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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
It was called British Somaliland we remove the British and call it Somaliland makes sense to me , Somalia is called Somalia, former Italian Somalia Djibouti was called Djibouti Territoire français des Afars et des Issas, and Somaliland is called Somaliland. And then there is NFD northern frontier district or kenya's north eastern province., and than there is the Somali Kilil under Xabashi Bondage. Somaliland is not going to drop the Somali name ,for the Koonfurans Somali is part of the heritage and culture of the people of Somaliland. Somali makes sense in Somaliland 100% of the people of Somaliland are of pure ethnic Somali stock with Somali as the native language , in Somalia more than 25% of Somali population are assimilated Somalis. In Djibouti half of the population are of an Afar ethnic group. The Somaliland name makes sense in Somaliland. i am not necessarily against pan Somalism aslong as its done in the vision of the people of Somaliland separate nation states,and unity in the same form of the Europeans The Somalis in Somaliland and the Somalis in Djibouti and the Somalis in Kenya and the Somalis under Xabashis can all cooperate based on equality justice and partnership in maybe 50 years time. But the old days of Somaliland is part of Somalia and a union based on qiiro japan and hatred and jealousy and pseudo nationalism is not going to work.
People like Guleed Ali should not be allowed to enter Somaliland.
Kaluun;989412 wrote: Indeed Jacaylbaro we are all Somalilanders; from Ras Kamboni to Djibouti, Moyale to Ras Alula. These guys did not get you inadeer. Anyways why are users on this site always negative and whining? U mean from lawyacade to yoocade thats The Somaliand boundary description In Somalia its the 2 rasses raskambooni to raas caseer
If Somalia cannot control even Somalia , than what makes you think it will be able to control Somaliland , whether the UN bosses say its part of the defunct Somali republic or not, at the end of the day its all about the boots on the ground and those who are able to enforce their laws in the land.The key here is that its recognized by the UN that its parts of the Somali republic not by the people of Somaliland. On one point your argument is that we should get rid of the rules and regulations made by the Europeans Americans and UN at the same time u wish to use the same against Somaliland a contradiction there i believe. By the way Somaliland never said that its seceding from Somalia , Somaliland always said that it withdrew from the former Somali republic union, a union created by the 2 states Somalia and Somaliland. Somaliland was never an integral part of Somalia or a province of Somalia. Not during colonialism not before Colonialism the act of the union speaks for its self enshrined in the first Somali constitution. You call it petty differences thats exactly the reason why the people of decided to unite with Somalia they thought there were mere petty differences but when the Union was conceived they easily felt trapped and a year later in 1961 they staged a coup to withdraw from the union just a year later in 1961 can u imagine how short the union lasted lol. Somaliland absolutely benefited zero from the Somali republic the union it made Somaliland only weaker more vulnerable followed by a brutal war that left so many people dead on both sides this was all caused by the union. If there was never a union all of that could have been avoided. Somaliland sacrificed their own independence in 1960 for the larger Somali initiative but they got nothing in return not the equal status they were expecting a union that really benefited both. But it solely benefited Somalia in terms of economy political hierarchy in infrastructure. Djibouti saw how bad the deal Somaliland got in 1977 and thought twice before joining the Somali republic and they stayed away. Thank you doctor kenney the union with Somalia made Somaliland vigilant and forced them to walk extra few miles it made them determined to only care for their own country today and rebuild their country and not to look back on the 30 years they wasted on Somalia. The people of Somaliland erased the 30 years union with Somalia from their minds soon in a decade or 2 there will be hardly no one that remembers the union since 65% of the people of Somaliland are 35 years or younger, anagi ba dirqi ku xasuusana lol.
DoctorKenney;989401 wrote: Xaaji I'm against the existence of Djibouti as well. But since Djibouti actually has international recognition and is recognized as it's own country, then there's nothing we can do about it---for now. Whereas "Somaliland" is still recognized as part of Somalia. It's still part of the country. So why should we change that? What are the petty differences that we have that we can't resolve as adults? But at some point u say u want islamic unity and gaal made borders means nothing on the other hand u think the ictraaf of the gaal is important why cant u claim Djibouti or are you scared of the gaals ictraaf? Ileen labadu isku meel ma galaan eh.
magicbird;989387 wrote: Why not speak the the truth and say we're IsaacNewtonLanders, cuz everybody else are hostages. You talk about how you freed from the clutches of a dictatorship, but now when its your turn, your doing the same thing. Anyways the average man isn't to blame, it'll always be the leadership, but people have got to make good choices. So insha'allah they make good choices. Hows Somaliland a dictatorship there is one man one vote democracy multi party system a parliament that works 2 elected presidents by the people.
