Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. M Sadiiq Somalis have no problem with the Somali identity they know who they are and the culture and the language and the culture and traditions. What i am talking about shared history surely we know about the ajuran and Adal the 2 Somali empires one in the north and one in the south, what i am referring is to that these 2 empires had diplomatic ties, but never a shared history combined under one Empire, for example there was never an Somali Empire in the entire Somali peninsula ruled by one Somali Emperor.. We have a head start when compared to the Ethiopians in particular the Amhara, because we share a common language and culture and religion. But the Ethiopians had a 800 year shared Empire where Amharic language is the center of all Ethiopian ethnics the dominating ethnic language. Somalis dont have this kind of a shared history, Ajuran was ajuran adal was adal , Magurtania was Maghuartania Gerad wiilwaal , Sultan Guleed dynasty all of this never had a shared long shared history. You cant base your nationhood based on just a mere ethnicity there must be something else that binds these people together.
  2. The pirates are in big big trouble the Pirates need to understand that they cannot mess with Somaliland one bad move and they will be responsible what route Somaliland takes. Galgala conflict has nothing to do with Somaliland, galgala is in Somalia not in Somaliland.
  3. This is an old audio of Professor galaydh few months ago when he was in Mogadishu but he is right on the money that the government of Mogadishu has ignored Khatumo.
  4. When is the conference in Taleex where is Libaan tallow ma taleex bu tegey.
  5. XILDHIBAAN CABDIQAADIR INDHO-INDHO OO KA MIDA GUURTIDA SOMALILAND OO DIGNIIN U DIRAY MADAXWEYNAHA MAAMUL-GOBOLEEDKA PUNTLAND (Hadhwanaagnews) Tuesday, March 25, 2014 01:24:44 Hargeysa(HWN):-Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Xasan (Indho-indho), oo ka mida Guurtida Somaliland, ayaa waxa uu sheegay inaanay suurto-gal ahayn in Maamul-goboleedka Puntland uu soo faro-geliyo Xuduudaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland. Hargeysa(HWN):-Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Xasan (Indho-indho), oo ka mida Guurtida Somaliland, ayaa waxa uu sheegay inaanay suurto-gal ahayn in Maamul-goboleedka Puntland uu soo faro-geliyo Xuduudaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland. Xildhibaan Indho-indho oo Warbaahinta la hadlaayey, ayaa waxa uu Madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland ugu hanjabay in isagoo Maxbuus ah laga soo qaban doono Garoowe, waxaanu shaaciyey inaanay mar-naba laga aqbalayn faro-gelin ilaa xadkaas ah, waxaanu yidhi "Madaxweynuhu dhulkiisii ayuu tegay waanu tagayaa,Somaliland-na garoowe ayay ilaalisaa oo maanta Ciidanka Qaranku wuxuu u jiraa 40-KM. Markaa Cabdiwali haduu joogi waayo oo uu isku dayo inuu Somaliland soo fao galiyo isagoo maxbuus ah ayaa garoowe laga soo qaban doonaa.” "Beelaha Warsan Gali iyo Dhul bahante waa reer Somaliland,mana jiro meel qabiil dawlad ku noqdaa, inanka yare e ogaadeen ee uu maalintii dhaweyd u tegay wuxuu wax la leeyahay sagaashan qoomiyadood,markaa Cabdiwali waxaan leeyahay Gaalkacayo oo Byruud noqotay oo ay hawiye wada degan yihiin oo aba Maamul leh inuu mideeyo oo waliba raas ahaan uu reerkoodu dego.”.Ayuu yidhi Xildhibaan Indho-indho Xildhibaan Indho-indho waxa uu fariin gaara u direy Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka maamul-goboleedka Puntland, waxa uu yidhi“Ninka ku-xigana waxaan leeyahay colaada coodanle iyo Buuhoodle inaad wax ka qabato ayaa kuu taalla halka aad isku mashquulinayso deegaanno aanad shaqo ku lahayn - See more at: http://hadhwanaag.com/detail.aspx?id=126553#sthash.Gxg7r9dY.dpuf
  6. I know professor very well he is far from an opportunist, he was actually one of the most honest and ethical unionist in all of Somalia, the Koonfurians do not like him because he does not fit in their Maffia character. Professor samatar in 2005 he even hated to use the word Somaliland and always referred as reer woqooyiga. But he saw the corruption the deception the dishonesty the betrayal in Somalia, and that there is no room for a Somalilander in Somalia and that he does not stand a chance governing Somalia , because people will view him as a man from Somaliland. And if you want tit for tat nin xiiniyaha laga ma taabto. ma sidaasad garateen , than i will join my kin in hargeisa he said. And we will break up this diseased republic god willing and he said it him self that Somalilanders will no longer wait for the left overs of the Koonfurians. May allah protect you from the evil eye of the Koonfurians our dearest professor.
