Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I heard the 2 brotherly clans reached a peace agreement this is positive now , learn how to share the Land the land is bigger than all of you.
  2. Gar_maqaate;992029 wrote: "Somaliland, has kept both piracy and Islamic extremism at bay" And yet there is a farmer Somaliland Minster is on trial in the USA for Piracy and the head of al shaabab is a Somalilander. The statement I just made is factual correct but it is not a fair assessment of Somaliland and it still tells more about Somaliland then the article above. It is also more than the Economist Journalists know about Somaliland. Who is this former Somaliland Minister whats his name. Whether Amiir Godane is a Somalilander or not is not relevant , what important is the fact that Somaliland kept Terrorism at bay and Piracy to this is a fact.
  3. Gar_maqaate;992024 wrote: Yes, the Dervishes were international Jihadist who espoused to restoration of the caliphate and the global dominance of religous extremism. Sayid Muhammad Abdulla hassan Hadaan waayay calan leey nashiro tan iyo Nairobi, Miyaan waayay maamuus janniyo daalac iyo naasil, Hadaan waayay ciidoon naqliyo inaan nugaal daaqo, The Sayid was an extremist to he attacked Somali nomads who were bystanders similar what shabaab does he called many Somalis Gaalos, eventhought hey were Muslims this is a form of extremism. Even Alshabaab claims they are a continuation of the dervishes. Alshabaab only says its part of the international Jihadi agenda but they only attack countries that have troops in Somalia,Like Kenya Uganda. If Ina abdilla hassan could've blown up buckingham palace he would have done it. Let me ask you a Question if the Sayid was resurrected today hypothetically who would he support today the Amisom Guarded government or the Youth Shabaab who want to remove Uganda Kenya and Ethiopia out of Somalia.
  4. Mid ka mid ah Musharraxiinta u Taagan Xilka Madaxweynenimo ee Puntland oo lagu Rasaaseeyay Magaalada Garoowe Axad, December 22, 2013 (HOL) — Waxaa goor dhaweyd xarunta Puntland ee Garoowe lagu rasaaseeyay mid ka mid ah musharrixinta u tar tamaya xilka madaxweynanimo ee Puntland oo lagu magacaabo C/daahir Maxamed Yuusuf (Yeey). Musharraxa la weerar ayaa goor dhaweyd la hadlay HOL, isagoo sheegay in gaari uu la socday ay rasaas ku fureen ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa amniga ee Puntland, isagoona inta ku daray in rasaastii lugu furay ay khasaaro dhalisay. Cabdidaahir Maxamed Yuusuf (Yeey) wuxuu intaa ku daray in rasaastii ay ciidamada ku fureen baabuurka uu la socday inay dhalisay dhaawaca soo gaaray qaar ka mid ah dadkii gaariga la saarnaa. "Anigu waxaan ahay C/daahir Maxamed Yuusuf (Yeey), kulan baan waxaan la lahaa saaka musharrixinta kale uu u tartamaya xilka madaxweynimo ee Puntland iyo madaxweyne ku-xigeen Puntland, shirkii mar dhawayd ayuu soo dhamaaday ,markana kasoo baxay oo an marayay jidka laamiga, waxaa gaarigii an la socday lugu furay rasaas badan, waxaana rasaasta soo riday gaari ciidan wuuna cararay, waxaana uu ahaa baaburta ay leeyihiin ciidanka madaxtooyada, waxaana ku dhaawacmay qar ka mid ah xubnihii ila socday, annigana wax ima soo gaarin," ayuu yiri musharrax Yeey. Sidoo kale, musharraxa oo sii hadlayay ayaa sheegay in arrinta la isaga daba imaan doonno oo ay doonayan in la caddeeyo sababta ka dambeysay rasaasta la igu furay, isagoo caddeeyay inay garanayaan ciddii ka weerarka ka dambeysay, inkastoo uu ka gabsaday inuu carrabaabo dadkii weerarka ku qaaday. Weerarkan lagu qaaday musharraxa ayaa imaanya xilli uu jiro khilaaf ka dhex taagan musharrixinta u tartamaya xilka madaxnimo ee Puntland iyo madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland, C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed (Faroole). Ma jiro illaa hadda war kasoo baxay dhinaca maamulka Puntland oo ku aaddan weerarka uu sheegay in musharraxa ay ku qaadeen ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Puntland
  5. Gar_maqaate;992020 wrote: How absurd! They had no suicide vests but they are pretty much the same in their ideology of Takfirisim.
