Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Malistar its a good win for HAG i give u that damuljadiid has played it nice cabdi cawar is a rookie compared to the well experienced Faroole. And its a matter of time before cabdi cawar concedes all in favor of damuljadid. I remember prior to the elections in Mogadishu it was like any one but faroole.
  2. Miyr the Somaliland parliament is outdated SL should have hold parliamentary elections in 2013,they have been there since 2005 and udub members are no longer a working party and are just sitting there since no udub party exist any more. The parliament is not an issue its just the speaker passed new laws and he regrets it thats all there is no real problem there u will see it will all fade away in the next coming days. Are you saying the Puntland vp Visiting or trying to visit buhoodle is not a real issue and parliamentary quarrels are much more important that sovereignty national integrity and national security come on son u know Somalilanders better than that. No one is distracting any one the SL media is full of the parliament dispute.
  3. Now that the Ethiopians have reached Hiiraan , the Ethiopian amisom forces will liberate Bule burde the Alshabaab strategy is to have forces up north and to find a safe heaven for their militia between Galguduud and Mudug. And ofcourse to maintain the Alshabaab linked cell in the Galgala Mountains in Bari. Alshabaab have lost all the major battles but they want to go underground and haven't lost the war. Alshabaab will conscript new recruits for them the Xabashi troops under Amisom is a blessing. Alshabaab biggest weakness they cant afford to lose Baraawe for its their southern command which executes much of the attacks into Banadir region. And if they lose that one they will try to move to Middle Jubba where they still have allot of say.
  4. Ciidamo & Saraakiil alshabaab ka tirsan oo Degmada Xarardheere ee Gobolka Mudug kusoo qulqulaya. 16. februar 2014 Allpuntland Saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ayaa la sheegay inay gaareen degmada Xarardheere ee Gobolka Mudug, iyadoo ciidamadan ay ka yimaadeen degmada Buulo Burde iyo Ceelbuur sida ilo wareedyo Allpuntland ay u xaqiijiyeen. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in saraakiisha gaaray degmada Xarardheere ay ku jiraan kuwo sar sare oo horay ugu sugnaa Gobolka Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud. Dadka deegaanka Xarardheere ayaa sheegaya in labadii maalmood ee u dambeysay ay degmadaas soo gaarayaan saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka imaanaya Galgaduud iyo Hiiraan. Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa waxaa ka jiray Gobolada Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud dhaq dhaqaaqyo ciidan ay wadeen cutubyo ka tirsan Ciidamada Itoobiya oo soo galay, kuwaasoo ujeedkooda yahay inay la wareegaan deegaanada Shabaab ku sugan yihiin. Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan degmada Dhuusa Mareeb ayaa la sheegay in qorshahooda yahay inay la wareegaan degmada Ceelbuur, halka ciidamada kale ee gaaray Hiiraan ay ku wajahan yihiin degmada Buulo Burde, waxaana labadaas degmo ay yihiin fariisimaha ugu weyn ee Al-Shabaab kaga sugan yihiin Gobolada Dhexe.
