Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. I am opposed to Scotland to break away i have read allot about them they actually have allot of good ideas for Britain u have to view it from an British point of view.
  2. Its either Shiisheeye or Alshabaab you choose Alshabaab is anti Shiisheeyee The SFG is pro Shiisheeye
  3. Alsshabaab is a threat to the region yes but not specifically to SL so if they take over the entire Somalia or not it has no effect really .Godane is working on the global platform and he will do everything to make sure his organization remain relevant. But nothing to worry i mean if Somalia remain as this shabaab will just go underground and cannot be really defeated, so whats the point really for Shabaab and the SFG in the long term.
  4. Doctor Alshabaab is an extremist ideology its not an army or a strong entity they are just better organized than the SFG thats all. Alshabaab cannot go to areas where there is governance even in NFD kenya north eastern, they managed to go in there but they cant hold it because Kenyas army is more organized. There has been more suicide bombings in Kenya than ever in Somaliland carried out by Alshabaab, Alshabab is a threat to the entire region but not specifically to Somaliland. Alshabaab is actually more Somali than the SFG if you ask me it has more Somalis than Foreigners it has an international agenda.. Doctor how do you see the future since there will be no winner and shabaab will survive most likely like the Taliban did after 13 years of war.
  5. All in All the Scots made Britain proud the Scots are even over represented most Scots even want to keep the pond even if they break away Also Scotland is the most prosperous region of the UK outside southeast England. GDP per head has been between 90 and 100 per cent of the UK average. It is considerably richer than Wales or Northern Ireland, educations is far greater the union has benefited Scotland more than any other region of the United Kingdom, i dont see how they will be greater if they go it alone, Britain today has allot to say in the NATO and the European union, we will know how they will vote in September i am a firm believer of self determination laakin maskax na wa lugu dara.
  6. Doctor i have no worries for Somaliland the biggest percentage of SL budget goes to the army insurgents from Somalia will never be a threat to somaliland even if they defeat the Somalia government and the Amisom but that scenario has no point of arguing, Alshabaab will and cannot defeat 30.000 African union troops and the AU troops can never all together defeat shabaab, the 2 will need each other. But Doctor dont you think its better for Somalia that its better if it has a clear winner shabaab or the SFG amisom, this status quo is killing Somalia if you know what i mean. By the way Somaliland has more than 3 cities i believe more than 11 main cities. The current president is not the problem, Somalis are the problem Somalis cannot compramise nor share a country nor are willing to work for the larger good if hassan is removed another president will be bashed remember people hated sharif and all wanted hassan sheikh, because they thought sharif is incompetent, the leaders of Somalia are a reflection of Somalis , u have to understand that, no need to blame hassan , hassan is under the mercy of African union troops.
  7. UN warns of worsening security in Somalia The United Nations special representative cut short journey because of threat of attack on the UN in Mogadishu. Last updated: 12 Mar 2014 05:34 The United Nations has warned that the security situation in Somalia is deteriorating. With the government locked in a continuing battle with Al Shabab, the UN special representative was supposed to brief ambassadors in New York. However, he turned back after he reached Nairobi because of serious security warnings. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from the United Nations. http://www.aljazeera.com/video/africa/2014/03/un-warns-worsening-security-somalia-201431243247673427.html
  8. Somaliland:Minister of Commerce and International Investment in the UAE to Discuss Commercial Deals foreign minister1 The Minister of Commerce and International Investment Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omer left the country yesterday evening headed for the UAE to sign major business related deals. Reliable source have confirmed to us that the minister of Commerce was invited by the UAE officials in a bid to discuss major deals which the government of Somaliland and the UAE have been working on in the past few months and which are said to be in the final stages. The Minister of Commerce was recently quoted saying “We intend to invite a number of UAE business groups to visit and invest in Somaliland in oil and gas-exploration opportunities, and our fisheries industry,” Dr. Omar said, “Investment opportunities in the oil, gas and fisheries industries had been presented to the Emirati’s. The UAE and Somaliland have developed close cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, the fight against piracy and regional affairs. SomalilandPress.com
  9. Any one who supports Somaliland recognition bid especially in European corners is very welcome. Miyir how is Somalia doing any progress of making peace there between the Koonfurians and the sectarian rebels.
