Xaaji Xunjuf

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  1. Palestinian leader Arafat died from polonium poisoning – Swiss forensic experts ♦ November 7, 2013 – BangkokReport.com — Comments ↓ (Reuters) – Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned to death in 2004 with radioactive polonium, his widow Suha said on Wednesday after receiving the results of Swiss forensic tests on her husband’s corpse. “We are revealing a real crime, a political assassination,” she told Reuters in Paris. A team of experts, including from Lausanne University Hospital’s Institute of Radiation Physics, opened Arafat’s grave in the West Bank city of Ramallah last November, and took samples from his body to seek evidence of alleged poisoning. “This has confirmed all our doubts,” said Suha Arafat after the Swiss forensic team handed over its report to her lawyers and Palestinian officials in Geneva on Tuesday. “It is scientifically proved that he didn’t die a natural death and we have scientific proof that this man was killed.” She did not accuse any country or person, and acknowledged that the historic leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization had many enemies, although she noted that Israel had branded him an obstacle to peace. She told Reuters the polonium must have been administered by someone “in his close circle” because experts had told her the poison would have been put in his coffee, tea or water. “I’m so angry at what happened and I feel that I’m mourning him all over again. This was an act by cowards.” Arafat signed the 1993 Oslo interim peace accords with Israel and led a subsequent uprising after the failure of talks in 2000 on a comprehensive agreement. Allegations of foul play surfaced immediately. Arafat had foes among his own people, but many Palestinians pointed the finger at Israel, which had besieged him in his Ramallah headquarters for the final two and a half years of his life. “President Arafat passed away as a victim of an organized terrorist assassination perpetrated by a state, that is Israel, which was looking to get rid of him,” Wasel Abu Yousef, member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a statement on Wednesday. “The publishing of the results by the Swiss institute confirms his poisoning by polonium and this means that Israel carried it out.” The Israeli government has denied any role in his death, noting that he was 75 years old and had an unhealthy lifestyle. “This is more soap opera than science, it is the latest episode in the soap in which Suha opposes Arafat’s successors,” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said. Investigations into his demise amounted to “a highly superficial attempt to determine a cause of death.” An investigation by the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television news channel first reported last year that traces of polonium-210 were found on personal effects of Arafat given to his widow by the French military hospital where he died. That led French prosecutors to open an investigation for suspected murder in August 2012 at the request of Suha Arafat. Forensic experts from Switzerland, Russia and France all took samples from his corpse for testing after the Palestinian Authority agreed to open his mausoleum. “SMOKING GUN” The head of the Russian forensics institute, Vladimir Uiba, was quoted by the Interfax news agency last month as saying no trace of polonium had been found on the body specimens examined in Moscow, but his Federal Medico-Biological Agency later denied he had made any official comment on its findings. The French pathologists have not reported their conclusions publicly or shared any findings with Suha Arafat’s legal team. A spokeswoman for the French prosecutor’s office said the investigating magistrates had received no expert reports so far. One of her lawyers said the Swiss institute’s report would be translated from English into French and handed over to the three magistrates who are investigating the case. Professor David Barclay, a British forensic scientist retained by Al Jazeera to interpret the results of the Swiss tests, said the findings from Arafat’s body confirmed last year’s results from traces of bodily fluids on his underwear, toothbrush and clothing. “In my opinion, it is absolutely certain that the cause of his illness was polonium poisoning,” Barclay told Reuters. “The levels present in him are sufficient to