid and not all people voted and it was done just after the civil war the people were bitter and now the people have cooled down look at Fawziya she loves us koonfurians. After much much talking the mediators will come with the idea to continue the cooperation between the 2 sides and to hold a referendum in a few years time. While Somaliland allows the Koonfurians to sell promote their Somaliweyn in Somaliland on agreed dates. And the movement of people.
  5. 2. Catalonia 5, new, countries, that, might, exist, by, 2025, With Spain's economy in shambles and PM Mariano Rajoy increasingly mired in scandal, it's no wonder calls for Catalan independence have grown stronger (and maybe even more compelling) as Catalonia rumbles toward the controversial 2014 referendum. Home to one of Europe's biggest metropolitan areas, Barcelona, Catalonia has seen hundreds of thousands of citizens turn out for protests in favor of independence despite the Spanish constitution's ban on secession. An independent Catalonia could be sustainable too: the region, about the size of Belgium, accounts for a quarter of Spain’s total exports, and Spain takes more than it gives, spending only 57 cents in the region for every dollar of taxes collected there. Ban Ki-Moon and David Cameron have offered some support for Catalan self-determination. It’s been suggested that about 60% of Catalan citizens support secession, but hard-line opposition to independence in the rest of the country may hamper what would seem like a done deal in many other nations. Catolonia might just happen but 60% is not much they need 50% plus one but that would be weird Barcelona would be no longer in Spain, that would be very weird my favorite city in Spain.
  6. I am still wondering though if the Scots would really break away from the United Kingdom the costs of doing business with England or Europe would be much higher if they adopt Scottish ponds.If they use English Ponds or the Euro their monetary system will be controlled by others. The new Scotland also would have to do without the fiscal largess from England. How independent do the Scots want to be , and people like James Cook and other great explores would no longer be British or General Richard Montgomery who led the British Forces in the America's would no longer be seen as a Brit but a mere Scot. Even the last 2 Prime Ministers of Britain Gordon brown and Tony Blair were Scottish. But i can also understand that the Scottish people were fighting for independence since the 12 century and we wish them all the best. But they need to think of the decision they make and what way they will vote.
  7. If our European brothers mediate between Somaliland and Somalia in serious talks than Somaliland can be recognized in in a few years time 4 to 5 years.
  8. Smart move by Culusow he wants his image to get better and he wants to get some $$ and last but not least he wants to be viewed as Somali leader. It kinda reminds me when Cabdilahi Yusuf said he wants to reconcile Somalis when the Tigrayans were calling the shots in Xamar. And there was a Somali translator translating everything the Tigrayan chief was saying. But people should not blame Culusow for all the problems ofcourse ha has his shortcomings but its not his fault. What capacity does he have just look at the former Somali republic. The north said under the leadership of Somalilands Siilaanyo they broke away and they will only talk with him in Turkey, and he has to respect their statehood. In order to be friends and there is so little he can do in that department. Than u have the northern province of Somalia Puntland ,they threaten with secession and believe only a constitution binds them to Mogadishu referring to the federal constitution Than you have Alshabaab under the leadership of Amir Godane they demand the African union troops to leave Somalia , or else the attacks will continue they have declared several fatwa's and they also said they will continue to wage their Jihaad. Than u have Jubbaland under the leadership of Ahmed madoobe he said that the Kenyans are his allies and that Mogadishu must respect his admin in order for him to respect Mogadishu. IGAD has more say in Somalias domestic affairs than culuso him self. So what are we expecting from hassan, what can he do does he have an army does he have working institutions. The man is under African union protection and the Somalis are not really working with him.