  7. Miskin wa wax aad looga naxo shabaab waxay tidhi anaga maha marka talow yaa odayasha laayey?
  8. 10 million dollar budget for Somaliland recognition pursuit i think its a good idea to boost And find new strategies hire Foreign Firms perhaps and new lobby groups and create new ways to achieve the Long awaited Diplomatic recognition for SL. Somaliland Foreign ministry should have a separate recognition department. Good on Professor samatar history will remember him as nin ictraafka Somaliland wax ka raadiyey.
  9. Prof Axmed I. Samatar oo ku baaqay in waddo cusub loo maro aqoonisga Somaliland Isniin, Maarso 24, 2014 (HOL) - Prof. Axmed I. Samatar ayaa wuxuu bishan 22keedi ka qayb-galay kulan ay soo qabanqaabiyeen jaaliyadda Somaliland ee ku nool magaalada Ottawa. Kulankaas ayuu Prof Samatar kaga hadlay qodobo ay ugu mudnaayeen wadadii loo mari karo aqoonsiga Somaliland. Kulankaas waxaa goob-joog ka ahaa Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Baashe Maxamed Faarax oo dhawaan ka yimid Somaliland kana warbixiye xaladda guud ee Somaliland. Prof. Samatar ayaa ugu horeyntii wuxuu sheegay inaan wali Somaliland aysan helin wax aqoonsi in ka badan 23 sanno sidaa daraadeedna loo baahanyahay in la maro waddo ka duwan tii horay loo hayey; wuxuuna halkaas ku soo bandhiga ujeedada ay Somaliland ka leedahay in ay hesho aqoonsi caalami ah. Prof. Samatar ayaa wuxuu tilmaan ka bixiyey sababaha ay Somaliland uga goosatay Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin caddaadlo daro, musuqmaasuq, karti-la’aan, hoggaan-xumo iyo nabad la’aan. Prof. Samatar ayaa waxaa hadaladiisa ka mid ah “Waa in adduunka laga dhaadhiciyo sababaha ay Somaliland u dooneyso aqoonsi, isla markaasna loo qoondeeyaa miisaanayd aan ka yareyn $10 million sannadkiiba taas oo gaar ah ololaha gooni isutaaga Somaliland, sidoo kalana la helo dad aqoon iyo xirfadba u leh in ay gaarsiiyaan shaqsiyaadka iyo dowladaha ku haboon sababaha ay Somaliland u dooneyso aqoonsi.” Prof Samatar oo hadalkiisii sii wada ayaa waxaa uu tibaaxay in Somaliland ay heshay muftaaxii dowladnimo gaartayna siyaasad deggen, dimoqaraadiyad iyo dhismaha kaabayaashii dhaqaalaha,, taasoo laga arki karo jiritaanka raad dowladnimo. Prof. Samatar ayaa wuxuu ka digay in aan Somaliland noqonin meel xukunku gacanta u galo koox gaar ah ama qabiil gooni ah, wuxuuna ku baaqay in sida kaliyah ay Somaliland horumar ku gaari kartaa uu yahay wadajirka iyo ka wada qayb-galka maamulka dowladnimo. Mar uu Prof. Samatar ka hadlayey dhibaatada uu QAADKU ku hayo Somaliland, ayuu sheegay in badeeco dhan ilaa $450 million ay dowladda Itoobiya u soo dhoofiso Somaliland, ilaa $300 million oo ka mid ah badeecaddaas ay ku baxdaa jaadka laga cuno Somaliland; arrintaas uu Samatar ku tilmaamay dhiig-bax dhaqaale, wuxuuna ku taliyey in la yareeyo qayilaadda si dhaqaalah ku baxa Qaadka loogu leexiyo dhismaha Somaliland. Ugu dambeyntii wuxuu Prof. Samatar halkaa ku xusay allaha u naxariistee fannaanka weyn ee Maxamed Suleymaan Tubeec isagoo sheegay sida uu uga xunyahay inaan Somaliland fulin dardaarankii