  6. The Economist’s country of the year Earth’s got talent Resilient Ireland, booming South Sudan, tumultuous Turkey: our country of the year is… Dec 21st 2013 | From the print edition HUMAN life isn’t all bad, but it sometimes feels that way. Good news is no news: the headlines mostly tell of strife and bail-outs, failure and folly. Yet, like every year, 2013 has witnessed glory as well as calamity. When the time comes for year-end accountings, both the accomplishments and the cock-ups tend to be judged the offspring of lone egomaniacs or saints, rather than the joint efforts that characterise most human endeavour. To redress the balance from the individual to the collective, and from gloom to cheer, The Economist has decided, for the first time, to nominate a country of the year. But how to choose it? Readers might expect our materialistic outlook to point us to simple measures of economic performance, but they can be misleading. Focusing on GDP growth would lead us to opt for South Sudan, which will probably notch up a stonking 30% increase in 2013—more the consequence of a 55% drop the previous year, caused by the closure of its only oil pipeline as a result of its divorce from Sudan, than a reason for optimism about a troubled land. Or we might choose a nation that has endured economic trials and lived to tell the tale. Ireland has come through its bail-out and cuts with exemplary fortitude and calm; Estonia has the lowest level of debt in the European Union. But we worry that this econometric method would confirm the worst caricatures of us as flint-hearted number-crunchers; and not every triumph shows up in a country’s balance of payments. Another problem is whether to evaluate governments or their people. In some cases their merits are inversely proportional: consider Ukraine, with its thuggish president, Viktor Yanukovych, and its plucky citizens, freezing for democracy in the streets of Kiev, even though nine years ago they went to the trouble of having a revolution to keep the same man out of office. Or remember Turkey, where tens of thousands protested against the creeping autocracy and Islamism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister-cum-sultan. Alas, neither movement has yet been all that successful. Advertisement Definitional questions creep in, too. One possible candidate, Somaliland, has kept both piracy and Islamic extremism at bay, yet on most reckonings it is not a country at all, rather a renegade province of Somalia—which has struggled to contain either. As well as countries yet to be, we might celebrate one that could soon disintegrate: the United Kingdom, which hasn’t fared too badly, all things considered, since coming into being in 1707, but could fracture in 2014 should the Scots be foolhardy enough to vote for secession. And the winner is When other publications conduct this sort of exercise, but for individuals, they generally reward impact rather than virtue. Thus they end up nominating the likes of Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Khomeini or, in 1938, Adolf Hitler. Adapting that realpolitikal rationale, we might choose Bashar Assad’s Syria, from which millions of benighted refugees have now been scattered to freezing camps across the Levant. If we were swayed by influence per head of population, we might plump for the Senkaku (or Diaoyu) islands, the clutch of barren rocks in the East China Sea that have periodically threatened to incite a third world war—though that might imply their independence, leading both China and Japan to invade us. Alternatively, applying the Hippocratic principle to statecraft, we might suggest a country from which no reports of harm or excitement have emanated. Kiribati seems to have had a quiet year. But the accomplishments that most deserve commendation, we think, are path-breaking reforms that do not merely improve a single nation but, if emulated, might benefit the world. Gay marriage is one such border-crossing policy, which has increased the global sum of human happiness at no financial cost. Several countries have implemented it in 2013—including Uruguay, which also, uniquely, passed a law to legalise and regulate the production, sale and consumption of cannabis. This is a change so obviously sensible, squeezing out the crooks and allowing the authorities to concentrate on graver crimes, that no other country has made it. If others followed suit, and other narcotics were included, the damage such drugs wreak on the world would be drastically reduced. Better yet, the man at the top, President José Mujica, is admirably self-effacing. With unusual frankness for a politician, he referred to the new law as an experiment. He lives in a humble cottage, drives himself to work in a Volkswagen Beetle and flies economy class. Modest yet bold, liberal and fun-loving, Uruguay is our country of the year. ¡Felicitaciones!