  9. Classified;972481 wrote: Naxar_Nugaaleed , hadal kuma furna saxiib. I'm not here to take sides, but from what I've seen from your tribal elders and political elite, they have held so many conferences calling out for the liberation of Lasanod since October 2007 and we still see no changes. October 15, 2013 is coming and that will make 6 full years of occupation of Lasanod. Adhicadeeye, Yagoori and Gumaays were under occupation even longer. The Khaatumo/Maakhiri side of Ceerigaabo has been under occupation since 1991. Reality is, if your kinsmen are the largest settling in from Bari, Sanaag, Sool, Nugaal, Togdheer (Southern), Mudug, Galgaduud, Gedo, Jubada Hoose, Jubada Dhexe, NFD, iyo Somali Galbeed (Haud), then how is it possible that Saalax, a minority as you claim has been controlling every political and social movement of you in your own deegaans? :confused: Simple because there is no occupation dont believe what irrational emotional diaspora members feed each other behind close doors. The people back home have moved on , when was the last time u heard khatumo clashed with the Somaliland defense forces. There is no occupation large segments of the garaad clan support Somaliland government, and they are a very powerful group. They are more powerful than a handful clan elders. People feel there is no occupation there do you think the Mighty garaad clan would be occupied the clan that supposed defeated the europeans a clan of the best horse riders in the horn. No way the fact is hat the garaad clan are in support of Somaliland and rejected the garowe clan enclave and they dont believe in clan confederation.
  10. Somaliland is big enough for all Somalilanders the country only has a population of close to 4 million people. No need to claim or fight over who owns what village. All of Somaliland belongs to all the people of Somaliland. The topic opener his goal was to divide Somaliland and its people. The topic opener is a pirate never let Koonfurians divide your people along clan lines for as you are one nation under the almighty. The Koonfurians will not rest until you become like them divided along clan lines along sectarian lines. Particularly the Pirates the Pirates are heading a difficult road since their so called elections failed. And they failed in Mogadishu big time. The people of Somaliland share everything learn how to respect each other calling segments of Somaliland communities kashimiries is disrespecting.Lets refrain from doing that especially when its ramadan also ciid is coming up.
  11. President barre hiiraale welcomed the decision to send a multi national force to Kismayo Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 | Posted by Wadani Wadani Dhalay Dhagayso:- Maamulka Barre Hiiraale oo soo dhaweeyay Ciidamo isku dhaf ah in la geeyo Kismaayo Saraakiisha Ciidamadda Maamulka Barre Hiiraale ee ku sugan duleedka degmada Kismaayo ayaa soo dhaweeyay Warmurtiyeedkii kasoo baxay shirkii Madaxda wadamada Ciidamadda ay ka joogaan Soomaaliya ku yeesheen Magaalada Kampala ee caasimada dalka Uganda. Qodobada Warmurtiyeedka ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Ciidamo isku dhaf ah in la geeyo Ciidamadda magaalo xeebeeda Kismaayo. Cabdi Ibrahim Aadan Waraabe oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aanka ay qaateen madaxda Ciidamadda ka joogaan Soomaaliya.
  12. Dh waxa lo isticmaala usually si kalmada loo kalo saaro as in tiri vs tidhi tiri count Tidhi said, it depends reer bay and bakool can be understood to yes it depends if they speak the maxay tidhi dialect , the may may dialect is difficult to understand,for some.
  13. ^^ The pirates over use the DH ,, they use it for every word which is incorrect but they can be understood.
  14. I thought Somali was Toban not Toman
  15. The gallas say ku dhan , the sahos say toman, the counting have some similarities, but the languages are very far apart if you as me , Saho is closer to Afar.
  16. Carafaat faroole has the elders in his pocket maybe not the clan of northern galkacyo but he can bribe them. Or lock them up approve new one, or murder them like Abdilahi yusuf did and make it seem it was an accident.