  10. We the British people demand that our Government of this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation state Somalilandsun - The United Kingdom Independence Party asserts the right of self-determination for all nations. We believe that any nation has the right to strive for independence and democracy and become a full-fledged member of the brotherhood of nations. And that brings us to the issue at hand. Somalia. What images does this word bring before your mind's eye? I imagine "pirates" and "poor people" are amongst the first. And this is a great shame, for the Somali people have a rich culture worth so much more than our collective pity or, indeed, fear. And one example is that set by Somaliland. Somaliland, the former British colony which united with the rest of (Italian) Somalia in 1960, but which declared its independence in 1991. After almost twenty-five years of struggle, Somalilanders are busy building a vibrant democracy and free civil society. However, the fragile nature of the region means this project is not secure. And it is jeopardised terribly by the international community which stubbornly refuses to formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation. The United Kingdom, the former colonial power (note: of Somaliland, but not of the rest of Somalia), has a particular duty to foster democracy in the region and engender stability for Somaliland. Therefore, we the British people demand that our Government of this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formally recognise Somaliland as an independent nation state if you agree please sign here: The Recognise Somaliland Petition Bryan A. J. Parry About UKIP Ealing The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP for short) is the British libertarian party. We believe in national democracy, localism, civil liberties, and the British government serving the interests of the British people. We're not really right wing or left wing; that is an outmoded political notion. We believe in advancing and preserving British democracy. See our national website for more details: http://www.ukip.org
  11. If foreign troops go Alshabaab will be land lords with in 24 hours, but maybe its good for The somalis let the strongest win and dictate let nature be nature. Doctor that would work if the SFG had the backing of all Somalis and if the SFG was mature to play their cards , dont believe the Turkish hype either they are there for their own interest to they might build a few hospitals and pave some roads, but nothing is for free.
  12. That was always part of the larger scheme to prolong their mission weaken Alshabaab here and there but never defeat it , if Somalia is peaceful and has a functioning army and government and institutions and defense apparatus they will no longer be needed so they have to make the best out of it i will not be surprised if they even sell arms to Alshabaab.
  13. Thats the interest of Amisom countries to prolong the conflict as long as possible, this lady is just protecting her own interst, they get a good payment.
  14. They dont know that the african union troops profit from their conflict Somalia peace Amisom has no job , Somalia is in conflict Amisom gets their salaries from the western countries. The more conflict in Somalia the better for kenya uganda djibouti ethiopia all the countries that have troops in Somalia, somalia adversaries are plotting , not Somaliland, as some want to think, somaliland earns nothing from somalia, if somalia as an amisom country to i would say yes. but this is not the case. But the koonfurians are not that bright they think ethiopia and uganda is there to help them.
  15. When Somaliland broke away in 1991 the rest fell apart take away Somaliland , Somalia falls apart its that simple the balancing factor is now gone. HAG community try to make the most out of the western backed government with no offices no ministries they try to capitalize on the moment, but they will never be able rebuild a strong viable Somali republic some say they haven't tried others say they are not capable.The Puntlanders and or the Sahal community can never subdue the HAG community and take over Mogadishu we have seen it with Colonel Yey. They will always retreat in Puntland and Jubbaland or try to take it over with the help of African union troops. The Somali trend setters The Afro Hashimiates who made this republic sacrificed their own independence for the larger good contributed in hosting the 5 pointed blue flag on their soil promoted Somalinimo like no one else when the Afro hashimites say Somali way is raacaysa it most of the time it does. One Somalilander managed Amiir Godane to unite all kind of Somali ethnics under his Political islamism and managed to rule all over Southern Somalia before the arrival of 30.000 African union troops. The Somalilanders made a new trend when they broke away in 1991 others followed with all sort of Land all kind of Autonomous states Jubbaland Puntland bay and bakool land the entire country disintegrated beyond repair and the madness continues till this day 23 years and counting. There is no top seat when there is no country lolz.