  7. The dervishes did the same there is little or no difference between shabaab and the dervishes takfirism jihadism. Kill those who reject your islamism ideology make a fatwa against them. But some how shabaab when they were ruling there less tribal clashes. The habarganster clan do live in the lowershabelle it might not be their native land but they do live there. If the habarganster clan live in mogadishu than living lower shabelle should not be a suprise the same way the cabuudwaaq clan claims kismayo.
  8. Why makes this about the xaaji , he just says it like it is no need for personal attacks lads. Long live somaliland and Its people.
  9. tutu;991952 wrote: War meesha maxaa ka dhacay. Waryaa Xaaji, why do you always hide behind Somalia-Somaliland banter whenever one directs or comments on your opinions and personality? Get a grip and get out of the dark hole of tribal cuqdad you've confined yourself in! And seek help regarding your obsession with the imaginative existence of a new country in the Horn. I am sure there must be some kind of intervention for such illness. Sadly such comments agitates them, but unfortunately is the only plausible way. Weren't you claiming Kenya's own minister the other day? You hardly notice your own contradiction so ma'ahan? Weren't you not showering praise on NFD people in other posts? Or now that some of them question your delusion-created Island, they are suddenly bad people? And for your Cigaal's assertion, wasn't he representing Somalia's policies as an employee for the then Somali government? Mise shekadaadu waa; any individual that belongs to your clan embodies 'Somaliland' irrespective of who or what unit he works for? In your logic let's say 'Somaliland' is in Jubba now trying to mediate South Sudan, as in your logic flow, the Kenyan minister is an ethnic 'lander' and represents 'Somaliland' just as Cigaal did in the 60's. Do you grasp your desperation, yaa Xaaji? PS; Kenya hardly know of your existence. Cigaal was representing the Somali republic at that time somaliland being part of the Somali republic representing Somaliland and Somalia so i dont see how one cannot claim him. It was the union Somalilanders created. Yes there there are ethnic S/landers in kenya but they do not represent SL they represent their countries. But Somalia and Somaliland is deeper they had a real union between them. Somaliland was never part of kenya so u cant make that link. Kenyans are not the smartest
  10. Samafal and oday are from northern galkacyo so its all about my turn wa caadi if we have to believe Fiqi , Faroole is doing a good job we shall see if faroole will be defeated or not in a few weeks time. How loyal are the MPS faroole is going to pay them surely but if they dont vote and he loses than that will be a pity for him.