  5. SOMALILAND OO KA MID NOQOTAY URUR AY KU BAHOOBEEN XOGHAYAYAASHA XUKUUMADAHA DALALKA AFRIKA (AFRICAN CABINET SECRETARIES) OO ADDIS ABABA LAGAGA DHAWAAQAY Kulanka lagu yagleelay Ururkan waxa Xukuumadda Somaliland ku metyelayey Agaasimaha Guud ee wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda Xasan Cabdi Madar, kaasoo ka mid ahaa dalalkii bud-dhiga u noqday Ururkan sida ku xusan war-murtiyeedka saxaafadda loogu talogalay ee ay aka soo saareen shirkooda oo afar cisho socday. Communiqué: Council of African Cabinet Secretaries We, the African Cabinet Secretaries and representatives of other African Cabinet Secretaries, having met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 3-7 February 2014, have agreed to establish the Africa Cabinet Government Network as a permanent organisation to provide formal and informal opportunities for collaboration, mutual support and sharing practical experiences. This decision reflects our shared commitment to evidence-informed Cabinet decision-making by our governments and effective implementation of Cabinet decisions. The Network also facilitates technical assistance to Cabinet Secretariats and others involved in managing Cabinet processes in Africa. To achieve this, we have today established the Council of African Cabinet Secretaries to lead the Network and bring together those who have the responsibility of supporting and managing the collective Cabinet decision-making in our respective jurisdictions. The Cabinet Secretaries from Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda (who was unable to attend the workshop), Sierra Leone, Somalia, Somaliland, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zanzibar are foundation members of the Council. Other African Cabinet Secretaries are being invited to join. At its inaugural meeting today, the Council elected Dr Ernest Surrur, Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service of the Government of Sierra Leone, as President of the Council. Dr Momo Rogers, Director General to the Cabinet, Government of Liberia, Mr Abdon Agaw Jok Nhial, Secretary General of the Government of South Sudan, and Dr Roland Msiska, Secretary to the Cabinet of the Government of the Republic of Zambia, have been elected Vice Presidents for West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa Regions respectively. Despite some differences among our systems of government, we share many common objectives and challenges. We are all committed to strengthening the support we provide our Cabinets, especially to ensure that policy proposals are informed by evidence, leading to decisions that can be successfully implemented and monitored. During the workshop we explored practical ways to improve Cabinet procedures and build capacity within Cabinet Secretariats and line Ministries. We seek to use systematic procedures and processes to produce better outcomes in the national interest. We identified ways of improving the quality of policy proposals coming before Cabinet, recognizing the importance of evidence to inform policy formulation, implementation and the monitoring and evaluation of Cabinet initiatives. We look forward to future meetings and interactions in a spirit of co-operation and enthusiasm for mutual learning and support across Africa. With an expanded group of Cabinet Secretaries, we will seek to build on this excellent foundation and learn more from one another about practical ways to support our Governments to make and implement policy for the good of our respective citizens. We appreciate the funding provided by the UK Government for the African Cabinet Government Network and we look forward to building support from additional sources. We also wish to thank the organisers, Adam Smith International, and the presenters at the workshop. We express our gratitude to the Ghanaian Delegation for accepting our proposal to host the next roundtable workshop. Finally we give our thanks to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia for hosting us during this period, and to our various governments for allowing us to participate in this initiative. Dr Ernest Surrur, 7th February, 2014 President, Council of African Cabinet Secretaries www.CabinetGovernment.net
  6. Somaliland: National Army Takes Positions 28 Kms from Garowe Sunday, 16 February 2014 01:30 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn on Surface and in the air capabilities to strike Garowe at willon Surface and in the air capabilities to strike Garowe at will By: Yusuf M Hasan LAS ANOD (Somalilandsun) –the Somaliland National Army has placed troops with sufficient firepower to Strike Garowe the capital of the Somalia administrative region of Puntland. Before proceeding to its current position 28kms of Garowe the army first took over complete control of several locations namely Kalabyadh, Karin Dabayl, and Darkeyn Geenyo among others in the wider Sool region (Including Buhodle and Ain). The advance to new positions ands more specifgically closer to striking distance of Garowe town comes after never ending verbosity emanating from the Puntland government and more specifically president Abdiweli Gaas as pertains to annexing parts of Somaliland's eastern regions. The Puntland bluff of attacking and annexing Somaliland territories and subsequent dispatch of two battalion's one