Maxamed Suleyman oo ahaa in lagu aaso deegaanka magaalada Berbera. Wuxuu intaa ku daray in sababta AUN Maxamed Suleynaan Xamar loogu duugay ay ugu weyneyd gurmadkii dhaqaale ee Xamar looga fidiyey intuu marxuumku ku xanuunsaa dalka Jarmalka, halka Somaliland aysna xilba iska saarin daryeelkiisa caafimaad. Prof. Samatar ayaa halkaas ka qaaday hees ka mid ah heesihii uu caanka ku ahaa boqorka cudka ee Maxamed Suleymaan oo lagu magacaabo “CIDNA EERSAN MAAYEE". Prof. Samatar oo horay uga mid ahaa xisbiga HIIL QARAN, magaca xisbigaasna isugu sharaxay doorashadii madaxweyninimada Soomaaliya ee sannadkii 2012, ayaa waxaa dadka qaarkiis u arkaan in uu wali hamigiisa siyaasadeed ka dhex-raadinayo u doodidda qadiyadda Somaliland iyo cambaareynta Dowladda Federalka ee Somaliya. Axmed Gure, Hiiraan Online
  10. <cite> @SomaliPhilosopher said:</cite> You guys are real jokers. You expect one to take such thoughts seriously? Save it for the stand up show Cidansultan and Xaaji. When is the tour? We all know how much SL values independence. Slaves to such pursuit. To some it is holier than entering the gates of heaven. You think you guys will risk this pursuit by even looking at garowe. How will the Queen feel? You don't want to disappoint Her Majesty do you? You joke about AMISOM's presence in Mogadishu. You enter a foot in garowe or Boosaas, you can forget about independence and on top of that I am sure you'll find AMISOM in Hargeisa and not for military assistance. It would be a shame really because that would mean I won't be chilling in Hargeisa anymore. Wouldn't want to vacation in a war zone you know? Somaliland is not after bosaaso or garowe , but the borders will be closes and who said you are welcome in Somaliland the should deport the likes of you.. And nor is SL impressed by the African union troops who were unleashed in Southern Somalia, Ciidamo afrikaan adigay wax kula yihin.
  11. Personal insults Somalidu waxay tidha hadal looma wada uunsiyo , xabadku wa dadka afka Somaliga ka agnaan ah markasay shakhsi weerar ku mashquulaan.
  12. First of all sool and sanaag are regions of Somaliland by nationality clan and culture there is no where where the people of those regions said they dont want to be part of SL i am not speaking about diaspora members., but the indigenous people of those regions have decided to be with Somaliland, those regions are inhabbitted by 5 clans of Somaliland who lived there for centuries together intermarried and all pledge allegiance to SL As for Edna adan , Edna adan just corrected a reporter who said Mo farah is from Somalia, she merely corrected the reporter and said mo farah is a Somaliland who hails from Gabiley where his father and mother are born where his brothers and sisters live. this is a fact she was correcting. Are you saying she is wrong to correct a reporter where a athlete is from? So that gives you the right to call SL A TRIBAL republic , when in Somaliland any one from SL regardless of his clan can run for president , where in Somalia there is a duopoly, lets be fair saaxib for once.