  16. I dont mind if it was Jamaica Online, adna Somali baad ka hadlaysa,, Somaliland news will be heard cost what cost idinki ilaahay......
  17. Madaxwayne Siilaanyo Oo Xadhiga Ka Jaray Jidka Dilla Illaa Boorame MARCH 11, 2014 Madaxweynuhu waxa uu dhagax dhigay Jidka Boorama Iyo Lawyacado Oo Bilow ah14 Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo oo ay weheliyaan Marwada 1aad ee Qaranka Marwo Aamina Waris Sh. Maxamed Jirde, Wasiirrada wasaaradaha Madaxtootada, Arrimaha Gudaha, Arrimaha Dibada, Xidhiidhka Golayaasha, Boosaha iyo Isgaadhsiinta, Kaluumaysiga, Beeraha, Warfaafinta, Waxbarashada, Caafimaadka, Gaashaandhiga, Taliayaasha ciidanka Booliska iyo Qaranka Xildhibaano ka tirsan golayaasha qaranka iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka Warfaafinta ayaa soo gaadhay maanta magaalada Boorama. Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ayaa markii uu soo gaadhay gobolka Awdal si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyay, waxana ka hor tagay Maamulka Gobolka kan degmada, xildhibaanada golaha degaanka Boorama, Madaxda hayada ASARDA oo martiqaadaka madaxwaynaha iska lahaa, salaadiin, culimaaudiiin, waxgarad iyo dadwayne aad u tiro badan. Madaxwaynaha ayaa waxa uu maanta xadhiga ka jaray jid taariikhi ah oo dhererkiisu dhan yahay 24km kaasi oo isku xidhaya magaalooyinka Dila iyo Boorama, kaasi oo ay xukuumadu intiisa badan maalgalisay dhismahiisana ay gacanta ku haysay hayada hormarinta jidadka Awdal iyo Salal ee ASARDA. Sidoo kale waxa uu Madaxwaynuhu isla maanta dhagaxa dhigay jid kale oo mustaqbalka la dhisi doono kaasi oo isku xidhi doona Magaalada Boorama iyo Magaalada Lawyacado ee xuduuda Somaliland iyo Djibouti. Isla maanta ayaa Madaxwayne Siilaanyo iyo Wafdigiisu waxa ay ka qayb galeen madal balaadhan oo si wayn loo soo agaasimay, oo ka qabsoontay hoolka Jaamacada Camuud, waxana halkaasi ku kulmay haldoorka gobolka Awdal oo dareensan in maalintan ay tahay maalin taariikhi ah oo ku suntan dhamaadka jid mudo dheer loo baahnaa oo dhismisu dhamaaday. Madashan ayaa waxa ugu horayn ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Hayada ASARDA Md. Cabdilaahi Xaaji Ciise waxana uu ka sheekeeyay marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee uu jidkani soo maray waxana uu yidhi “Mudane Madaxwayne waa noo farxad inaad maanta xadhiga ka jarto dhismaha jidka Dila iyo Boorama isku xidha oo taariikhda Somaliland markii ugu horaysay ay xukuumadaadu suura galisay inuu dhismo, hindisaha dhismaha jidkan waxa uu ahaa mid mudo dhawr sano ka hor ah soo bilaabmay, waxana uu ahaa hami caafimaad qaba ku dayasho mudan oo maanta iftiinkiisu uu dalka oo dhan ku baahahay, dadka reer Somaliland-na dareensiiyay inay wax qabsan karaan hadii la taageero” “Mudane Madaxwayne waxa aan ka marag kacaynaa in 100maalmood ee ugu horeeyay ay xukuumadaadu dhagax