commando and the other artillery to the frontline comes in the heels of recent warnings issued by Somaliland health minister Dr Suleiman Hagaltosie and opposition party UCID chairman Eng Feisal Ali Warabe. Somaliland Commandoes promise to drink tea in Garowe 2 hours after incursion attempts by PuntlandSomaliland Commandoes promise to drink tea in Garowe 2 hours after incursion attempts by Puntland According to reports from Taleeh the purported beachhead of the mystical Khatumo state presumably to be hived off Somaliland jurisdictional territory with the support of Mogadishu and Garowe Government's Khatumoists militias made a fast retreat to Puntland upon advance by the two heavily and war ready Somaliland army battalions. This move not only gives the government of Somaliland the strategic defensive advantage against any planned incursions by Khatumoist tribal militias and Puntland forces but also acts as deterrence towards the much touted visit to Buhodle by Puntland vice president Abdikarim Abdilahi Amay. Though having the national army establish its land based beachhead within striking distance of Puntland has been the want of somalilanders they also hope that this move will bring sense to the regional authorities in Garowe thus avert a war which if it comes to somalilanders it shall be preservation of their avowed sovereignty which though is two decades without international recognition is not only irrevocable but one that all are in acquiescence as per preservation at all costs. Related Items
  7. Galbeedi first cismaan hindi joined udub during the elections of Siilaanyo versus rayaale. Mujahid abdurahman aw ali left Kulmiye before the elections in 2009 he had a dispute with Ahmed Siilaanyo. Dhagoweyne is a great fighter but not a politician how can we forget Dhagoweyne the general the man who completely annihilated 26 division of cadaadlay. Dr Gaboose was not original Kulmiye him and ina xaashi were from the qaran organization they just used Kulmiye because Kulmiye promised to open up the political parties and Kulmiye did. i dont think its the aid factor Somaliland only receives AID from the Britian and its minimum and some from Denmark. Somaliland is still busy to get funding's for the elections in 2015. We have to agree that Kulmiye is more effective than udub and has started more social economic projects in the country lets give credit where its due. Though Kulmiye is not perfect and there are allot of shortcomings like the cracking down on Somaliland journalists though i dont mind if they bully Universal tv and other Somalia media. But more freedom for Somaliland media. And ofcourse the favoritism with in the elites of Kulmiye to allocate projects to friends and close associates. Having said that we see also tangible changes in Somaliland the construction of new ministries and strengthening SL institutions SL is making progress under Kulmiye , are the elites of Kulmiye angels probably not do we have a long way to go yes. Are there are serious concerns not really.
  8. Miyir reer Somaliland will fight for their right place on the international stage cost what cost they will put energy and money into it. Somaliland has one of the finest institutions a government that works a parliament that works a guurti that works. Kulmiye has its problems But they are 100 times better than udub thats what counts.
  9. Arigtida Somaliland waan ku sheegey ka siyaasi ahan ka dhaqan ahaan iyo ka hadaf iyo shacab ahaan. Carabta wax ba u shaqeyaa , reer SL na wax ba u shaqeyaa. Aqoosniga wuxu kaliya kala mqanyahay runti wa currencyiga SL oo aan lahayn aqoonsi inta kale aqoonsi wax weyn oo kale kala maqna hadanu dollar isticmaalno wa u fiicnan lahayd.
  10. Gooni aqoonsiga Somaliland waxa hortagaan waxyaalo fara badan oo ay ka mid yihin dawlada ka mid beesha calaamka gaar ahaan qaar gacan saar dhaw la leh wadamada sudaan iyo masaarida. hadaba dawlada taagta daran eeh xamar waxba ma hor taagna iyadu eeh laakin iyadu laftigeedu wada shaqeynta Somaliland siday u rabto ma rabaa. laakin iyagu waaad sida aad sheegtey gacmaha wax fara badan uga ma jiro hadana,beesha calaamka nimanka yurubianka maraykanka ayaa siiyey wax la yidha political legitimacy inkastow anay lahayn legitimacy lahayn marka somalida loo eego. Dhibaatada ugu weyn Somalia iyo Somaliland haysata loooma ogala inay heshiiyaan, haday somalia iyo somaliland heshiyaan , Somaliland waxay qaadanysa active role si ay somalia u degto oo wax badan ka tari karta wadamada afrikanka sida xabashida kenyatiga uganda lacago fara badan bay ku qataan somalia qaskooda. Somaliland mar hadi la aqoonsado waxay qaadanysa talaabooyin wa weyn si somalia u degto wadaamo badan ma raban somaliland sabab wa dal islam ah wana dal dimuqriyadida siyasadeed ku dhaqma somalia , tusaaley u qadan karta somaliland. iyo qaabkay u dhisan karto dawlad. Marka dad badan ba raba inay status quo sida ahaato somalia oo bila dawlad ah oo bila nidaam iyo Somaliland oo bila aqoonsi ah si ay arintu sida u socoto. sida ula soco. Somaliland hadi la aqoonsado waxa u qorsheysan inay Somalia nabadayso inay active role dhibato inay Qaabka Yurub wax isugu darsadeen neo functionalism waxa la yidha in Somali council of nations la sameyo. Si lo helo xal fiican oo Somalia iyo Somaliland iyo jabuuuti iyo somdalida jigjiga iyo somalida garisa ba iska dhex arkaan.