  11. Dhegayso: Barnaamij Xiiso Badan Oo Ku Saabsan Caruur yaryar Oo Hargeysa Ku Nool Oo Magacyada Hogaamiyaasha Caalamka Sida Biyaha U Shubaya December 20, 2013 | Filed under: Community,Somali News | Posted by: kulan Hargeysa (OWN)- Waxa aanu halkan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa barnaamij xiiso badan oo idaacada Hirad ka samaysay laba caruura oo walaalo ah oo 5 iyo 4 jir kala ah waa Maxamed Cabdiqaadir iyo Nimco Cabdiqaadir, kuwaas oo ku nool magaalada Hargeysa oo sida biyaha u shubaya magacyada qaar badan oo ka mid ah hogaamiyaasha caalamka iyo arrimo kale oo xiiso badan. Waxaana barnaamijkan sameeyey Cabdishakuur Xaaji Muxumed Muuse “Heersare” Listen here http://www.oodweynenews.com/
  12. Somaliland oo Ingiriiska ka dalbatay in uu dib ugu soo laabto wadahadaladii uu u bilaabay Somaliya December 21, 2013 | In Waaheen News Waxa kaloo ay dalbatay in ay ku soo noqdaan shantii dal ee ka qayb qaatay kii ugu horeeyey ee Ingiriiska Hargeysa(Waaheen) Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibeddda Somaliland Maxamed Biixi Yoonis oo safar shaqo ku tagay Dalka Ingiriiska ayaa kulamo la yeeshay Madaxda Dalkaasi, waxaana la sheegay in Xukuumad ahaan ay u bandhigeen codsi ah in ay dib uga qayb qaataan wadahadaladii Somaliya iyo Somaliland dalalkii ka qayb qaatay wajigii ugu horeeyey eek a dhacay Ingiriiska. Ilo wareedyo u dhuun daloola dhaqdhaqaaqa Dublamaasiyadeed ee Wasiir Maxamed Biixi Yoonis iyo Farriintii uu la tagay Ingiriiska ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka dhalatay tuhun ay Somaliland ka qabto in Turkigu aanu hawlaha wadahadalada sidii la rabay u wadin, isla markaana ay jiraan dhaqdhaqaaqyo ay Somaliya doonayso in ay kaga xuubsiibato sii wadida wadahadaladii ay labada geesood fureen. Balantii dib u dhacday ee Wadahadaladii Somaliya iyo Somaliland ayaa laga yaabaa in ay dib dalka Turkiga uga qabsoonto toddobaadka labaad ee bisha koowaad ee sanadka cusub ee 2014-ka, hase yeeshee waxa muuqata dareen walaac leh oo ay Somaliland ka qabto Dalka Turkigu sida uu hawlaha u wado. Lama oga Dalka Ingiriisku in uu aqbalay Codsiga Somaliland iyo inkale, hase yeeshee waxa la filayaa in wasiirka Arrimaha Dibeda oo ka soo kicitimay Dalkaasi uu faahfaahin dheeraad ah ka bixin doono kulamada uu la yeeshay Madaxda Ingiriiska iyo mawqifka ay ka qaateenba.
  13. The Salafi jihadi groups are sponsored by Sacuudi arabia directly or indirectly and the other so called Khaleeji Arabs
  14. After a deal was broken between The six world powers Iran sanctions will be partly lifted Hezbollah logistics will reach assad. The Russian and Chinese support for the Syrian regime will remain and there is little the Saudis and the Qataris and the Arab league can do. Why do you think there is a stalemate, and the al nusra jihadist are losing ground territories as we speak?
  15. Mad_Mullah;991875 wrote: Not surprising that a man with so much hate against Somalis also supports the Gaal regime of Assad against the Syrian population. Akhas wallahi, may Allah resurrect you with Bashar and his regime yawm al-qiyamah. You cry about "genocides" committed by one plane in Hargeisa 20 years back yet support a regime that's doing worse every single day. And there's actual proof unlike our SNM brothers. Have u ever see me the Xaaji crying about Siyad bare and bombardments your mistaking me with some one else i hate the victimization of Somalilanders i consider it a weakness and will never support it. Where do you get the idea that i hate Somalis if i hate Somalis would i come on a Somali site and be with Somalis and how can i hate my self am i not a Somali, ma qof isagu is neceb baad aragtay, and i dont support Bashar al assad i just predicted he will defeat the saudi jihadist cell which is likely to happen.
  16. Tilamook goormu Somalilander noqday lool Samafal do you want cabdi cawar to win? Was faroole really that bad for Puntland i thought reer Puntland Liked him.
  17. ^^ no its farataag elections parliament votes appointed by Clan elders.
