Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somaliland: Kenyan Delegation on Fact Finding Mission Wednesday, 06 November 2013 22:57 "We are here to learn of your desires and achievements and report back to our leadership" Kenyan MP Anna Nyokabi Kenyan delegation joins Somaliland traditional dancers upon arrival at Egal AirportKenyan delegation joins Somaliland traditional dancers upon arrival at Egal Airport By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - "Kenya which is home to thousands of citizens and expatriates with roots in Somaliland hopes to extend its relations with the government in Hargeisa and its citizens." This was said by Hon Ann Nyokabi a Kenyan Member of parliament of is leading a nine member delegation composed of legislators, Government officials and personal advisor to the Kenyan vice president that is visiting Somaliland on official invitation. MP Nyokabi leads Kenya teamMP Nyokabi leads Kenya teamWhile stressing on the historical ties that bound the two countries Hon Nyokabi who represents Kiambu Constituency in parliament where she sits on the foreign Relations and defence committee said that her high powered delegation is in the country to share and exchange views on various issues especially those that Somaliland excels in like Democracy and Livestock export.MP Ayanle is official guide to kenyan teamMP Ayanle is official guide to kenyan team "Am proud to say that though my delegation is not the first of its kind to visit your country it involves legislators representing Naivasha and Isiolo where the biggest Somaliland communities in Kenya live" Said Hon Nyokabi As she informed that Kenya has immensely gained from her Somaliland community she also said that Somaliland has too gained from the .large cadre of Kenyans working in the private, public and Development sectors of Somaliland. "Though we are here on behalf of our colleagues in the Kenyan parliament and government to whom we shall report back we are also here to learn from achievements garnered by your country especial in democratic transition, peace building and Governance" she said Welcome to Somaliland Lady and GentlemenWelcome to Somaliland Lady and Gentlemen According to Somaliland Member of Parliament Ahmed Yasin Sh. Ali Ayanle the high powered delegation shall meet with various leadership that include president Silanyo, two houses of parliament, Academia, politicians and Kenyans in Somaliland as well as visit other towns like Berbera and diverse historical sites during the three days of visit. Listen to the Joint Kenyan – Somaliland press briefing at the Egal International Airport
  2. Sacad cali shire is doing a fine job he is a very hard working man and a real asset to the Kulmiye government. The foreign minister is away he is in Djibouti currently but will be arriving soon to.
  3. More PICS http://togaherer.com/wafti-culus-oo-dawlada-kenya-ah-oo-maanta-hargeysa-booqasho-rasmi-ah-ku-yimid/ On their arrival at Egal international airport in hargeisa.
  4. Kenyan airways officials plus Kenyans mps will stay 3 days in Somaliland a huge delegation from Kenya they will meet with Somaliland parliamentarians and other Somaliland government officials. Welcome to Somaliland
  5. It was about time that a Somali takes the Minneapolis seat with a huge Somali population there , well done Abdi Warsame.
  6. Wefti Kenya airways ah oo booqasho ku yimi somaliland. posted by Maxamuud Jama | November 6, 2013 | In Waaheen News Kenya-Airways Wefti ka socda Kenya airways ayaa goor dhaweyd Ka soo degay madaatka Hargeysa halkaas oo ay ku soo dhaweeyeen wasiiro, xildhibaano, iyo saraakiil kale oo ka tirsan xukuumadda. Saraakiisha kenya airways ayaa sheegay in ay dalka u yimaadeen Sidii ay diyaaradoodu duulimaadyo uga bilaabi lahayd somaliland, waxaanay Xuseen hore in ay dhabada cusub ee madaarka ugu qanceen. Wasiirka wasaaradda duulista hawada, Wasiirka qorshaynta, Wasiir kuxigeenka Arrimaha dibeda ayaa weftiga uga mahadnaqay booqashadooda, waxaanay u sheegeen Duulimaadyada shirkadda Kenya airways ayaa noqon doona duulimaadyadii labaad ee ay diyaaradaha dalalka gobolku si toosa ugu yimaadaan somaliland, iyadoo diyaarada itoobiya airline si joogto ah maalin kasta ugu timaado somaliland. Si doo kale, duulimaadka Kenya airways waxa uu ka qayb qaadan doonaa talaabooyinka somaliland u soo jiidaya in ay hesho xidhiidh caalami ah, waxaanay talaabadani ku soo beegmaysaa xilli ay dawladda somaliya doonayso in caqabad hor dhigto duulimaadyada waaweyn ee la macaamila somaliland.
