Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Gar_maqaate;988765 wrote: See, it's this can of selective and self-serving quotations that denigrate our beautiful religion. Nanigu wuxu yidhi Muslimiinta walaal ah yaan lagala qaybin! Its not selective quoting the prophet spoke and its a saxiix Hadith and since we are Muslims we say we atticullah wa atticu rasuul A nation that has entrusted its affairs to a woman can never be successful."(Bukhari vl.5, pg.136, Bukhari vl.
  2. Xirsi is not to bad he is being portrayed in the SL media differently and most of the time negatively but he is doing a good job especially on the Ceerigaabo Burco road.
  3. But this is not about Somaliland they are not involved nor did their government make a statement this about Khatumo what is your take on this my narrative if it is wrong what is your take.
  4. I am trying to make sense of the conflict but for the vast majority i was posting news as you could read ,you can share your view with us i am for freedom of speech.
  5. rashidow walugu samaxay eeh dib danbe cyber state ha ku dhawaaqin iyo waxlyaalo reero ku sahabsan hadaad xaflad rabtiid inad qabsatid siyaabo kale ba jira raashid gar yaqanow.
  6. Not really just posting the latest news on the development of the clashes in the region are you saying the news is not worth posting?
  7. Now here is Axmed karaash the president of khatumo he said the whole conflict was caused by professor galaydh and that he is the only one that can hold a conference in taleex, I believe the whole issue and conflict in khatumo was caused about holding a shir , this shir needs to be stopped the shirs are causing trouble the garaad clan need to stop holding shirs He also stated that President indhosheel brought waali to khatumo
  8. The president of khatumo indhosheel claims that he would wage a war against the garowe clan enclave, and he threatened that he would free taleex from the garowe clan enclave
  9. Guje;988733 wrote: shared currencies are a disaster, just look at the euro crisis. Not necessarily the Euro was not a bad initiative but allowing poor nations to join the EU was the one that caused the Crisis particularly Greece If the East Africans make good monetary agreements they can make it happen
  10. East African countries agree to adopt common currency within 10 years Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda have agreed to set up a monetary union modeled after the eurozone. kenya wildebeastENLARGE Thousands of wildebeest wind through the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, Aug. 3, 2002. More than a million wildebeest annually cross the border between Tanzania and Kenya. (Pedro Ugarte/Getty Images) (Pedro Ugarte/Getty Images) Advertisement Five east African countries have taken the first steps towards establishing a common currency. At a meeting in Kampala, Uganda, the presidents of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda said they would adopt a single currency within the next 10 years. The five countries are part of the East African Community (EAC) regional economic bloc, formed in 2000. On Saturday, the countries agreed to set up a monetary union modeled after the eurozone and open a single customs union by 2014. More from GlobalPost: East Africans step up plans for their own “euro” The single currency is designed to attract investors by reducing transaction costs associated with changing money. "In a monetary union, the absence of currency risk provides a greater incentive to trade," Kenneth Kitariko, chief executive officer at African Alliance Uganda, an investment advisory firm, told Reuters. “The promise of economic development and prosperity hinges on our integration," Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, the new chairman of the EAC, said. "Businesses will find more freedom to trade and invest more widely, and foreign investors will find additional, irresistible reasons to pitch tent in our region.” It took the European Union seven years to introduce the euro after it announced it would adopt a single currency. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/kenya/131130/east-african-countries-agree-adopt-common-currency-within-
  11. No one can take the shahaada of the flag , it represents what the people of Somaliland stand for , the Guardians of the Faith in the HOA, the afro Hashimate flag will flown high above all flags. Adiga yaa ku yidhi naago qawaan oo calan huwan so daawo miyanad muslim ahayn?
  12. leave President hassan alone he is a hard working president for his people.
  13. http://boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4390&catid=34&Itemid=53
  14. Kaluun;988608 wrote: Xaji is not a politician but an average citizen loyal to the Republic in the making. There is difference between thinkers, leaders and loyal citizens. Somaliland has abundance of loyal citizens but there is serious shortage in leaders and thinkers. You are really full of your self ,you think you have all the answers keep it down saaxib, there are enough leaders visionary people but sitting with people with south western Somalia is just a waste of time and energy. Do you think Dr Bidaar would not came with this idea he was born in Baydhabo.
  15. Yes there is a dispute between the Garaad clan but Puntland has a hand to it , it supports one faction , Puntland is against the 2 garaad jamacs and galaydh and indhosheel group. Thanks for sharing the video of askars program he puts things to light , and it seems that a segment of the garaad clan wishes to stop the conference.