dhigtay 4km oo jidkan ah, wixii ka dambeeyayna ay xukuumadu 12km oo kale ku dartay iyada oo u igmatay hayada ASARDA oo ka wakiil ahayd dadka ku dhaqan gobolada Awdal iyo Salal, maantana guul ku dhamaaday. Md. Madaxwayne waxa aan ka marag kacaynaa in jidkan oo dhererkiisu dhan yahay 24km ay xukuumada aad gadhwadeenka ka tahay dhistay sedexqayboodoow laba qaybood, halka ay qaybta hadhay oo dhan 8km ay dhamaystireen dadka ku dhaqan Awdal iyo Salal oo taageero ka helay qurbojooga, shariikadaha waawayn ee dalka iyo dadwayne badan oo reer Somaliland ah, waxana aan si wayn ugu mahadnaqaynaa dhamaan dadkii ka qayb qaatay dhismaha jidkan ee dalka iyo dibadaba wada jooga iyo gaar ahaan Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland oo isagu xilgaar ah, ixtiraam iyo mudnaan na siiyay mudadii ay shaqadani Socotay, murtiduna waxa ay tahay in Mudane Maxawayne aad tahay shaqsiyada ugu mudan in loo mahadnaqo oo ku dhiiratay dhismaha jidkan iyo dhamaan dhismayaasha kale ee jidadka ee ka socda dalka Somalilan” ayuu yidhi Gudoomiye Cabdilaahi 15 17 Sidoo kale waxa halkaasi ka hadlay Abuukar Xuseen Miicaad iyo Xaaji Muumin Jaamac Samaale oo ka mid ah masuuliyiinta hayada ASARDA, waxana ay ku dheeraadeen sida taageeradii ay xukuumada xisbiga Kulmiye bixisay ay u noqotay mida suura galisay in jidkani uu dhismo, sidoo kalena waxa ay madaxwaynaha uga mahadnaqeen dhagaxdhiga jidka Boorama iyo Lawyacado, waxana sidoo kale ay dadka ku dhaqan gobolka Awdal ku dhiiri galiyeen inay ka qayb qaataan dhimaha jidka Ceerigaabo oo ay xuseen in uu dalka ahmiyad gaar ah u leeyahay” Gudoomiyaha Jaamacada Camuud Prof. Saleebaan Axmed Guuleed oo isaguna hadalka qaatay ayaa yidhi “Waxa aan anaga oo Camuud ah ka marag kacaynaa in xukuumada Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ay tahay xukuumadii Waxqabadka, sidoo kalena waxa aan sheegayaa in xaalka dalku uu maanta yahay mid wanaagsan gaar ahaan siyaasada arimaha dibada oo loo magacaabay masuulkii ku haboonaa, waxana aan leeyahay dalka laba dawladood kama wada jiri karaan ee Xukuumada Kulmuye ha loo daayo hagida siyaasada arimaha dibada hana lagu taageero” Sh. Cabdilaahi Sh. Cali Jawhar oo isaguna ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa xukuumada iyo Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ku bogaadiyay waxqabadka ay muujiyeen waxana uu yidhi “Marwalba oo tartan yimaado waxa badan inta hadalka badinaysa , waxana aan leeyahay M/Siilaanyo adigu fadhiga isaga tasbiixso, umadana u sheeg waxqabadkaaga kuna dheh intana waan qabtay, inta dhimana waan qabanayaa ee sidaas igu doorta, anaguna waan ka marag kacaynaa in aad wax lataaban karo oo waxqabad ah la timid” Sul. Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Dhawal oo ku hadlayay afka Salaadiinta ayaa isaguna halkaasi ka sheegay in gun iyo gabagabo ay xukuumadu tahay mida suura galisay dhismaha jidkan waxana uu yidhi “Jidkan dhismay waan ka mahadnaqaynaa, waxana an leeyahay ama ASARDA ha dhisto, ama ganacsade wax ha ku daro ama cid kale ha ka qayb qaadatee M/Siilaanyo iyo xukuumadiisu waa mida suura galisay dhismaha jidkan ee aan u mahadnaqayno, waxa kale oo aan madaxwayna uga mahadnaqayaa dhagaxdhiga jidka Boorama iyo Lawyacado, waxana aan xusuusinayaa in aan hore uga wada hadalnay dhismaha dekeda Lughaya, oo aad taageertay waxana aan kaa codsanaynaa inaad noo dhagax-dhigto” Masuuliyiin ka socotay shirkadaha Telesom iyo Dahabshiil Group oo iyagu taageero balaadhan ka gaystay dhimaha jidkan oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa xusay inay ku faraxsan yihiin in jidkii Dila iyo Boorama isku xidhayay uu dhamaaday, isla markaana uu jidkani waxwayn ka tarayo isku socodka dalka gudihiisa ah, sidoo kalena ay hayada ASARDA mudan tahay in lagaga daydo waxqabadka” Maayarka Boorama Md Saleebaan Xasan Xadi iyo Badhasaab ku xigeena Awdal Md. Cabdi Nuur Sugaal ayaa iyaguna xukuumada ku amaanay waxqabad, sidoo kalena ka marag kacay in hayada ASARDA oo ka wakiil ah bulshada goboladan ay astaan u tahay waxqabad ay umada Somaliland u bandhigi karto dunida. Wasiirka Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha Md. Cali Maxamed Warancade iyo Wasiirka Gaashaan dhiga Md. Axmed X. Cali Cadami oo iyaguna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa ka marag kacay in dadka reer Awdal ay yihiin kuwo hormarka iyo ilaalinta qaranimada ku abtirsada, waxana uu Wasiirka Arimaha guduhu yidhi “Waxa aan ahay Wasiirkii Daakhiliga, waxana aan indhaha ku hayaa xaalka dalka gaar ahaan dhinaca dambiyada, shaqaaqooyinka iyo arimaha la halmaala, waxana aan sheegayaa in Boorama ay kaalinta koowaad kaga jirto dhinaca nabadgalyada” Madaxwaynaha Jamahuuriyada Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo oo Hadaka soo afmeeray ayaa yidhi “Waxa aan aad ugu faraxsanahay soodhawaynta balaadhan ee milgala leh ee aan aniga iyo wafdigaygu kala kulanay dadka ku nool gobolka Awdal, waxa aan u mahadnaqayaa hayada ASARDA iyo dhamaan hayadaha kale ku hawlan dhimaha jidadka dalka, waxa aan ka marag kacayaa in wadooyinku yihiin halbowlaha koboca dhaqaalaha ee dalka, kuwa sahla is dhexgalka dadka iyo hormarka bulsho, sidaasi aawadeed, kuxuumadaydu waxa ay garawsan tahay arimahaas oo dhan, waxana aan hiil iyo hooba ka gaysan doonaa dhimaha jidadka dalka, waxana aan shacabka ugu baaqayaa in dhinacooda ay ka qabtaan oo ay taageeraan hormarka ay xukuumadu wado, nabadgalyada adkaynteeda iyo iskuduubnida shacabka Somaliland. Madashan ayaa waxa ay hayada ASARDA abaalbarino shahaado sharaf ah ku gudoonsiisay Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland oo ay tilmaameen inuu yahay hormuudka waxqabadka dalka ka socda, Wasiirka Madaxtooyada oo ay carabaabeen inuu taageero balaadhan