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Pakistan on high alert after Taliban leader killed by US drone strike Government says death of Hakimullah Mehsud has destroyed attempts to hold peace talks with Islamist militants Share 151 inShare6 Email Conal Urquhart, and Jon Boone in Lahore theguardian.com, Saturday 2 November 2013 14.44 GMT Link to video: US drone kills leader of Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud Pakistan's security forces have been put on high alert after a CIA drone attack killed the leader of the country's Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud, in the lawless tribal areas. A Pakistani government minister said the strike by an unmanned aircraft on Friday had destroyed attempts to hold peace talks with the militants which began this week. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, the interior minister, said: "This is not just the killing of one person, it's the death of all peace efforts." His sentiments were echoed by the former cricketer turned politician Imran Khan, who threatened to block lorries carrying supplies to Nato troops in Afghanistan unless the attacks stop. "Dialogue has been broken with this drone attack," said Khan. Mehsud and five other Taliban militants were killed and two others were wounded in the attack after leaving a meeting at a mosque in the Dande Darpa Khel area of North Waziristan. The Pakistani Taliban have named Khan Sayed Sajna as their new leader after a secret meeting of their ruling council. He is described as lacking in formal education but with great military experience. Although Mehsud's death has been wrongly reported in the past, informants in the tribal area said they were confident one of the country's most agressive militant leaders was dead. "He was targeted as he was returning to his home from a nearby mosque where he had been holding discussions with his comrades," said a military officer based in a city close to the semi-autonomous Federally Administered Tribal Areas, a region which is home to many Islamist terrorist groups. "He was right at his front door and at least three missiles were fired." A senior US intelligence official told the Associated Press the US received positive confirmation on Friday morning that he had been killed. A Pakistani Taliban fighter said on Saturday that Mehsud's body was "damaged but recognisable", Reuters reported. Taliban commanders said Mehsud's funeral would be held on Saturday. Mehsud was secretly buried under cover of darkness in the early hours by a few companions amid fears that his funeral might be attacked by U.S. drones. "Every drop of Hakimullah's blood will turn into a suicide bomber," said Azam Tariq, a Pakistani Taliban spokesman. "America and their friends shouldn't be happy because we will take revenge for our martyr's blood." Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned the drone attack as a "violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity". Militant and official sources said Mehsud's driver and bodyguard were among the dead. Of the 60 shura council members attending the meeting, 43 voted in favour of Sayed succeeding Mehsud, according to the Karachi-based Dawn.com. The website said Sayed, 36, was involved in the attack on a naval base in Karachi in May 2011 and masterminded a 2012 jailbreak in which the Taliban freed 400 inmates in the north-western city of Bannu. "Sayed has no basic education, conventional or religious, but he is battle-hardened and has experience of fighting in Afghanistan," an official told Dawn.com. However, other reports suggested that Sheharyar Mehsud had been appointed as caretaker leader, possibly by another shura council. Although Mehsud's four-year tenure as head of Pakistan's most feared militant group has been marked by horrific attacks that have killed scores of soldiers, government officials and civilians, his death looked likely to provoke fury among some politicians who believe the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) should be brought in to peace talks. All political parties unanimously supported government attempts to negotiate with the TTP at a meeting in September. Just this week the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, announced that talks between the two sides had finally begun. A government official claimed Mehsud had been discussing the matter with fellow fighters just before he was killed, while the Taliban said a government peace delegation was in Miranshah, the regional capital of North Waziristan, at the time of the attack. The country's rightwing religious parties are likely to interpret the drone strike as a deliberate attempt by the US to scupper peace talks with an organisation that swears allegiance to Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, who fight against Nato troops in the neighbouring country. Sharif, who held meetings with the US president, Barack Obama, in Washington DC last week, has repeatedly called for an end to drone strikes, despite suspicions that Pakistan continues to give secret backing to the attacks. But the US was never likely to turn down an opportunity to kill Mehsud, the mastermind of a devastating suicide bomb attack on a CIA station in Khost province in eastern Afghanistan in 2009 in which seven CIA officers died. The ingenious plot involved a Jordanian triple agent who the CIA believed was working for them but was in fact taking orders from Mehsud. The suicide bomber was ushered into the military base to brief CIA officers on al-Qaida, and detonated his explosive vest once he was inside. In a video filmed before the attack and released afterwards, Mehsud appeared alongside the Jordanian, who said the attack was in retribution for the death of his fellow tribesman and predecessor as Pakistani Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in August 2009. Saifullah Mahsud, the director of the Pakistani thinktank FATA Research Centre, said the movement was unlikely to be overly affected by the killing of its leader. "It's a very decentralised organisation," he said. "They've lost leaders to drone strikes before." Mehsud's death comes just weeks after the TTP chief took the risky and unusual step of granting an interview to a BBC cameraman who had travelled to Pakistan's north-west. The interview was conducted outside despite the constant presence of drones overhead. In May, a drone strike killed Mehsud's second-in-command, and one of his most trusted lieutenants was captured in Afghanistan last month.