have caused death. “What we have got is the smoking gun – the thing that caused his illness and was given to him with malice.” The Swiss scientists’ report, posted in full on Al Jazeera’s website, was more cautious. It concluded: “Taking into account the analytical limitations aforementioned, mostly time lapse since death and the nature and quality of the specimens, the results moderately support the proposition that the death was the consequence of poisoning with polonium-210.” Al Jazeera said the levels of polonium found in Arafat’s ribs, pelvis and in soil that absorbed his remains were at least 18 times higher than normal. The same radioactive substance was slipped into a cup of tea in a London hotel to kill defecting Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. From his deathbed, Litvinenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his murder. Barclay said the type of polonium discovered in Arafat’s body must have been manufactured in a nuclear reactor. While many countries could have been the source, someone in Arafat’s immediate entourage must have slipped a miniscule dose of the deadly isotope probably as a powder into his drink, food, eye drops or toothpaste, he said. BRIEF RECOVERY Arafat fell ill in October 2004, displaying symptoms of acute gastroenteritis with diarrhea and vomiting. At first Palestinian officials said he was suffering from influenza. He was flown to Paris in a French government plane but fell into a coma shortly after his arrival at the Percy military hospital in the suburb of Clamart, where he died on November 11. The official cause of death was a massive stroke but French doctors said at the time they were unable to determine the origin of his illness. No autopsy was carried out. Barclay said no one would have thought to look for polonium as a possible poison until the Litvinenko case, which occurred two years after Arafat’s death. Some experts have questioned whether Arafat could have died of polonium poisoning, pointing to a brief recovery during his illness that they said was not consistent with radioactive exposure. They also noted he did not lose all his hair. But Barclay said neither fact was inconsistent with the findings. Since polonium loses 50 percent of its radioactivity every four months, the traces in Arafat’s corpse would have faded so far as to have become untraceable if the tests had been conducted a couple of years later, the scientist said. “A tiny amount of polonium the size of a flake of dandruff would be enough to kill 50 people if it was dissolved in water and they drank it,” he added. The Al Jazeera investigation was spearheaded by investigative journalist Clayton Swisher, a former U.S. State Department Diplomatic Protection agent who became friendly with Arafat and was suspicious of the manner of his death. Suha Arafat called for an investigation inside the Muqata Palestinian government headquarters and said she and her daughter, Zahwa, would pursue the case through the courts in France and elsewhere until the perpetrators were brought to justice. (Additional reporting by Gerard Bon in Paris and Crispian Balmer and Ori Lewis in Jerusalem; Writing by Paul Taylor; Editing by Crispian Balmer, Ralph Boulton and Giles Elgood)
  2. DHAGEYSO COD:— Xildhibaan Saado Cali: “Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn Puntland ayay ka mid yihiin,Xildhibaanadana waa Lasoo Xulayaa” Xildhibaan Saado Cali Warsame oo warbaahinta gudaha la hadashay ayaa ugu baaqday murashaxiinta doorashada Puntland inay si nabad-gelyada ku tartamaan, “waxaan ugu baaqayaa murashaxiinta in ay doorashada nabad-gelyo ah galaan, islamarkaasna iska ilaaliyaan hadalada deel-qaafka ah.” Saado Cali Warsame ayaa sheegtay warbaahinta inay ka maqashay hadalo aysan jeclaysan oo ay ka mid tahay gaadiid ciidan oo musharixiinta Puntland ay la soo dageen, waxaana ay ka codsatay inay ilaaliyaan sharciga u dagsan Puntland. Xildhibaan Saado Cali Warsame oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada dowlada Soomaaliyeed u matala beelwaynta *********** ayaa waxay kaloo warfidiyeenada u sheegtay in Isimada beelwaynta *********** aysan isku raacsanayn hadal dhowaan kasoo yeeray qaar ka mid ah Isimada Sool iyo Cayn oo salka ku hayay inaysan soo magacaabi doonin Xildhibaanada beelwaynta *********** u matalaya Golaha Wakiilada cusub ee Puntland. Saado Cali ayaa sheegtay inay jiraan Isimo ka fikir duwan Isimadii dhowaan la hadlay