  7. 100% agreed they need to translate right away , right now only the SL tv gives coverage in English. But the Somaliland presidential office needs a translator for foreign delegates.
  8. Somaliland: Britain and Somaliland to Enhance Bilateral and Security Relations President Silanyo shakes Hands with Mr. Chris Allan Uk Envoy By Goth Mohmaed Goth HE President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) today received at the Presidency, Mr. Chris Allan the Deputy British Ambassador to Ethiopia. Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar Somaliland minister of Commerce and International Cooperation speaking during a press conference said, “The people of Somaliland are committed to further improving our bilateral relations with the both the people and government of the UK government and we are eager to enhance relations with the government of UK and toady we had the opportunity to hold lengthy discussions in which they explored ways to enhance future bilateral relation between the Somaliland and the UK Government, Speaking during a joint press conference held at the Presidential palace the British diplomat started y wishing Somalilanders a Happy Islamic New Year “We just had a rewarding meeting with President Silanyo and his team of ministers in which we reaffirmed the UK commitment to a strong and historic friendship with Somaliland and the strength of this feeling with Somaliland should not be underestimated”,. Deputy British Envoy1 The British Ambassador went on to say, “We (British Government) are committed to a number of issues in the horn of Africa region such as human development, security and stability but we are also committed to enhance the historic friendship between our people and we discussed the political and development cooperation as well as stimulating future investment and I am also very pleased to announce that we shall soon be launch Somaliland Development Fund (SDF)which is a new form of bilateral assistance of which the UK has helped drive here in Somaliland and which for the first time align the donor community”,. “The Somaliland Development Fund will help donors fund efforts behind Somaliland own National Development plan in their aim to enhance the governmental structures and the rule of law; improve the livelihoods of people; and make them resilient and we hope to launch that in few weeks’ time, on security too we find ourselves to be Somaliland closest supports in order to assist your security forces and police to maintain stability which is extremely important to both Somaliland and the UK and on politics we remain as I said Somaliland closest friend in the international community who are committed to secure stability and progress in the region and those were some of the brief words we exchanged with His Excellency President Ahmed Silanyo”,stated the UK Diplomat.
  9. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Kulan La yeeshay Safiir Ku xigeenka Ingiriiska u fadhiya Itoobiya November 5th, 2013 “Waxa beryahan dambe soo baxayay hadallo aan xaqiiq ahayn oo sheegayay in xidhiidhka Somaliland iyo Inigiriisku uu sidii hore ka khafiifsan yahay. Arrintaas oo ah mid aan jirin”IMG_0002 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Safiir ku xigeenka Ingiriiska ee Dalka Ethiopia gaar ahaan Addis ababa u fadhiya Mr Chris Allan. Kulankan ka dib waxa qasriga madaxtooyada Shir Jaraa’id si wada jir ah ugu qabtay Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo maalgashiga caalamiga ah iyo Safiir ku xigeenka Ingiriiska u fadhiya magaaladda Addis-ababa. IMG_0005 Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Maal-gashiga Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar ayaa sheegay in socdaalka Safiir Ku xigeenku la xidhiidho sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa wax wada qabsiga Somaliland iyo Ingiriiska waxaanu yidhi “Waxa maanta socdaal ku yimid dalka Safiir Ku xigeenka Ingiriiska u fadhiya Addis-ababa, Chris Allan oo horena dalka u yimid. Socdaalkan oo muujinaysa xidhiidhka wanaagsan ee ka dhaxeeya Britain iyo Somaliland ee dhinacyada nabad-gelyada iyo dhaqaalaba leh.” “Britain waa dalka mucaawimada ugu badan siiya Somaliland, waxaanan la leenahay dawlad ahaan iyo shacbi ahaanba xidhiidh soo jireen ah oo ah wax wada qabsi si isku dheeli-tiran ay labada dal u shaqeeyaan,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Ganacsigu. Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi oo hadalkiisa sii watay waxa uu intaas ku daray “imikana booqashadiisa iyo kulanka uu la yeeshay madaxweynuhu waxay la xidhiidhaa sii kobcinta xidhiidhka labada dal.” IMG_0023 “Britain waa saaxiibadda ugu dhow dhow ee ay Somaliland ku leedahay adduunka reer galbeedka, waxaanan rajaynaynaa inuu xidhiidhkaasi sii kardho,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo maalgashigu. Waxaanu intaas ku ladhay “Waxa beryahan dambe soo baxayay murrano iyo hadallo aan xaqiiq ahayn oo sheegayay in xidhiidhka Somaliland iyo Inigiriisku uu sidii hore ka khafiifsan yahay. Arrintaas oo ah mid aan jirin oo ka fog xaqiiqda.” “Waa dalka ugu badan ee amniga iyo dhaqaalaha kala shaqeeya Somaliland, imikana waxay nagala shaqaynayaan dhinacyo cusub,”ayuu intaas raaciyay. Sidoo kale safiir Ku xigeenka Ingiriiska u fadhiya Itoobiya Mr. Chris Allan ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay socdaalkiisa Somaliland oo ah dal uu ka dhaxeeyo wax-wada qabsi soo jireen ah oo ku wajahan dhinacyada dhaqaalaha iyo amniga. Waxaanu tilmaamay in iskaashigaasi uu yahay mid mar kasta la sii xoogeynayo oo aan hoos u dhici Karin. Danjiruhu waxa uu intaas ku daray inay madaxweynaha isla faaqideen qodobo la xidhiidha mashaariic horumarineed oo ay ka fulinayaan dalka.