  13. Somaliland: to Roll out a New Prefix Numbering Range to be Used as Future Country Code Hargeisa-Somaliland Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Hon Mohamed Jama Abgaal speaking to the press in his office today revealed plans by the current government of Somaliland to soon roll out a new prefix numbering range for its landline and mobile subscribers in Somaliland different from the 252 STD/ISD country codes which the two countries are currently sharing. “We have being engaging in consultation and arranging meetings with the local Telecom Operators to decide the way forward in finding an alternative to which Somaliland is part of it since the two countries are sharing the 252 STD/ISD country code, He said. The Telecommunications Minister said, “Previous Minsters in this Ministry have in the past explored available numbering resources which Somaliland could use and will preferably be totally different from those provided from Mogadishu and we are going to liaise with ITU and other relevant international bodies in order to introduce a different prefixes numbers for both Mobile and Landline numbers. This is essential as Somaliland wants to manage its numbering resources separately from the rest of Somalia. “All the necessary equipment is in place and will be setup and operated by already trained Somaliland citizens immediately upon the completion of the new premises which will be used as the Ministry headquarters which is currently under all Telecom operators in the country will then adhere and implement the new rules”, Hon Abgal said. The numbering system current employed recently by local Telecom Operators recently makes them quite easily centralize their ‘routing’ and ‘switching’ resources in Somalia. As a result all incoming and outgoing calls will be routed outside Somaliland and can be tapped easily, which could have serious national security implications. SomalilandPress.Com
  14. Cairo Analyst Proves Ethiopia Dam won't hurt Egypt Sunday, 23 March 2014 02:39 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn Prototype of the under construction Ethiopian Nile damPrototype of the under construction Ethiopian Nile dam Somalilandsun - A water expert from the AUC university in Cairo has confirmed that Ethiopia's hydroelectric dam will not hurt Egypt's share of the Nile waters. According to the Egypt-based water resource management specialist Richard Tutwiler, the Ethiopian dam will never stop the flow of water downstream to Egypt. "It is unlikely that Ethiopia will severely choke or stop the flow of water. Ethiopia needs the electricity...and hydroelectric dams don't work unless you let the water through" said Mr. Tutwiler. The Sudanese government has also supported the Ethiopian dam because "the dam would have minimal impact on its (sudan's) water allotment...and the mega-project's other benefits became clear. " Water experts have confirmed that the dam is expected to improve flood control, expand downstream irrigation capacity and, crucially, allow Ethiopia to export surplus electricity to power-hungry Sudan via a cross-border link. Some studies indicate that properly managed hydroelectric dams in Ethiopia could mitigate damaging floods and increase Egypt's overall water share. Storing water in the cooler climes of Ethiopia would ensure far less water is lost to evaporation than in the desert behind the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. Despite these assurances from the international community and water experts, some Egyptian warmongers and politicians have unnecessarily threatened Ethiopia and other upstream African countries. Some Egyptian generals have been seen undercover in southern Somalia and the Ogaden, arming rebels and agitating more anti-Ethiopia sentiment among the public. Analysts say that Egyptian military leaders want to distract the pro-democracy movement in Egypt from domestic problems by diverting their attention to a nonexistent external threat. Some Egyptian politicians also claimed that Egypt deserves to eternally keep over 90% of the Nile even though it contributes less than 1% to the Nile. They cite outdated colonial agreements from 1959 signed between Egypt and Britain, which excluded eight out of ten Nile African countries. The Mubarek cairo regime also took advantage of the civil war in Ethiopia to sign vague agreements in 1993. However, for the first time in history, the majority of Nile basin African countries signed in 2010 the binding international treaty, the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA), for the fair and equitable utilization of the Nile river among all countries. Egypt ignored the eleven years of negotiations that led toward the CFA treaty, which was adopted by all other nile African countries. Despite threats from Egypt, Ethiopian government has continued the dam construction. Analysts say that Ethiopia's growing population need to utilize the Nile river since it can not depend on erratic rains to produce energy or to feed its people who have already suffered numerous famines over the last few decades. The author ,John Lucas is a freelance journalist based in Egypt and Africa.
