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The so called Somaliweyn bandwagon is only used against Somaliland , Haatu and his likes dont care much about the so called greater Somali initiative they love their Kenyan national identity. And do not want to go against their Kikuyu bosses , they even went as far as using Kenyan boots against Somalia in order for Tolka to climb the clanish Somali ladder.
Haatu;984335 wrote: If this, if that, waa iska sheeko. Alxamdulilah for 50 yrs dhib weyn maanan arag oo guryaheena kamaanan qixin geelleenana waa maalanayney dawladda la aqoonsanyahay oo xaqeena na siisa waana ka mid nahay marka ma anagaa dhib qabna? Dawladu wa tee wa Kiiniya anigu awal ba waan iidin sheegey kiiniyadina imaansada Somalidan wada hirdamaysa iskaga dhex baxa , kiiniya economic power house ka dhex muuqda oo u dagalaama xuquuqdina
Haatu idinku bantu iyo dad yar oo iska dhako waweyn baad la liic liicaysan, laakin wa run oo booskeena ilaahay baa idinku idin qoray .. oo anaga noo ma qorin. Dadku kala karti badan oo kala awood badan,, anagu hadanu kiiniyada u badnayn lahayn meesha ama cad weyn baanu kaa soo qadaan lahayn ama waanu dagaalami lahayn waxba uma dhexeyso , laakin idnku beerka jecliya xaydha jecliya. Xamar na indhahaad ku yuubaysan oo waxad is leedihin ambu messiah halka ka so baxa oo idin bad baadiya. Anaguse cududayada baanu maalna, ilaahay na dadka wa kala fadiray wana run taasi laftigeedu. 20 sanadood anagu kheyr iyo nabad banu ku jirnay, iyo horurmar tagteed ha ahaato eh geeli wa no dhalay mar anu ka fiicanahay anigu garan mayo ilaahay halogu xamdi naqo. Mar hadaan buurihi hargeisa iyo kuwi golis dhex mushaaxayo calankina ii tagaanyahay wa kheyr weye , we cant get any better.
Classified;984315 wrote: Saudi Arabia is named after a single family. The family of Saud. They're doing considerably well. What's wrong with magaca beeshada? Are you ashamed of it? But we are not Saudis , Somaliland is fine , the saudis are a corrupt family who stole the key's of the holy sites from our Hashimite cousins. Somalilad is for all Somalilanders not for one clan but for all the clans in that country.
Haatu anagu wanu kaga dhabeyney cidna wax ba ma weydino runti calankaas waligayo waanu haysaney since 1979. Idinku sadexdina calan marna ka xabashida u heesa marna ka kikuyada. Marna ka Somalia inkastow kuwa Somalia ay idin yidhahan Somali ma tihidin. Dhib ba halka ka jirta. Anagu ka anu u dagaalanay banu haysana umad na dee waxay wax ku noqota nafsigeeda iyo maalkeeda iyo maskaxdeeda, halka maskaxda eeh danbe koley idinka wala idinku xantaye eh:D
Classified;984306 wrote: Jamhuuriyadda would be a good name. That's unique and has no foreign influence, compare to keeping the 'Somaliland' from "British-Somaliland" colonial name. Thats a tribal name you cannot call a country after a tribe , adeer we are not like haatu's kin. Somaliland is much more than the middle clan of SL. Somaliand is fine , we are Somali and thats our land.
Haatu;984304 wrote: We big foots might be simple, but we keep things real. You guys are living in a dream. Hence why I suggested your national anthem should be changed to Dhalanteed ku waar Simple is not good u have to be sophisticated , waxamay simple baan ahay , jaariyadaha simple ah wa waxa halka idin dhigay. Haatu idinku horta national anthem ma leedihin maxaad ku qaadan kiiniya. labada national anthem ta Somaliland iyo Somalia ba waxa alifay Somalilanders. idinkana wax ma idin alifna:D laakin dhib ba jirta afka kikuyada ma naqano
Haatu;984289 wrote: So? The Somalis in my region have a history separate from other Somalis but you don't see us stressing it and using it to justify a false nation. And the problem with you guys is that your booto is ridiculous, like the midget who gets rude to the 6'6" guys False nation? there is nothing false about the Somaliland state its unique the state its self and the history testifies on that. Somaliland is the least influenced country. It has no foreign cultural influences it has no Foreign architecture it has its own home grown traditional democracy. These are all facts , and you call it false but than again you are just one of those haters:D
Yes STOIC he was an equal offender he had really many poems there were some good poems full of wisdom others were just full of clan bashing with allot of vulgarity, in the first 10 years of the dervish movement he had allot of supporters but after that many abandoned him including his own uncle. And they were trying to survive. Classified the British have not done allot for Somaliland for the Somalilanders to be proud of the British. Had we inherited a capital city like that of Nairobi than that would be awesome. Even the Koonfurians inherited Italian architecture even though they burned it to the ground but still.
The difference is Somaliland police is very capable and very trained and highly professional but its the people of Somaliland who contribute and assist the police and report what ever they see. Every one in Somaliland is on guard. You cant compare Somaliland really with Somalia , in Somalia the locals there are in collaboration with alshabaab they harbor them and give them safe heaven in their homes, they take money from Alshabaab. in Somaliland there is a entire different culture. Terrorists will be hunted down and castrated where ever they are seen. Even the goverment of Somalia hires Ex Terrorists these terrorists are mostly double agents. I want Somaliland police to have a green uniforms looks much better i think.
Yes STOIC he said that but he said the same about many other clans, mostly because the afro hashimates were lets say the vast majority of Somaliland and the most powerful with allot of livestock, and he wanted them on his side. But many of the duriyad communities mistrusted him and jihadi adventures. The brits were in the coastal area's in berbera Bulahaar Zeila laasqoray. But he wanted them out and his dervish jihadist needed resources so they went and took what ever they want and than they said its justified because if they are not with us they are with the infidels.Ina abdulla hassan was a very good poet the problem with his poems though they are very provocative and with allot of obscenity. For example here is addressing the Puntland clans after the wars with Sultan osman of bari
Congratulations to the Somaliland police, we are proud of you, keeping Somaliland safe.
Xaglatoosiye said what i said before hal qawmiyad baynu nahay telling the world that we are one Ethnic Nation. Second he also said 26 June 1960 is essential i believe those few days that Somaliland was an independent state were crucial. And thats when we became an independent state, and its 18 may is not Somalilands independence day its when Somaliland reclaimed its statehood. So Xaglo is right on this. I think Xaglatoosiye reads SOL.
Classified;984231 wrote: There is a white guy sitting with those men holding the spears. You can see his hat on his lap. That's like 100 years ago, almost. THEN , you see another white man sitting in the middle (third from right) wearing a white shirt with the SNM. Some people never change! Are you inferior to Europeans or scared of them the first picture is Sultan Nur at the dervish camp and the European guy is a doctor who flew from Adan with a medical team i think the picture was taken just before the ilig treaty between the dervishes and italians. We are lucky we have those pictures the nomadic Somalis would not take pictures or were not able to do so. They couldn't even paint thats why till this day we have so little history. The other guy with the SNM is a German journalist who wanted to do a report on the SNM. Dadkan qaar reer yurub way ka baqaan , But no my friend Sultan Xassan tarabi said cadaankanu wada loolana madaw ciiseyn meyno.