  18. Tallaabo kikiuyuada walaalo yihin inagu waxba iskuma nihin:D
  19. Remember when u used to try to convince some landers about the so called somaliweyn. Now that it all failed you believe in clan separations is your last card of the game. You blame cigaal though i never edited anything i am some how glad though he put an end to your little shifts war, fight your own battles not on the back of the people of the somali republic. Imagine if we actually freed you it would be different, after the civil war broke out. Somalis of somalia would had no where to flee, and you would fight somalilanders. Hada meel baad nagaga xiidhantahay. As for being allowed to leave the somali union somalilanders created the union in the first place somalilanders dont ask permission they just take what belongs to them like they did 1991. In 1960 the koonfurians were skeptical about sl motives wanting the union they thought there were other motives, today they are moving closer to restore relations. When kenyans like you are put aside all will work out as it all started with mogadishu iyo hargeisa labada meelood.
  20. Somali hadaad madax rabtid inad noqotid wa inad haysiid maskax wayo arag iyo hogaan sax ilaahay ka cabsi intaasi ba Somali maanta wa ka maqantahay Mooge sheekadisu waxa weye zerosum game , Madaxweynuhu reerkeyga maha wa reer Muqdisho adeerkey raisal wasaare maha wa inay fashilanto. Mana oga waxani wax Somali ka khaasaraya weyaan, dadku calashan waxay u bahanyihin maskax cusub. Somalidu hada madaxdooda si indho la'aan bay ku tageeran. Somalidu waxay u bahanyihin in cadalaad isku dhaqan ilaahay u noqdaan 23 sanadood bay wildernis ku jireen markay wax so hagaagan qaar kale ba isleh dumiya.
  21. So far Genel in the Oodweyne and Saraar Block Ansa wikfs in the Hawd Block DNO International ASA. (DNO) for the Northern Sool Xudun Block Jacka resources Oodweyne block Ophir energy In the Berbera Block
  22. Somaliland: ANSA WIKFS Signs Oil Exploration Contract Saturday, 21 December 2013 00:31 ANSA WIKFS and Somaliland Government exchange signed oil exploration contract ANSA WIKFS and Somaliland Government exchange signed oil exploration contract HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - Ansan Wikfs Ltd has become the latest foreign company to acquire an oil exploration and extraction contract. The Hadramaut based company in Yemen signed the contract at the offices of the ministry of Energy and Minerals in Hargeisa with signature put to pen by the company's chairperson and Somaliland energy minister Eng Hussein Abdi Duale. In the contract ANSA WIKFS acquires three oil blocks in Eastern parts of the Hawd areas of Somaliland namely blocks 14 block and block 19 as well part of blocks 7 east. Formal signing of the ANSA WIKFS Somaliland oil exploration contractFormal signing of the ANSA WIKFS Somaliland oil exploration contract The Energy Minister upon formalizing the contract informed that the ANSA WIKFS Company had paid a fee of $1m through a check to his ministry and another amount of $800, 000 whose recipient is the ministry of finance. These funds once legal and other fees are deducted shall be utilized for various development purposes within the areas where the blocks are located" informed Eng Duale who was flanked by various state officials among them livestock minister Abdi Aw Dahir and the chairman of the parliamentary Energy committee MP Saeed On display by Somaliland Energy minister Eng Duale is one of the checks of ammount worth 1.8m paid as contract signing fees by ANSA WIKFSOn display by Somaliland Energy minister Eng Duale is one of the checks of ammount worth 1.8m paid as contract signing fees by ANSA WIKFS Other foreign companies with oil exploration and extraction contracts from the somaliland government include Genel energy the Anglo-Turkish company fronted by former BP Chief executive Tony Hayward, Jacka Resources of Australia, DNO of Norway and Ophir ltd of South Africa among others. Keep watching this site for detailed information Ansan Wikfs Investments Limited (Ansan) is an independent oil and mineral resources holding company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of petroleum and mineral properties. The Company was formed in 1991
