Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Saacid masiibo ku dhacday wuxu aha nin iska ma diida ah oo cid walba la saaxib ah damul jadiid ba heley oo aan u naxariisan shacabka media na wa funny site they write it news in a very unprofessional way kinda reminds me of waagacusub
  2. No afro hashimites cannot be found in Somalia they are mostly found in Somaliland the hawd and reserve area DJIBOUTI and isiolo Kenya not in Somalia
  3. Kaluun is from the afro hashmite territories under Xabashi occupation , does not make him an Ethiopian.
  4. Galkacyo the home of warlords it has a harsh a environment, but one positive thing it developed the past 2 decades.
  5. President xassan seems to know where he is heading with this now lets follow his next steps. What is your take on this Che?
  6. Kaluun;988821 wrote: Hawdian, Nimanka Konfurta ma taqanid miya? They import cheap microphone and speakers from China markas bay la hor istagan KM-4 and repeat all day "B, T, B, T, Eebow B, Mandhoow T" and that's how they get their PhD qualifications. There are as many fake 'Professors' as Presidents, Sheikhs and as Myriad states. That's why meshu la shaqan wayday. They don't have shaandho policy (filtration system). Wixi ba iswada dhax yacaya...Alla hayaaaaaaaay! Professor Yalaxo aa kan shegay nooh, Professor Cullusow aa so degay hee, Professor Jimcale aa lama lama u dhacay, macbuudka!! Waxan uu haystay inay ka ilbaxen Professors and they upgraded to Sheikhdom in 2006 thanks to the rise of Iran and Ayatollah inspired Sheikhdom. The last time I knew they were all fake Sheikhs; Sheikh Sharif (naag salami mayo to hugging her), Sheikh Hassan Sheikh (naag man arag to naming 1 Foreign, Governor of bank), Sheikh Dahir (Holy Sheikh Jihadist to war wan isdhiibay oo ciyaar lee iga ahayd nooh, Sheikh Cullusow (in the marking) Marka our friend and the so called Mod/professor/Sheikh/President Aqiyaar thinks he is professor on behave of Malay University but he doesn't realize meshani Xamar maha. Your speakers are in the wrong car park adeer. Orod B iyo T shalay Siad Barre fedh iyo laad kugu baray mel kala la tag. :D kaluunow waxan yaa ku baray ambay koonfuriansku wada PHD yihin maxaad ka ogtahay
  7. Haatu;988916 wrote: Masaakiinta Khaatumo waxaa dulleeyey dulli ka yimi Garowe iyo ku kaloo Hargeysa ka yimi. May Allah be with them. Waryaa how can u say they are masaakin they are darwiish who defeated the English and Italians they are far from Masaakin:D
  8. ^^ The Parliament is divided along clan lines 4.5 remember and they were hand picked by Elders clan elders.the division is there in the parliament no one is twisting anything.
  9. Suldaanka saacid was not allowed to run his cabinet by the damuljadid strongest party in Somalia they have to sit in the back of the bus as oday oodweyne calls it. I believe the next prime minister will be much weaker than saacid.
  10. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo Soo Dhaweeyay Go,aankii uu Baarlamaanka Codka Kalsoonida Kala Laabtay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Published on December 2, 2013 by Cilmi Waare · No Comments · 94 views Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda federalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud aya asoo dhaweeyay go,aankii uu baarlamaanka soomalaiya codka kalsoonida uu kala laabtay xukuumadda uu hogaamiyo ra’iisul wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid). Madaxweynaha oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada soomalaiya ayaa guddoonka baarlamaanka iyo mudanayaasha baarlamaanka ku amaanay howsha ay qabteen. Madaxweynaha ayaa u mahadceliyay xukuumadda uu hogaaminaya ra’iisul wasaare saacid. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in Ra’iisul wasaare Saacid iyo golihiisa wasiiradda ay sii dhaqeyn doonaan inta uu ka soo magacaabayo ra’iisul wasaare cusub. Madaxweynaha waxa uu sheegay in sida ugu dhaqasaha badan uu ku soo magacaabi doono ra’iisul wasaare si uu u soo dhiso xukuumad cusub. Madaxweynaha ayaa shacabka soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay in ay ka fogaadaan waxyaabaha khilaafka keeni karo,isagoo sheegay in hadii khilaaf dhaco lagu kala baxayo dastuurka dalka u yaala.