Warfidiyeenada, beelaha daga Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ay ka mid yihiin Puntland. ‘’ Isimo kale ayaa jira oo aan la socon arrinta ay ka hadleen, hadii ay jiraan kuwo diiday inta joogta ayaa masuul ka noqon doonta, sidaas ayaa Xildhibaanada lagu soo xulayaa oo ay ku iman doonaan’’ayay tiri Xildhibaan Saado Cali Warsame. Mar ay ka soo hadal qaaday shirkii ka dhacay Taleex ayay sheegtay in ujeeda laga lahaa shirkii Taleex ay ahayd in beelwaynta *********** oo kaashanaya maamulka Puntland ay iska dulqaadan dhibaatada Soomaaliland ay ku hayso deegaanka, hasa yeeshee ay ujeedada shirka marin habaabiyeen dad dano gaar ah ka lahaa oo aan wax u qaban dalka iyo dadka. ‘’Niman dan leh oo dalka iyo dadka aan u danaynayn,Mashruuc soo qaatay ayaa yimi si kale u rogay,magaca Khaatumo la yiraahdo ayay la baxeen,magaca Khaatumo meelna kama khuseeyo ***********,deegaan ahaan,taariikh ahaan iyo nasabiyad ahaan’’ayay tiri Xildhibaan Saado Cali oo intaas ku dartay ‘’Maamulka iyo Puntland waa kala duwan yihiin,hadayn maamulka wax ka tabanayaan Isimadu waa in si gobonimo ah inay ula hadlaan maamulka,waxaa jira Isimo kale oo Puntland ah inay waxay tabanayaan u sheegtaan ayaa qurux badan,laakiin in afka la buuro laga wannaagsan’’. Waxay ka codsaday Isimada hadlay inay soo xulaan Xildhibaanada u matalaya Puntland, ayna toosiyaan waxa ay ka tabanayaan maamulka Puntland. ‘’Adigoo nimco haysta Colaad ha u istaagin,adigoo Caafiamad haysta Cudur ha raadsan, maamulku ha saxo waxa beelwaynta *********** ay ka tabanayaan’’Sida waxa tiri Saado Cali. Dhowaan sawiro uu daabacay webka Puntlandi waxa kasoo muuqday Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland oo si wayn loogu soo dhoweeyay Taleex iyo Axmed Garaash oo ah ka mid ah Madaxweynayaasha maamulka dhowaan looga dhawaaqay Taleex oo dhinaca fadhiya Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Cabdisamad Cali Shire. Si kastaba ha ahate,arrimahan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli Puntland laga dareemayo olole xoogan oo loogu jiro xulista Xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamanka Puntland.
  3. Somaliland goverment supports President uhuru kenhyatta against the ICC also President siilaanyo has been invited to visit Kenya, the Somaliland Foreign minister has reaffirmed the special and strong ties between kenya and Somaliland http://www.caynabanews.com/view.php?id=33975
  4. Somalia's Shabaab 'still far from defeat' Thursday, November 07, 2013 With reinforcements expected, Somali and African forces fighting Shabaab extremists speak confidently of victory, but analysts warn of tough battles ahead and say that military campaigns alone will not bring peace. The al-Qaeda linked Shabaab have fled a string of towns in the past two years ahead of the advancing African Union force in Somalia (Amisom) - fighting alongside Somalia's rag-tag army, various aligned militia forces and Ethiopian troops - and commanders brag that the Islamists are on the back foot. "Al-Shabaab is standing on one leg, and we are doing our best to hack off that leg and liberate the small areas they still control," Somalia's Minister of Defence Abdihakim Haji Mohamud Fiqi told AFP. "Their military strength is weakened, they are now launching just desperate attacks." United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson said last month that Amisom advances had "ground to a halt" because it lacked a sufficient number of troops. Diplomats say the UN Security Council is expected to soon authorise 4 000 more troops for the African Union force in Somalia, boosting the five-nation fighting force by a quarter to at least 22 000 strong. But even as the extremists have lost ground, Shabaab commanders have increasingly developed the force's capability to carry out guerrilla attacks, regular events inside Somalia including storming a UN compound in June. But they have also showed their ability to stage attacks in neighbouring Kenya, with the September massacre of shoppers and staff in Nairobi's upmarket Westgate mall in which at least 67 people were killed. Repeatedly retreating ahead of advancing AU forces, choosing later to stage hit-and-run attacks, the Shabaab face a shrinking space to operate in openly, with key towns left in southern Somalia including the port of Barawe in Lower Shabelle, and the bastion of Badhere, in Gedo region. Commanders are hunted by US drones, with a missile strike last month