  17. Interview: Kenyan FM defends Somalia operation amid criticisms xinhua.gif Monday, August 05, 2013 Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Jibril Mohamed on Sunday said criticisms that her country was involved in internal politics in Somalia are not helpful in ongoing efforts to end the decades-old conflict in the Horn of African country. Mohamed made the remarks in an interview with Xinhua on the sidelines of the one-day summit on harmonizing the operation of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Kenya’s top diplomat stressed that now is the opportune time to martial all the resources to help stabilize Somalia by 2016. The summit of the African countries contributing to AMISOM troops was held amid displeasure between Kenya and Somalia, whose government complains of Kenya’s involvement in internal politics in the southern town of Kismayo. Somalia wants to control the seaport and the airport among other installations and have all the revenues remitted to the central government, after the Indian Ocean town was recaptured from rebels not long ago with the help of Kenyan troops. Mohamed said Kenya has not formally received the complaints, noting that Kenya has instead been supportive of the efforts to pacify its northeastern neighbor. "I have not had any complaints directed against us, maybe there are challenges that we must address but I think all of us need to come together to ensure that we can get more people involved in Somalia because I think we now have a window of opportunity," she said. "If we all pool together and support the Somalis, we would get to where we expect to get so that all of us as promised we can leave Somalia by 2016," she added. "We have been supporting the Somali people to stabilize their country. "In Kenya, we have over the last 20 years been involved in peace processes. "We have held several conferences in Nairobi and other parts of the country to help Somalia find its place within our region and also find its way back into the international community," she noted. She said the Somali government bares the responsibility to win over the hearts of its people for it to take fully charge of the administration of the whole country. "We have two years to ensure that the Somali government wins the hearts and minds of its own people, reconciles them, takes over the administration of all parts of the country from us who have been there for a while," she said. "I think there is a lot of work for all of us and there will be very little time for us to complain," she added. "All of us are in control of our countries but in order to be in control of an area, you have to have some stability there, you must have security, you must have acceptance from the locals ... that is what the Somali government must do, it must get the confidence of its people so that it can go and establish all these institutions without any opposition." Mohamed said Somalia should use the opportunity it was given to convene a reconciliation conference of all the Somalis. She said ongoing efforts by AMISOM to stabilize Somalia need more support in order not to lose the successes so far gained. She said African countries must look for resources to fund the operation of AMISOM since the operation’s main funder, the European Union, has notified the African Union that it is facing financing problems because of the economic downturn back home. "We have already started talking to other countries, those that are not traditional donors, to see whether they can come in and support us. "Some have been very encouraging and we are hoping that going forward, they will be willing to support us," she said. She said the main challenge AMISOM is facing is lack of enough troops on the ground. Troop contributing countries to AMISOM estimate that over 20,000 troops are needed in the country from the previously need 17,000. "We are all overstretched right now and we are talking to other countries to see whether they can come in and support the efforts that we have made. "Since we and those in the region went into Somalia, we have had really a game changer. We have been able to deal with the threats we face," she said. Uganda provides the bulk of the peacekeeping troops to AMISOM. The other troop contributing countries include Kenya, Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone. Since the deployment of African Union troops in Somalia in 2007, there have been military gains in the country despite some attacks from Al-Shabaab, a militant group linked to Al-Qaida, a known international terror group.
  18. Oke lets go back to the topic of the map,topicu Xunjuf mahe eh.
  19. Oromo ku abtiirsada , oromo ma anaga ba xuduud leh sideen ugu abtirsan kara, Oromo wa gaalo madow , shuqul isku ma lihin.