Somalia: Qatar Replaces Egypt as Traditional Arab Power-House
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The Qataris have allot of diplomatic muscle in the region and in the Arabian peninsula and the horn of Africa as a whole. they are in the center of every conflict they are the main backers with the Arab league when it comes to new Somali government. They are taking a leading role in many parts of the HOA , the Eritrean Djiboutian conflict they played a vital role in the dialogue between those countries. Qatar is also heavily investing in Ethiopia, Qatar also provides Egypt with allot of aid since the recent conflict there. The tiny qatar state is expanding its sphere of political influence and even though the last Emir stepped down nothing has really changed. -
Somalia: Qatar Replaces Egypt as Traditional Arab Power-House Friday, 01 November 2013 21:31 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn qatar-flagqatar-flag Somalilandsun -The tiny Gulf state of Qatar is shaping up to be the "most important Arab actor" in Somalia, even edging out the traditional Arab powerhouse Egypt, says a new report by Mohamed Hussein Gaas, a Norwegian scholar, adding that this is part of a bigger push to expand the rich state's influence in the Horn of Africa. Although Qatar has been carrying out humanitarian efforts in Somalia since the late 1990s, Mr Gaas, argues that such aid — some of it given to politicians who use it to buy political support — intensified after the Islamic Courts Union took power in Mogadishu in 2006. The group was removed from power after Ethiopian forces invaded Somalia, a move that angered many Somalis who later took up arms and forced Addis Ababa to withdraw its troops after two years of bloody confrontation. Mr Gaas's report says Qatar's foray into the Horn of Africa started when it tried to broker a deal between Eritrea and Djibouti over a dispute rooted in disagreements over the Ras Doumeira mountains that in general are claimed to belong to Djibouti. In June 2010, a seven-point agreement was announced by Qatar, and both countries accepted the establishment of a committee consisting of two members from each country led by Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim to help resolve the demarcation issue. The 2009 withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia presented Qatar an opportunity to change tack away from Eritrea and Djibouti and focus more on Somalia. "Today Qatar is perhaps the most important Arab actor in Somalia, even surpassing ... Egypt," says the report. Egypt — now mired in turmoil of its own making after the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi — had strong ties with Somalia before Mogadishu's central government imploded, plunging the Horn of Africa nation into a chaos that lasted more than two decades. The report says Qatar's foreign policies sometimes lead to strained ties with regional powerhouses who are not happy with its interventions. In April 2008, Ethiopia cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, saying that Doha supports Eritrea, Addis Ababa's arch enemy. Qatar denied the Ethiopian allegations, and now the two countries have restored ties. "Qatari politics thus shows the combination of considerable pragmatism but also considerable will to follow a separate Qatari line of politics despite pressure from, for example, the United States and Saudi Arabia. Qatar is not out to just appease or get recognition from these actors," says the report, which also touches on the Gulf state's intervention policies in Yemen, Lebanon, Eritrea and Syria. Mr Gaas's piece is part of a larger, compartmentalised report attempting to explain Qatar's foreign policy engagement in Africa and the Middle East. Analysts said it is hard to say for sure how much Doha spends in Somalia, both as budgetary support and as humanitarian aid. But they estimate that it runs into hundreds of millions of dollars. "Like other Arab countries' monetary support for Somalia, Doha's assistance is shrouded in secrecy," said Abdiwahab Sheik Abdisamad, Horn of Africa specialist at Kenyatta University's Department of History and Political Science