  11. Miyir the head of the opposition and the speaker of parliament cannot be the same person how ever the SL guurti allowed it to happen for the time being its not about unseating him u have missunderstood the whole dispute the speaker of parliament honorable Ciiro approved two new laws about removing the powers of his 2 deputies who happen to be from the Kulmiye party which indicates that only 42 members of parliament can remove the 2 deputies as happened this law was initiated by the speaker mr ciiro. The 2 deputies and the vast majority of the Kulmiye mps say now oke fair enough we lost our status by the 42 agreement the speaker can lose his seat to by the same agreement. Now the speaker is against it and wants to reverse and re instate the two former deputies. But now the 2 deputies disagree and the guurti of SL is mediating thats about it.
  12. Changing the constitution where did they change the constitution lol do you even know about the Somaliland constitution wait let me ask you a question do you even know what the dispute in the SL parliament is about
  13. Peace and action tell that to Mooge i told him before that Abdi cawar will give into the demands of damuljadiid and we are just seeing it now.
  14. Distracted from what the Parliament differences in SL what dictatorship are you saying ciiro or Kulmiye is becoming a dictatorship lol. In Somaliland there is one man one vote poeple vote for their leaders. There are no major problems in SL
  15. Than thats good intaasun ba la rabay inad ilkaha cadaysid. Now let seee if the xabashis can bring solutions to somalia which i very much doubt.
  16. Gumeysi ina ma kala qeybin oo isticmaarka ka hor ba dawlad maynan wada lahayn marka sharciyaan wax macquul ah maha 1884 wixi ka horeysey ma dawlad iyo calan baynu wada lahayn wa mayaa isticmaarki marku yimi dawlad manan wada lahayn marki xoriyada la qaatay na shot term period midow ba dhacay 30 sanno bu midowgaasi jiray ka dib na wa burburay is weydi wuxu u bur buray wuxu u burburay kumaynan heshiis ahayn waligeen saban dal lugu ma dhiso isku luqad baanu ku wada hadalna masaliyan wan ku sheegey dalal fara badan oo isku af ku ku hadla oo aan qaran wadaagin. Somaliland afrikaan aqoonsi kama rabto sababtu ah xuduudehedu wa shaci afrikana wa ogtahay gaal iyo islam na wa ogyahay. Xuduudku wuxu ku yalaa yoocade wajeer Somaliland kama mid ah wa dalka Kenya , hadaad rabtid inad Somalia ku so dartid be my guest orodo Kikiyada u tag wajeer oo dhe aniga iska leh
  17. http://www.allsanaag.com/index.php/43-war-soomaali-ah/3456-vote-khasaaray Here is the link
  18. Ra’iiusl Wasaaraha Somalia oo la kulmay Taliyaha Ciidanka Itoobiya Sabti, Febraayo,15, 2014 (HOL) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed Maxamed oo ku maraya safar dalka Itoobiya ayaa maanta oo Sabti ah la kulmay taliyaha ciidamada milateriga Itoobiya, Jen. Samora Muhammad Yunis, kaddibna wuxuu ra'iisul wasaaruhu booqasho ku tagay warshadda weyn ee dalka Ethiopia ee lagu magacaabo Metal and Engineering corporation (METEC). Kulanka ra’iisul wasaaraha iyo taliyaha ciidamada xoogga Itoobiya ayay kaga hadleen xoojinta ammaanka iyo dib u xoraynta goobaha ay wali dalka kaga sugan tahay Al-shabaab, waxaana kulankan uu qayb ka yahay booqasho saddex maalmood ah oo uu ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ku joogo magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya. HALKAN KA DAAWO SAWIRRO BADAN: thumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnail Dhanka kale, ra’iisul wasaare Cabdiweli iyo wafdigiisu ay booqasho ku tageen mid ka mid ah xarumaha ay leedahay warshadda weyn ee dalka Ethiopia, taasoo qabata hawlo kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin samaynta qalabka baabuurta, baabuurta ciidamada iyo rasaasta. Itoobiya ayaa waxaa kaga sugan Soomaaliya kumannaan askari oo dhawaan ka mid noqday kuwa Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM, waxaana kulanka C/weli iyo Yunis diiradda lagu saaray sidii ciidamada Itoobiya ay qayb weyn uga qaadan lahaayeen xal u helidda nabadgalyo xumada Soomaaliya. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa horay ula kulmay dhiggiisa dalka Itoobiya Hailemariam Desaleng iyagoo kawada hadlay xoojinta xiriirka labada dal iyo sidii Itoobiya ay qayb uga qaadan lahayd howlgallada lagu soo celinayo nabadda iyo deggenaashaha Soomaaliya, kaddib 23-sano oo colaado iyo dagaallo sokeeye ah.