  15. Good points i have said it before because Somalis share the same characteristics they cant get along, u need more than shared religion and a share a language to build nation. U need to have the same plight the same history the same interest the desire to be together at all cost , Somalis have no shared interest as it seems and no shared history , the Somali republic only lasted for 30 years 21 years was under a harsh dictatorship forced to remain together and 9 years civilian government. Somali nationalism is based on ethno nationalism it has nothing to do with the Land the rest of Africa its about the land and the people who live in the land. Somali nationalism is about ethno nationalism for Somalis they dont feel the need to pledge allegiance to an ethno nationalism, its unsomali Somalis in the 19 and 18 century and the 17 century never were preoccupied with ethno nationalism, the Tribalism is not the real issue it always exist but its because Somalis dont give each other the space they all want to subdue each other sooner or later they will annihilate each other. Somalis shoot first and think about the consequences much later. Somalis have not lost their identity a Somali from Kenya feels like he is Somali and Kenyan a Somali from Djibouti feels like he is a Somali and Djibouti a Somali from Ethiopia feels Ethiopian and Somalia. A Somali from Somaliland feels Somaliland and Somali a Somali from Puntland feels Somali and Puntland a Somali from Mogadishu feel somali and Somalia but Somalis are just fractured i think its their nature this is how they were before 19 century to
  16. Odayaal Dhaqameedyo lagu Toogtay Deegaan ku dhow Degmada Buur-hakaba Isniin, Maarso 24, 2014 (HOL) — Oday-dhaqameedyo siddeed ah oo kaso jeeda gobalka Shabeellada Hoose ayaa lagu dilay shalay gellinkii dambe deegaan ka tirsan gobolka Bay, kaddib markii lagala dagay gaaari NOAH ah iyagoo kusii socda gobolka Shabeellada Hoose. Odayaasha ayaa waxay ahaayeen odayaashii dhisay maamulka Koonfur-galbeed ee lixda gobol ka kooban, waxayna muddo sanad iyo seddex bilood ah ku sugnaayeen magaalada Baydhabo, iyadoo lagu toogtay deegaan 7-km u jira degmada Buur-hakaba ee gobolka Bay. Guddoomiyaha degmada Buur-hakabo, Cali Xassan oo la hadlay HOL ayaa sheegay in odayaasha lagala dagay gaari ay ku safrayeen xilli ay marayeen meel ku dhow deegaanka Jameecada, iyadoo saacado kaddibna maydadkooda lasoo dhigay meel ku dhow halkaas. “Mid ka mid ah odayasha oo dhaawacmay ayaa sheegay in rag hubeysan ay dilka ka dambeeyeen,” ayuu yiri Cali Xasan, iyadoo taliyaha booliiska gobolka Bay, Col. Mahad C/raxmaan Aadan uu sheegay in dilkan ay ka dambeyso Al-shabaab. Balse, Al-shabaab ayaa gaashaanka ku dhufatay inay ka dambeysay dilkii shalay loo geystay odayaashan, iyadoo sarkaal u hadlay uu sheegay inaysan jirin sabab u qasbaysa xilligan inay toogtaan odayaal dhaqameedyo. Qaar ka tirsan waxgaradka iyo mas’uuliyiinta koonfur-galbeed ayaa saaka u socda degmada Buur-hakabo si ay ugu qayb-galaan aaska oday-dhaqameedyadii shalay gellinkii dambe lagu dilay deegaan u dhow degmada Buur-hakabo
  17. Xabad markay hadalku ka so dhamaaday no argument no response u start with personal insult i rest my case , hadalki hadaan ka soo xidhay wa good...
  18. Doctor i am just posting news and this is headline news the dispute between SL and the garowe enclave. This is nothing new we have been posting this since 2001 in here. Doctor ur biased to u call Somaliland a tribal republic but call puntland by its name at the same time u present ur self as the good guy??? How are u any better than Ciidan sultan ?
  19. I never mentioned siad bare in this topic we were mostly discussing post siad bare somalia , and tribal federalism and how Somalia is ruined by the people and the elite of Somalia , if you are going to cry about the facts than that is ur problem. We are not discussing SL , but Somaliland is doing good despite the challenges its people are spared the humiliation, not because the peasants in SL are better than those in Somalia. But the elites of somaliland are far more intelligent, than their koonfurian counterpart , they are politically socially and democratically far more advanced the legacies of the 2 countries post siad bare is our witness. How ever i dont think siad bare was all to bad i believe he was a very smart man but made some serious errors in his last era of the reign , he did great the first 10 years in self sufficiency for the country and political independence and economic independence socialism was really working and the country was moving forward. U act as if Somaliland lacks of recognition is their fault ama wax la isku cayo. Somalilanders have changed their situation despite the world wants to attach it to the dead corpse of Somalia. Somalia is recognized what do they have to show far , other than hiding in Ugandan barracks and begging for aid. U have no morality to criticize Somaliland tisa daryeela aderow somalida tira tu kala dara.
  20. Welcome saaaxib so dhawoow and feel free to share ur views on SOL
  21. xabad there is no point to feel ambitious about Somalia, there is nothing there really a broken country... and politicians of Somalia wanting to carve their own states and than subcontract it under kenya or ethiopia and religious zealots running in between and Turks feeding the children and the woman, there is nothing there. Somalilanders have enough land, and if they want some more land they can always move into hawassa.