killing a top suicide bomb-maker. Elusive Shabaab cells But according to a recent UN monitoring report, Shabaab have built up a powerful "Amniyat" secret service, under strict command of the insurgent's chief Ahmed Abdi Godane, a secretive and ruthless leader who Washington have offered a $7m bounty for. "Even if international efforts to dismantle the group's fighting forces succeed, the chances that the cells under the leadership of Godane will continue operating is high," said Andrews Atta-Asamoah, of the South Africa-based Institute for Security Studies (ISS). "The ongoing military operation against the group might face a long fight." In many frontline zones, territory patrolled during the day by Amisom is controlled at night by Shabaab. "Amisom reinforcements - especially if air capability is increased such as helicopter gunships -- will allow the force to take further towns," said a security expert working on Somalia. "But the more territory they take, the more supply lines will be stretched... the Shabaab continue to control rural areas in between." In coming months, renewed Amisom-led offensives against Shabaab’s positions in southern Somalia will likely intensify, with the force optimistic extra troops can help it advance again. Fresh push Amisom, announced a fresh push last month in southern Somalia to "deny al-Shabaab freedom of movement" and "reduce their ability" to carry out attacks. "Given additional troops... and given 'force multipliers' like helicopters and armoured vehicles, we shall be in position to defeat the Shabaab," said Amisom spokesperson Captain Deo Akiiki. Long-term targets include seizing Barawe -- a reputed suicide commando training centre for the extremists – at least 180km south of the capital Mogadishu. Taking Barawe would help cut coastal resupply routes and link up AU forces physically split between Mogadishu and the far south of Somalia. "Making the Shabaab lose access to sea is crucial, because at the moment they use Barawe as a supply route," Akiiki added, adding that capturing Barawe would "cut their veins". At the same time, Somalia's central government is trying to improve collaboration with breakaway regions, notably the southern Jubaland zone, controlled by a warlord previously opposed to the rule of central government but who is also battling the Shabaab. "Taking territory from the Shabaab and targeting commanders is key, but that won't stop the hard core of the Shabaab continuing terrorist attacks," the security expert added. Others warn that alongside military assaults must be an attempt to talk to less radical elements. "Radical elements within the leadership can be contained through the ongoing military solution," Atta-Asamoah added, but arguing that what is "really missing in the search for a solution is the question of opening dialogue" with those Shabaab who might switch sides.
  5. Somaliland and Kenya have deep historic links says Kenyan MP , kenya and Somaliland cooperate Kenyan airways is official coming to Somaliland now, there is also a sizable Kenyan expats in Somaliland whom they have seen in the country. Listen here http://www.caynabanews.com/view.php?id=33974
  6. I have question how come Somalis only started recently going for the council seat Somalis have been in the United states for more than 30 years, if not more, do Somalis need a longer time to integrate into the society?
  7. “Somaliland wax bay ka baran kartaa Kenya,Kenyana wax badan bay ka baran kartaa Somaliland” November 7th, 2013 “Weftigani wuxuu xooga saarayaa sidii iskaashiga iyo ganacsiga labada wadan ee Kenya iyo Somaliland loo sii balaadhin lahaa” “Dal ahaan waanu taageeraynaa oo dhiiri-gelinaynaa wada xaajoodka u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya”sawirka labaad ee warka koowaad HARGEYSA (Somaliland.Org)- Wefti miisaan leh oo ka socda baarlamaanka iyo Dawladda Kenya ayaa shalay Booqasho rasmi ah oo saddex maalmood qaadan doonta ku yimid Somaliland. Weftigan oo ka kooban 9 xubnood waxa shalay si diirran loogu soo dhaweeyay madaarka Magaaladda Hargeysa ee Cigaal International Airport, waxaana halkaasi ku qaabilay xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland. Xildhibaanada Ananyo, oo mid ah guddiga Xidhiidhka Dibedda iyo Gaashaandhiga Baarlamaanka Kenya, oo weftiga hogaaminaysay ayaa tafaasiil ka bixisay ujeedada booqashadooda waxaanay tidhi “Muhiimada booqashadayada maanta (shalay) waa martiqaad aan ka helay