in Kenya. Mr Abdisamad, however, said Qatar's involvement in Somalia is "good" for Somalia, because "Doha can lobby Mogadishu's interest in both Arab and Western arenas." A recent UN report showed how Doha had manoeuvred to have its favourite candidate, the current head of state, elected to presidency. The UN report said that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud had received several million dollars from Qatar, which was used to buy political support. "Qatar played an important role in funding the election campaign of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and continues to be a key financial and political partner of the Federal Government of Somalia," said the UN Monitoring Group report on Somalia, noting that Doha had also tried to help Mogadishu in its attempts to co-opt Islamists. The report said Qatar depends on Somali professionals who live in its country to carry out its policies in the Horn of African nation. Qatar's tools of influence in Africa and the Middle East include diplomatic efforts; controlled aid programmes often through non-state actors, and on rare occasions, military support in a conflict zone. The report adds that although the Gulf state's support for Somalia was "limited in scale and without the actual presence of any Qatari humanitarian organisations in the country," yet it provided "an important entry, building up local connections and a positive image that, along with its Islamic credentials, enhanced its legitimacy not necessarily in the wider Somali population but in the eyes of Islamic charities and Islamic organisations including the Muslim Brotherhood in Somalia." "Qatar will remain an important foreign policy actor in the future," said the report. Source: theeastafrican.co.ke
Be one with the nature childeren Intan ciida galin caana wada dhana Anigu cid hayn ciida hara digeed baan dhex carayaa codad baan maqla ma libaax ba cartami ma codkaagi baa ma anigaad igu cabsin caadilow allow calaf wa mar qudha eeh yarki aan calmaday intan ciida galin cunta wada cuna
No one does dhaanto like Ali dhaanto Yarya dheere
maayarka hargeysa oo qaabilay weftiga maayarka magaalada turku ee dalka filand News Maayarka Caasimada Magaaladda Hargaysa ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Maayarka Magaada qadiimiga ah ee Turku ee dalka Finland, kadib booqasho uu ku yimid dalka JSL. Maayarka Caasimada JSL ee Magaalada Hargeysa Md. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Caydiid (Cabdiraxmaan SOLTECO) ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Maayarka Magaalada qadiimiga ah ee Turku ee dalka Finland, ka dib booqasho ku yimid dalka JSL. Weftigan ka socda dawladda Finland ee uu hogaaminayo Maayarka Magaalada Qadiimiga ah ee Turku ee dalka Finland Mr. Seppo Lehtinen ayaa waxay ka koobnaayeen sadex xubnood, kuwaas oo muddada ay dalka joogayaan booqan doona qaar ka mida degmooyinka dalka JSL, isla markaana waxay sheegeen in ay Xidhiidh wada-shaqeynayd ah la yeelan doonaan Golayaasha Deegaanka JSL. Maayarka Caasimada Hargeysa Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Caydiid ( Cabdiraxmaan SOLTECO ), kadib markii uu kulankaasi la yeeshay Weftiga ka socda dalka Finland ayaa waxa uu Warbaahinta uga waramay u-jeedada Weftigani u socdo iyo waxyaalaha ay ka wada hadleen, waxaanu yidhi, "Maanta waxaan xafiiskayga ku qaabilnay Wefti ka socda dalka Finland oo ah saddex xubnood, oo uu ka mid yahay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Deegaanka, Ahna Maayarka Magaaladda Turku oo ah magaalo qadiimiya oo ah Caasimadii hore dalka Finland. Waa magaalo sideed boqol oo sanno ka hor la dhisay, waxaanay sanadkii 2012 noqotay magaaladda dhaqanka ee waddamadda Yurub". Cabdiraxmaan-SOLTECO isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu yidhi, "Weftigan waxa la socda Marwo Rooda Xasan oo ah gabadh u dhalatay JSL oo iyaduna hore u ahayd Maayar-ku-xigeenka magaalada oo mika xubin ka ah Golaha Deegaanka Magaaladaas iyo gabadh ka socota Green Party ee Midowga Yurub oo iyaduna arrimaha dibadda kulan la yeelatay," Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu yidhi, "Waxaan aad uga mahad-celinayaa Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda JSL Md. Maxamed Biixi Yoonis oo nagala shaqeeyey hawshan baddankeedda, waana markii ugu horeeyey ee uu JSL yimaado maayar ka socda waddamada Yurub. Wax baddana waanu ka wada-hadalnay, waxyaalaha aanu ka wada hadalnay waxa ka mid ahaa in aanu xidhiidh fiican wada yeelano JSL iyo Finland, isla markaana naga ay gacan-siin doonaan sida loo maamulo qashinka magaalada iyo Biyaha". Mar uu Maayarka Caasimada Hargeysa Md. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamuud Caydiid ka hadlayey muddada ay JSL joogi doonaan weftigan uu hogaaminayo Maayarka Finland, ayaa waxa uu yidhi, "Waxa kale oo ay soo eegi doonaan muddada ay weftigani joogaan Degmooyinka dalka. Waxaanay naga ballan qaadeen in ay waddankeena u noqon doonaan marin si adduunka siyaasad ahaan inooga caawiyaan, kulankayaguna warbaahinta wuu u furnaa waxayna naga caawin doonaan in xidhiidh la yeelano waddamada Yurub". Maayarka Magaaladda Turku ee dalka Finland Md. Seppo Lehtinen oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan-yahay in ay soo booqdaan JSL, isla markaana xidhiidh wanaagsan dhex maro, isaga oo Maayarkana ku booriyey in uu Samir, dadaal iyo waxqabad la yimaaddo si uu labaatan sanno uu maayar u noqdo. Sidoo kale, waxa isaguna goob joog ka ahaa kulankan Xoghayaha Fulinta Dawladda Hoose Md. Mawliid Cabdilaahi Weris SL Media
DHAGAYSO FADEEXADA:Faroole Galmudug Nalama Degananayso galkacayo Waa Ka Rarayna Ama Muqdisho Ha U Guureen,Dagalki Muqdisho laga Abaabuley(Maqal) Mamulka Puntland Iyo Maamulka Galmudug Ayaa Maanta Dagaal ku Dhex maray Qeybo ka mida Gobolka Mudug waxana Wararka Sheegayaan Inay Dad badani ku Dhawacmeen dagaaladaasi Oo isku eedaynayaan labada Dhinac Inuu Weerarka Geystey. Hadaba Puntland ayaa Hadal yaab leh Kasoo sartay Iyadoona Sheegtay Inuu badatay dagaalka Galkacayo oo muqdisho laga Soo abaabulo waxana galmudug Ku Amreen Inay Muqdisho u Guran madama galkacayo Sheegtay Puntland inay maamulayso iyada. wasir Ku xigeenka Amaanka Puntland Oo isaga Shir jara’id qabtay ayaa cadeyey inay guulo ka Gadheen dagalkaasi o lagu Soo qaday waxana Uu sheegay Inay dad badan Ku dileen. http://horufadhi.com/dhagayso-fadeexadafaroole-galmudug-nalama-degananayso-galkacayo-waa-ka-rarayna-ama-muqdisho-ha-u-guureendagalki-muqdisho-laga-abaabuleymaqal/
The Iranians the Persians are very impressive and disciplined people with a rich History and civilization one of the most sophisticated peoples of the indo asian people. Ilaahay ha garab galo , the islamic republic of Iran.
Thanks Tallaabo but how sure are you that this Issa riyoole guy is a Puntland separatist and that he wants to form an alliance with Somaliland in the future i have never seen him talk about that. I am just saying his beef with the HAG elites in Mogadishu is not our concern we dont share his sentiment towards the Mogadishu regime. Ninkan wuxu raba inu inugu xoqdo ,, he wants to challenge the Muqdishaawis for the throne but this is not our problem:D
Waa sidu na yidhi hadu qolyahah budhcad badeedka yahay ma amino anigu dadka yidha Somaliland baan ku abtirsada dhanka Abtiyaday. Manad Xasuusasn wilki inantu dhashay eeh Abtigiis eh xita magaca la baxay. Fikirku ka qabay SL:D Manad maqlin bidaartu raga sibiq sibiq bay u gasha Yarkan Riyaha raaca , wax kalu wada. Qolyaha gooni isutaaga tageera SL kama mid ah eeh sheeko kale ku naban Wuxu ka so horjeeda the some times great alliance between Hargeisa and Mogadishu
Issa riyole i dont know what your motives are , either to make Somalilanders seem weak when you mention those atrocities with a victimized attitude you try to limit the Somaliland quest for statehood that it purely derives from the subjugation and crimes committed by the former regime of Somalia. Your a strange pirate that is if you are part of the pirate enclave. Somaliland dates back way before the creation of the Somali republic Somaliland was never part of Somalia the union came to existence in 1960. Somalilanders have no problem with Mogadishu people the people of Mogadishu suffered to from wars and poverty. Somaliland and Mogadishu are in a political dispute on our future relations but we will solve our problems in a civilized manner.