DoctorKenney;989354 wrote: How wonderful! You're celebrating the colonial borders created by the British Empire and you're "proud" that your Somaliland heritage makes you somehow different than the rest of Somalis. Makes real logical sense to me Africa country in Africa in Africa their borders were created by Colonial boundaries ,what makes somaliland different even somalia. Doctor how come u never question Djibouti's colonial boundaries
Faahfaahin ku saabsan Qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo Maanta ka dhacay Xarunta gobolka Bari ee Boosaaso Khamiis, December 05, 2013 (HOL) — Faah faahin dheeri ah ayaa kasoo baxaysa qarax maanta barqadii lala beegsaday kolonyo gaadiid ah oo ay wateen ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa badda ee Puntland, xilli ay marayeen meel u dhow xarunta weyn ee Shirkadda Amal oo ku taal bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso. Taliyaha ciidamada badda Admiral C/risaaq Diiriye Faarax oo goor dhow warbaahinta la hadlay, ayaa sheegay in qaraxaas loo adeegsaday gaari walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyey oo qof isa soo miidaamiyey uu watey. Taliyuhu wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in qaraxa lala eegtay mid kamid ah saddex gaari oo ay ciidamadu wateen, xilli ay kusii jeedeen suuqa weyn ee magaalada; si ay uga soo dukaameystaan. Dhinaca kale wasiirka amniga ee Puntland, Kol. Khaliif Ciise Mudan, oo goor dhow la hadlay laanta afka Soomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC, ayaa xaqiijiyey in 8 qof ay dhinteen in ka badan 30 qof oo kalena ay dhaawacyo kala duwan qabaan. Ma jirto ilaa iyo hadda cid sheegatay mas'uuliyadda qaraxa maanta magaalada Boosaaso ka dhacay, haseyeeshee wasiirka ayaa ku eedeeyey Ururka Al-shabaab. Dadka dhintey waxaa ku jira ugu yaraan saddex askari oo ka tirsanaa Ciidamada Badda ee Puntland iyo afar qof oo rayid ah, waxaa sidoo kale dadka dhintay qayb ka ah qofkii isa soo miidaamiyey ee isagu weerarkaas geystey. Dadka dhaawacmay oo qaarkood ay xaaladoodu halis tahay, waxay u badan yihiin shacab jidka marayey iyo qaar meharado ganacsi ku haystey agagaarka goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay. Firirka qaraxa ayaa waxyeelo xooggan u geystey gawaari tira badan iyo dhismeyaal dhowr ah. Qaraxan oo ahaa mid aad u xooggan, waxaa jugtiisa laga maqlay dhammaan xaafadaha magaalada, wuxuuna noqonayaa weerarkii labaad ee ismiidaamin ah ee ka dhaca xarunta gobolka Bari ee Boosaaso tan iyo sanadkii 2009.
Somaliland: RFA Mounts Bay visits Berbera Port - Photos
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Iyaguba the koonfurians uma kala hadhan madafiic bay ku so dhaweyeen nickolas key gaalki ingriiska maalinti la so magacabay maalinti sadexaad wey qarxiyeen xafiiskisa uma kala hadhaan nimanka martida wa sooriyaan waleh. -
Ma koonfurtad degenaan jirtay anigu ba waan degenaan jiray dadla reer somaliland waxba kuma kala duwana iyaga is leh nacam wa inay weeel wax kuwada cunaan dekeda lughaye wa in la dhisa, wa in masharic badan la keeena awdal wa meelaha ugu beero badan in la dhiri galiyi irigation weye dalkan wa in vision lugu dhisa. Maskaxmaal wa inay noqdaan
Adeer orodo nasso waad khafiiftay sidan kuma miir qabtid eh
Hawdian;989326 wrote: Let me get this right kaluun . You are here to promote Ethiopia and you work for them He is an Ethiopian Agent.
