Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Long live Khatumo , khatumo are proud people defenders of Somaliland founding fathers of the USP party We will erect a statue for Garaad cali near the National Somaliland assembly and enshrine his name and this time write Nacam yaa garaad. For he was a visionary man and was very suspicious of the Koonfurians and asked the SNL to halt the union in 1960. Ilahoow ku naxariiso.
  2. Cabdi cawar cant do anything the moment he added axmed karaash and biidnhe as part of his cabinet he allianated khatumo there is little he can do , today Khatumites despise cabdi cawar more than anything. khatumo is holding its conference and this is not in the interest of the buglanders. As the god father will lead the conference mr galaydh, and last week galaydh made it clear that there is nothing for his people in mogadishu. U dont understand Somaliland culture Somalilanders talk they talk openly about qabi sub clan in their media they are open about it. This is not hatred Somaliland have a different culture than the koonfurians for koonfurians qabil is toxic for Somalilanders they know how to deal with qabil issues. People are open about qabiil. Koonfurians are scared to talk about qabiil yet they had the biggest qabil. If 2 clans in Somaliland have a fall out and its serious Somalilanders know what to do and how to do the gar qaad. The Koonfurians will let it escalate and so many human casualties and eventually still not a winner. As for what cabdi cawar believes he said the puntland region is up for discussion when he was raising the issue of khatumo lol. He is not as firm as u believe lol
  3. Khatumo people are SL people the garaad clan do u know what khatumo stands for its Gol khatumo the place the USP party was formed in 1959. Somaliland elites know never to antagonize people with jabhad tactics. Most of the Kulmiye leadership were former SNM fighters if there is allot of human casualties it will hunt Somaliland more in the future. since they dont form a threat and they are cut off from Somalia and are only in taleex no need to attack them. Its better to see a few skimirieshes here and there some attacks but never a full blown war the Buhoodle clashes were the Limit. Somaliland already won the vast majority of reer laascanood to kick out garowe in 2007 do u know why ,,because the 1991 peace agreement that the people of Somaliland forgive and forget and live together as brothers as one nation. in 2002 in laascanood there was a Puntland administrator and a Somaliland administrator both operating , Somaliland wins more ground like this , its the best strategy thats why the entire southern Sool fell in the haands of Somaliland and northern sool the last remaining towns are boocame and taleex. So tell me how we are losing
  4. I dont mind u reporting bad news of SL as there is more good news coming from Somaliland than bad news. Somalia every day u will hear hebel got gunned down a homicide attacker has detonated him self.. African union troops are coming to Somalia, The TURKS are leaving or cutting of aid so be my guests post all u like First Khatumo and the garowe clan enclave are not in agreement Garowe claims khatumo ,, khatumo rejects this so there can never be an alliance there and there is no threat on that flank. Somaliland already became reality it has all that it needs a functioning state a flag an army a police a navy a currency a business sector a prospect for a better future. U will see eventually khatumo will form an alliance with SL the same way ssc did. How exactly do get stronger by war , war kills you kills your children mothers fathers peoples it hurts the Land seriously u need to stop the madness of killing each other and inviting 3rd world countries to come to ur country
  5. Somaliland already controls the vast majority of British Somaliand close to 94% of the land mass, khatumo has never been a real issue Khatumo is an integral part of SL why would Somalilanders lose hope, Somaliland is today stronger than ever than it was 10 years ago Somaliland during siilaanyos reign has captured the following towns and cities xudun ceegaag dharkeengeeyo southern sool sarmaanyo northern soool widh widh karin dabayl weyn Somaliland army is 16 miles away from the Somalia border who is really winning. Where is this khatumo and bug land threat u keep speaking off. Somaliland is much and much stronger Somalia today is weaker than ever divided along tribal lines Alshabaab gaining more momentum attacking the heart of villa Somalia African union troops increasing their deployment tribal federalism is further tearing Somalia apart, Jubba state is being formed as a satellite state of Kenya. Professor samatar said it best Somalia today is nothing but an empty shelf.
  6. Somalia is as messed up as it was always there is no real progress only in name there are more than 25.000 African union troops Turks are feeding the mothers and children and homicide attacks have tripled in Somalia corruption is enormous and there is no defense apparatus nor any working institutions on top of that clan federalism is further tearing apart Somalia and the fragmentation is in full gear. Its just wishful thinking on your part that there is a clan war in Burco even if there was a clash in Somaliland the Somalilanders are politically mature to resolve their matters peacefully they have all mechanism to resolve their differences through the Guurti as we have seen even the parliament dispute was solved by them. Yes in every country attacks happened but not constant and the countries u mentioned have defense apparatus Somalia has non. There is no threat from garowe at all never was really , now how are you going to fix Somalia. Somalia has been killed by Koonfurians and their madness over and over again.