Somaliland Foreign minister interview quick briefing on the Talks Somalia and Somaliland. The Foreign minister explained in details where these talks are heading, he also touched on the special arrangement deal for Somaliland. He explained also the Somaliland development fund with Extra aid from Britain to Somaliland. He also ensured that Somaliland statehood is irreversible, he also elaborated that Somaliland wants a time Frame for these talks, to reach a final settlement , on clarifying the future relations. Watch the full interview here.
Wasiirro Bayaamiyay Dulucda Qoddobo ay ka wada hadleen Wasiir ka tirsan Dawladda Ingiriiska November 2nd, 2013 “Waxaan diyaar u nahay in aan kala shaqayno Dawladda Britain arrimaha Ammaanka iyo ka hortaga wax kasta oo wax u dhimaya amaanka mandaqada” “Britain way xushmaynaysa xidhiidhka soo jireenka ah ee ay la leedahay Somaliland isla markaana sinaba ugama hor-jeedo arrimaha Somaliland” Mr Mark SimmondsMeeting 3 “Waxay ahayd Khamiistii 30/10/2013, ka dib markaan aniga “Wasiirka Wasaarada Madaxtooyada”, Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada iyo Xidhiidhka Caalamiga Mudane Maxamed Biixi Yoonis iyo Danjiraha Somaliland u fadhiya dalkan UK Amb. Cali Aadan Cawaale kulan saacado badan qaatay aan la yeelanay Wasiirka Afrika u qaabilsan UK Mr Mark Simmonds,”ayuu ku yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan oo ku sugan dalka Ingiriisku, war-saxaafadeed uu ka soo saaray kulan ay khamiistii isaga iyo Wasiirka Khaarajigu kula kulmeen Wasiirka Afrika u qaabilsan Ingiriiska. War-saxaafadeedkaasi oo lagu baahiyay mareegta Internet-ka uu Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda ee guusha.com, waxa u dhignaa sidan:- Kulankan oo ka dhacay wasaarada khaarajiga FCO Office, waxaa si aad ah ugu lafo gurnay xidhiidhka labada dal iyo labada Shacab ee soo jireenka ah, Wada hadalada u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, Farriimaha dhinaca socdaalka ee ay dawlada UK dadkeeda uga gudbiso dhinaca Socdaalada (Travel Advice) iyo guud ahaan Xaalada Mandaqada geeska Afrika. Kulankan waxaan si faahfaahsan u sharxay in Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ay diyaar u tahay inay kala shaqayso Dawladda Britain arrimaha Ammaanka iyo ka hortaga wax kasta oo wax u dhimaya ammaanka mandaqada, waxaanan ka codsaday in Britain ay hormood ka noqoto Aqoonsi ay Somaliland hesho, taas oo ah xaq ay leeyihiin Ummada reer Somaliland, dunidana laga sugayo inay garawsadaan. Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Mudane Maxamed Biixi ayaa dhankiisa si qoto dheer uga hadlay Taariikhda, Qaranimada iyo Madaxbanaanida Somaliland, waxaana uu faah-faahin ka bixiyay in Xornimada Somaliland ay tahay mid aan gorgortan gali karin, waxaana uu tilmaamay waxa u qabsoomay reer Somaliland 22-kii sannadood ee la soo dhaafay. Waxa kale oo Wasiirku si cad u bayaamiyay in ujeeddada ay Somaliland ka leedahay wada-hadallada ay Somalia la waddaa tahay sidii ay si nabad ah ugu kala bixi lahaayeen una noqon lahaayeen laba Dal oo jaar ah. Waxa kale oo uu Wasiir Maxamed Biixi Yoonis ka hadlay in farriimaha Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada UK ay ugu digto dadkeeda ee khuseeya Somaliland aanay ahayn qaar sax ah, Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland-na ay tahay Dal nabad ah oo feejigan, ammaankiisuna uu sugan yahay, waxaana uu Wasiirku sheegay in Fal argagixiso oo Somaliland ka dhacaa ay ugu danbaysay sanadkii 2008, waxaana uu codsaday in shabakadda Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Britain (FCO website) laga saaro farriimahaas khaldan, kuwaas oo caqabad ku ah Maalgashadeyaasha Somaliland danaynaya, waxaana uu xusay in Ciidamada Ammaanka iyo Shacbiga oo iskaashanayaa ay habeen iyo maalinba heeggan u yihiin ilaalinta Ammaanka Somaliland, waxa kale