Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Weftigii Ka Socday Wadanka Kenya Oo Maanta Dalkoodii Dib Ugu Laabtay Iyo Nuxurka Waxyaalihii Ay Kala Kulmeen Somaliland Oo Ay Ka Warbixiyeen Gudoomiye Ku Xigeenka Koowaad Ee Golaha Wakiilada Iyo Gudoomiyaha Waftiga. (Hadhwanaagnews) Saturday, November 09, 2013 Hargeysa(HWN):-waftigii ka socday wadanka Kenya ee somaliland ku sugnaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyey ayaa maanta dib ugu noqday wadanka Kenya. Hargeysa(HWN):-waftigii ka socday wadanka Kenya ee somaliland ku sugnaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyey ayaa maanta dib ugu noqday wadanka Kenya. Waftigan oo ay sagootin balaadhan u sameeyeen shir gudoonka golaha wakiilada Somaliland,xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada iyo masuuliyiin ka tirsan madaxtooyada Somaliland ayaa dib ugu laabtay wadankooda Kenya ka dib markii ay dhamaysteen socdaal sadex cisho qaatay oo ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland Cali Yuusuf Axmed oo intii aanay waftigani ka dhoofin madaarka caasimada la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa waxa uu sheegay in mudadii ay joogeen waftigani ay socdaal ku soo mareen qaar ka mid ah gobolada dalka, waxaanu faah faahin ka bixiyey kulamadii ay la qaateen iyo qodobada ka soo baxay waxaanu yidhi ?waftigii balaadhnaa ee ka yimid wadanka Kenya kuwaas oo ka koobnaa sagaal qof, waxay joogeen wadanka mudo sadex cisho ah dhawr meelood ayey tageen mudadii ay joogeen iyaga oo gaadhay gobolada Gebilay iyo Saaxil, wada hadal balaadhana waa la yeeshay waxyaalaha lagu heshiiyeyna waxa ka mid ah in layska kaashado dhinaca nabad galyada, dhinaca isku socodka labada dal iyo dhinaca ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha , qodobadii laysla qaatayna waa laga heshiiyey.? Ayuu yidhi gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland Cali Yuusuf Axmed. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaas raaciyey ?waxayna marti qaad u sameeyeen madaxweynaha Somaliland inuu tago wadanka Kenya iyada oo madaxweynaha Somaliland uu warqad balaadhan ayuu u qoray madaxweynaha dalka Kenya oo uu ugu sii dhiibay waftigan, halkaasna waxa ka dhacay is afgarad balaadhan, waxaana lagu heshiiyey in xidhiidhka labada dalka la sii xoojiyo.? Ayuu yidhi gudoomiya ku xigeenka labaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland. Sidoo kale Ana Niyokabe oo ah xubinta hogaaminaysay waftigan ka socday wadanka Kenya oo dhinaceeda ka hadashay socdaalka ay ku yimadeen Somaliland ayaa waxay amaan balaadhan u soo jeedisay shacbiga Somaliland iyo sida ay iskugu duuban yihiin, waxaanay guud ahaanba Somaliland ku amaantay deganaanshaha iyo horu marka ka jira waxaana hadaladeedi ka mid ahaa ?Aad ayey u mahadsan yihiin dawlada iyo shaciga Somaliland sidii ay noogu soo dhaweeyeen halkan, waxaanu nimid Somaliland anaga oo aragnay midnimada shacbiga Somaliland, horu marka iyo degenaanshaha ka jira wadankan, waxaan hubaa shacbiga somalinad inay midnimadooda ku dedaali donaan imikana ma noqon doonto markii ugu horaysay ee aanu nimaadno Somaliland waanu ku soo noqon doonaa.?ayey tidhi Ana Niyokabe.
  2. Emotionally how did you came to the conclusion that i am confused when i posted this thats very strange.
  3. Issa riyoole what are you talking about what did i say that is wrong
  4. The goverment in Mogadishu called the Turks and and wanted to delay the talks for another month because they are not ready to resume the dialogue. This is an official statement from the Somaliland goverment. Somaliland is ready when ever the Koonfurians are ready.