  19. Its seems cabdi cawar doesn't control his education Minister and he is working with damul jadiid behind the scenes and paying visits to them. This tells you cabdi cawar has no real control over his large cabinet.
  20. Wasiirka qura ee Puntland yeelatay, oo la soo shaqeeyey argagixisada ayaa ilaa maalintii la magcaabay wuxuu ku maqan yahay koonfurta Soomaaliya. Cali xaaji Warsame oo sida Madaxweyne Cabdiweli Gaas aaminsanaa doorashadii Puntland in la gaaray xilligii jufadiisu qaban lahayd hogaanka Puntland mar hadii meertadii la soo gaaray , ayaa waxa uu ka mid ahaa madaxdii ururkii dhiiga badan ku daadiyey deganaada Puntland ee Alitixaad. Maanatana markii loo magcaabay wasiirka waxbarashada Puntland, wuxuu shaqadiisii ka bilaabay magaalada Muqdisho oo uu ku mqan yahay intii xilkaas loo dhaariyey. Wasiirkii Waxbarashadda ee Puntland Cali Xaaji ayaa ku sugan magaaladda Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Dawladda Federaalka waxa uu ku joogaa dhuumasho lamana yaqaan sababta isagoo ka warhaya in cilaaqaadka Puntland iyo Dawladda Federaalka aan weli heshiis laga gaarin xiriirkii xumaaday inuu Muqdisho iyo Dawladda Federaalka shirar hoose la qaato. Shacabka Puntland oo badankood shaki ka qabay Xukuumadda Madaxweynaha ka yahay Gaas Wasiirka Waxbarashadana ka yahay Cali-Xaaji in iyagoo dantooda gaar-ahaaneed fulinaya inay heshiis qudbo-siro ah la geli-doonaan Dawladda Federaalka oo Bulshadda Puntland marka ay maqlaan magaca Dawladda Federaalka xasaasiyad ka qaada,maadaama Madaxda iyo Xisbiga Damjadiid ee Dawladda horboodaya dagaal-Diplomaasiyadeed ay ku hayaan Maamulka Puntland. Wasiirka Waxbarashadda Puntland Cali Xaaji oo ka mid ahaa Culimadii ku soo caan-baxday Buurta-Saliid ayaa Teleefoonkii gacanta ee Muqdisho laga wici-lahaa dansadayisaga oo shirar qarsoodiya la leh ururka Damuljadiid iyo Faarax Cabdulqaadir Lama yaqaan Madaxweyanaha Puntland C/weli Gaas inuu ka warhayo booqashadda qarsoon ee Wasiirka Waxbarashadda Puntland Cali Xaaji uu ku joogo Mudisho.
  21. Al Shabab vows more attacks on UN agencies Although Al Shabaab were pushed out of Mogadishu in 2011 by African Union peacekeeping troops, they have carried out several bombings in Mogadishu targeting government officials and foreign nationals. Hiiraan Online By Shafi’i Mohyaddin Saturday, February 15, 2014 Al Shabab militants in Somalia vowed to intensify targeted attacks against international aid organisations in the country, namely UN agencies operating in Somalia. The Islamist group’s spokesman Sheik Ali Mahmoud Raghe said that his fighters were on the final process of more attacks against UN agencies and the African Union forces in the country, accusing the UN of supporting Ethiopia’s inclusion in AMISOM. “The UN and other so-called global agencies operating in Somalia must leave the country immediately, if they don’t do so, our Mujahideens will continue targeting them,” the spokesman told the group’s media on Friday. “We are fighting against invading forces from six African countries who have failed in their attempts to colonise Somalia, the fight against the enemy of Allah will intensify,” Sheik Ali Dhere noted. He said that Thursday’s suicide attack on the UN convoy near Mogadishu airport was very successful, adding that such attacks will continue. Meanwhile, the death toll of Thursday’s car bomb attack rose to 8 according to sources from hospitals in the capital Mogadishu.