  11. Somalia is not exactly a parliamentary system it seems that the pm runs the cabinet but still the president is far from a symbolic position, the president wants to lead the government as the President. If a Prime minister who takes firm control over his cabinet than there will be conflict with the president. Lets see what happens next.
  12. If he becomes a man of his own vision and wants to lead the government than there will be renewed conflict with the president dont you think.
  13. Now that the prime minister is removed by Parliament, so who is going to be his successor, this is going to be very interesting.
  14. Hawd is where the Afro hashmite civilization art of poetry warfare the SNM struggle began, that is true.
  15. Lol@ Join the movement kaluun energetic ah baad tahay Somaliland needs the kind of u dadka oo dhan baad kicin lahayd now let me ask you a question how can we get enough funding for this project. Carabti timaha meel walba ku lahayd sadaqo ma so weydisana?
  16. I was expecting this there was no way saacid could survive.
  17. What do muslim woman one in bed dee in la rog rogo maxay kale ? Isnt that what all woman want of all beliefs, waba qiso universal ah. ilahoow ina astur
  18. Canadian accused of spying for China A Canadian man has been arrested for allegedly passing on military secrets to Chinese government. Last updated: 02 Dec 2013 01:02 Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker Email Article Print Article Share article Send Feedback Police said the suspect acted alone in trying to pass information to the Chinese government [AP] Ads by BetterSurfAd Options Police have arrested a Canadian man for allegedly trying to sell classified information to the Chinese government about Canada's warship building procurement strategy. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that Qing Quentin Huang, 53, of Burlington, Ontario, was arrested on Saturday and appeared in court on Sunday. RCMP Chief Supt. Jennifer Strachan said the suspect is charged with communicating with a foreign entity under the Security of Information Act. Police said the suspect works for Lloyd Register, a ship design sub-contractor to Irving Shipbuilding. Authorities said the classified information relates to Canada's strategy on building patrol ships, frigates, naval auxiliary vessels, science research vessels and ice breakers. Police said the suspect acted alone in trying to pass information to the Chinese government. "In these types of cases, sharing of information may give a foreign entity a tactical, military or competitive advantage by knowing the specification of vessels responsible for defending Canadian waters and Canadian sovereignty,'' Strachan said. Strachan called it valuable research and development information. She said it could also provide an unfair competitive and economic advantage. Police first learned of the situation on Thursday and were able to act swiftly to safeguard the information involved, Strachan said. Life in prison Stephen Lecce, a spokesman for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, praised police for their good work. RCMP Supt Larry Tremblay said Canada's foreign affairs department has been in contact with their Chinese counterparts about the case. The suspect is due back in court on Wednesday for a bail hearing. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted. A Canadian navy intelligence officer was sentenced to 20 years in prison last February after pleading guilty to selling military secrets to Russia. Jeffrey Paul Delisle worked at a naval intelligence centre and had access to information shared by Canada, the United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Delisle admitted that he walked into the Russian embassy in Ottawa in 2007 and offered his services for money.
  19. I understand ur approach u want to send a message to the future cats those who want to go abroad and start their internet state. But SL could also use these guys against the Koonfurians remember gar yaqan was begging for help from the Koonfurians.
  20. Lol@ shaqadoon states rashidi gar yaqaan nuur just wants to come home shaqo isiya bu leeyahay he has no militia SL can decide to ignore him and let him travel the world with his cabinet but SL is also very merciful and wants to welcome him and forgive him.
