Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^ You said u never see Siilaanyo in garowe,, but why would u see Siilaanyo in garowe weye suaashu maxa ka yaala , adiga leh maxaan ugu arki wayey garowe, dee maxaad ugu arki maxase ka yaala ?
  2. By the way brother Iqbaal he did more for Somaliland, than many other SL citizens he raised awareness for the SL cause Brother Iqbaal wrote this book about Somaliland back in 2010
  3. dee anigu garan mayo waxa Siilaanyo Ka yaala Garowe, bal adigu ino sheeg adiga yidhi wa inu taga.
  4. Gheelle.T;990427 wrote: What do an old albino man, an Indian from South Africa, and a duriyadda lady in Djabouti have in common? They are all Somalilandish citizens. Cant beat that, Xaaji. Brother John is not an old albino man he is just an elderly man , but you are right they are all Somaliland citizens:D
  5. Yahya is Arabic John is English Yochanan is Hebrew and as Yahya or John the baptist, was of the Bani israil thats his correct name Somalis need to have their own name for John, like some have Johnny.
  6. Brother John has the Somaliland citizenship he has been in Somaliland since 1943 ,he voted for Siilaanyo in the last elections. Brother Iqbal also has the Somaliland citizenship he was the former SL representative to South Africa currently he is the South African Ambassador to Eritrea Khadra Hayd Djiboutis first lady also has the Somaliland citizenship
  7. ^^ Somalilandish is the language and the ethnicity,, Somalilander is the demonym
  8. ^^ Depends if its a female it goes smoothly, for a male it takes much longer
  9. ^^ If he was born in Somaliland, the Somaliland government on some occasions gives them citizenship
  10. guleed_ali;990403 wrote: Xaji what are the criteria to be considered a Somalilander? Is it lineage, qabil, residence? Its based on a Somalilandish ethnicity and, citizenship is often also given to some residents people some Europeans Arabs and some Koonfurians.
  11. SomaliPhilosopher;990402 wrote: Loooooooooooool I am not a Kenyan citizen. btw there are is a huge number of Kenyan Somalilanders. You mean ethnic Somalilandish people from Kenya, like Amina Muhammad Kenyan foreign minister they trace their lineage back to SL if they wish they can get the SL citizenship.
  12. ^^ You are not from Somaliland last time i checked you were a Kenyan citizen
  13. Somaliland: Registration of Voters to Start 2014 Sunday, 08 December 2013 20:13 NEC Spokesman Ahmed H. GelleNEC Spokesman Ahmed H. Gelle By: M.A. Egge HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun)- The NEC announced that the 2015 general election will simultaneously consist of both presidential and parliamentary polling. Previously in all the past five times that SL voters exercised their rights were separately; viz civic, parliamentary and presidential. They at the same time revealed that a US company, Creative Associates, have been retained for their services in the registration process. The spokesperson for the NEC Mr. Ahmed Hersi Geele said that the registering of voters is expected to be commenced and completed before the elapse of 2014. Saying that five competent institutions had vied for the contract, the American Creative Associates won the tender. NEC revealed that the latest civic election was flawed since multiple times were polled by same voters on a rampant and tribal manner. They however said that the registration would consist of both the national registration one and that of the electoral process. It may be safe to assume that the system may be biometric since NEC plans to postpone the national index registration. Naturally it is versa in any country. It beats reason to have electoral voter registration before the national personal index identification.
  14. In the Somali peninsula (Somalia and Somaliland) there are many ongoing conflicts what has priority what should wait, and why The Puntland and SFG relations and how to rebuild Somalias central command and restore relations between the provinces and the central government, and how to build the senate upper house and implement the constitution. The Puntland elections and the winner of those elections and his future relations with the government of Mogadishu. The Somali government gave allot of priority to the Jubba admin for the past year or so its seems to be as good as solved.Whats next on the Agenda is the Somali government and Alshabaab conflict it seems this conflict has allot of priority if you ask me Alshabaab is in constant conflict with the Somali government, there should be honest talks between the Amisom the Somali government and Alshabaab, its seems Alshabaab cannot be defeated they lose more ground but they retaliate with more attacks. The Somalia and Somaliland conflict and dispute about their future relations now this one is a controversial one it questions the very foundation of the Somali state which came to existence half a century ago. The 2 sides took baby steps to restore relations in turkey facilitated talks. The situation has been tense flights canceled between Somalia and Somaliland airspace dispute. The selection of a new prime minister of Somalia will he make a difference or will he remain in the background him being appointed does it even have a priority or not?
