Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Boocame ugaas arrives in Laascaanoood ,, and welcomes and wants the SL goverment to take firm control over Boocaame.
  2. Seems Amiir Godane is a real threat to the Pirates thats why they have the Xabashis on speed dial
  3. Palestinians made a crucial mistake the Europeans and the Americans were determined to give the jewish a home land The Palestinians were given a chance to have the entire west bank and gaza the way to zion and nazareth more than the gaza strip were given to Palestine as a recognized state to become a member of the UN the Arabs rejected this. And now they lost all of the land Israel than later crushed the Arabs in 1967 and again in 1973 today the Palestinians lost all of the Land in the west bank and gaza is isolated, settlements every where in the west bank.
  4. Oday Having country with a large population doesn't necessary mean that country is economical viable or has a larger Economy what u need is education and a proper handling of the human resources of the country. Countries with a huge population such as Nigeria are most of the time the ordinary citizens are very poor, its never really about the population if you have 120 million people who are uneducated and are unemployed and there is no infrastructure and everything is Foreign owned there is prospect for a better future for that country. Furthermore Somalia is very undeveloped and when a country and its population are underdeveloped generates conflicts and corruption, and conflicts and large scale of corruptions prevent the necessary steps to get the economy in order. Your theoretical concerns relating to regional integration of nations with shared values could be addressed but it should always be one of mutual interest it doesn't seem that way it looks good on paper but practically its really another cheat. What i would suggest is a very open regionalism in reality, take for example Singapore a very very very small country with a highly based technological industrial based economy a small population qualified educated is much more viable in the long term than a big country massive land size ungovernable and its people at each others throat constant threats both Somalia and Somaliland cannot develop as one country but they could develop as two countries. The prerequisites of any sort of cooperation it has to be one of qualitative footing for both sides, Where we differ Mr Oday Somali u wan to build Somalia on the back of the hard work of Somalilanders , But Somaliland serves only her people and the scare resources it has , is only for her own people. What we could agree on is the consultative networks between Somalia and Somaliland government the various departments and academia and businesses and representatives of the civil society and exchange the value links of information and the distribution and the input of both peoples. But before any one of that could happen the political dispute needs to be resolved and that seems a a very controversial issue particularly for the Koonfurians hence why the neo functionalism i had in mind will never materialize The need for an adequate regional governance to bring together all stakeholders both Somalia and Somaliland and Djibouti will be the most difficult thing for aslong the Koonfurian want to rule Somaliland from Somalia and that they're way is the only way,, the political instability and distrust will continue for decades to come. You should not really address me or the Somalilanders they are flexible they even made the union that shows you the good will was there, you should have a word with the Koonfurians, of what they actually want and how they view the future. Because Somaliland does need Somalia , they need Somaliland. Somalilanders should not eye on the few banana plantations in the south of Somalia and it should not invest there and waste its money Somalilanders from Hawd need to move to Hawassa and relocate their capital there. Somalilanders should advance their ports and eye on the massive Ethiopian market while a segment of the population invests their capital in hawassa. EPRDF is even willing to sell Farm land for what ever price is agreed on. Somaliland should sustain and develop an entrepreneurial based economy with an open market, and make sure the big corporations are properly taxed it can easily expand its sphere of influence with the right thinking and because its people are very creative.
  5. DETOORE osman Ethiopia has a strong history theocracy their institutions have been set up for centuries ethnic federalism of Ethiopia the ethnic states might have a strong base for their ethnicity or culture but they all pledge allegiance to the state that is Ethiopia the federal republic is using the strong foundations Ethiopia was build upon for centuries. You cannot compare it to Somalia where a tribal state is very competitive to the Somali federal government There is no federal Somalia today the SFG operates separately Puntland operates separately and Jubba state is under the mercy of Kenyans. i have never said Ethiopia is against Puntland formula for Somalia, Puntland automatically weakens a strong Somalia state which serves Ethiopia in the long term. As for cabdi cawar if he meant the SL politicians from sool he would have used other terminologies a quick question why doesn't cabdi cawar addresses Khatumo if he is referring to the garaad clan. Cabdi cawar is in a very weak position Shabaab is closing in Mogadishu he has terrible relations the Garaad clan wants nothing to do with him. The only out way is Ethiopia but Ethiopia cant help him with Mogadishu. Mogadishu maintains close relationship with addis ababa themselves it seems all is closing up.