saaxiibadayada Somaliland, oo la xidhiidhka xidhiidhka soo-jireenka iyo saaxiibtinimada innoo dhexeysay, waxaanan ku dedaalaynaa inaan sii xoojino oo adkayno xidhiidhkaa. Sidaad la socotaan, maaha markii ugu horeysay ee wefti ka socda Baarlamaanka Kenya booqasho ku yimaado Somaliland, wefti kasta oo yimaadana waxuu sii horumarinayey xidhiidhkan soo jireenka ahaa, markuu ku laabto Kenya-na waxuu u gudbinayey guulaha Somaliland gaadhay.” “Wefdi walba markuu ku laabto Kenya waxuu diyaarinyaa warbixino iyo qorraalo uu u gudbiyo hay’adaha kala duwan ee ay khusayso, una ololeeyaa sidii loo xoojin lahaa xidhiidhka labada wadan wadaagaan. Waxaan u soconaa inaan sii balaadhino iskaashigaas, horena, weli xubnaha illa socda ee Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Kenya, hore uma iman Somaliland. Markaa waa fursad sida dhammaan ergooyinka kala duwan ee ila socdaa qeyb uga qaadanayaan gudbinta guulaha aad gadheen, caqabada jira iyo hadafkiina,”ayay tidhi Xildhibaan Ananyo. Haweenayda Hoggaaminaysa weftigani waxay sheegtay in macluumaadka ay ku arkaan Somaliland u gudbin doonaan madaxda dalkooda, iyaddoo arrintaas ka hadlaysayna waxay tidhi “Waxaan shirar iyo kulamo la yeelan doonaa qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, madaxda xukuumada, goleyaasha baarlamaanka, aqoon yahanka jaamacadaha, ururrada bulshada,si aan waxyaabo badan isu-dhaafsano. Gebagebagadana waxaan soo saari doonaa tallooyin aan u gudbinayno hay’adaha dalkayaga iyo hogaamiyeyaasha ku saabsan waxaad qabsateen iyo hadafkiina.” “Haddii aanu nahay weftigayagan, iyo dal ahaanba waan taageeraynaa, isla markaana dhiirigelinaynaa wada xaajoodka u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya. Kenya waxay hoy u tahay boqolaal dadkeeda ah oo awoowayaashood ka soo jeedaan Somaliland, oo tuulooyin, degmooyin iyo magaalooyin badan aad ku arkaysid xidhiidhka ay la leeyahiin Somaliland. Degmo doorashooyinka ugu badan ee dadka Somaliland ka soo jeedaa degan yihiin waa goobta la iga soo doorto iyo Isolo iyo Nevasha, oo xildhibaanada metelayey illa socdaan. Muwaadiniin badan oo Kenyaan ah ayaa degan Somaliland oo ka qeyb-qaata horumarka dhinacyo badan, sida macalimiin, farsamoyaqaano, shaqaalaha hay’adaha gargaarka,”ayay intaas raacisay, waxaanay iyadoo hadalkeeda sii watay tidhi “Waxaan rajaynayanaa inaan sii balaadhino xidhiidhkaa, oo adkayno. Muwaadiniinta Kenya ee awoowayaashood ka soo jeedaan Somaliland waxay qeyb ka qaataan horumarka Kenya, dhinacyo kala duwan, xilal muhiim ah oo sare-na way ka hayaan meelo kala duwan.” “Weftigani wuxuu xooga saarayaa sidii iskaashiga iyo ganacsiga labada wadan ee Kenya iyo Somaliland loo sii balaadhin lahaa. Waxaanu ognahay in Somaliland u baahan tahay wax badan oo Kenya ay ka bartaan, sidoo kalena, waxa kale oo jira wax badan oo Kenya ka baran karto Somaliland, sida ganacsiga balaadhan ee dhoofka xoolaha iyo guulaha aad ka gaadheen la dagaalanka argagxisada iyo budhcad badeedka, iyadoo ay jiraan caqabadaha dhaqaale ee ka dhashay helitaan la’aanta aqoonsi, amaan ayaad ku mudan tihiin, waana dhinac muhiim u ah inaan iskaashi ka yeelano,”ayay hadalkeedii ku soo gunaanaday Xildhibaan Ananyo. Geesta kalena xildhibaan Axmed-yaasiin Sh. Cali Ayaanle oo ka tirsan Mudaneyaasha Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland oo saxaafada la hadlayey ayaa sheegay, “Waxaynu maanta (shalay) halkan ku soo dhawaynaynaa wefti ka socda dawlada Kiiniya khaastan Baarlamaanka dalka Kiiniya iyo Saraakiil kale oo ka tirsan dawlada Kiiniya oo ay ku jiraan la-taliyaha madaxweyne ku-xigeenka dawlada Kiiniya oo booqasho rasmi ah ku yimi Somaliland ayaynu halkan (Somaliland) ku soo dhawaynaynaa.” Xildhibaan Axmed-yaasiin waxa uu ka hadlay qorshe hawleedka weftigani ku hawl-geli doono inta ay ku gudo jiraan socdaalooda Somaliland, waxaanu yidhi “Weftigu wuxuu ka kooban yahay sagaal xubnood afar xubnood oo Baarlamaanka Kiiniya ah iyo shan xubnood oo saraakiil ah iyo la-taliyaha madaxweyne ku-xigeenka isugu jira.Waxay Somaliland joogi doonaan muddo saddex maalmood ah waa booqasho rasmi ah, waxay booqan doonaan magaalada Berbera waxa kale oo ay booqan doonaan goob kale oo taariikhi ah oo Somaliland ka mid ah,”ayuu intaas raaciyay Xildhibaan Axmed Yaasiin, waxaanu intaas ku ladhay “Waxa kale oo ay la kulmi doonaan madax sarre oo ka mid yahay Madaxweynaha qaranku, waxay la kulmi doonaan fadhi wada-jir ah guddiyo ka kooban labada aqal ee Baarlamaanka ee Golaha Guurtida