  15. The TPLF remodeled Ethiopia because Ethiopia was a large Empire lumped together by Force, for centuries. Ethiopias weakness is because there are so many different people and there are so many religious and secession movements. Ethiopias national language is Amharic its written language is Geez. For more than 120 years Ethiopia was led by the Amxara and their oromo cousins of the central regions. This came to an end in 1991 when the TPLF and EPLF tigre forces put an end to that rule. When in 1991 General Hayelom Araya of the TPLF was closing into addis ababa he ordered his men to capture the head quarters of the Military in and around addis ababa, imprison the derg commanders, and he installed new commanders under his command, but he declared that the Ethiopian military institution will be stronger than before. The foundation of the Ethiopian state has credible tenacious roots. In Ethiopia its leaders take their responsibility eventhough the Tigre forced the Amxara and oromo to sit in the back of the bus. Their Nationalism is much stronger despite their differences and ethnic origins religious differences. The highest commander of the Ethiopian army Yunis samora is a Tigre Muslim.Somalis all of them the one in Somalia and Somaliland never take their responsibility for what went wrong they blame each other , the Xabashi is not strong , but Somalis are emotional, and cant think rationally for the good of their people, and there is no father figure with in the Somali society mid walba meel bu u socda. u will hear today they are all crying we are humiliated tomorow halkoodi bay ka miisayaan.
  16. Tallaabo;990294 wrote: There are no cracks in his armour. I too believe that with more educated politicians on both sides who have the knowledge and the skills to engage in an in depth negotiations, Somaliland and Somalia along with Djibouti can have a common market, single currency, one passport, single air traffic control, and a NATO style defence pact. We can even have a common ceremonial head of state like the UK, Canada, and Australia do. But unfortunately, to Somalis politics is nothing more than deception, thievery, lies, corruption, nepotism, dishonesty, suppression, oppression, arrogance, and all the other evils we see in most of them. Most have no concept of what public service is about. Tallaabo these people are not honest when they cry about Somalinimo they are not ready to compromise and to meet people half way they believe in their way or the high way when that attitude leads Somalia , there is no hope for a genuine union of trust equality justice based on mutual interests of the Somali countries. These people believe Somalinimo and Somali honer is build on making threats from the barracks
  17. malistar2012;990286 wrote: Xaji Unlike Modaba and Faarole jr politicians and Islamist, Mudan Siilaanyo is a veteran Politician iconic leader more then 40 years deep in the game it is shame he is ending his career as Puppet with nothing to gain .Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn downgraded and showed Sillanyo he is nothing but a Governor and was told to hide his pride sit in line next to Sh Modaba . Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn is more clever and dangerous then Meles Zenawi, the next couple of years will be interesting .Rumors are Hailemariam Desalegn believes in keeping Somalia together in a stable condition free of terrorist is the best interest of Ethiopia. Haile mariam deselegen is a tigre puppet him self his wolayta people are under severe supervision by the TPLF Tigres, haile mariam is not the decision making of Ethiopia. Sillaanyo has been working to put Somaliland on the map since 1982 and he will be doing that , there is no better legacy than a man who had everything and choose to be in the bush with his people and fight for his country. And till this day he serves his people.
  18. I never gave it a positive spin i just agreed with the Tallaabo the Ethiopians want to use this event to halt secession elements in the Somali Kilil. A symbolic superiority of Ethiopia and a divided Somali state, giving the Somalis under Ethiopia nothing but to accept the Ethiopian identity. Somaliland rejected the London and Turkey conference because it lumps Somalia with Somaliland and gives the government of Somalia the central authority of both countries. I agree that it would have been better to send a minor Somaliland deputy Minister to Jigjiga the same way the Kenyans send the nairobi's deputy Mayor, it is what it is son.