  5. Somaliland: Somalia-Somaliland Dialogue Talks Postponed Until December letterhead foreign affairs By Goth Mohamed Goth Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations has announced the postponement of the latest round of Somaliland-Somalia Dialogue talks which were due to begin yesterday the 8th of November 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. The Chief of Protocol and also the official spokesperson in the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations Mr. Ahmed Yusuf Elmi (Sudi) while speaking to SomalilandPress he said the talks were postponed after the federal government of Somalia requested through the Turkish intermediaries the postponement of the Dialogue talks due to urgent matters regarding the fragile situation in Jubbaland. Mr. Ahmed Yusuf Elmi (Sudi) went on to say the dialogue talks will resume on a later date probably in the first week of December 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. SomalilandPress.Com
  6. Hawdian;985132 wrote: Expired? Wtf only cowards try to smear the name of a dead man. Egal one of the modern founding father of Somaliland statehood his legacy lives on in Somaliland no matter what kids writes on SOL The man who literately wrote the Somaliland constitution a very shrewd politician established the senate and parliament of Somaliland, introduced the Somaliland shilling and Somaliland passport. Established Diplomatic ties with Neighboring countries, disarmed the SNM and re integrated into a modern Somaliland national defense force. Before he could deliver his master piece in 1999 he started to interfere in Somalia politics and wanted deliver Somaliland recognition and organize a grand conference for the Koonfurians where he picks the pieces, though the latter was hijacked by out neighboring dictator Ina Cumar Geele. But nevertheless Cigaal continued the democratization process of Somaliland so he also introduced Somaliland multiple parties. A very educated Politician and charismatic leader when cigaal spoke every one listened. He also added the Black star into the Somaliland flag Singing the independence of Somaliland in Britain When cigaal inherited a broken nation destroyed by war in 1993 at the borama conference The people of Somaliland will never forget you
  7. Haatu you better of part of Kenya imagine being part of Somalia you would today be part of a failed state , better be part of an economic power house Kenya.
  8. Israel is still a racist state a state obsessed with retaining the Jewishness of the state, how ever the Israelis as bad as they are we can learn allot from them they are very advanced in science. They have one of the best health clinics in the world if you have seen the clinics they have in Haifa, i would send Somaliland doctor graduates to Israel to learn a few things from the israelis. As much as i sympathize with the Palestinians and their plight, there is little we can do for them. The israelis are also one of the best weapon manufacturers, the world has ever seen the United states copies allot from the Israeli weapon engineers Merkava Mark IV battle tank is one of the most sophisticated battle tanks of all times it has Amcoram LWS-4 laser protection system, its equipped continental Motors. 120mm battle gun with a modular ballistic armour. They are redeveloping the Merkava i cant wait when that one comes out. The israelis are hard workers.
  9. We welcome Indhasheel khatumo is doing good , good on them, horta whats the shir about in taleex ?
  10. Israel is not in combat with the spread of islam 30% of Israeli citizens are Muslims, any way Cigaal had some contacts with the jewish state how ever the relations never went forward. Do the Egyptians Moroccans and Jordanians sell Islam they all have relations with the Jewish state. This is just silly logic there are just interests, you cannot sell NFD, NFD was never part of Somali republic so how can he sell it
  11. There might be some truth to that how ever he views them as corrupt he clearly stated that there might be a few individuals who want to do good but the overall majority in the parliament are crooks and want to enrich themselves real fast. There is some truth to that ,it might be politically motivated but the amount of corruption is enormous there. But we will know if Ahmed was telling the truth in 3 years time.
  12. Sultan faisal is not your usual politician he says what he wants he is not fond of diplomatic talks. But i dont doubt ever this mans patriotism this man deeply loves Somaliland.