Who is we are you Xabashi, Siilaanyo and the SNM used Somali territory under Ethiopian occupation and launched attacks into Somaliland from their Land the hawd and reserve area, SNM challenged the Somali state on its own strength we owe the rotten Axmaar nothing remember the Amxaar made a deal with Ina siyaad, all the weapons the SNM bought from the Derg they bought with their own money. lol No meeting US diplomats there are diplomats in Kenya if the Xabashis stop the Qat trade it hurts them more , not Somaliland the SL people will just import the miiro qaat from Kenya, big deal. Any way stop calling the SL president Amxaaro names.
Hows Siilaanyo one of you when Sillanyo was born in Burco in 1936 not in Ethiopia , stop calling the president of Somaliland Amxaaro names His name is Axmed Maxammad Maxammuud Siilaanyo born and bred in Burco City , he has nothing with the Xabashis , hadaad xabashi iyo waxa rabtid meelo kale kaso raadi, halkaan Somali uun ba joogta.
Exactly there were no victors The later General was chased out anarchy followed and the country fractured and Amisom and the international community is picking up the pieces with a divided Somali society. Had there been an actual winner of the Civil war who ever was to dominate dalka sidan wa u dhaami lahayeen sidan Somali na sharaf ma hayso qabilki wax xukumi laha waxba ma xukumayo oo isagi ba dusha laga mamuula. Che Godane wabu so fogaaday maanta hadabu huriwa so gaadhay meeyeen ciidanki dawlada Malistar nugu waaleyey eeh uu odhan jiray massaskay cunaan.
Che -Guevara;989272 wrote: Somaliland or any other Somali entity does not have the resources or man to wage a long sustained conflict should if the tribes in any region decided to oppose their presence in any unified. One might be few battles, but they will eventually lose the war. I think we need to define what economic developments are, if you are suggesting foreign aid as means of development, then there is not much Somaliland can offer. Khaatumo can setup its own shop and vie for aid much like Somaliland, Puntland, and what ever land. Actually Somaliland avoids all sorts conflicts in those regions , thats why its always calls for peace and reconciliation, remember all the previous clashes were never large scale conflicts. Never did all the clashes escalate. Khatumo as i said before should be a lose entity between SL and the garowe administration and they should be allowed to use SL ports and airports, the same way the Khatumo factions in Taleex is allied to Puntland but remains a bit of autonomy under the supervision of garowe.
Somaliland: Wasiirka Daakhiliga oo Berri u Dhoofaya Ingiriiska December 4th, 2013 WarancaddeAddis-ababa (Somaliland.Org)-Wasiirka wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md. Cali Maxamed Waran-cadde oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ku sugnaa magaaladda Addis-ababa ayaa sheegay inuu beri subax ka dhoofayo dalka Itoobiya isla markaana u socdaalayo dalka Ingiriiska. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha oo la soo xidhiidhay shabakadda Somaliland.Org, waxa uu sheegay inuu socdaal shaqo ku tagayo dalka Ingiriiska iyadoo ay marti-qaad u samaysay shirkadda Genel Energy. “Waxaan beri subaxnimadda hore ka duulayaa madaarka Addis-ababa, anigoo u sii jeeda Magaaladda London, si aanu ugu biiro weftiga Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee ku sii sugan Ingiriiska, waxaanan ka degayaa Hethrew Airport ee magaaladda London, waxaanan ku beegan nahay haddii ALLE yidhaahdo 2:30 galabnimo ee saacadda London oo aan ku degi doono Teminaalka sadexaad,”ayuu yidhi Wasiir Waran-cadde. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in ay masuuliyiinta sar-sare ee shirkada Genel Energy ay la yeelan doonaan kullamo lagu faaqidayo wax wada qabsiga labada dhinac.
^^ ninka suaalo adag baad weydinaysa u fududee...
The sad part is the people are not voting faroole has this cabdi cawar stands no chance. Trust me on this
Khatumo is doing fine guys, there are some problems with the pirates. They should sign cooperation deal with sl. And they can remain a buffer zone between sl and the garowe clan enclave. They can be part of sl from a distance. But having their own khatumo laws. I think that is perfect. Since karaash khatumo faction is garowes proxy. I think khatumo is doing fine they just need to stop all these nonsense shir abouts shirs maskax daalis. Guuleysta walaayaal
Kaluun said he is from the hawd what's the difference between him and ileey. Nothing really other than their tribal difference kan kaluun ba maskaxdu laga haysta oo xabashi bu isku haysta. Generelization ma fiicna, but than again the bigfoot indhegarad badan maleh