  19. Somaliland: President Silanyo Pays Tribute To Mandela The President of Somaliland has offered his condolences to the family, friends and the nation of South Africa for the loss of Nelson Mandela. Below is a press release published by the Somaliland Sun: Practically all world leaders have shown overwhelmed emotions when in an historic unprecedented manner they all poured their deep heart-felt condolences to the family, relatives, friends and particularly, the nation of South Africa in the demise of one of the 20th century's greatest sons. Foremost amongst them was Somaliland President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo who described the late President Mandela as a man of "great, great personality". He said that his greatness spanned not only in his country or the African continent, but the whole world at large. The President said the late Nelson Rohlilala Mandela left a great mark in the fight against apartheid hence, furthermore, reconciled the former racial foes in SA. He added that the mutual understanding that the conciliatory effects bore was not only embedded in his country but it traversed across the world. President Silanyo underscored the fact that Madiba was not only a giant icon to be emulated but one who deserved everlasting honour. The President did not only confine his tributary condolences to the family relatives, friends, or SA only, but he extended it to the whole world whereby the Madiba effect has/had touched over the years to the present day. He said that it was imperative that the legacy Mandela left not only be emulated but put in action for the world's co-existence in which people of all creeds and colour lived in. - See more at: http://www.unpo.org/article/16675#sthash.gZD0SDMg.dpuf
  20. Someone is just mocking Faroole , the same way with the HAG twitter account lol.
  21. You were hurrying with your condemnation of Somaliland running with pictures now that your Tribal leader went to Jigjiga waxa ka dhacday i dont care iga daa ma arkayo i am not a tribalist:D
  22. They pay the regular Tax for the berbera port they pay 50% of the transport Tax. Ethiopia for the most part uses Djibouti port less than 20% of its import and export is managed by Somaliland.
  23. Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Mabnuucday Inay Madaaradda Dalka Ka Soo Dagaan Dadka Aan Sidan Baasaabooro. (Hadhwanaagnews) Sunday, December 08, 2013 "Waxaanu dhamaan diyaarahaha ka ganacsada hawadda Somaliland ugu digaynaa inay dalka Soomaaliya ee dariska ah ka soo qaadaan dad dalkaasi u dhashay ama reer Somaliland ah,oo aan baasaabooro sidan, taasi oo ah mid aan la aqbalo karin" Hargeysa(HWN)-Wasaaradda Duulista hawadda iyo gaadiidka cirka Somaliland ayaa ka mamnuucday Madaarrada dalka inay adeegsadaan dad aan sidan dukumanti baasaboor. Sidaasna waxa lagu sheegay war-saxaafadeed uu soo saaray Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Duulista Md.Saddaam Maxamed Axmed, waxaanu u dhignaa sidan:- 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ´Arial Narrow´,´sans-serif´; mso-fareast-font-family: ´Times New Roman´; mso-bidi-font-family: ´Times New Roman´">"Wasaaradda Duulista Hawadda iyo Gaadiidka cirka Somaliland waxay dhamaan dadweynaha isaga goosha madaarada Somaliland ee ka soo dega ama ka dhoofa ku wargalinaynsaa inay waajib ku tahay inay sitaan baasaabooro sharci ah, si uu ugu sahlanaado safarkoodu, iyada oo aanu ka codsanayno inay tixgalinayaan una dulqaataan baadhitaana dadweynahaasi lagaga samanayo Madaarada iyo wixii su?aalo ah ee laanta socdaalku ay ugu baahato. Waxaanu dhamaan diyaarahaha ka ganacsada hawadda Somaliland ugu digaynaa inay dalka Soomaaliya ee dariska ah ka soo qaadaan dad dalkaasi u dhashay ama reer Somaliland ah, oo aan baasaabooro sidan, taasi oo ah mid aan la aqbalo karin, hadii ay dhacda waxa diyaaradaasi laga qaadi doonaa tallaabo sharciga waafaqsan, waxana dadkaasi aan sharciga sidan dhamaantood dib loo celindoonaa diyaaradii siday iyo halkii ay ka yimaadeen. Waxaanu dhinacyada ay khusayso faraynaa inay u hogaansamaan amaradaasi kor ku xusan, iyadoo wasaaradu hore go?aankan u baahisay, waxaanu mar labaad ku celinayaa in aanay Madaaradda Somaliland ka soo dageyn ama ka dhoofayn cid aan baasaaboor sharciya sidan, marka laga reebo wixii duulimaadyo gudaha Somaliland ah oo ay Muwaadiniinta u banaan tahay inay u kala safraan Madaaradda gudaha iyaga oo aan baasaaboor sidan"? Hadhwanaagnews.com/Office
  24. ^^ Just wishful thinking as we speak they currently have troops in Somalia with the consent of the government you support.