iyo Golaha Wakiilada waxaynu ku oo dhawaynaynaa gacmo furan iyo qalbi furan, waxay daris doonaan xaalada dhabta ah ee Somaliland ka jirta.” “Innaga ka qaran ahaan iyo ka dawlad ahaan fursad weyn ayay inoo tahay inay inoo yimaadaan wefti noocan ah oo ka yimi dal miisan culus ku leh qaarada Afrika oo Kenya ah oo miisan dhaqaale leh oo miisan siyaasadeed leh arrimaha soomaalida aad u danaynayaa in qadiyadeena iyo qarannimadeena iyo waaqica Somaliland ka jiraa inay indhahooda ku arkan aynu rejaynaynaa in ay kala noqon doonaan, warbixin xaqiiqadeena ka turjumaysanna ay inaga diyaariyaan, heshiisyo ayaa dhici doonaa ay labada dhinac ee Baarlamaanka Somaliland iyo Ka kiiniya dhexmari doonnaa,”ayuu yidhi Xildhibaanku.
  8. Somaliland: Her Majesty’s Government Commits £120m Assistance by 2015 Wednesday, 06 November 2013 22:18 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn UK Envoy Chris AllanUK Envoy Chris Allan By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – "Though Her Majesty Government-HMG has strengthened her relationship with Mogadishu the UK remains a key strategic partner of Somaliland" This was informed by the British Deputy ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Chris Allan during an interview with reporter Mahmud Walaleye in Hargeisa where the envoy is visiting on official duties also revealed that HMG has maintain a full diplomatic presence in the country since 2012 when a consular office was established in Hargeisa. As he revealed that UK will spend up to £95m in Somaliland up until 2015 in development assistance, and is putting £25m into the Somaliland Development Fund, which will help in areas like health education, and governance the British envoy also denied that the international community is snubbing Somaliland for refusal to participate in conferences where issues Somalia were the only agenda. Stressing on this fact Mr. Allan reminded of the continued interactions between senior levels of the London and Hargeisa examples being the meeting between president Silanyo and prime minister Cameroon, just concluded meeting between foreign minister Behi Yonis and the UK minister for Africa and regular meetings held by country's Ministers with UK representatives both in the UK, and in the region, to discuss a wide variety of issues. Said he "The UK believed (and continues to believe) that it was in Somaliland's long term interests to attend a major international conference covering issues that directly affect its interests. However, it was always a matter for Somaliland's elected leaders to decide whether or not to participate" During his visit to Somaliland Mr. Chris Allan has met and held discussions with various stakeholders in the country chief among them president Silanyo Below are the verbatim excerpts of the Interview Do we deduce, ever since UK started leading Somalia's affairs, on the other hand overturned its close cooperation regarding Somaliland, because of Somaliland's snub of preferred Somalia's conferences to attend your government, what is you argument? The UK is a key strategic partner for Somaliland. That will not change even as we strengthen our relationship with Mogadishu. The British Government will spend up to £95m in Somaliland up until 2015 in development assistance, and is putting £25m into the Somaliland Development Fund, which will help in areas like health education, and governance. The UK believed (and continues to believe) that it was in Somaliland's long term interests to attend a major international conference covering issues that directly affect its interests. However, it was always a matter for Somaliland's elected leaders to decide whether or not to participate. We continue to have close links with the Somaliland Administration. Somaliland Ministers regularly meet with UK representatives both in the UK, and in the region, to discuss a wide variety of issues. The Prime Minister meet President Silanyo in April this year. The Minister for Foreign Affairs recently met our Minister for Africa. The UK formally opened an office in Hargeisa on the 3 September, 2012, in line with the Foreign Secretary's intent to establish a presence in Mogadishu and Hargeisa as soon as local conditions allow. This office enables officials to stay in Hargeisa for short periods to carry out diplomatic work in Somaliland. Because of the security situation this office will have only very limited consular functions. We have