  6. Somaliland: Somaliland UK Ambassador Refutes Linkage with Somalia Friday, 28 February 2014 21:48 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn By: A.A.J UK: Somalilandsun) - Somaliland ambassador to UK his Excellency Ali Adan Awale told the media that he had discussed with UK government about the independence of Somaliland. Ali Adan Awale said UK government said the community of Somaliland took their decision to be independent country in 1991. He added that the UK government said the talks between Somaliland and Somalia is about their future relation of their countries. His Excellency Ali Adan Awale brief UK government Somaliland is peaceful country with love unity it is not like Somalia where there is insecurity, he said Somaliland and Somalia are two deferent countries. Somaliland is democratic country it has held free and fair elections. After twenty three years when Somaliland returns its independence it has held four presidential elections which was the first president was late Abdirahman Abdilahi Ali (Tur) the second president who was the late Haji Mohamed Ibrahim Egal, the third president was Riyale and fourth who is now the president of republic of Somaliland his Excellency Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Silanyo Somaliland has held much development after twenty three years without recognition of the international communities.
  7. STOIC well if the south wants prayers they should pray themselves for their land nothing wrong to pray for your country and ask allah to protect it from any sort of threat. Any way the samatar is guy is not to bad he is a good man who was an honest unionist who believed in the well being of both Somalia and Somaliland. But as he puts it walanala garan waaye so he has to move on. STOIC u have to understand koonfurians , u have not lived with them shared a country with them in the 70s and 80s. These people have their own understanding of things they don't view the world and don't have the same characteristics culture as Somalilanders. Which made living in the same country eventually unbearable and the people had to break away samatar understands that now to in aan la isla jaan qaadi karayn.
  8. “Waqtigan waa xilligii xal waara laga gaari laha muranka soohdimaha ee Piuntland iyo Somaliland u dhexeeya, waaana waqtigii khilaafka wada-hadal lagu dhammeyn lahaa,” ayuu yiri madaxweyne C/wali Gaas. Osman maybe u have a hard time understanding the Somali language but this is what ur leader cabdi cawar said , Ethiopia is a non factor in this supporting tribal federalism or not Ethiopia wants to control Somalia so they would support tribal federalism Jubbaland bay and bakool land Banadir state Puntland why not a weaker Somalia a dysfunctional Somalia is always in her interest. And on Somaliland recognition Ethiopia always pushes towards Somalia because they know Somalis will never resolve their difference all in all the longer Somalis are in conflict in Somalia and Somaliland its in her interest in the long term. Its a good strategy of the TPLF really they are not hostile towards any one in the Somali peninsula but only towards Alshabaab and towards Somalis resolving their own differences. Cabdi cawar wants tot talk to Somaliland , Somaliland never talks to garowe it has no interest to talk to garowe. Garowe is no where in Somaliland boocame and taleex are under Khatumo the rest of Somaliland is under SL government, and Khatumo of today leans more towards Somaliland and is very hostile towards the garowe clan enclave. Puntland wants the division of the khatumites when they gave jobs to karaash and biindhe Somaliland govt is trying to accommodate them and in cooperate them all no ifs and maybe thats why Somaliland rules the land. And Garowe has nothing
  9. The koonfurians are just angry because he has left them thats all no need to dance in circles and try to measure his intellectuality or his intentions when he was in Somalia.
  10. Professor samatar is a smart and dignified human being may allah bless him for abandoning the Koonfurians for they only care about Corruption and Wanlaweyn chauvanism. He is sick and tired of them and wants to move forward.
  11. Did he not buy a Ferrari i believe a Ferrari costs allot more how did he get less than 70.000 Dollars.