oo uu xusay wasiirku in Aqoonsi Somaliland la siiyaa uu Nabadgelyo u horseedi doono geeska Afrika Wasiirka Afrika u Qaabilsan UK Mudane Mark Simmonds ayaa sheegay inay Britain xushmaynayso xidhiidhka soo jireenka ah ee ay la leedahay Somaliland isla markaana aanay sinaba uga hor-jeedin Somaliland. Wasiir Simmonds waxa kale oo uu sheegay inay diyaar u yihiin inay Wasaaraddiisa iyo Somaliland isla eegaan arrinta “*travel advice*” ka sidii wax looga beddeli lahaa loona waafajin lahaa xaqiiqada ka jirta Somaliland, isaga oo hoosta ka xarriiqay inay guddi labada dal ka socotaa ka soo shaqayso wax ka beddelka farriinta u socdaalka Somaliland, arrintaas oo ay soo dhaweeyeen. Waxa kale oo uu Wasiir Simmonds naga aqbalay in aan UK London ku qabano shir lagaga hadli doono sidii Somaliland loo maal-gashan lahaa (Somaliland investment conference) kaas oo ay labada dal iyo qurba-joogga Somaliland ka wada shaqayn doonaan diyaarintiisa. Dhinaca kale waxaanu kulan kula qaadanay guriga caanka ah ee *Chatham House*, aqoon yahanno, professor-ro, saxafiyiin, siyaasiin, safaarado iyo masuuliin ka socday,laamaha kala duwan ee dawladda Britain, halkaas oo aan ku soo bandhignay war-bixin ku saabsan qaddiyadda Somaliland maraaxilkii ay soo martay ee kala duwanaa iyo himilada qaranka Somaliland ee ah inay helaan aqoonsi caalami ah. Wa Bilaahi Tawfiiq.”
The Somalis in Somali galbeed their struggle of decolonization from Ethiopia had been indirectly under mined by the Somali state. This is true but Somalis in the Somali republic needed to re develop their Somali nationalism.So the leaders at that time focused on Somali galbeed, so they used their own very national interests and projected it on the Somalis in Somali galbeed. Although the war was genuine on the side of the Somalis as a whole the strategy was flawed., the Somali state was trespassing another sovereign nation in the eyes of international law. But if the Somali leaders let the WSLF fought the war , than it would be viewed as oppressed Ethiopian people fighting for secession similar like what the oromos were doing the Eritreans were doing at that time. When the Somali army defeated the Ethiopian army and Somalis were forced out of the region after nearly a year. Thats when the whole thing back clashed the WSLF broke down along clan lines and the struggle was as good as dead. The problem is the Somalis in Somali galbeed have never viewed themselves as Ethiopians nor did they ever viewed themselves as people who are indigenous to the Somali kilil and are destine to be together, there was never a Somali galbeed nationalism. Till this day ONLF is not certain whether they want to join Somalia in the future have autonomy with in Ethiopia declare an all out right secession from Ethiopia, while most struggles have a cause ,the Eritrean case was independence and to be their own country. The Somali case is similar like the divided oromos, the only difference is the Somalis in Somali galbeed face towards different directions towards Mogadishu kismayo hargeisa burco galkacyo Borama Djibouti others face towards Addis ababa.
Puntland 2014 Election thread. Updates views.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
Interesting scenario there so they want change, but change with in Puntland in order get rid of Khatumo and use the Puntland political force to overwhelm the Khatumites , so faroole will have it very difficult to convince them, maybe he needs to step up his game. -
Xassan needs to double check the people he hires who knows this woman just wants to harm his goverment and spread lies. you know there are many parts of Somalia who want to stop the money flow into the Somali goverment. This woman could be an agent working for other groups. Hassan needs to appoint people he can truly trust bank chairman is not an easy job