  23. Somaliland Oo Heshiis Laga Gashay Shirkad Cusub Oo shiidaalka baadha December 20th, 2013 Untitled98HARGEYSA (Somaliland.Org)- Wasaarada Tamarta iyo Macdanta Somaliland ayaa maanta si rasmi ah heshiis shidaal baadhis ah ula saxeexatay shirkad lagu magacaabo ANSAN WIKFS oo laga leeyahay dalka Yeman taas oo ka hawl gasha wadamo badan oo caalamka ah. Xafladan heshiikaas lagu saxeexayay oo lagu qabtay xarunta wasaarada tamarta iyo macdanta Somaliland ayaa waxa ka soo qayb galay Wasiirro ka tisan xukuumadda, Gudoomiyaha guddiga hoosaadka khayraadka ee Golaha Wakiilada, saraakiil ka tirsan wasaarada iyo maamulka sare ee shirkadaasi. Heshiiskaas dhinaca Xukuumadda Somaliland uu u saxeexay Wasiiirka Tamarta iyo Macdanta Eng Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale, halka dhinaca shirka ANSAN WIKFS ay u saxeexeen Gudoomiyha Shirkadaasi Mr Shahad Cabdu Haak iyo ku xigeenkiisa Mr Hashiim Al Malaki. Eng Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in xukuumad ahaan ay aad u soo dhawayanayaan fursadan maal-gashi ee lagu baadhayo shiidaalka dalka, taas oo uu tilmaamay in ay aad ugu faraxasan yihiin isla markaana Golaha Wasiirrada Somaliland ay ansixiyeen heshiiskan maanta la soo gunaanday dhamaystirkiisa bishii August ee sanadkan. Wasiirku waxa uu intaas ku in shirkada ANSAN ay tahay shirkad caalami ah oo meelo badan oo adduunka ay ka shaqayso isalamarkaana ay ka hawl-gali doonto sedexda bog-cadood ee lamabaradoodu kala yihiin 19, 14 iyo qeyb ka mid bogcada lagu magacaabo Todoabaad kuwaas oo dhammaantoodu ku yaala gobalada barri ee Somaliland. Wasiirku waxa uu xafladaasi ka sheegay in shirkada ANSON WIKFS ay bixisay lacag dhan milyan iyo sideed boqol oo kun oo dolar oo ah lacagta loo yaqaan xaqalka qalinka, taas oo si toos ugu dhacaysa qasnada dawladda islamarkaana xukuumaddu u qoondaysay in lagu horumariyo deegaamada laga baadhayo shidaalka ee shirkadu ay ka hawl gali doonto. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka shirkada ANSAN WIKFS Mr Hashim Al Malaki oo ku hadlayay magaca shirkadda ayaa sheegay in ay soo dhawaynayaan heshiiska ay la saxeedeen Somaliland islamarkaana ay ku dedaalayaan sidii ay uga midho dhalinayaan mashruucaasi baadhista shidaalka ah isagoo tilmamay in ay addeegsan doonaan qalab casri ah. Wasiirka Wasaarada Hawlaha Guud Gaadiidka iyo Guryayanta Md Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed iyo Gudoomiyha Guddi hoosaadka kheyraadka Golaha Wakiilada Xildhibaan Siciid Maxamed Cilmi oo si wada jir ah uga hadlay heshiiskaasi ayaa tilmaamay in ay soo dhawaynayaan heshiiskaasi kaas oo ah fursad maal gashi oo dalka u soo hoyatay waxaanay intaa ku dareen in ay shacbiga Somaliland gaar kuwa dega gobolada bariga ee laga baadhi doono shidaalku in ay la shaqeeyaan hawl wadeenada shirkadda.
  24. Galbeedi ofcourse Somalidu need to care for each other who else will care about us. As i am aging i one day want to see Somalis at peace with each other and to respect each other and make serious concessions which will benefit us all. But the leaders Somalis have , are in no way capable of making peace nor ready to reconcile for the larger good of interest in the Somali peninsula. Somalidu cid u odayeysa la'ayihin niman taladu ka bariqantay laakin waxaynu ku jirna wali Xaashee nin libin kaa xistiyey xumihi waa yaabe. Marka dadkan ilaahay ba u maqan.