  10. ^^ Somalilanders can pronounce the letter P , koonfurians cant thats why Somaliland has the letter P.
  11. Aslong as they believe in Allah and say Nabi Muhammad is the last prophet Believe in the Quran the last day and the angels, i will consider them Muslim The Shia i know some of them have deep seated hatred for some of the most beloved Sahabas such as Umar Abu Bakr Uthman Aisha bint Abubakr. And the twelvers give some of Allah attributes to their Imams, there is nothing wrong if they said after the Prophets command the leaders of the Muslims should be the Imams who lead in the salaat. But to say that the imams have the same powers sometimes as Allah. The Zaidi are close to the Suni caqeeeda so there are allot of divisions with in the shia its the task of the Muslims to get them on the right track. I dont believe the shia are the biggest enemy of Islam. Islams biggest enemy is divisions with in the Muslims even with in the main suni branch.
  12. ^^ They are still Muslims u act if Shiates are Christians, shiasm is not a religion its branch of Islam
  13. *Ibtisam;984191 wrote: This should worry Somali people. Last time I saw a delegation from Iran in Somaliland they were looking for a translating team to translate religious books into Somali- the books were basically propaganda for their history and religion- 100s of books. I know some greedy people who will take that contract despite the impact and confusion it can cause Somali people. We should have a problem with any group whose soul intention is to influence people's believe- even those sunni Muslim from Qatar or anywhere else. Wiix diin loo bahayanhey we can pick and choose what to translate or teach- laakin some group dumping an ideology or 100s of books, should be a no no. iranians are not that bad we should welcome them in Somaliland they are hard working people not sure about their shiasm and that they want to spread Shiasm but than again if they want to interact with us we should welcome them. I prefer them over the Arabs, Somaliland and Arabs do not get along fine. If they want to translate a few books big deal.
  14. The thing is woman think that Men like Lighter skinned woman, but most men just want a woman who cooks cleans takes care of the children and is a bit educated. And ofcourse she has to be blessed from behind, and than i believe she is good to go.
  15. Inadeer STOIC the scripts dont last long on SOL walaalkeen Admin knows where to put them:D
  16. ^^ Stop quoting me i was addressing Haatu i dont know you , waad iga raali ahaanaysa.
  17. Haatu its not about the numbers its about the quality , Somaliland with Somalia , proud colorful nation.Somalia with out Somaliland result Anarchism Foreign Jihadist Piracy African union bantu mercenaries Xabashi occupation the biggest refugees in the horn mass corruption.It has to be a Somaliland lady to point the fingers towards all they do wrong. Somali cid bay ahayd Cidina caradeedi bey aaday. Professors of Somalia have been on their knees and trying to appease Somaliland with he presidency of the Somali republic and the capital city. Even senior leaders such as abdirasak haji hussien in 2003 after Silanyo lost the elections to Rayaale . He preferred Siilaanyo to take the lead, but Somalilanders are principled people. The aim is to put Somaliland on the map officially once and for all and remain firm to the Somaliland cause. And than there was Colonel Yey who wanted to share a country and wanted to be second to Egal and unite Puntland with Somaliland and build a state from Hargeisa. Its always that Somalia needs Somaliland not the other way around , Somalia is not a rich nation , Somaliland is not missing out, unity has to be beneficial, nin indho la cidina wax kuma darsato,gaal na wa ogyahay muslin na wa ogyahay now had Somalia been like a Country like Ukraine an east European country now that would've been something. If it was about numbers the kurds would have a country or be a dominating factor if it was about numbers the oromos would be at the helm of Ethiopia.
  18. So many scripts lately on SOL war meesha maxa ku dhacay goleh rijaal baan ku ogaye