la barbarjoogay dhismaha jidkan dhamaaday, sharkiikadaha Dahabshiil Group iyo Telesom iyo shaqsiyaad kale oo ka qaybqaatay taageero wax ku ool ahna ka gaystay dhismaha jidka Dila iyo Boorama isku xidha ee dhamaaday, iyo Maareeyaha Hayada Wadooyinka Somaliland Md. Xasan Cali CIsmaan oo laga marag kacay hogaankiisii wanaagsanaa ee hayada ASARDA iyo sidii uu uga qayb qaatay bilawga jidkan. Sidoo kale waxa shahaado sharaftan xushaha badan ay hayada ASARDA gudoonsiisay Ganacsade Maxamed Awsiciid Geedi iyo ganacsade OOMAAR oo taageero qaadhaan ah oo balaadhan ugu deeqay jidka, Shirkada SHABA iyo CAMUUD FOUNDATION oo iyaguna dhankooda ka bixiyay qaadhaano loo baahnaa, Jaaliyadaha reer Awdal iyo Salal ee dalalka UK, Australia Canada,, Imaaraadka Sweden Norway Sudan, Masar, Djibouti iyo Sucuudiga oo shahaado sharafta lagu maasuusay ku mutaystay sidii ay dhagaha ugu fureen baaqyadii ka soo yeedhay hayada ASARDA eek u aadanaa ka qayb qaadashada dhimaha jidkaas, Xoghayaha IGAD Md. Maxbuub Macalin oo taageero shaqsiyeen oo aad u balaadhan ugu deeqay jidkaasi, iyo Badhasaabkii hore ee gobolka Awdal Md. Maxamuud Sh. Cabdilaahi Cige oo shahaaado sharafta la gudoonsiiyay laga marag kacay in uu ku mutaystay sidii waqtigii ay hayada ASARDA socodbaradka ahayd, gobolkana ay ka socdeen duufaanadii siyaasadeed ee isbadal doonka ahaa, uu garabka iyo gaashaanka ugu noqday hayada ASARDA kana dhigay hayada u taagan hormarka kana madax banaan siyaasada. Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  18. D block H block RRA block and people wonder what the hell is wrong with Somalia
  19. Tallaabo made some good points i concur Scotland has benefited allot from the union do u know education in Scotland is much better than in England. The oil industry will not last long for 300 years the English the scotch and the welsh but their union really worked for the better of all many Scots want to join the EU , but the EU is not enthusiastic about it. As for Somaliland , somalia brought nothing but misery underdevelopment war destruction wars livelihood to be destroyed Italian mafia culture, even the Koonfurians seem to be not getting along for some odd reason. Its like the 2 people live in 2 complete worlds and coexisting is impossible if the koonfurians were more like Somalilanders, willing to compromise for the larger good had good cultural ethics were less violent and anarchists the 2 could have shined together under a genuine strong union. But the way the Koonfurians see a union is we take all u guys have the left overs and lets sing Somalia toosow. Thats why Somalilanders when it comes to politics and governance always take a few steps back when it concerns koonfurians. But the Koonfurians are good folks they have a nice dish have great music are good to interact with, but sharing a nation is practically impossible.