  20. Maamul goboleedka Puntland oo si rasmi ah u sheegay inuu hakiyay xiriirkii uu la lahaayeen Dowladda Federaalka Somalia Talaado, August 06, 2013 (HOL) — Maamul-goboleedka Puntland ayaa ku dhawaaqay inay si rasmi ah u hakiyeen xiriirkii kala dhexeeyay dowaldda federaalka Soomaaliya, kaddib markii dowladda Somalia ay ku eedeeyeen inay ka shaqeynayso is-qabqasbi siyaasadeed. Warsaxaafaded ay soo saartay Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in tan iyo markii la dhisay Puntland 1998-kii ay wadashaqeyn wanaagsan kala dhexeysay dowladihii soo maray dalka, ayna qayb weyn ka qaadatay dhismaha dowladda federaalka ah ee hadda jirta, iyo sidii nabadda lagu gaarsiin lahaa dhammaan deegaannada ay colaaduhu ka jireen, balse dowladda hadda jirta fal-celintii dadaalkaas kama aysan soo bixin. Dowladda federaalka ah ee cusub waxaa laga filayay nidaam ku dhisan hab federaal ah oo xisbiyada badan ku dhisan. Haseyeeshee tan iyo September 2012-kii markii la dhisay waxay dib ugu noqday colaadihii, barakicintii, qab-yaalad iyo kala fogaansho, is-qabqabsi siyaadeed iyo iyadoo tixgalin la’aan iyo xad-gudubyo dhinac kasta ah ku sameysay dastuurka federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya oo kan rasmiga ah ay saxiixayaashi Roadmap-ka iyo wakiilkii Qaramada Midoobay ku saxiixeen Nairobi June 22, 2012. War saxaafadeedkii ka soo baxay Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ee July 25, 2012, wuxuu aqoonsaday dastuurka federaalka KMG ah ee rasmiga ah, waxaana ku qornayd (Inuu soo dhaweeyay hormarkii laga gaaray Road-map-ka iyo heshiisyada la xiriira, uuna ka mid tahay heshiiskii June [2012] ee Nairobi Protocols iyo baahinta Dastuurka qabyada ah,” ayaa lagu yiri war-saxaafadeedka ay Puntland soo saartay. Sidoo kale, Puntland waxay warkeeda ku sheegtay in iyadoo qiimaynaysa dib u heshiisiinta iyo dib u dhiska dalka ay sii waday wadahadaladii siyaasadeed ee ay la lahayd dowladda federaalka; waxayna Puntland soo dhawaysay baa lagu yiri rai’sul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon oo safar ku tagay Garoowe (March 9-11, 2013) iyo safarkii madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamud uu isna ku tagay Garowe (April 28-29, 2013). Madaxweynaha Puntland, C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa sheeegay baa lagu yiri war-saxaafadeedka inuu qoraalo u diray madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya ee ku sugan Muqdisho iyo Qaramada Midoobay, isagoo cambaareeyay faragelin lagu sameeyay dastuurka dalka. Ugu dambeyn, Puntland waxay eedeymo kala duwan u soo jeedisay dowladda Soomaaliya, mana jiro hadal kasoo baxay go’aanka maamulkan uu ku gaaray inuu xiriirkii uu la lahaa ku hakiyo dowladda oo kasoo baxya madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya
  21. Classified;972345 wrote: Will Burao have a Berlin Wall? Why would burco get a berlin wall when the people burco are of the same ancestry they are all afro hashimites.
  22. Press Release, Official Position of Puntland Government on Relations with Federal Government of Somalia Puntland State Of somalia Garowe Official Position of Puntland Government on Relations with Federal Government of Somalia PRESS RELEASE 05 August 201 With reference to the public statement by H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), the President of Puntland, on the occasion of August 1 celebration held at Puntland State House in Garowe – and in line with policy recommendations issued on July 24 by the Puntland Joint Ministerial and Parliament Committee – Puntland Government hereby suspends all cooperation and relations with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS). Since its establishment in 1998, Puntland has endeavored to build and strengthen public institutions, law and order, and delivery of basic services to the people of Puntland, whilst contributing positively to reinstituting a viable and re-united Federal Republic of Somalia since 2004. Puntland has expended critical support to reinstituting a united and federal Somalia, by investing in terms of time and energy, manpower and materials, financial resources, and political obligations for the sake of peace and rebuilding of Somalia. The expected outcome of such noble effort was a new Somalia that is sovereign, federal, united, and democratic. However, since September 2012 when the current FGS came to office in Mogadishu, the fragmented country has been plunged back into a vicious cycle of violence, displacement, clan animosities and polarization, political disputes, and a complete disregard for the country’s genuine Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC), as signed page-by-page in Nairobi on June 22, 2012, by Somali Roadmap Signatories and co-signed by UN Special Envoy as guarantor. UN Security Council Press Statement on Somalia, of July 25, 2012, recognized the genuine PFC and “welcomed some of the recent progress on the Roadmap and its associated agreements, including the June agreement of the Nairobi Protocols and publication of the new draft Constitution”. Nonetheless, in the spirit of promoting a viable reconciliation