  22. Galbeedi its an adventure with no real prospect of gaining the ultimate goal , Galbeedi ur viewing the Koonfurians like the Somalilanders. The Elites of Somalia cannot think rationally in 1960 the Koonfurians were still messed up but back than the Qiiro of Somali nationalism overshadowed their maffia culture. The Koonfurians will never say they are wrong or compromise for the larger good , they are fine with the current status though the situation is terrible aloore beesadi aawaay bay ku hayaan. Even if you said lets move the capital to Hargeisa, the southerns will go mental and will detonate themselves.. Nimankan sidaan bay uga badisa inay mashaaricda dhuuqaan yidhahan na dawlad Somalia baanu nahay hogaga ugaandhiska na ku dhuuntaan. And Somaliland will never sacrifice a single Sl daughter or young man , not even if the Europeans pay the SL soldiers triple what the Ugandans get. The SNM tried to reason with them in 1991 and waxay ka dhamaan wayeen moos iyo babay baanu qabna umad cunta uun ka sheekeneyaa. If the Koonfurians sacrifice for the union the same thing the SL elites in the 1950s did the people of Somaliland way isku noqon lahayeen oo waxay odhan lahayeen fair enough , but we know they will never markaas tabtooda ha ku jiraan and the Somalilanders will watch them from a distance.
  23. Sanaag: Beel Shaacisay Inay Go’aansadeen Inay Si Buuxda wax ula Qabsadaan Somaliland MARCH 23, 2014 Shir 68Sanaag (Somaliland.Org)-Beesha Gaashaan-buur oo ka mid ah beelaha Warsan-geli ayaa maanta soo gabo-gabeeyay shir wada tashi ahaa oo uga socday degmadda Buraan ee barriga Sanaag saddexdii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay. Beeshu waxay shirkaasi ka soo saartay qoddob ay ka mid yihiin inay si buuxda u taageeraan waxna ula qabsadaan xukuumadda Somaliland, waxaanay daboolka ka qaadeen inay cawda u gooyeen xidhiidhkii wada shaqayneed ee hore uga dhaxayn jiray maamul-goboleedka Puntland. Markii uu soo dhamaaday shirkaad jaraa’id waxa calanka Somaliland la saaray Saldhiga Booliska, Dugsiga sare iyo Xarunta caafimaadka degmadaasi. Shir 66 Shir 67 Shir 68 Shir 69 Shir 661 “Qodobadii ka soo baxay Shirkii wadatashi ee Beesha Gaashaan buur ee lagu dhawaaqay. 1.In si buuxda beeshu ugu biirto waxna ula qaybsato Jamhuuriyada Somaliland. 2.In si buuxda loo jaro dhammaan xidhiidhkii wada shaqayneed ee ka dhaxeeyey beesha iyo Maamulka Puntland. 3.In Booqashadii Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu ku tegay degamada Laasqoray ay ahayd mid taariikhi ah soo dhoweyna mudan . 4.In Xuduudaha, Madaxbanaanida iyo Midnimada Somaliland ay yihiin lama taabtaan muqadas ah Ciidamada Qaran-kuna xil gaar ah iska saaraan sidii ay u sugi lahaayeen. 5.In Booqashada la hadal hayo ee Madaxweynaha Puntland ku doonayo inuu yimaado Degmada Badhan ay tahay mid aan la aqbali karin carqaladna ku ah deganaanshaha iyo Nabadgelyada Gobolka wixii dhibaato ka dhashana masuuliyadeeda uu qaadi doono maamulka Garoowe. 6.In dhammaan Xafiisyada maamulka Puntland ee ku yaala Deegaanada beesha (Buraan, Ceelaayo, Balibusle iyo Cawsane ) iridaha la isugu dhufto muddo bil gudaheed ah, laguna bedelo xafiisyo dawladda Somaliland. 7.In si gaar ah looga hadlo arrimaha Ciidamada iyo qaramayn-tooda. 8.In la dardargeliyo wadahadala u socda Xukuumada Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) iyo Beesha Gaashaan-buur, dhinaca beeshana loo igmaday 11 Xubnood .Gudoon Wacan.” Somaliland.Org/Hargeys
  24. Listen here http://www.boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7175&catid=34&Itemid=53
  25. Puntland might have give it another shot, if the President of Somalia, but they will never waste or resources on a president who is not from Puntland ,During Colonel Yey , Colonel Yey took 10.000 Puntland forces with him, to give a boost to the existing Ethiopian forces. Somaliland would consider sending troops but what will it gain in return, a UN supervised referendum on independence for Somaliland to be held in the country. In exchange for Somaliland military support i think Somaliland would consider stabilizing Somalia, its afterall our sons and daughters that are being send to a war torn country.