locally engaged staff, who work on projects and political work. British diplomats based in the region visit Hargeisa regularly. Since Jan,20 10- UK took new policy to increase its dialogue and development assistance with Somaliland, up to now, what measures were taken, both political and financial? And what amount does UK earmarked Somaliland's development assistance cooperation till today? HMG will spend up to £95m in Somaliland up until 2015 in development assistance, and is putting £25m into the Somaliland Development Fund, which will help in areas like health education, and governance. Earlier, UK reiterated, facilitating further needs of dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia, hence, there is controversial matter that might fuel reaching last accord, where ICAO unilaterally delegated management of Somalia's airspace to TFG, although, Somaliland and Somalia agreed shared management in Turkey, what can you furnish UK stand regarding the matter? The UK welcomed the initiative by Turkey to facilitate a meeting between the two parties in April, and in July 2013. The Ankara Communiqué endorses and builds on last year's 'Chevening House Declaration' by agreeing to work together on areas of mutual cooperation, specifically identifying the security sector in the fight against terrorism and other serious crime. We stand ready to support this process further if requested by the parties. The management of Somali airspace is a matter for Government authorities in of Somaliland and the federal Government to agree between them. Somaliland population most depend remittances from their relatives abroad, particularly where largest Diaspora resides UK, and because of Barclays decision to close all accounts of Dahabshiil, largest remittance company depended families of Somaliland started losing confidence of UK government hesitant to come out solution, what assurances would you have towards them? The Government is taking this issue seriously and has held discussions with the banks and the Somali Money Service Associations (SOMSA). Senior diplomats have twice met the CEO of Dahabshiil to discuss his concerns. Any solution will need all of the stakeholders to come tReporter walaleyeReporter walaleyeogether collectively. The Government will now form an Action Group on Cross-Border Remittances, which will help clarify guidance for banks on dealing with remittance companies. The National Crime Agency will help banks and money transfer companies to help identify the risks better. DFID is developing a pilot project to help develop secure remittance channels to Somalia. Regulators have also committed to making it as easy as possible for remittance companies to carry on trading, within the scope of the relevant legislation, and will help money transmitters improve their compliance. In the meantime, it is still possible to remit money back to Somalia from the UK.
  9. Somaliland: Kenya-Somaliland Relations Boosted Visiting Kenyan lawmakers By Goth Mohamed Goth A high level delegation from the government of Kenya consisting of several parliamentarians arrived in the country today on an official three day visit. The Kenyan parliamentarians who are in the country for a three day official visit were received by their Somaliland counterparts after they arrived at Egal International Airport earlier today. The Kenyan delegation is expected to meet with his Excellency President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) and top government officials to discuss ways to enhance both diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries. The visiting lawmakers will visit the various regions of the country and also expected to meet with people from those regions. Somaliland is committed to work with its neighbors in the horn region towards sustaining the stability and security of the Horn of Africa. It is one way of helping the people of both countries and those of the region at large. SomalilandPress.Com
  10. You are right he is an asset to the Somaliland nation, lets now hope the Kenyan airways can start flights from Nairobi to Hargeisa
  11. Tallaabo;984569 wrote: It is better to make movies or documentaries about the many social problems we face today instead of glorifying violence and gang culture which are alien to Somaliland. Waryaa 70% of the people of Somaliland is 35 years or younger , you cant bore them with documentaries they need some action and amusement.