  21. Muslims believe in Quran and Hadith this is the essence of The Sunnah the Prophet Said Qalaa rasuul we follow it literately the hadith is more than just guidance its an integral part of the Sunnah. Are you saying Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari work is all based on here say and with no authenticity.You have present a better argument Saaxib, no one is denying woman participating in public live but they cannot lead nations, thats all.
  22. If they are citizens of Somalia than how come there is no support from Somalia how is their relationship with Mogadishu, the problem here is that they allowed Puntland in their back yard well atleast mr karaash did and he is khatumos many presidents. Isnt there a problem there , Puntland claims the territory yes and it can freely roam inside controlled Khatumo territory, this is the problem.
  23. galbeedi;988558 wrote: Ethiopia is the only empire from nineteen century still standing. After second world war and the independence of many colonized countries it should have dissolved as many other Empires did. Look at former Yugoslavia, they disintegrated to the ethnic nations that was forced by the victors of the first world war in Versailles in 1919.We all know when did the Abyssinian conquered the Somali region, or when the Reserve and Hawd was given to them. I am one of those who believe this Empire will disintegrate sooner or later. There are three scenarios were Ethiopia could exist or disappear !- they could become a plural multicultural society where every one can participate in an open democratic election. In this scenario any one could be elected as leader regarless of his background. 2- Disintegrate like former Yugoslavia where the Oromo, Somalis, Sidaamo, Danaakil, Tigre and Ahmara can all have their own country without the control of Tigre or Ahmara. 3- the third scenario is the status qua where a small minority of Ahmara or Tigre hold the power with a barrel of gun, while everybody else is hostage who must be ruled including Iley. It is a shame to see the Somalis refusing to be closer to their brethren or rejecting the rule of another Somali while carrying the shoes of the Ethiopia. Rayaale, Siilaanyo, Faroole and Culusow did not mind to be humiliated by the Ethiopian regime as long as they recognize them as the overseer of small project. I will ask Xaaji and other Somalilanders? Doesn't it bother you the constant dictation and humiliation the Ethiopian regime accords the Somaliland people and it's leaders on constant basis.don't you think we could be equal to them in terms of power, economy and military.Forget about Iley and the Onlf , I believe Somaliland could change the status of the Somali people very quickly if we think differently. The boys of Muqdisho can not be trusted to revive the Somali state. Why don't we think ones for our life time to make something different. Galbeedi its very difficult sorry and i did not see your post, but i kinda disagree with you Ethiopia despite its ethnic differences and lumping so many ethnic groups under one Empire. Its still has a strong solid foundation which stands stronger than any Somali state , whether its Somalia Somaliland djibouti. The Ethiopians/ Xabashis have been receiving support from Christian Europe for what centuries and they developed strong governing system only up to Menelik they started expanding into the central regions. I believe Ethiopia will not disintegrate soon but it can happen if there is a war a civil war. Dont bet your money on the oromos for they are still fighting to gain some sort of dignity and are trying reinvent themselves as people a bulk of the oromo do not even speak afaan oromo. The Somalis could win a war against Ethiopia and get independence but they themselves have tribal conflicts especially in galbeed and thats the catch. The relations between Somaliland and Ethiopia are not on equal terms due to Somaliland status unrecognized status , Somaliland is dependent to get access through the rest the world via Ethiopia and some times Kenya.. Because there are no direct embassies in Somaliland. Ofcourse it is a problem , Somaliland recognized in the region and having the strength to negotiate any deal with Ethiopia as equal partners could enrich Somaliland due to Ethiopia being land locked. So the situation is very difficult
  24. Magicbird spot on in islam the Imam leads in prayer meaning he is the spiritual leader means he also the political leader the commander of the faith and the General of the Army. And yes the US the most powerful nation had never a woman as a leader , ta labaad hadaad naag hogaan ka dhigatid oo ay qoodh la fadhisato soo laa inaga gu gugin mayo.
  25. Wasiir kuxigeen xita hada lo helo bal horta ha iska so xeeroodo wala eegi waxa loo magaacabi doona wasiir bu raba bal wala isla eegi , mar safiir na laga dhigo