  12. Dhagayso:Wufuud Culus Oo Taleex U Anbabaxay Kana Qayb galaya Shirka Khaatumo 3 Waxaa Degmada Kalabaydh ee Gobolka Sool Ka Ambaxay Wefdi Balaadhan oo Ay hogaaminayaan Cuqaasha Deegaanka Kuwaasi oo Sheegay Inay Ka Qayb Galayaan Shirwaynaha Khaatumo 3. Wufuudan Ayaa waxaa Hogaaminayey Caaqil Cali Xirsi Cowl Waxaana Sidoo kale Wehelaya Masuuliyiin Ka Tirsan Maamulka Khaatumo State. HALKAN RIIX DHAGAYSO CODKA Lataliyaha Madaxtooyada Dhanka Arimaha Bulshada Mujaahid Cali Maraykan oo Qayb Ka Ah Wafdiga Ayaanu Ugu Horayn Waraysanay Wuxuuna ka hadlay Safarkooda. http://horufadhi.com/2014/03/01/dhagaysowufuud-culus-oo-taleex-u-anbabaxay-kana-qayb-galaya-shirka-khaatumo-3/
  13. Gaas:"Waxaa la joogaa xilligii laga hadli lahaa muranka Xuduudaha" Axad, Maarso 02, 2014 (HOL) — Madaxweyaha Puntland, Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali (Gaas) ayaa khudbad uu dhinacyo badan ku tabtay ka jeediyey machadka daraasaadka nabadda iyo ammaanka ee magaalada Addis Ababa (IPSS). Mudane Gaas ayaa arrrimaha uu khubaddiisa kusoo qaaday waxaa ugu muhiimsan in caqabadaha xilligan horyaalla maamulka uu hoggaamiyo ay ka mid yihiin dhinaca ammaanka, wuxuuna xusay in xilligan dowladdisu ay ku dadaallayso ka hortagga wax kasta oo dhib u keeni kara jiritaanka Puntland. Sidoo kale, madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ka hadlay burcad-badeednimada, Al-shabaab iyo muranka soohdimaha ee u dhexeeya Puntland iyo kan Somaliland, isagoo sheegay in saddexdan qodob ay yihiin halista ay Puntland wajaheyso. Al-shabaab ayuu ku sheegay in xilligan looga adkaaday gobollada Koonfureed ee Soomaaliya oo ay ku xooggan yihiin, waqtiganna ay marayaan xilligii dabar- go'a, balse wuxuu xaqiijiyay inay ka fiijigan yihiin dhibaato uga timaada kooxda xiriirka la leh Al-qaacida. La-dagaallanka kooxaha burcad-badeedda ah ayuu ku tilmaamay in waqtigan laga gaaray guul muhiim ah oo la dabar-gooyay, waxaana uu tilmaamay in Puntland ay ka qaadatay doorka ugu weyn soo afjarida kooxaha Soomaalida ah ee qafaalata maraakibta ganacsiga iyo kuwa dalxiiska ee gooshaya xeebada Soomaaliya ka ag-dhow iyo kuwa ka fogba. Qodobka saddexaad ee xasaasiga u ah siyaasada Puntland ayuu ku sheegay Gaas in uu yahay muranka ka jira soohdimaha u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Somaliland, sida muranka gacan ku haynta iyo maamulka gobollo iyo deegaanno ka tirsan Sool. Somaliland ayaa ku andocoota maamiladda gobollada uu muranku ka taagan yahay halka Puntland ay ka sheegato isirka iyo lahaanshiyaha gobolladaas, balse waxaa siyaasadda labada dhinac xilligan Gaas uu ka dhigay mid qaboow kaddib markii uu sheegay in la joogo waqtigi wada-hadalka. "Waqtigan waa xilligii xal waara laga gaari laha muranka soohdimaha ee Piuntland iyo Somaliland u dhexeeya, waaana waqtigii khilaafka wada-hadal lagu dhammeyn lahaa," ayuu yiri madaxweyne C/wali Gaas. Intii uusan madaxweyne Gaas qaban xilka madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu saddex bilood ka tirsanaa xubnaha machadka daraasaadka nabadda iyo ammaanka IPSS ee xaruntiisu tahay magaalada Addis Ababa.
  14. Russian Ego is sense here the Russians cannot force Ukrainians to form a block with the Russians
  15. Caruurti garowe waxa ka so hadhay cabdi cawar ha so qaadina , cabdi cawar dayaaa cabdi cawar wa miskiin cabdi cawar yaan la sheeg sheegin war wamaxay waxan oo baroor ah.
  16. What economy has Somalia what Somaliland needs i never understood the economic factor Somalia is as poor if not poorer than Somaliland, hadaad odhan lahayd nin jeebkisa buuxa wax ku darso waan garan laha , Qaarada Yurub in wax lala wadaago waan ogalahay wadamada latin America but what do koonfurians have to offer. If the Koonfurians want to cooperate with Somaliland based on mutual interest i say yes lets do that Europe Cooperates the Asian states cooperate. By the way this topic is Somaliland. why do you have to inject garowe into this. Independence is very important of the people of Somaliland its to correct the mistake their fathers made. Its to secure their economic prospect and the safety of their land and that of the future and that of their children and their children, nothing less than full fledged independence status for the people of Somaliland. Though i understand the Somaliland government should do all it can to make the quality of life better for the ordinary Somaliland citizen.And i believe with the little resources they have they are doing all they can, but the end goal should be the common objective of all Somalilanders young and old.
  17. Thanks Frank Mutulu Bantu brother From Kenya for your article but no matter what The proud people of Somaliland men and woman young and old will walk the path of Freedom as an independent state, long live the Somaliland republic and its afro hasmimate people.