  20. Doctor cali khalif galaydh became TNG prime minister for one year Cigaal became prime minister for 2 years from 1967 to 1969 Omar arte qalib became prime minister of the fake Ali mahdi govt in the 53 years Trust me doctor u dont stand chance to rule over the Koonfurians unless you do an Amiir Godane and go there blazing with Guns and subdue them with force. Or u will get 9 votes like professor samatar
  21. Posted: 10/03/2014 12:52 Read more Scotland's Referendum, Independence, scotland, Somaliland, Somaliland Independence, UK Politics News Let's get this out of the way. Scotland is not an official country and neither is Somaliland. Neither has a seat at the EU or a seat at the AU, respectively, nor do either have a seat at the UN. Their governments pass local laws and govern everything within their borders, but others speak on their behalf (and receive money in their name) on the world stage. Scotland may be referred to as a country, but aside from preferential terminology, it is not recognised as a country. This is where the Scottish struggle for independence comes in. Scotland's call for independence in the last few years is an ideological one, born out of political and economic gains that independence will bring. Somaliland's call for independence since 1991 was born out of necessity, as a last option to the 100,000s of lives lost during the attack of the military regime of the government at the time on Somaliland. They have since had their referendum, agreed to be independent and have been lobbying for international recognition ever since. The first concrete step towards Scotland's Independence was the Edinburgh Agreement between the UK Government and the Scottish Government on having a Referendum in Scotland. Somaliland does not have such an agreement with the Federal Government of Somalia, as there was no-one to negotiate with for the last two decades. The permanent Government of Somalia that has recently been created and is funded, supported, and protected by the international community is not willing to support Somaliland's independence claims and sees them only as a region, and not a country. There have been white papers, Question Time debates on Scottish young voters and independence as well as the independence argument between Scottish MPs, Scottish Parliamentary debates, to make the case for and against Scotland's independence. Somaliland has had very little of this in comparison, but it is long overdue. But the strongest influence on public opinion comes from two age-old instruments, political institutions and the media. In my previous article on ethnic conflict, I highlighted how we use the same tactics on ourselves that the old colonial powers used to use on us. One of those colonial powers was Great Britain and they had perfected their techniques, because they used it on Scotland, Wales, and Ireland over the last few centuries. They were willing to 'give' their colonies independence, but are not as willing to give it to the neighbours they've colonised. And the politicians are using the media to spin their stories. If a country wants to join the EU, they have to submit a membership application, and the European Commission assesses the applicant's ability to meet the Copenhagen criteria, split into the 35 chapters of the 'acquis'. But when you have the President of the European Commission telling the media that Scotland joining the EU is near impossible before they have even submitted an application, you can very quickly see how opposition is building up even outside of the UK. Members of the EU are worried that Scotland's independence will trigger secession calls within other EU member states, which is why Spain has been against allowing Kosovo to join the EU, as it would face further pressure from within their own borders. As the only major country in Western Europe refusing to recognise Kosovo, Spain has made clear that recognising their independence would cause implications regarding its own issues with independence movements in the Basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia. Somaliland is facing a similar issue with the African Union and the UN. Kofi Annan reported to the General Assembly in 2000 that "'Somaliland', in particular, remain[ed] firmly outside the peace process." The UN (driven by US policy) is concerned that recognising the independence of Somaliland will further destabilise South-Central Somalia, and does not want to destabilise the relations they have with their allies in the regions, such as Ethiopia. The African Union is also apprehensive, considering the possibility that allowing the secession of Somaliland will trigger more calls of secession with the other African countries. They are quite keen to keep the borders that were drawn up by their colonisers and the previous colonial powers support them in that decision. It's a mind-set that desperately needs changing. Despite the AU fact-finding report in 2005, the African Union still has not had a complete debate on possibility of recognising Somaliland. And the rest of the world will not recognise Somaliland if the AU is unwilling to. But the biggest obstacle to the independence of Scotland and Somaliland are the administrations they are trying to separate from. England believes in 'Great Britain' which includes Scotland; and Somalia believes in 'Greater Somalia' which includes Somaliland. The ideology behind this is dressed up as an economically, politically and socially driven policy where the Nation is stronger together. But the truth is, nobody wants to give up control of a region within their current borders, as this may strengthen the new independent region, but would weaken the country they have separated from. It's about survival. Perhaps both countries should be independent, perhaps they shouldn't. The arguments on both sides are very convincing for Scotland and Somaliland. But what should definitely happen is that an open debate should be held that considers this from all perspectives and that everyone remains true to the strongest pillar of democracy, the pillar that protects the right of self-determination of any people. You want Scotland or Somaliland to vote for or against independence? Then organise the debate to happen openly and fairly, and convince the citizens why your case is in their best interest, and allow the citizens to choose for themselves. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/awoowe-hamza/scottish-independence-backlash_b_4929480.html