  7. Gunmen seize government buildings in Ukraine's Crimea, raise Russian flag By Marie-Louise Gumuchian. Laura Smith-Spark and Ingrid Formanek, CNN February 27, 2014 -- Updated 1248 GMT (2048 HKT) Watch this video Gunmen seize Crimean parliament STORY HIGHLIGHTS Moscow warns against "violations of compatriots' rights by foreign states" Crimea PM says gunmen occupying parliament are refusing to negotiate Tensions have simmered since President Viktor Yanukovych's overthrow last week Ukraine's parliament was voting on a new government Thursday Have you witnessed the protests in Ukraine? Share your experiences, but please stay safe. Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Dozens of armed men seized the regional government administration building and parliament in Ukraine's southern Crimea region Thursday and raised the Russian flag, in a challenge to the Eastern European country's new leaders. Crimea, with its ethnic Russian majority, is the last big bastion of opposition to the new political leadership in Kiev after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's ouster Saturday. The incident, coming a day after Russia ordered surprise military exercises on Ukraine's doorstep, has raised fears about the push and pull of opposing allegiances in a country sandwiched between Russia and the European Union. Photos: Ukraine in transition Photos: Ukraine in transition Tensions rise over Crimean peninsula Fmr. Pentagon official on Russia, Ukraine Putin call behind Yanukovych truce? A broad divide has emerged between those who support what is going on in Kiev -- where parliament was voting on an interim West-leaning government Thursday -- and those who back Russia's continued influence in Crimea and across Ukraine. "I'm concerned about developments in #Crimea. I urge #Russia not to take any action that can escalate tension or create misunderstanding," NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen tweeted Thursday. In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the Kremlin will "give a tough and uncompromised response to violations of compatriots' rights by foreign states." Opinion: Will Ukraine's Crimea region be Europe's next 'frozen' conflict? No negotiations It was not immediately known who was occupying the buildings in Simferopol, the regional capital. The head of the region, Premier Anatolii Mohyliov, told CNN the gunmen were refusing to speak with him, telling him he had no authority. The men, who stormed the building early Thursday morning, had made no demands, and it was not clear what they wanted, he said. He said there are no civilians in the building and "the situation is under control." He added that government security forces, which were outside the buildings, would not use force or weapons to take over the buildings. "All police in Ukraine have been ordered to be prepared," acting Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page. "Orders have been issued to create a cordon around the Parliament in Crimea and to avoid shooting and violence." A witness, who gave his name only as Maxim, said he saw the armed men run into the building. "Inside, nobody knows what is going on inside at the moment. We only saw the building being taken over," he said. "When they took over the building, they kicked out police from there. More buses came and around 30 more people came out. They started to bring their bags and the bags had RPG's (anti-tank weapons), there was SVD (sniper rifles), Kalashnikov (assault) rifles, handguns, so these people were fully armed." 5 things you need to know about Ukraine's Crimea region Scuffles break out Tensions have simmered in the Crimea region since Yanukovych's ouster. Map of CrimeaMap of Crimea Scuffles broke out Wednesday as the mood soured among the thousands rallying in front of the Crimean parliament building. One group waved Ukrainian flags and shouted "Crimea is not Russia," while the other held Russian flags aloft and shouted "Crimea is Russia." Local leaders sought to calm the mood, urging the protesters to go home and resist provocations. Military exercise Also on Wednesday, Russia ordered military exercises near Ukraine. The timing of the move prompted speculation about the Kremlin's motives. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said the exercises were to check "combat readiness." And U.S. military intelligence saw no immediate indication the Russians were preparing for any offensive military action in Ukraine, two U.S. officials said. Instead, the officials said intelligence suggests Russia is "repositioning" up to half a dozen Russian ships near the Ukrainian port city of Sevastopol in case they're needed to respond if Russian interests are threatened. Sevastopol is home to Russia's Black Sea fleet. About 60% of the population in the city is Russian. Secession fears Concerns were heightened in the region when the Crimean parliament convened a previously unscheduled session Wednesday, amid local media reports that secession might be on the agenda. But parliament Speaker Volodimir Konstantinov dismissed the reports as "rumors" and urged residents to not be provoked. In Sevastopol, residents told CNN they were angry that Yanukovych had been forced out and fear that they will be oppressed by the country's new leaders. Many are struggling to come to grips with the rapid political upheaval. Russia's Foreign Ministry has accused Ukraine's lawmakers of discriminating against ethnic Russians by excluding them from the reform process. New government In the capital, Kiev, Ukraine's parliament met to vote in a new government Thursday after protest leaders named the ministers they want to form a new Cabinet. Leaders of the popular demonstrations that toppled Yanukovych named former Economic Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk as their choice to head a new interim government. In a display of people power, the announcement of Yatsenyuk and candidates for other key ministries was made Wednesday after protest leaders addressed crowds on Independence Square, the heart of the protests. The crowd, some of them dressed in camouflage, cheered as the names were read out. Lawmakers face the challenge of forming a body that genuinely represents all the main political parties, despite their widely divergent views. Presidential and local elections are due on May 25. Opposition leader and former heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko will run for the presidency, his press secretary said. Financial woes Last week, bloody street clashes between demonstrators and security forces killed more than 80 people, the deadliest violence in the country since it gained independence when the Soviet Union collapsed 22 years ago. Russia says Yanukovych was driven out by an "armed mutiny" of extremists and terrorists. A warrant has been issued for his arrest, but his whereabouts remain unknown. While Yanukovych is on the run, the diplomatic wheels have been set in motion within the international community. One key concern is cash-strapped Ukraine's perilous financial position. Yanukovych's decision to scrap a European Union trade deal in favor of one with Russia prompted the protests, which began in November.
  8. Why Should Somaliland attack Khatumo they are no harm they are in a bufferzone in taleex there is no need to provoke or to attack them, they are not terrorist just dissatisfied Somalilanders, Somaliland never had any interest to attack Taleex.
  9. Somaliland is not going to attack the Khatumo conference the garaad clan are good at one thing holding shirs about shirs its harmless in 2012 SL never attacked their conference. I think Garowe might interrupt their conference.
  10. There is nothing to worry a police officer was killed happened every where in the world there is already a man hunt and if he is in a country the SL security forces are very capable and will capture him and bring him to justice. Dont u have to worry about the security of Somalia which further deteriorates by the day whether homicide attacks , attack residential area's the United nation offices attacked i think that needs ur concern
  11. The Ethiopians are pretty smart and their policy to Somalia is that the conflict never ends the more Foreign troops the more Alshabaab become extremer the more they recruit the more the African union troops can earn their salaries from the European union.
  12. Somalia rising u have more pressing issues another homicide bomber detonated him self killing 15 people injuring another dozen in your capital. As a man who carries the name Somalia rising i think you should worry about that.
  13. Faahfaahin ku saabsan Weerar Ismiidaamin ah oo Muqdisho ka dhacay Khamiis, Feberaayo 27, 2014 (HOL) — Ugu yaraan 10-qof oo shacab iyo askar isugu jira ayaa ku dhintay in ka badan 15-qof oo kalena dhaawacyo ayaa kasoo gaaray weerar Ismiidaamin ah oo maanta ka dhacay agagaarka Baar FIAT ee magaalada Muqdisho. Qaraxan oo loo adeegsaday baabuur waxyaabaha qaraxa laga soo buuxiyay ayaa qaraxa loo adeegsaday, waxaana dadka dhintay ku jiray sarkaal sare oo ka tirsanaa nabadsugidda Qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Goobjoogayaal ku sugnaa goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa sheegay inay arkeen maydadka 12-qof oo dhimasho ah iyo dhaawaca dad ka badan 10-qof oo ay ku jireen laba haween ah oo lahaa maqaayadaha qaraxa lala beegsaday. “Anigu waxaan ka cabayay baarka Koobashiin waxaana arkay gaari darbiga ku dhacay, dadkii maqaayadda ku jiray oo tiradoodu ahayd 20-qof ayaan u qaybsamay dhimasho iyo dhaawac,” ayuu yiri goobjooge saxaafadda la hadlay. Sidoo kale, goobjoogaha ayaa sheegay inaysan isaguna waxba gaarin, balse dadkii maqaayadaha ku sugnaa ay gabi ahaantood u qaybsameen dhimasho iyo dhaawac, markaas kaddibna ay yimaadeen ciidammo badan iyo gaadiidka gurmadka deg-degga ah. Gaadiidka badan oo kuwa gurmadka ah ayaa ka qaaday goobta dhaawaacyo iyo dhimasho