  18. Somaliland unable to gain international status after 23 years Somaliland adopted the use of its official flag in 1996. Somaliland adopted the use of its official flag in 1996. By Frank Mutulu NAIROBI, Kenya – This May, Somaliland will be celebrating 23 years of self-declared independence. But as Somalilanders mark another year of independent rule, the occasion will likely pass without the world noticing. Such has been the case for over a decade, because the breakaway nation is not recognized internationally. Unlike the larger Somalia, it doesn’t attract media attention. Somalia is made up of three zones: south-central Somalia and two breakaways, Puntland and Somaliland. Somaliland is a semi-desert territory in northern Somalia that declared unilateral independence in May 1991 after the country fell into anarchy following the overthrow of then-President Muhamed Siad Barre. For those who aren’t immersed into the region’s political history, it isn’t common knowledge that present-day Somaliland and Somalia were separate states before. European interest in the larger Somalia was sparked by British adventurer Sir Richard Burton, who explored the region in 1854. That interest grew in 1869 when the Suez Canal was opened, and Britain declared the northern Somalian coast a protectorate in 1884. It was named British Somaliland. In 1889, Italy took southern Somalia, including the present capital Mogadishu, naming it Italian Somaliland. On June 26, 1960, British Somaliland attained independence. It was recognized as a sovereign entity by the U.S. and 34 other countries, as well as the United Nations. Former Italian Somaliland, present-day Somalia, became independent days after. On July 1, 1960, the Somali Republic was formed after a voluntary merger between British Somaliland (present-day Somaliland) and Italian Somaliland (Somalia). This voluntary move was meant to unite all the lands Somalis occupied in the horn region. To date, that remains a dream of the nationalists. From the merger’s onset, discontent arose from the northern front, since most of power went to Mogadishu in the south. In 1961, Somalilanders rejected a referendum for a unitary constitution across Somalia. The relationship became strained in the 1980s when Barre sent forces to attack Somaliland, claiming the lives of an estimated 50,000 civilians. Periodic internal strife continued until Barre was overthrown in 1991. Somaliland seized the opportunity and seceded immediately to chart its path, solo. The rest of Somalia remained engulfed in inter-clan rivalry and wars. The breakaway state has pressed on alone and achieved important milestones. Although Somalia has a functioning government now, some parts are still mired in chaos, while Somaliland is an oasis of relative peace. It has a functioning government, a flag, its own currency, defined borders and a constitution. Politically, the horn breakaway state has permitted multi-party democracy and has held five national elections since 2000. Peaceful transfers of presidential power were witnessed in 2003 and again in 2010. With somewhat considerable success, the government has introduced free primary education and boasts three universities, polytechnics and a number of colleges. Somaliland also has made headway in reducing child mortality. It has, however, remained poor because its economy relies on diaspora remittances, livestock exports and a bit of tourism. It does not attract considerable foreign investors because it is not recognized internationally. The African Union (AU) has for a long time maintained that Somaliland is part of Somalia and has not changed its stand on the illegitimacy of the independent breakaway state. The U.S. has adopted a similar standpoint. Somaliland does not seek to create new boundaries, but wishes to revert to its previous status, maintaining its borders as it was when it was British Somaliland. Somaliland’s history is unlike that of other vocal separatist movements and would be unlikely to set a precedent among African territories seeking independence. An AU study on the matter in 2005 confirmed in part that “the case is unique and self-justified in African political history and should not be linked to the notion of opening a Pandora’s box.” The U.S., together with the international community, has spent millions of dollars in external military intervention and aid to stabilize Somalia. Such efforts have borne minimal positive results. Somaliland, which shares a common background with the larger Somalia, is better placed with international backing and funding to address pacifying the horn region. No Somali pirates lurk off its shores, nor are terrorists harbored in their borders. This could be extended to Somalia. “The republic of Somaliland is not different from Eritrea which had a separate history from Ethiopia, but was allowed its independence,” wrote Evarist Kagaruki, a Dar es Salaam-based political analyst. “And Southern Sudan, which is historically part of the Sudan, recently decided to secede through a referendum and got international support. Now, why, one might ask, should Somaliland be treated differently? Is it because it has no oil?” Kagaruki’s opinion piece appears on 18may.org, a web site dedicated to Somaliland politics. With its track record of good governance and relative stability, international recognition is likely to bolster Somaliland on the path of economic growth while securing a better future for its 5 million citizens. Frank Mutulu is The Atlantic Post’s East Africa Correspondent, based in Nairobi, Kenya.
  19. tILLMookk , hadal iyo ilka ba wala cadeyaa adeer anigu cidna ma habaarin cidna waxba ma yeelin waxan ku sheegey uun si xeerarka iyo xuduudaha la ilaayo,, cidna garowe administration kuma dulaan ah Mooge uun u sheeg inanu marba marki indhaha cabdi cawar kaga bilig leyo inanu Somaliland so qaadi inta kale wa oke adeer.
  20. Its mooge homunculus he is the one who injects when ever cabdi cawar goes or smiles some way he tries to twist it and say its about Somaliland, its very simple if the garowe boys want peace than SL will give them peace if they want war, and trespass on SL territory than they will get a war it is really that simple
  21. Clan wars where and when , destruction of property did you make all of that up. Mooge lolz Cabdi cawar is a small cat bit mouth little action.