  16. Taleex Oo Lagu Kala qaxay, Axmed-karaash oo Teknikadii Khaatumo Kuwareejiyey Puntland oo Ciidammo Dhoobtay Tukarraq+Dhaqdhaqaaqa diyaargarowga Somaliland. posted by Maxamuud Jama | November 30, 2013 | In Waaheen News Ceerigaabo(Waaheen) Wararka naga soo gaadhaya degaanka Taleex ee maalmahanba dirirta colaadeed ka dhex aloosnayd madaxdii maammulka Khaatumo la baxay oo iska hor yimid oo laba garab u kala jabay iyo madaxweyne-kuxigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire islamarkaasna sababay dagaallo dhex maray ciidamma-beeleedyadii degaankan hore ugu sugnaa iyo ciidammo kazoo weeraray dhinaca Puntland iyo khasaarayaal kaleba ayaa waxay sheegayaan in magaalada Taleex Caawa haawanayso oo lagu kala qaxay taasoo ka dhalatay kaddib markii bulshada degaankaas gudeheedu noqdeen “Nin wax diley oo cabsanaya iyo Nin la diley oo ciil qaba”. Sidaasi darteedna qoloba jahadii ku beegnayd ama danteedu uga muuqatay ay uga dhaqaaqday magaalada Taleex. Wararku waxay kaloo sheegayaa Axmed-karaash in uu gaadiidkii iyo hubkii Beelaha Naallaye Axmed uu ku wareejiyey Puntland oo gacanta u geliyey C/samad Cali Shire (Madaxweyne-kuxigeenka Puntland) . Sidoo kalena waxay wararku sheegayaan qaar ka mid ah malleeshiya-beeleedkii gacanta ku haysey gaadiidka teknikada ah ee Beelaha Nuur Axmed qaarkeed in ay la baxsadeen ulana kicitimay dhinaca Kalcad oo degaan u ah Beelaha hubkan leh, taasoo loo aanaynayo khilaaf soo kala dhex galay Beelaha Nuur Axmed iyo C/samad Cali Shire oo salka ku haya mashaqada Taleex ka dhacday oo loo aanaynayo C/samad Cali Shire. tekniko1 Waxa sidoo kale C/samad Cali Shire Taleex ka sheegay in uu u talinayo Ugaadhyahan islamarkaasna aanu oggolaan doonin gaadhi danbe oo Tikniko oo cidla taagnaada. Taasoo ka cadhaysiin karta beelaha Ugaadhyahan. Waxana C/samad Cali Shire fiidnimadii caawa ka kolayaystay magaalada Taleex halkaasoo jaha uu u dareeray ilaa imminka aan la xaqiijin haseyeeshee wararka la isla dhexmarayo qaarkood ay tibaaxayaan inuu u kolayaystay dhinaca Garoowe halka qaar kalena tibaaxayaan inuu u kolayaystay dhinaca Tukarraq oo fadhiisin u ahayd ciidammada Puntland. Tekniko2 (1) Dhinaca kalena Puntland ayaa ciidammadeeda soo dhoobtay Tukarraq oo qiyaastii 30-km u jirta fadhiisinnada Ganbadhe ee ciidammada Somaliland taasoo aan la saadaalin kain sababta ciidammadan Puntland usoo dhoobtay xilligan Tukarraq. Sidoo kalena dhinaca Somaliland ayaa waxa wararku sheegayaan in laga dareemayo dhaq-dhaqaaqa diyaargarow ciidan.
  17. Homunculus;988560 wrote: I can't believe it, what you're suggesting here is a union with borders. What next? A unified currency? A mutual defence pact? I see cracks in your armor Xaaji. Everything is possible Homunculus if Somalis put aside their differences a unified currency could work if Somalis work it out in details. But i am realistic this is impossible well atleast in our life time or even that of our children. If the Europeans can do it can put aside their differences today they have one currency a unified market movement of people.
  18. Makes no sense karaash is Puntland he is their proxy , puntland does not want a conference in taleex this is not a sub clan feud but a political fight which went out of hand the sub clanish feuds were solved long time ago. And they were between 2 sub sub sub clans of reer taleex. Puntland wants to halt , Indhosheel for coming there, and just supported karaash who is a puntland proxy.
  19. Mooge when did 2 burco sub clans fought and lose more than 13 men naga daa hadaba dee this is politically motivated abdisamad cali shire ma sub clan bu metala mise wa vp of Puntland. This is not a sub clan issue the pirates attacked the president of khatumo in taleex, this is a fact. You can cry all day about culusow but culusow did not kill 13 men in Taleex , the Pirate enclave did that , they instigated this conflict. Why not leave taleex alone why not go back to Garowe,and let khatumo hold their conference in taleex.
  20. Guleed Ali in an ideal world Somalia and Somaliland would have been the best allies boosting relations on all fronts integrating their economies the movement of people the boundaries between the 2 countries would become eventually artificial since the countries have shared values culture linguistic ties, many of Somaliland have relatives in Somalia and many in Somalia have relatives in Somaliland. The whole passport dispute would not been even an issue if the 2 countries had diplomatic ties Tanzania Kenya and Uganda are about to introduce one passport ,in time Somalia and Somalia and Djibouti could introduce one passport. But Somalis are to proud compromising on such issues is impossible both Somalis of Somalia and Somalis of Somaliland are stubborn and consider compromising and giving each other the benefit of the doubt being defeated by the other. A home grown new union based on shared interest and mutual respect could have been created long time ago but i doubt we are any different than the rest of African nations that went their separate ways. We will never see the bigger picture well atleast the leaders will not the bickering and disputes will continue for years to come.
  21. The Pirates for the first time are engaging not on sea but on Land but there is more 2 it Axmed Karaash one of the 3 presidents of Khatumo is in line with The Vice President of the garowe clan enclave Mr Abdisamad ali shire and rejects to hold a conference in Taleex. Its much more complex than it looks, where is our local resident of Taleex , Taleexi these days he is the Fifth cousin of Abdismad Ali shire.
  22. There was allot of corruption during Kibaki's reign i believe during this Uhuro admin Kenya can surpass Ethiopia on all fronts in diplomacy on manufacturing industrialization Kenya has still a higher GDP than Ethiopia. Ethiopia though is building large dams eventhough its still very poor. On Somalia and Somaliland Kenyans are new players the Ethiopians were in Somali politics since as long as i can remember. The Kenyans are quick learners they are learning from the Ethiopians to empower the differences of interests in the Somali peninsula.