and nation-building process, Puntland advanced political dialogue with FGS and hosted Prime Minister H.E. Abdi Farah Shirdon in Garowe (March 9-11, 2013) and President H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Garowe (April 28-29, 2013). The Puntland President has also written official letters to FGS leaders in Mogadishu and the UN, condemning the tampered and illegal constitution, which was distributed to Lower House of Somali Federal Parliament on September 7, 2012. Puntland welcomes UN Security Council Resolution 2111 (July 24, 2013), encouraging the Federal Government of Somalia to set out “a clear political process toward implementing a federal structure in line with the provisional constitution”; Puntland also welcomes the Communiqué of IGAD Heads of State and Government of May 3, 2013, establishing the Principles of Engagement, including “Respect for the provisional constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia”. However, contrary to agreed principles and general expectations, the Federal Government of Somalia has engaged in the following damaging activities: 1. FGS rejects to implement and adhere to genuine constitution and a constitutional review process; 2. FGS refuses to honor March 11 Agreement with Puntland; 3. FGS shifts focus away from fighting Al Shabaab extremists, the real threat to peace in Somalia; 2 of 2 4. FGS involves in clan conflicts that entrench continued misappropriation of private and public properties and community lands, and social injustices in Banadir (Mogadishu), Lower Jubba (Kismayo), Middle Shabelle (Jowhar), and Lower Shabelle (Merka) regions; 5. FGS rejects sharing of power, resources and foreign aid granted in the name of Somalia – even as little as scholarships – with the States in a transparent and accountable manner; 6. FGS rejects to address financial crisis caused by the shortage of Shilling banknotes in Somali markets, as Somali banknotes issuance is a Federal responsibility; 7. FGS enters into maritime security agreement, infringing upon Somalia’s national sovereignty; 8. FGS supports instability groups responsible for public incitement and political unrest in different regions of Somalia; 9. FGS neglects national reconciliation by rejecting to address community uprooting and the subsequent misappropriation of public and private properties and community lands, as a result of civil war conflict and social injustices in the early 1990s; and 10. FGS misrepresents Somalia and the Somali people at international forums by failing to present to the international community core national issues in Somalia. Consequently, Puntland Government hereby suspends all cooperation and relations with Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) until the Federal Government: 1. restores and adheres to the country’s genuine Provisional Federal Constitution; 2. consults with the Federated States regarding the constitutional review process, federalism and national security matters, in accordance with provisions guaranteeing the constitutional rights of Federated States; and 3. ensures transparent and participatory mechanisms for fair distribution of foreign aid granted in the name of Somalia. Until above-cited matters are satisfactorily and definitively addressed, Puntland Government shall exercise rights and powers enshrined in both Puntland Constitution and Provisional Federal Government of Somalia, and Puntland Government shall be the sole representative of Puntland State in all matters in domestic and international arenas. Recommendations for Somali emerging States, regions and political actors 1. Advocate for genuine Provisional Federal Constitution, which guarantees implementation of federalism and the constitutional rights of States, in order to re-unite Somalia; 2. Establish formation of Federated States in a voluntary process through community reconciliation, as enshrined by the Provisional Federal Constitution; and 3. Institute effective security apparatus to combat Al Shabaab extremism and other threats to peace and stability. Recommendations for International Community 1. Agree on a clarification of Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC) of Somalia, as mentioned in policy documents and public statements; 2. Facilitate rebuilding Somali National Forces in different zones of Somalia for future re-integration, to ensure representational balance, coherence and integrity; 3. Ensure mechanisms for fair and balanced distribution of all international assistance granted in the name of Somalia; and 4. Give urgent attention and intervention to the ongoing community uprooting and social injustices in Lower Shabelle region conducted with the complicity of Federal Government and allied militias, leading to desperation, entrenching community grievances, and spreading radicalization of communities to bolster extremists like Al Shabaab. — END —
  23. Carafaat;972340 wrote: Xaaji, why do you think that? Because faroole has the resources and the man power to remain in power there are free elections its a faro taag election , Faroole will humiliate cabdi cawar.