  22. Cunno-qabateynta Hubka Soomaaliya oo la Dalbaday in la Adkeeyo Sabti, Febaraayo 15, 2014 (HOL) — Guddiga Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan la socodka cunno-qabteynta hubka ee Soomaaliya iyo Eratria ayaa ka dalbaday Golaha Ammaanka in si buuxda loogu soo rogay Soomaaliya cunnoi-qabateynta hubka ee sannadkii hore laga qafiifiyay, kaddib markii dhawaan ay soo shaac baxday in dowladda Somalia ay hub kala duwan ka iibisay Al-shabaab. Guddiga ayaa soo bandhigay dhowr hab oo lagu xakamayn karo hubka galaya Soomaaliya kuna dhacaya gacmaha qaldan, iyagoo sheegay in loo baahan yahay in lagu soo rogo cunno-qabateynta hubka Soomaaliya si buuxda ama loo helo nidaamyo iyo tallaabooyin adag oo lagu xakamaynayo laguna soconayo cida uu gacanta u galayo hubkaaas. Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii guddiga dabagalka cunno-qabateynta hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya iyo Eratria ay ku eedeeyeen dowladda Xasan Sheekh Maxmuud in hubka ay kasoo gadato dalalka Caalamka ay gacanta u galiso xarakada Al-shabaab, qaarna ku iibiso suuqyada Muqdisho. Golaha Ammaanka ayaa cunno-qabateynta hubka kusoo rogtay Soomaaliya sannadii 1992-kii si loo joojiyo hubka faraha badan ee galayay Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo gacanta u galayay beelo dagaalamaya. Lama oga sida Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay uga jawaabi doono dalabkan kooxdan uga yimid, iyadoo sidoo kale ay dowladda Soomaaliya beeninayso warbixinta kooxdan ay soo saartay, iyadoo ku tilmaantay in la been abuuray oo aan laga fiirsan.
  23. haa dhawr jeer baan galay oo xadiis oo dinta ku gudbiye wa qeyb aad u wanaagsan
  24. Dee adiga suaasha ugu danbeyse lugu weydiye maxaad uga jawaabi la'adahay miyaanad noolaan karayn bila reer Somaliland Somaliland xuduud qabileed maha wa xuuduudaha Africa u yalaa xuduudihi Africa sida ka dhigay eeh african chaterkeeda ku yaala eeh madaxda africa 1963 gacanta ku dugeen. Xuduuda Somalia iyo Somaliland waxba kama duwana xuduuda kenya iyo Somalia Adigu maxaad ciidan qaran ku falaysa miyanaad amisom u yeedhan miyanay afrikaanku wardiyeyn goormaad ciidan qaran rabta inad dhisatid Madaxdadu waxba kuma talo jiraan. inay project uun sexeedann bay raban oo dhakhso u ceeshan , Qaran waxa dhisa dad isku hadaf ah isku mawqif ah isku ujeedo isku aragti isku wax meel u wada , luqad qaran ma dhisto dal na lugu ma abuuro luqad haday taasi sida tahay wadanka kanada iyo wadanka maraykanka ba qaran wada noqon laha oo isku darsan laha ama ireland iyo ingreeska ama carabta oo isku luqad ama gobolka tigray iyo dalka eritrea ama albania ama kosovo. Waxa idinka qaldan idinky qaran iyo dal baad qalad ka fahantaan qarankinu wuxu ku xidhanyahay wax la yidha ethno nationalism waxasina wa wixi somali ba burburiye somaliland burburisay somalia burburisay jabuuti ba ka bad baday ethno nationalis, dal ahaan waxa weye inad dhisatid dalkaga raskambooni ila raas caseer dadkina is ogol eeh leh anagu somalia baanu nahay maalintad ta samaysid baad so dhawanaysa laakin intad leedahay lahjad iyo accent ba dawlad ku dhisaya wa habeenkii oo xalay tegey..