fara badan oo isugu jiray rayid iyo dhimasho, waxaana ka mid ahaa askar ka tirsan hay’adda nabadsugidda. Baabuurka qaraxa sameeyay ayaa ahaa kuwa yaryar ee raaxada, waxayna u sheegeen warbaahinta qaar ka mid ah goobjoogayaasha inuu eryayay gaari uu lahaa sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha degmada C/casiis, C/llaahi Xasan Xuseen oo isaguna goobta kula hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in khasaare xooggan uu dhacay ayna weli socdaan baaritaanno ku saabsan dadkii wax ku noqday. Maqaayadaha uu qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa ka horjeeda hoteelka FIAT ee Muqdisho waxaana goobta yaallay maydadka shan qof oo afar ka mid ah ay ahaayeen rayid maqaayadda wax ka cunayay iyo askari ciidamada nabad-sugidda ka tirsanaa. Haweeney ka mid ahayd goobjoogayaasha oo qaylinaysay ayaa sheegtay in kuwa weerarka geystay ay yihiin cadow dadka baabi’Inaya ay ka faa’iideysteen awood la’aanta hay’adaha ammaanka dowladda Soomaaliya. Ma jirto weli cid sheegatay inay mas’uul ka tahay weerarkan oo noqonaya kii labaad oo ka dhaca Muqdisho toddobaadkan, iyadoo la xusuusto in Jimcihii la soo dhaafay ay xoogag ka tirsan Al-shabaab weerareen madaxtooyada Somalia.
  14. Yeah but siilaanyo did not go abroad visiting different countries when a police officer was killed in Somaliland thats the difference, last night there were clashed in mudug again cabdi cawar is still touring Ethiopia.
  15. Doctor Somalia it self is created by Colonial Italy their borders the anglo Italian border between Kenya and Somalia is the same border between Somalia and Somaliland , the only difference is that Somalia and Somaliland for a short period of time united. Just because Somaliland doesn't have a seat at the united nations doesn't mean its border are not legitimate Somaliland lacks of recognition is a political it enjoys defacto recognition no country can deny Somaliland claim of statehood basis on the African union treaties on top of that the African union made it clear that Somaliland case for statehood is not one of secession. And it doesn't add up what do u mean exactly by the realities on the ground the people of Somaliland altogether have agreed to stick to their Somaliland , so why would Somaliland let an entity of Somalia change its legitimate borders. Recognition or recognition Somaliland borders are indisputable, Somaliland is not asking for Somalia lands and there never been something like a tribal partition of a region because a segment of Somalia is unhappy with the borders of Somaliland. Somalia and Somaliland should never have a conflict over territory because the border is clearly demarcated , South Sudan and Sudan have a conflict because the borders are newly drawn the conflict will exist for decades to come. For example Eritrea and Ethiopia fought over a small piece of Land the land was ruled in favor of Eritrea by an international court. Because of the Italian Abyssinian boundary treaty. So there should never be a conflict between Somalia and Somaliland around the border since everything is clear right clear.
  16. Who knows Alshabaab is unpredictable but i believe Alshabaab is targeting the garowe clan enclave for its support for the Kenyan troops in Somalia. And ofcourse the garowe clan enclave have helped pass the infidel constitution. I believe Somaliland neither supports African union troops in Somalia and rejects the constitution of Somalia, and took their hands off Somalia , Alshabaab bothers not Somaliland but who knows they might attack Somaliland again like they did in 2008, But for now they have forgotten Somaliland another factor is the garowe clan enclave seems to be more closer. But somaliland to remains vigilant because the regions is a very volatile region.
  17. Doctor kennedy if we go against the legit borders for Africa the African continent will be an entire mess we have tribes of all sorts living all different countries and having different nationalities, if Somali Kenyans are prospering with their fellow Kenyans in one nation why should Somaliland have a dispute over Somalia the borders are clearly demarcated and are clear to every one signed enshrined in the African union treaties. Somaliland is very homogeneous its people are all related by Blood one way or the other they have one vision one aspiration one objective. Somaliland regardless of what clan any Somalilander national can live own land on all that is Somaliland thats what makes Somaliland unique. In Somaliland the people there have a clear understanding of what citizenship to own the land togethera person from burco can live buy land start a bussiness in sanaag a person from laascanood can be the governor of hargeisa adn can live in arabsyo or berbera own land and live there as a citizen of the republic of Somaliland, Unlike in Somalia where every one is carving a tribal home land . The Koonfurians and Somalilanders are different on so many fronts. marka wa caynkaa adeer.