  12. I love action Films i also love Cow boy movies Alpha if the movie has no action no shooting no blood than its pretty boring. Slaamo barooranayo iyo hebel ba hebel jecladay ma jecli , unless its a good comedy.
  13. Somalis have been in conflict with each other for god knows how long they have committed crimes against each other the victim at some period of time becomes the aggressor and than it becomes an endless cycle. Somalis have used external forces to settle ancient old rivalries but every new conflict will eventually get a new chapter. And than there is the blame game, Somalis blame every one but themselves ofcourse others have a hand to it. but the most significant part was always caused by Somali entities Presidents so called leaders Warlords. Consequently there are know real solutions because every one interpreters his or her solution to the overall interest of his region tribe personal interest so there are no plausible scenario's Somalis can discuss. So my question is Turxaan Bixin for the Somali political conflict reachable with the resources and the current leaders we have. The international community repeatedly tells the Somalis should solve their matters and internal problems, but they themselves are not honest and are not willing to concede to the Somalis that they should take the lead of the Somali peace process and they hire sub contractors such as Ethiopia to play the mediating factor. So my question is it possible for Somalis to go to the countryside and start discussing their differences under a tree, with out Ethiopian guarantors and other sub contractors, can there be true Turxaan Bixin, where Somalis are dead honest with each other for the first time. Instead of fake smiles and fake gatherings?
  14. Somaliland: Kenyan Delegation on Fact Finding Mission Wednesday, 06 November 2013 22:57 "We are here to learn of your desires and achievements and report back to our leadership" Kenyan MP Anna Nyokabi Kenyan delegation joins Somaliland traditional dancers upon arrival at Egal AirportKenyan delegation joins Somaliland traditional dancers upon arrival at Egal Airport By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - "Kenya which is home to thousands of citizens and expatriates with roots in Somaliland hopes to extend its relations with the government in Hargeisa and its citizens." This was said by Hon Ann Nyokabi a Kenyan Member of parliament of is leading a nine member delegation composed of legislators, Government officials and personal advisor to the Kenyan vice president that is visiting Somaliland on official invitation. MP Nyokabi leads Kenya teamMP Nyokabi leads Kenya teamWhile stressing on the historical ties that bound the two countries Hon Nyokabi who represents Kiambu Constituency in parliament where she sits on the foreign Relations and defence committee said that her high powered delegation is in the country to share and exchange views on various issues especially those that Somaliland excels in like Democracy and Livestock export.MP Ayanle is official guide to kenyan teamMP Ayanle is official guide to kenyan team "Am proud to say that though my delegation is not the first of its kind to visit your country it involves legislators representing Naivasha and Isiolo where the biggest Somaliland communities in Kenya live" Said Hon Nyokabi As she informed that Kenya has immensely gained from her Somaliland community she also said that Somaliland has too gained from the .large cadre of Kenyans working in the private, public and Development sectors of Somaliland. "Though we are here on behalf of our colleagues in the Kenyan parliament and government to whom we shall report back we are also here to learn from achievements garnered by your country especial in democratic transition, peace building and Governance" she said Welcome to Somaliland Lady and GentlemenWelcome to Somaliland Lady and Gentlemen According to Somaliland Member of Parliament Ahmed Yasin Sh. Ali Ayanle the high powered delegation shall meet with various leadership that include president Silanyo, two houses of parliament, Academia, politicians and Kenyans in Somaliland as well as visit other towns like Berbera and diverse historical sites during the three days of visit. Listen to the Joint Kenyan – Somaliland press briefing at the Egal International Airport
  15. Sacad cali shire is doing a fine job he is a very hard working man and a real asset to the Kulmiye government. The foreign minister is away he is in Djibouti currently but will be arriving soon to.
  16. More PICS http://togaherer.com/wafti-culus-oo-dawlada-kenya-ah-oo-maanta-hargeysa-booqasho-rasmi-ah-ku-yimid/ On their arrival at Egal international airport in hargeisa.
  17. Kenyan airways officials plus Kenyans mps will stay 3 days in Somaliland a huge delegation from Kenya they will meet with Somaliland parliamentarians and other Somaliland government officials. Welcome to Somaliland
  18. It was about time that a Somali takes the Minneapolis seat with a huge Somali population there , well done Abdi Warsame.