  13. Leave Sultan Faisal alone he is a patriotic Somalilander, he is a bit critical its needed some times
  14. It doesnt matter really if Koonfurians stay in their country and respect Somaliland than maybe the 2 sides can become friends, but i dont believe there is deep dislike between the 2 countries. a bit mistrust and allot of uncertainties
  15. YUSUR ABRAAR: "Waxaan is-casilay kaddib markii ay Caga-jugley iiga timid Ganacsato ay Qaraabo yihiin Madaxweynaha" Khamiis, November 07, 2013 (HOL) — Dhowr maalmood kaddib markii ay xilkeeda iska casishay guddoomiyihii bankiga dhexe ee Somalia, Yusur Abrar ayay u sheegtay AllAfrica inay isku casishay cabsi-gelin iyo caga-jugleyn kaga timid ganacsato ay qaraabo yihiin madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. Yusuf Abraar oo ahayd haweeneydii ugu horreysay oo xilkan loo magacaabo ayaa xilka haysay muddo laba bilood ah, iyadoo iscasilaadeeda ay si aad ah uga yaabisay shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha calaamka. “Waxay isku dayeen inay igu qasbaan inaan u saxiixo mashaariic ay lacago malaayiin doollar ah ku baxayso, taasoo igu dhiirrigelisay inaan is-casilaad ku dhawaaqo,” ayay tiri Yusur. Sidoo kale, waxay sheegtay in tan iyo markii la magacaabay ay wal-walsanayd ka qabtay saxiixyada heshiisyada gaark ah, kuwaasoo ay sheegtay inay mar walba ogeyd inay yihiin kuwo aad u adag. Qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha Soomaalida ayaa laga soo xigtay in Yusur ay ka baxsatay caga-juleyn kaga timid ganacsato ay si aad ah isugu dhowr yihiin madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. “Raggan waxay xiriir leeyihiin madaxweynaha,” ayaa lagu yiri warbixinno kale oo lagu daabacay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Soomaalida, inkatsoo aan la xaqiijin karin dhabnimadooda. Magaacabidda Yusuf ayaa waxay kusoo beegantay xilli ay beesha caalamka ugu deeqday Soomaaliya balaayiin doollar oo dib loogu dhisayo dalka, balse waxaa mar qura beesha calaamku ay aad ula yaabtay iscasilaadda Yusur oo ahayd haweeneydii ugu horreysay oo xilkan loo magacaabo. Wasiirka maaliyadda Soomaaliya, Maxamuud Xasan Suleymaan ayaa maanta sheegay in kulan ay isaga iyo madaxweynaha Somalia la yeesheen xubno ka socday dalalka deeq-bixiyeyaasha ah su’aalihii la weydiiyay ay ka mid ahayd sababtii ay isku casishay guddoomiyihii bankiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya.
  16. Somaliland: Sterling Energy Joins Petrosoma, Genel and Jacka Resources to Share Odweine Oil Block Production E-mail Thursday, 07 November 2013 03:30 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn Sterling plcSterling plc By: Tom McIvor/Alliance News Somalilandsun - Sterling Energy Ltd Wednesday said its subsidiary Sterling Energy (East Africa) Ltd has completed a deal to acquire an interest in a potentially highly prospective oil block in the Republic of Somaliland. The AIM-listed oil and gas exploration and Production Company said that it has farmed into the production sharing contract on the Odweine Block with Petrosoma Ltd following government approvals. Following completion, Sterling Energy (East Africa) Ltd will hold 10%, Petrosoma Ltd 10%, Jacka Resources Somaliland Ltd 30% and operator Genel Energy Somaliland Ltd the remaining 50%. Sterling Energy shares were up 0.6% to 41.00 pence Wednesday. By Tom McIvor; tommcivor@alliancenews.com; @TomMcIvor1 source: Alliance News Limited.
  17. They will be called Kenyans and the Kenyans are our African Brothers and Sisters.
  18. No problem at all the practical border between SL and the Puntland remains tukaraq and the 2 have some understanding on that. Somaliland has borders., there is no complication. Abdisamad was one of the co founders of the Somaliland police forces.
  19. Seems Abdisamad ali shireh is overwhelming the Khatumites but i think its the election season which will fade away after the elections are over, it seems that many in eastern sool are still allied to Puntland.
  20. Last year the Kenyan goverment said they were willing to open a diplomatic office in hargeisa , i am sure this is discussed to , the Kenyans have always been very friendly towards Somaliland. Even during Kibaki's reign, there is allot we can learn from each other Kenya and Somaliland are both democracies we have shared values and long historic links, not to forget the ethnic Somalilandish community in Kenya. And many universities in Somaliland and Kenya are interconnected, so i am sure relations will only be strengthened after this visit.