  18. SOMALIA’S AL-SHABAB: STRIKING LIKE MOSQUITOES February 26, 2014 BBC News Africa The storming by al-Shabab fighters of Villa Somalia, the seat of government in the capital, Mogadishu, last Friday did not take me altogether by surprise. On a recent visit to this large, shabby, sprawling compound I was struck by the lackadaisical security. True, I had to walk through a lot of checkpoints, but each one seemed more sleepy and chaotic than the next. I was surprised the African Union and Somali government soldiers let my companion in: His name was not on the security list at the gate, and he was not carrying ID. Hassan_President _FGS President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who was elected by MPs in 2012, is under pressure to end the conflict The day after the attack, in which at least 11 people were killed, I spoke by telephone to an al-Shabab official. He sounded relaxed, assured and in a very good mood. “Villa Somalia is meant to be the most protected part of Mogadishu, and Mogadishu is meant to be the most protected part of Somalia,” he said. “Yet we managed to strike the president’s house. My advice to the apostate President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is try to protect your house and your staff before trying to protect your country.” ‘Mogadishu music’ He then went on to describe in great detail how “our boys” prepared for the attack. They took time surveying the area, identifying the weak spots,” he said. “Then they made the car into a bomb by packing it with explosives. “Then they prepared themselves to die like lions. After the vehicle blasted through the gates, our young foot soldiers went through five checkpoints to get to their target.” Read More: Somalia Al Shabab Source: BBC News
  19. Its seems Amiir Godane is creating a new strategy in the north particularly in the north thats why he send fuaad shongole to the region in the mudug area that would be Shabaab permanent settlement shabaab already had infiltrated cadaado ximan iyo xeeb admin. Shabaab wants to maintain two cells one in mudug and the Affiliated galgala group in bari.
  20. ^^ Exactly Hawdian well put elected or selected leaders iyaga madasha is keeney wa in laga hadla...
  21. ^^ Trust me there will not be a war between us and our pirate friends and even it if it comes to it will never be more than a few skimirishes here and there. The People of Somaliland and Puntland are very civilized
  22. Somaliland is a republic with a legitimate claim to state statehood like any other nation in the African continent its not a tribal fox like the Garowe clan enclave. Puntland has no clear boundaries why dont they claim parts of Kismayo the ssdf clan lives there 2 as they claim. Who told you sool and sanaag belong to one Somaliland clan it belongs to 5 Somaliland clans who live there 2 together how can u than divide it will u divide the big beards of sanaag and add them to the newly created khatumo they live as far as midishe and in ceerigaabo. The same with sool is also shared between various Somaliland clans the garaad clan inhabiting the districts beyond oog while western sool belong to other clans but there are no clear borders between the people of SL since they are the same people have the same ethics shared values interest culture traditions ancestry political culture shared history all of that cannot be denied thats why even the garaad clan cannot share a state with the pirates next door even though there is allot of here say about the confederate clan system created 5 centuries ago. So Somalilland cannot relinquish claims from its territory first the people of those regions want Somaliland to stay in sool and sanaag and believe sool and sanaag are an integral part of Somaliland and sool and sanaag is Somalilad and Somaliland is sool and sanaag and togdheer and awdal and maroodijeex and saaxil Somailand even predates the creation of those regions. And also Somaliland has a legitimate claim to the Land is their god given Land. Even the name Khatumo has its roots in Somaliland Gol khatumo is where the Somaliland party USP was build during the independence struggle of Somaliland in the 1950s so its only natural for Khatumo to be part of SL the last 2 villages taleex and boocame. Even Ali khalif galaydh has clearly stated that he is from Somaliland the Khatumo god father.
  23. isn't he a politician manu isagu madasha keenind dont we discuss all politicians in here.
  24. mooge u keep saying aniga jab la magaan cabdi cawar ba og sida wax lo xalinayo he is building political capital lolz. Abdi cawar today said its even up for dialogue i believe cadde muse ba ka geesisna oo tuute so xidhay oo yidhi sadex bilood i suga hadaan so celinaya lolz. Cabdi cawar sidi loo doortay hadal danbe ba laga ma maqlin lolz fatadhugti iyo bala xoofteynti wa dhamaatay wa hore. and his trip to addis ababa is nothing more than cooperation against shabaab and security in the region. the only card open for cabdi cawar against Somaliland if he supports khatumo state indhasheel and galaydh. And recognizes the entity of khatumo as seperate entity from garowe. But can he do that????